From The Document Foundation Wiki
This page was marked as inactive and is retained for historical reference.
Either the page is no longer relevant or consensus on its purpose has become unclear. To revive discussion, seek broader input via a forum such as one of our mailing lists.
These settings are necessary for LibreOffice to be usable for everyone and, as such, comply with our design principles.
These settings aren't necessary for the usability of LibreOffice and don't comply with our design principles.
These settings are relevant only in special situations and should be presented elsewhere in the UI.
These settings can be gotten rid of as they have been obviated by a change in LibreOffice's behavior/functionality.
These settings are not currently found in the global sections of the Options dialog but are in fact generic application-wide options.
These settings are yet to be sorted.
Use this tab page to enter or edit user data.
User data is used by templates and Wizards in LibreOffice. For example, the "First name" and "Last name" data fields are used to automatically insert your name as the author of a new document.
Some of the user data is included automatically in an internal dictionary so that it is recognized by the spellchecker.
User Data
User data
Company, Initials, Street, ZIP, City, State, Title, Position, Home Tel., Work Tel., Fax, E-mail
Displays the icon names and more bubble help information, for example, chapter names when you scroll through a document with chapters.
Tips should always be on.
Extended Tips
Displays a help text when you rest the cursor on an icon, a menu command, or a control on a dialog.
Functionality should be integrated into normal tips in the future.
Use LibreOffice Open/Save dialogs
Specifies whether LibreOffice dialogs are used to open and save documents. Otherwise the dialogs of the operating system are used.
Use the LibreOffice Print dialog
Specifies whether LibreOffice dialogs are used to print documents. Otherwise the dialog of the operating system is being used.
Printing sets "document modified" status
Specifies whether the printing of the document counts as a modification. When this option is marked, the very next time the document is closed you are asked if the changes should be saved. The print date is then entered in the document properties as a change.
Allow saving non-modified document
Specifies whether one can save a document even though nothing has changed since the last time the used saved his work
Year (two digits)
Defines a date range, within which the system recognizes a two-digit year.
In LibreOffice, years are indicated by four digits, so that the difference between 1/1/99 and 1/1/01 is two years. This Year (two digits) setting allows the user to define the years in which two-digit dates are added to 2000. To illustrate, if you specify a date of 1/1/30 or later, the entry "1/1/20" is recognized as 1/1/2020 instead of 1/1/1920.
Experimental features
Activates unstable features
Macro recording
Activates Macro recoding
Number of Undo Steps
Defines the maximum number of reverse steps allowed.
Should be unlimited, but, if impossible, set to 250.
Graphics Cache
Use for LibreOffice (MB)
Specifies the total cache size for all graphics.
Memory per object (MB)
Specifies that objects which are larger than the selected megabytes will not be placed in the cache.
Remove from memory after (hh:mm)
Specifies the time that each graphic remains in the cache in hours and minutes.
Cache for inserted objects
Number of objects in cache for inserted objects
Choose the maximum number of OLE objects that are pooled in the cache.
Uses percentile scaling for font size in user interface elements, such as dialogs and icon labels.
Icon size and style
Specifies the display size of toolbar icons.
Screen font antialiasing
From which font size should text be antialiased
Icons in Menus
Should menus contain Icons additionally to text entries
Should be on by default, no matter the OS
Show preview of fonts
Displays the names of selectable fonts in the corresponding font, for example, fonts in the Font box on the Formatting bar.
Always enabled; should be removed if it turns out there are no technical reasons to keep it
Show font history
Lists the last five fonts that you used in the current document at the top of the list in the Font Name box on the Formatting bar.
Always enabled
Middle mouse button function
Available functions:
- Automatic scrolling - dragging while pressing the middle mouse button shifts the view.
- Paste clipboard - pressing the middle mouse button inserts the contents of the "Selection clipboard" at the cursor position.
The "Selection clipboard" is independent of the normal clipboard that you use by Edit - Copy/Cut /Insert or the respective keyboard shortcuts. Clipboard and "Selection clipboard" can contain different contents at the same time.
