From The Document Foundation Wiki

    use HTML::SimpleLinkExtor;
    use File::Find qw(find);
    use URI::Escape;
    my $dir     = shift; # where static html
    my $rsynclist = shift; # to create for rsync
    my $medium = shift; # wich medium to be extract
    my $source_dir = '/var/www/sites/';
    # not covered by link targets - separate by "\n"
    # my $more_items = "assets/bin\nassets/installer/windows\nassets/installer/linux_deb/64/\nassets/installer/linux_deb/32/";
    my $more_items;
    $more_items = "assets/bin\nassets/installer/3.4/windows\nassets/installer/3.4/linux_deb/64/\nassets/installer/3.4/linux_deb/32/" if $medium eq "";
    $more_items = "assets/bin\nassets/installer/3.3/windows\nassets/installer/3.3/linux_deb/64/\nassets/installer/3.3/linux_deb/32/" if $medium eq "";
    $more_items = "assets/bin\nassets/installer/3.4/windows" if $medium eq "";
    $more_items = "assets/installer/3.4/linux_deb/32/" if $medium eq "";
    die "no dir given" unless ($dir);
    die "no filename for rsync given" unless ($rsynclist);
    # dir is the html-directory as provided in the tarball from
    # StaticExporter with basedir relative
    # rsynclist is file that will contain all the used files
    my $pattern = 'html$';
    my %assets;
    my %themes;
    my $extor = HTML::SimpleLinkExtor->new();
    sub collect_links {
        return unless /$pattern/;
        foreach $link ($extor->links) {
            $link =~ s/^\/?(..\/)*//;
            $assets{uri_unescape($link)}=1 if ($link =~ /^assets/);
            $themes{$link}=1 if ($link =~ s/^themes\/([^\/]+)\/.*/$1/);
        $extor->clear_links; # reset the link list
    find (\&collect_links, $dir);
    print "Number of referenced files from assets: ".scalar(keys %assets)."\n";
    open INCLUDE, ">$rsynclist";
    foreach $key (keys %assets) {
        #print "\t $key\n";
        print INCLUDE "$key\n";
    print "Used theme(s):\n";
    foreach $key (keys %themes) {
        print "\t $key\n";
        print INCLUDE "themes/$key/css\n";
        print INCLUDE "themes/$key/images\n";
    print INCLUDE $more_items;
    close INCLUDE;
    print STDERR "WARNING - MORE THAN ONE THEME!!\n" if ((keys %themes) >1);
    print "now run the following command:\n";
    print 'rsync -arv --dry-run --files-from='.$rsynclist." $source_dir ".$dir."\n";
    print "If everything looks OK, remove the --dry-run and run again to actually copy the files\n";
    print "Extrahiert von: ".$medium."\n";