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Mar 18, 2015; 2:39pm Jan Holesovsky Minutes of the Design Hangout: 2015-03-18 * Present: David, Heiko, Ibrahim, Jay, Kendy, Mattias + David for the first time - welcome! :-) * Completed Action Items: + Not using google docs for the design discussions [turned out to be a misunderstanding - OK with that for now] * Pending Action Items: + Default document view for Writer, single page rather than automatic + Stuart: Change the default to single page + Jay/Stuart: Change the tooltip to "Multipage view" or "Multiple page view" [ - would be great to get that to gerrit] AI: Stuart -- figure it out and get it posted. + Jay: Double check if we can change 'Spelling' to 'Spelling and Grammar' + Jay: Send a mail to [hidden email] with the wiki page that collects changes in menus + Kendy: Collecting of the user information should be incremental, somewhere in the user's profile + Ahmed: Push the new Sifr icons he's done recently + Kendy: Talk to Milos wrt. + Alex: Gnome 2.20-style 'a' icons & Gnome 3-style text line icons + Samuel: Formulas and Navigator should open in the sidebar, not as a special window + Is that issue for the Navigator too (I dont read it from the issue) and in Writer the choice anycase was to allow opening separate too. (Cor, after discussion on 20150128) + the bug report only discusses the separate formulas sidebar in calc (Jay) + Kendy: + check how the sliders in the Audio/Video toolbar are implemented to move them to sidebar * UI changes integrated the last week: + Auto/No Fill now has a button (Adolfo) + new breeze icons integrated (Andreas Kainz/Jay) + many icons optimized (Andrew Dent) * Icon Updates / Issues + Sifr + Breeze (Andreas/Jay) + + Andreas will push to gerrit + pushed the changes sent via mail (Kendy)Kainz + looked like there were only few new icons - some got lost somewhere? (Kendy) + will ping Andreas (Heiko) + Breeze pushed today - (Jay) + conflict with Kendy's pushing :-) - fixed the links.txt (Kendy) + Extra-Large (32x32) Icons for hidpi * Table of Contents (Heiko/Jay) + + updated the design session document, finalized + one button less in the UI, will update the latest mockup + topic closed * CMIS / online documents mockup (Heiko/Jay) + follow-up concerns + changing size of the dialog (Bjoern B.) + there are 2 good solutions; will be decided what's best (Heiko) + will publish with proposals for the solution of the concerns (Heiko) + can include more people this way indeed (Kendy) AI + will publish the blogpost (Heiko) * Friday's design session (Jay/Kendy) + 1pm UTC + this week's theme: Insert Special Character split/group button and dialog * Finished proposals + Change tracking sidebar proposal + + CMIS / Online repositories + do we have a central place for collecting the finished ones? + Design Session Folder - + something that we can links from + CoreHacks - something like EasyHacks for the more advanced tasks (that need some mentoring) + the bug number in the bugzilla should be the entry point (Heiko) + to avoid confusion what is the 'ultimate' source + consensus: sounds good * Uncluttering Impress default view and stop toolbars from poping up and hiding (Jay) + Disable object, image and text toolbars - + Move view tabs to left slide sidebar - + Jay will create the mockups + Add media playback features to sidebar, so its toolbar can be disabled - + Kendy needs to check implementation of the sliders + Slightly reduce the default sizes of the right and left sidebars + Do not hide slide pane in handout and slide sorter views + showing makes no sense with handout and sorter ? (Cor) + no real blockers to go ahead * Uncluttering the Draw default view (Jay) + What an uncluttered Draw could look like - + some additional buttons might still be reduced (Jay) + showed it to youtube Draw tutorial maker and he thought it was good - + idea is to make it more like the usual drawing applications + remove the pages previews on the left + just one toolbar row - to get more vertical space + sounds good to me (Kendy) + will go through the usage stats to see what can be further tweaked + biggest problem: need to convert the list of pages to a sidebar item + so that it is still possible to see the pages AI + let's create a CoreHack for that (Kendy) + part of the GSoC in the worst case * Last week's discussions that need a resolution: + "Update style" in style context menu in styles and formatting + non-controversial, could become EasyHack + Make it possible to copy style options to another style + Jay filed a similar bug - + a picture would help in this bug report (Kendy) + Updating character style to match selection does not remove local formatting + inconsistency (Mattias) + needs a document showing the behavior (Kendy) + Style overrides could have a way to unset local changes (restore default?) + not sure how to visualize that (Mattias) + eg. some kind of [x] next to them that would remove that (Jay) * Code pointer needed + is the sidebar state saved in some .xcu? (Jay) + sould be, if you have problems finding that, poke me please (Kendy)