Graphics Output
Use hardware acceleration
Directly accesses hardware features of the graphical display adapter to improve the screen display. The support for hardware acceleration is not available for all operating systems and platform distributions of LibreOffice.
Can cause issues
Use Anti-Aliasing
When supported, you can enable and disable anti-aliasing of graphics. With anti-aliasing enabled, the display of most graphical objects looks smoother and with less artifacts.
Same as with hardware acceleration
If enabled, the text selection in Writer and the cell selection in Calc will be shown using a transparent color. If not enabled, the selection will be shown by inverted colors.
Transparency level
Select the transparency level for transparent selections. The default value is 75%. You can select values from 10% to 90%.
Reduce Print Data
Settings for
Specifies whether the print settings apply to direct printing or to printing to a file.
Reduce transparency
If you mark this field the transparent objects will be printed like normal, non-transparent objects, depending on your selection in the following two option buttons:
- Automatically: Specifies that the transparency is only printed if the transparent area covers less than a quarter of the entire page.
- No transparency: With this option transparency is never printed.
Reduce bitmaps
Specifies that bitmaps are printed with reduced quality. The resolution can only be reduced and not increased.
- High/normal print quality - High print quality corresponds to a resolution of 300dpi. Normal print quality corresponds to a resolution of 200dpi.
- Resolution - Specifies the maximum print quality in dpi. The resolution can only be reduced and not increased.
- Include transparent objects - If this field is marked, the reduction in print quality for bitmaps also applies to the transparent areas of objects.
Reduce gradients
If this field is marked, gradients are printed with reduced quality.
- Gradient stripes - Specifies the maximum number of gradient stripes for printing.
- Intermediate color - Specifies that gradients are only printed in a single intermediate color.
Convert colors to grayscale
Specifies that all colors are printed only as grayscale.
Printer Warnings
Defines which warnings appear before printing begins.
Paper size
Mark this check box if a certain paper size is needed for printing the current document. If the paper size used in the document is not provided by the current printer, you will receive an error message.
Paper orientation
Mark this check box if you need a certain paper orientation for printing the current document. If the format used by the current document is not available from the printer, an error message will appear.
Mark this check box if you always want to be warned if transparent objects are contained in the document. If you print such a document, a dialog appears in which you can select if the transparency is to be printed in this print instruction.
My Documents
You can see this folder when you first call the Open or Save dialog.
This folder stores your own AutoCorrect texts.
This folder stores your own AutoText texts.
New Gallery themes are stored in this folder.
This folder is displayed when you first call the dialog for opening or saving a graphic object.
Automatic backup copies of documents are stored here.
In this folder you can store your own templates.
Ask Rafael/Cédric how this is being handled in the new Template dialog
Temporary files
This is where LibreOffice puts its temporary files.
Color table
Allows you to select a color from a color table, edit an existing color, or define new colors.
Revisit when we have improved color handling
Substitutes a font with a font of your choice. The substitution replaces a font only when it is displayed on screen, or on screen and when printing. The replacement does not change the font settings that are saved in the document.
When saving or sending
Select to see a warning dialog when you try to save or send a document that contains recorded changes, versions, or comments.
When printing
Select to see a warning dialog when you try to print a document that contains recorded changes or comments.
When signing
Select to see a warning dialog when you try to sign a document that contains recorded changes, versions, fields, references to other sources (for example linked sections or linked pictures), or comments.
When creating PDF files
Select to see a warning dialog when you try to export a document to PDF format that displays recorded changes in Writer, or that displays comments.
Remove personal information on saving
Select to always remove user data from the file properties. If this option is not selected, you can still remove the personal information for the current document with the Reset button on File - Properties - General.
Recommend password protection on saving
Select to always enable the Save with password option in the file save dialogs. Deselect the option to save files by default without password.
Ctrl-click required to follow hyperlinks
If enabled, you must hold down the Ctrl key while clicking a hyperlink to follow that link. If not enabled, a click opens the hyperlink.
A better default behavior for opening links should be devised later on
Passwords for web connections
Persistently save passwords protected by a master password
If enabled, LibreOffice will securely store all passwords that you use to access files from web servers. You can retrieve the passwords from the list after you enter the master password.
