
    From The Document Foundation Wiki

    This page (attempts to) provide credits for all of the wonderful people who have contributed to the LibreOffice project.

    We missed you!

    We've undoubtedly missed a large number of people in creating this page. It's going to happen in any project, and in any listing of credits, but it's especially going to happen in a Free Software project where not only can contributors write code, create wiki pages, or update documentation, but they can take a copy of the software and share it with a dozen other people, completely off of our radar.

    There are hundreds of people in the world teaching others about LibreOffice and other pieces of Free Software, and we're excited that they're finding our work and our tools useful and interesting. If they'd like to share their name with us, we'd love to thank them on our website as well. If they'd like to stay anonymous and mysterious, we think that's awesome, too.

    The Credits

    Most of our credits (Code, Wiki, etc..) are tracked on the main website:

    We also have some amazing Native-Language contributors:

    A general thank-you to our Teams. Some Teams have contributor lists: