
    From The Document Foundation Wiki



    Present: Heiko (with input from Cor, Dieter, and Pedro)
    * clone-brush needs more functions
    + options to solve this:
    + change tooltip to "Clone Formatting (double click to make it sticky and Ctrl/Cmd to clone paragraph style)"
    + introduce menu button with default as today and the two functions "Multiple Clone" and
    "Close Format only" like for New, Open, Save (Dieter, Cor)
    + keep as it is (WF) (Heiko)
    => introduce a menu button
    * TABLE-PROPERTIES: Add "Row" tab
    + add tab for row height in properties dialog as we have for col width (Dieter, Cor)
    => go for it, but mockup needed
    * restart manually numbering of numbered lists
    + add "Restart Numbering" to paragraph context menu (Dieter)
    + available under Bullets and Numbering (if cursor is in a list)
    => WFM
    * Calc sheet tabs: Option to make compact (use smaller font and less padding like in <=6.2)
    + introduce an option to reduce margins on sheet tabs
    + new design was choosen carefully, difference is just a few pixels => no options needed (Pedro)
    + weird screenshot submitted by OP
    => looks like another issue
    * PARAGRAPH STYLE DIALOG: "Reset" and "Standard" buttons: confusing names
    + remove Reset (and Standard) functions from the dialogs (Heiko)
    + Standard is the only way to revert changes made to inherited styles (Regina)
    + Reset is done via Cancel but not when Apply is avilable
    + rename functions (Cor)
    => seeking for proposals on better names