TDF/Membership Committee Friends-of-LibreOffice

    From The Document Foundation Wiki
    < TDF

    This page is work from the Membership Committee

    Explanation "Friends of LibreOffice"

    The Document Foundation is built by people who contributes to one of its projects (currently LibreOffice and the Document Liberation Project). These people are invited to apply to become members.

    Even more people are active in a way that is remotely connected with a TDF-project. For example wonderful things as mentioning and explaining LibreOffice at home or school, or writing about it. These people can be listed a Friends-of-LibreOffice.

    Someone who applies for membership and does not yet meet the requirements for that position, may be listed with our Friends-of-LibreOffice.

    Others too may ask for being listed, mentoning the activities they do for LibreOffice.

    Friends-of-LibreOffice and TDF members are both published on the TDF website.

    We hope that many people will be listed as Friend for their support for LibreOffice and that over time, many of them will become members too. This is of course what we encourage and support with suggestions and information if needed.


    Some examples of situations that as such do not apply for Membership but are more than welcome for Friends-of-LibreOffice:

    • Showing LibreOffice among friends and at schools.
    • Giving courses/trainings on LibreOffice.
    • Helping (as employee) with the implementation of LibreOffice in an organization.
    • Membership of an associated organization without making contributions as listed for membership.
    • Activities in (local) open source groups, without representing TDF.


    • Whereas members have to renew every year, Friends-of-LibreOffice are listed for three years. A person may of course ask for his/her name to be taken from the list.
    • People that are on the list close to three years will get an email with the request to reply if they want to stay on the list.
    • The Friends-of-LibreOffice administration is simple: name, email address, activity and date of entry.


    This new program, started early 2016, will be evaluated by the MC and if necessary may be changed.
