
    From The Document Foundation Wiki



    Present: John, Alejandro, Heiko
    Comments: Stuart
     * Customize dialog is too big to display on 1280x800 laptop screen
       + resolved NOB, Gnome theme occupies white space excessively (Stuart)
       + reducing font size solved the problem (Vince, OP)
       + we might be able to reduce the number of shown items
         in the lists (Heiko)
       + we should consider to adjust the minimum required size (John)
         + 1280x800 is still common (Heiko)
         + most users are on Windows (John)
       + don't make it worse for the vast majority (John)
       => keep ticket in WF/NAB state
     * Clone format of unmerged cells breaks up merging, applies to
       first unmerged cell only
       + merging cells with the keep option does exactly this, we
         must not format hidden cells
       + copying/cloning merged cells takes merge state into account,
         however, applying a format via cell style, which is the supposed
         workflow does not
       + cloning the merged state is a convenience feature
       => WF/NAB
     * Comment indicator is too small, non-circumspect, easy to miss
       + indicators have changed recently and are easy to spot at 100%
         but still somewhat harder at 200%
       + indicators can be controlled by TOCV > Text Overflow resp.
         Comment indicator
       + keeping the UI and the interaction simple is the best, meaning
         no flashing for example
       + changing the comment color is interesting
       + corner case, hard to believe it's needed by many
       => move checkboxes and colors for text overflow and comment indicator
         into application color (easy hack w. medium to interesting difficulty)
     * Insert Caption and Caption Options dialogs have a mix of settings
       affecting the whole category or only current caption
       + excellent mockup in bug 148597 comment 20
       + seems to be powerful, and makes it more consistent (John)
       + useful for power users (John)
       => interesting GSoC project