Category:Release notes screenshots
Pages in category "Release notes screenshots"
This category contains only the following page.
Media in category "Release notes screenshots"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 751 total.
(previous page) (next page)- 242DVEN Writer Dialog FilePropertiesDescription02 CS.png 911 × 676; 33 KB
- 242DVEN Writer Menu Fields-CZ.png 201 × 250; 10 KB
- 242DVEN Writer Menu Fields.png 294 × 329; 22 KB
- Character description in special character dropdown.png 364 × 307; 33 KB
- Collapsible subsections in Navigator.png 892 × 691; 69 KB
- Column and Row Highlighting for Active Cell.png 1,180 × 762; 185 KB
- Comment thread grouped in Navigator.png 1,793 × 749; 220 KB
- Expert-tooltip-CZ.png 818 × 736; 34 KB
- Expert-tooltip.png 817 × 649; 41 KB
- Greyed-out hidden headings in Outline Folding mode.png 820 × 772; 67 KB
- HelpCommands-CS.png 1,032 × 736; 49 KB
- Impress-template.webp 1,920 × 829; 82 KB
- Japanese-template.webp 1,920 × 805; 151 KB
- Kapitálky v Impressu 24.2.png 1,120 × 667; 59 KB
- Komentáře ve Writeru se styly.png 862 × 562; 99 KB
- LibreOffice Writer in Armenian translation.png 2,465 × 1,600; 981 KB
- LO7.6 LO24.2 paste formulas to notepad (Ctrl+`).gif 800 × 600; 2.65 MB
- LO7.6 LO24.2 paste formulas to text editors.png 800 × 600; 74 KB
- Macro security settings.png 666 × 621; 51 KB
- Math-arabic-1.png 3,154 × 1,858; 973 KB
- Math-font-1.png 3,106 × 1,840; 850 KB
- Options Print Lockdown.png 1,411 × 738; 90 KB
- Sbalení vnořených sekcí v Navigátoru.png 400 × 544; 15 KB
- Screenshot of Password Strength Meter under macOS.png 456 × 344; 26 KB
- Screenshot of Password Strength Meter-CZ.png 492 × 376; 15 KB
- Search field in options-CZ.png 579 × 367; 24 KB
- Search field in options.png 686 × 420; 46 KB
- Search in Functions sidebar deck.png 1,184 × 1,544; 86 KB
- Securityoptioninfobar-CZ.png 1,924 × 1,080; 275 KB
- Securityoptioninfobar.png 1,915 × 1,007; 162 KB
- Seskupené vlákno komentářů v Navigátoru.png 881 × 453; 56 KB
- Slideshowsettings - CZ.png 635 × 809; 100 KB
- Slideshowsettings.png 637 × 785; 117 KB
- Smart justify composite red MSO black Writer.jpg 3,496 × 2,872; 5.18 MB
- Sum To Min (Blank N++).mp4 ; 2.26 MB
- SVG 2 context-stroke and context-fill support (24.2.4, 24.8).png 1,733 × 837; 52 KB
- Tdf-51510 FILESAVE SVG in DOCX (OOXML) Small.png 1,920 × 975; 254 KB
- Tdf158023 backslash before '(' & ')' inReleaseNotes24.2.png 1,315 × 353; 44 KB
- Tdf158445 SVG Arrow in LO24.2.1.2 vs (representation).png 1,260 × 630; 22 KB
- Tdf41652.png 920 × 265; 19 KB
- Vyhledávání v postranním panelu Funkce.png 377 × 507; 13 KB
- Výběr fontů v Math 24.2.png 1,343 × 792; 88 KB
- Writer comments with styles.png 3,836 × 1,508; 255 KB
- Zašedlé skryté nadpisy v režimu skrývání osnovy.png 412 × 377; 16 KB
- Zvýraznění sloupce a řádku pro aktivní buňku.png 541 × 440; 11 KB
- Across3.png 1,369 × 792; 167 KB
- Bar-of-Pie of Australian energy mix 2021-2022.png 838 × 834; 101 KB
- CharNohyphenationWithSpellingAndFontFeature.png 917 × 599; 148 KB
- Color Scheme picker in Basic IDE 24.8.png 3,572 × 1,756; 294 KB
- Conditional formatting select.png 1,104 × 600; 30 KB
- Layer objects highlight hover.gif 600 × 543; 410 KB
- LO24.08 Impress Sorter SlidesPerRow.png 1,242 × 550; 133 KB