Master Password
Opens the Enter Master Password dialog.
Asks for the master password. If master password is correct, shows the Stored Web Connection Information dialog.
The Stored Web Connection Information dialog shows a list of web sites and user names that you entered previously. You can select any entry and remove it from the list. You can view the password for the selected entry.
Macro Security
Macro Security
Opens the Macro Security dialog for adjusting the security level for executing macros and specifying trusted macro authors
Certificate Path
Allows you to set the folder where certificates are stored.
UI colors
Sets the colors for the LibreOffice user interface. You can save the current settings as color scheme and load them later.
Use text selection cursor in read-only text document
Displays cursor in read-only documents.
Should be enabled by default.
Allow animated graphics
Previews animated graphics, such as GIF images, in LibreOffice.
Allow animated text
Previews animated text, such as blinking and scrolling, in LibreOffice.
Help tips disappear after ... seconds
Hides the Help tips after the number of seconds that you enter. Otherwise, Help tips are displayed until you press Escape or move the cursor.
High Contrast Appearance
High contrast is an operating system setting that changes the system color scheme to improve readability. You can decide how LibreOffice uses the high contrast settings of the operating system.
Cell borders and shadows are always shown in text color when high contrast mode is active. The cell background color is ignored then.
Automatically detect high contrast mode of operating system
Switches LibreOffice into high contrast mode when the system background color is very dark.
Use automatic font color for screen display
Displays fonts in LibreOffice using the system color settings. This option only affects the screen display.
On by default
Use system colors for page previews
Applies the high contrast settings of the operating system to page previews.
Use a Java runtime environment
Allows you to run Java applications in LibreOffice. When a Java application attempts to access your hard drive, a prompt opens.
Java runtime environments (JRE) already installed:
Select the JRE that you want to use. On some systems, you must wait a minute until the list gets populated. On some systems, you must restart LibreOffice to use your changed setting. The path to the JRE is displayed beneath the list box.
Add a path to the root folder of a JRE on your computer. The path is set in the following dialog.
Opens the Java Start Parameters dialog.
Class Path
Opens the Class Path dialog. You use this dialog to add folders and archives to the Java class path.
Online Update
Check for updates automatically
Mark to check for online updates periodically, then select the time interval how often LibreOffice will check for online updates. LibreOffice will check once a day, week, or month, as soon as a working Internet connection is detected.
Check now
Checks for updates as soon as the user clicks the button.
Select to download an available online update file automatically to a specified folder.
Load user-specific settings with the document
Loads the user-specific settings saved in a document with the document.
If Load user-specific settings with the document is not selected, the following user-specific settings still apply:
- Settings available in File - Print - Options,
- Name of Fax,
- Spacing options for paragraphs before text tables,
- Information about automatic updating for links, field functions and charts,
- Information about working with Asian character formats.
The following settings are always loaded with a document, whether or not this option is marked:
- Data source linked to the document and its view.
Load printer settings with the document
If enabled, the printer settings will be loaded with the document. This can cause a document to be printed on a distant printer, if you do not change the printer manually in the Print dialog. If disabled, your standard printer will be used to print this document. The current printer settings will be stored with the document whether or not this option is checked.
Disabled by default
Edit document properties before saving
Specifies that the Properties dialog will appear every time you select the Save As command.
Always create backup copy
Saves the previous version of a document as a backup copy whenever you save a document. Every time LibreOffice creates a backup copy, the previous backup copy is replaced. The backup copy gets the extension .BAK.
To change the location of the backup copy, choose Tools - Options - LibreOffice - Paths, and then enter a new path for the backup file.
Enabled by default
Save AutoRecovery information every ... minutes
Specifies whether and how often LibreOffice saves the information needed to restore all open documents in case of a crash.
Save URLs relative to file system
This option allows you to select the default for relative addressing of URLs in the file system and on the Internet. Relative addressing is only possible if the source document and the referenced document are both on the same drive.
It would be best handled as "Contextual", if a developer feels like changing all the relevant dialogs.
Save URLs relative to internet
Select this box for relative saving of URLs to the Internet.
It would be best handled as "Contextual", if a developer feels like changing all the relevant dialogs.
