
    From The Document Foundation Wiki



    Apr 13, 2017; 7:24am Heiko Tietze-2
    Minutes of the Design Hangout: 2017-Apr-13
    Present: Thibaut, Jay, Heiko, Andreas, Kendy, Eric
     * Notebookbar
       + personal view done at (Andreas)
       + better put the finalized work into master (Jay)
       + Features needed to make it non-experimental and future dev plans
     * News from Nantes (Eric)
       + Better default color set for graphs
         + not solved with latest changes
         + Eric: will try different variations with users and report what the best choice for the future
       + Default bullets aligned with left margin by default
         + issue was filed some time ago
       + Consistent default Bullet size
         + some user testing needed, though
         + tdf#103369, tdf#103364 might be references
       + "List" styles in Impress
         + there is likely no list style defined in the ODF for Impress/Draw
         + dialogs are slightly different between Writer and Impress
         + Proposal for redesign of numbering/bullet at
         + Preference of list types (bullets, numbers, images...) would be interesting (Jay)