The Document Foundation Partnership Program (DRAFT, not complete)

    From The Document Foundation Wiki
    < TDF

    To do:

    • Insert the Certification program
    • Refine numbers required for Developer partnership
    • Refine application requiremente for partnership with TDF
    • Refine or confirm large user (enterprises) as TDf Partner
    • Define if a fee is to be required for service providers
    • Define role of local NGOs... TDF representative? non-exclusive?, NGO profile (business/community)
    • Define partnership brand logo
    • define partnership level, level threshold, multifaceted partnership


    Since its creation, the Document Foundation has generated a lot of interest for business development around LibreOffice and ODF technologies. Several companies, governments and associations have approached TDF for a formal partnership, which this document tries to address in an organized way. Partners are a specific incantation of the community.

    The (proposed) partnership program is segmented into 4 tracks, each of them with 2 levels of commitments and benefits for TDF and to the partner.

    The four tracks are Developer, Service provider, Large user, and NGO + Donor. The two levels are named as Premium and Standard. A cross-table with the advantages and benefits for both parties is drawn below. In addition, weight are placed into the tracks, per the benefits it brings to The Document Foundation.

    We understand that developers partner are the most important and should be weighted accordingly with respect to other forms of partnerships.

    A partner can belong to more than one track and the decision on its level will be based on the weighted contribution to TDF, reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors.

    Time based

    The partnership shall be reviewed each year and evaluated for continuity for the next period, based on the criteria met in the past year. Partners are encouraged to keep or improve their level of partnership.

    Partners Track Definitions

    The tracks are not exclusive. A service provider can be a developer, a large customer can have developers working in LibreOffice, etc... The evaluation of the partnership grade shall be at the Board of Directors discretion.


    A company or organization involved into code development, code contribution or quality assurance contributions.

    Large users

    Enterprises, companies or organizations (public or private) with large LibreOffice installed base. These large customers have significant stakes in LibreOffice technology and are invited to contibute in the development of LibreOffice either by advising the board or by other means of contribution to the code or TDF.

    Service providers to users

    Companies or organizations involved into services around LibreOffice technology: user support, documentation, training and certification, migration services and consulting.

    Resource Donors and Non-Government Organizations

    Companies allocating pro-bono resources to run TDF yearly. For example: Donation of a blade in a cloud environment; Hosting a hackfest or larger event.

    Non-Government Organizations, such as local associations, that promotes TDF benefits, LibreOffice and ODF technology and social (for the people) program with LibreOffice (mandatory) and FLOSS (desirable).

    See this page on NGOs for details

    Benefit and duties cross-table

    (work in progress)



    Large enterprises

    Service providers

    Resource donnors and NGO's

    Premium Duties
    • Allocation of XX developers for the main LibreOffice code, other TDF products and enabling technologies
    • Donation of YY KLOC for LibreOffice, as bug fixing, new features,
    • Allocation ZZ of developers for QA and bug report
    • More than 20.000 empoyees
    • AB fee charged per year
    • Partnership fee charged yearly $yy
    • xx TDF members employed in the company
    • for NGO:XX TDF members active in the association
    Premium benefits
    • Bear logo “2012 TDF Premium Developer Partner” in banners and printed materials
    • Free entrance into the TDF yearly Partner Annual Meeting

    • Seat in the Advisory Board
    • Bear logo “2012 TDF Service Partner” in banners and printed materials
    • Free entrance into the TDF yearly Partner Annual Meeting

    Standard duties

    • less than 20.000 empoyees
    • AB fee charged per year

    Standard benefits

    • Seat in the Advisory Board

    Detailed benefits and duties

    Development Partnership (Weight: 10)

    Obligations (one of)

    • Allocation of developers for the main LibreOffice code, other TDF products and enabling technologies
    • Donation of YY KLOC for LibreOffice, as bug fixing, new features,
    • Allocation of developers for QA and bug report


    • Discount of 50% for AB membership seat
    • Bear logo “TDF <color> Developer Partner” in banners and printed material
    • No partnership fee
    • Free entrance into the TDF yearly Partner Annual Meeting

    Service Partnership (Weight 5)


    • Partnership fee charged yearly yy
    • TDF members employed in the company
    • XX certified instructors, consultants ou developers (TBD)


    • Bear logo “TDF <standard/premium> Service Partner” in banners and printed materials
    • Free entrance into the TDF yearly Partner Annual Meeting

    Large users (Weight 5)


    • AB fee charged per year (depends if it has a developer assigned to LibreOffice)


    • Seat in the Advisory Board

    NGOs and Resource Donors for TDF (Weight 5)


    • For NGO:XX TDF members active in the association

    For Resource Donors: Proven donation


    • Logo for partner
    • Statement that confirms NGO as partner and (limited) representaiton of TDF in its territory.

    Partner NGOs typology

    While this typology might evolve over time the roundable on the NGOs and their ability to represent TDF at the LibreOffice Conference in Paris has led to a specific typology of NGOs who might/should benefit from an official recognition by TDF. Learn more about the criteria for these NGOs here.

    Partnership application

    (Optional: the Board of Directors shall appoint a Partnership Committee - PC - to analyse partnership application submission, and partner's performance in the last year)

    Partnership application shall be submitted prior to mm/dd/yyyy, to TDF (PC). Results of the application shall be delivered 30 days after submission deadline.

    TDF or PC shall review partner's performance in a yearly base. The Board of Director can overrule a decision of the Partnership Committee.

    Yearly Award

    The Document Foundation, through its Board of Directors, shall reward the best partner in each category where a contest can exist, on criteria such as performance, remarkable achievements, etc... The BoD shall establish the contest, define and announce the criteria for the reward.

    Logos for Partnership Program

    • TBD, per category, per perfomance