Default file format and ODF settings
ODF format version
When you save a document, you can select whether to save the document in the format ODF 1.2, ODF 1.2 (Extended), or in the prior format ODF 1.0/1.1.
Size optimization for ODF format
When saving the document, LibreOffice writes the XML data without indents and extra line breaks. This allows documents to be saved and opened more quickly, and the file size is smaller.
Warn when not saving in ODF or default format
You can choose to get a warning message when you save a document in a format that is not OpenDocument or which you did not set as default format in Load/Save - General in the Options dialog box.
Would be best to separate out cases where formatting is preserved and where it is lost. For the former, a simple warning in the Save as dialog should suffice. For the latter, it would be best to use a modal dialog both after saving and saving as.
Default file format
Specifies how documents of a specified document type will always be saved as this file type. You may select another file type for the current document in the Save as dialog.
Should be modified according to this list.
HTML Compatibility
Export choice
Permit to the user to choose when he export to HTML compatibility with Internet Explorer, Netscape or LibreOffice Writer.
Useless as every browser today supports standardized HTML
Allows the user to set a proxy.
Should import OS proxy settings by default.
E-mail client
Allows the user to choose the e-mail client to use when sending his documents as attachments.
Could be marked as Unnecessary if no good use-case is found
Default colors
Assigns colors to the data rows. The settings only apply for all newly created charts.
Defines how the connections to data sources are pooled.
Add, modify, or remove entries to the list of registered databases. You must register a database within LibreOffice in order to see it in the View - Data sources window.
User interface
Select the language used for the user interface, for example menus, dialogs, help files. You must have installed at least one additional language pack or a multi-language version of LibreOffice.
The "Default" entry selects the language of the user interface for the operating system. If this language is not available in the LibreOffice installation, the language of the LibreOffice installation is the default language.
Should be handled as an extension later on
Locale setting
Specifies the locale setting of the country setting. This influences settings for numbering, currency and units of measure.
The "Default" entry selects the locale setting that is selected for the operating system.
A change in this field is immediately applicable. However, some formats that were formatted by default change only if the document is newly loaded
Decimal separator key - Same as locale setting
Specifies to use the decimal separator key that is set in your system when you press the respective key on the number pad.
If this checkbox is activated, the character shown after "Same as locale setting" is inserted when you press the key on the number pad. If this checkbox is not activated, the character that your keyboard driver software provides is inserted.
Default currency
Specifies the default currency that is used for the currency format and the currency fields. If you change the locale setting, the default currency changes automatically.
The default entry applies to the currency format that is assigned to the selected locale setting.
A change in Default currency field will be transmitted to all open documents and will lead to corresponding changes in the dialogs and icons that control the currency format in these documents.
Default Languages
Specifies the language used for the spellcheck function in western alphabets.
Specifies the language used for the spellcheck function in Asian alphabets.
Specifies the language for the complex text layout spellcheck.
For the current document only
Specifies that the settings for default languages are valid only for the current document.
Default Asian and CTL language should be added to the Tools menu.
Enhanced Language Support
Enabled for Asian languages
Activates Asian languages support. You can now modify the corresponding Asian language settings in LibreOffice.
If you want to write in Chinese, Japanese or Korean, you can activate the support for these languages in the user interface.
Enabled for complex text layout (CTL)
Activates complex text layout support. You can now modify the settings corresponding to complex text layout in LibreOffice.
Asian Languages
Asian Layout
Defines the default settings for kerning between individual characters.
- Western characters only: Specifies that kerning is only applied to western text.
- Western text and Asian punctuation: Specifies that kerning is applied to both western text and Asian punctuation.
Character spacing
Defines the default settings for character spacing in Asian texts, cells, and drawing objects.
- No compression: Specifies that no compression at all will occur.
- Compress only punctuation: Specifies that only the punctuation is compressed.
- Compress punctuation and Japanese Kana: Specifies that punctuation and Japanese Kana are compressed.
First and last characters
Defines the default settings for 'first' and 'last' characters. In the dialog that appears when you choose Format -Asian Typography, you can specify whether the list of forbidden characters applies to those at the beginning or end of a line in a paragraph.