- Notes panel Impress 24-8.png 1,027 × 689; 112 KB
- PivotTableFormats Improvement.png 628 × 226; 17 KB
- Quick find sidebar deck.png 728 × 502; 42 KB
- ScreenShots of updated templates.png 520 × 538; 152 KB
- ScriptForge Python Typing Hints PyCharm 24.8.png 1,295 × 614; 132 KB
- Search in Gallery.png 755 × 468; 34 KB
- Switch element translations in SVG in LO 24.8.png 1,914 × 998; 232 KB
- 2024-12-19 00-26.png 1,276 × 886; 66 KB
- 2024-12-19 00-27.png 1,276 × 883; 245 KB
- 2024-12-19 00-28.png 1,119 × 866; 59 KB
- 2024-12-19 00-29.png 1,119 × 864; 110 KB
- 2024-12-19 12-46.png 1,280 × 892; 253 KB
- AutoCalculate Off.png 328 × 193; 9 KB
- Formatting Boundaries.png 627 × 246; 37 KB
- Handleduplicaterecordsdlg2.png 383 × 355; 18 KB
- Help dark mode.png 1,242 × 566; 151 KB
- MacOS Sequoia installed LibreOffice Quick Look plugins.png 1,654 × 1,414; 648 KB
- MacOS Sequoia LibreOffice Quick Look plugins in Finder.png 1,896 × 1,112; 639 KB
- Macromanager.png.png 722 × 567; 44 KB
- NewBullets.png 760 × 681; 40 KB
- Textglow.png 1,747 × 678; 214 KB
- UserDefined Formula.png 929 × 648; 81 KB
- Writer Navigator hover wordcount.png 727 × 434; 106 KB
- Paragraph---Text Flow---'Move Line'-parameter.gif 1,920 × 2,088; 453 KB
- Libreoffice-unity.png 818 × 746; 155 KB
- LO34 footnote.png 1,000 × 751; 131 KB
- LO34 greek bullet.png 1,000 × 750; 190 KB
- LO34 impress html thumbnail.png 1,000 × 750; 112 KB
- LO34 move copy sheet.png 1,000 × 750; 180 KB
- LO34 pivot table data source.png 1,000 × 750; 170 KB
- LO34 writer gradient border.png 1,000 × 750; 121 KB
- 3.5 Multiline inputbar.png 766 × 266; 20 KB
- 35newhandles.png 487 × 234; 6 KB
- BSplineNew.png 411 × 281; 7 KB
- BSplineOld.png 411 × 281; 7 KB
- Calc unlimited conditional formatting.png 859 × 372; 50 KB
- CalcDefaultsOption.png 870 × 447; 40 KB
- Calendar vsd draw.png 1,387 × 1,138; 111 KB
- Calendar vsd visio.png 1,521 × 1,110; 152 KB
- CheckUpdates.png 591 × 297; 20 KB
- ConfigUpdate.png 714 × 385; 30 KB
- CubicSplineNew.png 408 × 291; 7 KB
- CubicSplineOld.png 408 × 291; 7 KB
- DNetwork vsd draw.png 1,288 × 974; 288 KB
- DNetwork vsd visio.png 1,326 × 963; 257 KB
- Draw-rtf-lo34.png 800 × 500; 15 KB
- Draw-rtf-lo35.png 800 × 500; 27 KB
- Draw-rtf-word2007.png 800 × 499; 20 KB
- EmbedPalette.png 640 × 444; 64 KB
- Extlst-test.jpg 758 × 572; 39 KB
- Forms-rtf-lo34.png 800 × 500; 9 KB
- Forms-rtf-lo35.png 800 × 500; 10 KB
- Forms-rtf-word2007.png 800 × 500; 7 KB
- Grammardefault.png 737 × 512; 93 KB
- Grammarfullcomment.png 723 × 512; 127 KB
- Grammaroptional.png 742 × 496; 78 KB
- Grammarsettings.png 996 × 504; 52 KB
- Gtk rtl 3.5.png 555 × 370; 15 KB
- Hintingdemo small.png 646 × 286; 86 KB
- Imagem12.png 573 × 612; 44 KB
- Imagem13.png 352 × 345; 21 KB
- Imagem15.png 676 × 466; 22 KB
- Libreoffice patch alien format en differences 3.4 and 3.5.png 1,111 × 289; 60 KB
- Lightproof editor.png 695 × 529; 90 KB
- Namedrange35.png 754 × 611; 39 KB
- New Grammar Checking dlg.png 745 × 525; 39 KB
- NewAutoFilterPopup35.png 300 × 445; 33 KB
- NewLineEndsLO35.png 275 × 351; 13 KB
- Non printable.png 747 × 199; 20 KB
- OrgChart vsd draw.png 1,222 × 1,029; 148 KB
- OrgChart vsd visio.png 1,326 × 963; 126 KB
- Ppi.png 677 × 537; 53 KB
