Example to get the results from a bugzilla query into a page easily - unfortunately information returned is very limited, thus only useful for get the number & summary, but nothing else
the following is created by
== Writer == <feed url="" entries="10"> === [{ID} {TITLE} === {DESCRIPTION} </feed>
i.e. create a feed tag with the query as parameter.
- url gives the feed-URL to use (add ctype=atom to a query to serve it as feed)
The query used in the sample shows all bugs from the Writer category of the LibreOffice product that are in NEW or UNCONFIRMED state and have the keyword EASYHACK in the status-whiteboard field - entries is optional and defaults to 5. It limits the number of results that are displayed. use 0 for showing all.
Within the tag, you can use the following placeholders:
- ID: the URL to the individual bug
- TITLE: the summary of the bug
- AUTHOR: the one who filed the bug
- DATE: last-changed-date of the bug
- DESCRIPTION: the small field table (Product, Component, .....)
The bugzilla feed doesn't provide any other info, so that's all you get. And as the information provided by the table also is not very useful for the easyhacks usage, I suggest to hide most of them using the following css-styles:
tr.bz_feed_product {display:none;} tr.bz_feed_assignee {display:none;} tr.bz_feed_reporter {display:none;} tr.bz_feed_status {display:none;} tr.bz_feed_resolution {display:none;} tr.bz_feed_creation_date {display:none;} tr.bz_feed_changed_date {display:none;}
Note the use of [{ID} {TITLE} - it is no mistake that there is only one opening bracket - the second one that closes the wiki-external-link is provided by the TITLE. The snippet results in "[<url-to-the-bug> Bug 1234] - Rest of title".
<feed url="" entries="10">