- Language: Specifies the language for which you want to define first and last characters.
- Default: When you mark Default, the following two text boxes are filled with the default characters for the selected language.
- Not at start of line: Specifies the characters that should not appear alone at the beginning of a line. If a character typed here is positioned at the beginning of a line after a line break, it is automatically moved to the end of the previous line. For example, an exclamation point at the end of a sentence never appears at the start of a line if it is part of the Not at start of line list.
- Not at end of line: Specifies the characters that should not appear alone at the end of a line. If a character typed here is positioned at the end of a line due to a line break, it is automatically moved to the beginning of the next line. For example, a currency symbol that appears in front of an amount never appears at the end of a line if it is part of the Not at end of line list.
Searching in Japanese
Treat as equal
Specifies the options to be treated as equal in a search.
Specifies the characters to be ignored.
Complex Text Layout
Sequence checking
In languages such as Thai, rules specify that certain characters are not allowed next to other characters. If Sequence Input Checking (SIC) is enabled, LibreOffice will not allow a character next to another if this is forbidden by a rule.
- Use sequence checking: Enables sequence input checking for languages such as Thai.
- Restricted: Prevents the use as well as the printing of illegal character combinations.
Cursor control
Select the type of text cursor movement and text selection for mixed text (right-to-left mixed with left-to-right text direction).
- Logical: Pressing the Right Arrow key moves the text cursor toward the end of the current text. Pressing the Left Arrow key moves the text cursor toward the beginning of the current text.
- Visual: Pressing the Right Arrow key moves the text cursor in the right-hand direction. Pressing the Left Arrow key moves the text cursor in the left-hand direction.
Numerals (in text only)
Selects the type of numerals used within text, text in objects, fields, and controls, in all LibreOffice modules. Only cell contents of LibreOffice Calc are not affected.
- Arabic: All numbers are shown using Arabic numerals. This is the default.
- Hindi: All numbers are shown using Hindi numerals.
- System: All numbers are shown using Arabic or Hindi numerals, according to the locale settings defined by your system locale.
This setting is not saved in the document but in the LibreOffice configuration.
Writing Aids
Check uppercase words
Specifies that capitalization is checked during spellcheck.
Check words with numbers
Specifies that words that contain numbers as well as letters are to be checked.
Check capitalization
Checks for the correct use of capitals at the start of words during spellcheck.
Check special regions
Specifies that special regions, such as drawing text, are checked during spellcheck.
Check spelling as you type
Automatically checks spelling as you type, and underlines errors.
Should be under the Tools menu instead
Minimal number of characters
Specifies the minimum number of characters required for automatic hyphenation to be applied.
Characters before line break
Sets the minimum number of characters of the word to be hyphenated that must remain at the end of the line.
Characters after line break
Specifies the minimum number of characters of a hyphenated word required at the next line.
Hyphenate without inquiry
Specifies that you will never be asked for a manual hyphenation. If the field is not marked, when a word is not recognized you will be presented with a dialog for entering hyphens.
Hyphenate special regions
Specifies that hyphenation will also be carried out in footnotes, headers and footers.
Available Language Modules
Activate/Deactivate Modules
A language module can contain one, two or three submodules: Spellcheck, hyphenation and thesaurus. Each sub-module can be available in one or more languages. If you click in front of the name of the module, you activate all the available sub-modules simultaneously. If you remove a set mark, you deactivate all the available sub-modules simultaneously.
If you wish to activate or deactivate individual sub-modules, click the Edit button to open the Edit Modules dialog.
User-Defined Dictionaries
Opens the New Dictionary dialog, in which you can name a new user-defined dictionary or dictionary of exceptions and specify the language.
Opens the Edit custom dictionary dialog, in which you can add to your custom dictionary or edit existing entries.
In the Edit custom dictionary dialog you have the option to enter new terms or edit existing entries. If you edit an exception dictionary, the dialog has the added facility of defining an exception for a word. During the spellcheck this exception is then listed as a suggestion.
When a dictionary is edited, a check is made on the status of the file. If the file is write-protected, it cannot be changed. The buttons New and Delete are then deactivated.