- Presconexchg.png 192 × 95; 1 KB
- Presets-3-4.jpg 878 × 652; 82 KB
- Presets.jpg 878 × 652; 136 KB
- Scanner-dialog-patch.png 812 × 436; 37 KB
- Table-rtf-lo34.png 800 × 500; 25 KB
- Table-rtf-lo35.png 800 × 500; 27 KB
- Table-rtf-word2007.png 800 × 500; 17 KB
- Toolbars35.png 847 × 396; 70 KB
- Calc-detailed-calc-settings-dialog.png 556 × 408; 18 KB
- Calc-formula-options-calc-settings.png 874 × 474; 41 KB
- Calc-paste-only-from-menu.png 393 × 362; 16 KB
- Color formats.png 371 × 226; 4 KB
- Custom-sheet-prefix-screenshot.png 1,055 × 499; 62 KB
- EditDateAcceptancePatterns.png 968 × 593; 56 KB
- EnableMacroRecording-general option.png 971 × 533; 94 KB
- Formulas export.png 674 × 287; 34 KB
- Imagem20.png 564 × 241; 18 KB
- Insert-field-items-in-cell.png 481 × 288; 19 KB
- Label-sizing-improvements.png 646 × 441; 122 KB
- Lanczos Resampling.jpg 637 × 314; 68 KB
- LibreOffice About Box.png 775 × 513; 91 KB
- LibreOffice Splash Screen.png 579 × 387; 59 KB
- LibreOffice Start Center.png 853 × 600; 76 KB
- Libreoffice-3.5.png 977 × 755; 72 KB
- Libreoffice-3.6.png 930 × 752; 71 KB
- LO-multiple-sort-keys.png 614 × 441; 45 KB
- New Impress Templates36.png 530 × 765; 191 KB
- Options-menu-with-themed-lines.png 850 × 447; 70 KB
- PDF export with watermark.png 817 × 413; 54 KB
- Smartart-sw.png 839 × 622; 70 KB
- Sort-option-in-autofilter.png 258 × 471; 19 KB
- Split-Colors-calc.png 212 × 100; 7 KB
- Split-Colors-writer.png 207 × 113; 5 KB
- Sw-contextual-spacing.png 640 × 538; 48 KB
- Sw-word-count-highlight.png 832 × 774; 175 KB
- Tab-prelight-and-themed-frame.png 648 × 552; 59 KB
- Terra v16 1.png 1,598 × 1,088; 680 KB
- Terra v16 2.png 1,598 × 1,088; 523 KB
- Terra v16 lodraw.png 1,600 × 1,183; 1.18 MB
- Toolbar options menu in 3.6.png 779 × 536; 56 KB
- Toolbar-gradient-and-combo-list.png 1,280 × 393; 48 KB
- Updated-rulers.png 1,047 × 410; 69 KB
- All-slides.png 480 × 800; 104 KB
- Apply-style-combobox.png 546 × 430; 46 KB
- Calc-pricing-add-in.png 1,502 × 896; 174 KB
- CalcConditions.png 406 × 211; 26 KB
- ChartLabelsAutoRotate.png 798 × 840; 93 KB
- Comment-text-range.png 1,143 × 774; 187 KB
- CompressGraphicsDialog.png 331 × 411; 38 KB
- Config-empty-string-as-zero.png 556 × 408; 20 KB
- Draw flowchart.png 940 × 960; 74 KB
- Draw rack.png 1,598 × 1,074; 187 KB
- Gerritscreenie.png 1,621 × 1,009; 235 KB
- Gst-thumbnail.png 1,039 × 822; 399 KB
- Hidden-styles.png 321 × 210; 10 KB
- HyperlinksWrapping.jpg 800 × 1,233; 50 KB
- ImageShrink.jpg 914 × 438; 109 KB
- Inkimport.png 864 × 742; 82 KB
- Libreoffice-personas.png 1,197 × 983; 248 KB
- LibreOffice4 Options Advanced.png 778 × 405; 68 KB
- Linecap-4.0.png 189 × 203; 7 KB
- LOdev 4.0 new Word Count options.png 812 × 474; 72 KB
- Logochessboard.png 826 × 663; 93 KB
- Logoposter en.jpg 1,417 × 2,004; 928 KB
- MessageBox.png 406 × 123; 17 KB
- Mspub russian draw.png 1,600 × 1,183; 506 KB
- Mspub russian pub2k3.png 1,600 × 1,183; 420 KB
- PivotPageFieldPopup.png 457 × 392; 16 KB
- Presenter console.png 1,280 × 1,024; 107 KB
- Rtf-math-native.png 884 × 605; 85 KB
- SendViaBluetooth.jpg 530 × 574; 60 KB
- Sessioninstaller.png 1,600 × 900; 674 KB
- Sw-firstpage-headerfooter.png 553 × 420; 28 KB
- Template-manager.png 716 × 525; 80 KB