
    From The Document Foundation Wiki

    Members of the Documentation team use a variety of operating systems and desktop themes (color schemes), but we want the images in our user guides to look reasonably consistent. Here are some suggestions for creating consistency.

    • Preferably use a neutral (primarily grey or similar) theme with high contrast. Highlight colors can be green, blue, orange, dark gray, or brown. Green is the LibreOffice color, so that is a good choice.
    • Use the Colibre icon set (in Tools ▸ Options ▸ LibreOffice ▸ View), not Automatic (which can vary with your operating system). On the same page, set Icon size to Small.
    • Capture only the required dialog or other area, or crop the image after capturing it. If you include the mouse pointer, be sure it is pointing to a relevant item, not randomly positioned.

    LibreOffice has a nice internal feature for perfect dialog screenshooting. See page Creating screenshots manually for more information.

    • Read the text carefully to ensure you set up any data that should be shown and have marked any selections (such as checkboxes or radio buttons) that are discussed. If the image is supposed to show the dialog before you make changes, be sure it does not show the results instead.
    • We rarely need to capture the full LibreOffice window, except for the introductory chapters where the parts of the window are labelled and described. When a full window is required, reduce its size as much as possible (while retaining essential information) and then capture the image.