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Nov 24, 2016; 4:44am Heiko Tietze-2 Minutes of the Design Hangout: 2016-Nov-24 Present: Tomaz, Kendy, Heiko Organizational stuff * Jitsi has been used successfully, will keep it + * Meeting time + Move forward an hour to 11am UTC/12:00 CET * FOSDEM + Consider to make a presentation about contextual groups (Heiko) + Tasks/Tickets * Palettes + Palettes removed: cmyk, gallery, palette, web, scribus + likely no regression + LibreColor/CIE-HLC + hardcoded due to non-free CC-ND license + bad solution, better go with extension + Tonal + Being finalized by Stuart + Libreoffice + Branding colors with better names + Not much interest in that discussion + Names cannot be translated + Breeze (added), Tango (revised) + Html (reworked) * New logo/website + + while the design was well accepted & appreciated, unfortunately cannot be used for various reasons :-( + but would be great to use Maxim's skills for other high-profile graphics - like new splash for 5.3 or so...