
    From The Document Foundation Wiki



    Present: Heiko
    Comments: Ezinne, Miguel, Ady, Eyal, Regina, Roman
     * Add an option to warn when autofill overwrites existing data
       (turned off by default)
       + appreciate a warning (Ezinne)
         + we have an advanced option (Miguel)
         + we must not interrupt the workflow with a messagebox (Heiko)
       + potential solution in bug 154466 "Overwriting data warnings
         should be an undo notice, not confirm dialog (UX)"
         + message could interrupt too (Ady)
         + but the infobar doesn't (ideally disappearing after some
           seconds) (Heiko)
       => show an infobar with the option to Undo
     * FIELD DIALOG: Add possibility to assign character style to the field
       + fields shouldn't be formatted at all (Eyal)
       => resolve as WF
     * Improvement of CALC diagrams
       + uncomfortable to work with a diagram which is up to 200 x 90 cm
       + Export as PNG allows to change the image size / dpi (Regina)
       + scaling labels could be done with a chart style changing the
         font size from 12pt to 6pt for example, see bug 62925 or
         bug 90490 (Heiko)
       + excluding the wall to have the exact size of the (inner) diagram
         is possible manually but might be a valuable enhancement
       + however, it's not clear if this is needed so we better resolve WF
       => WF
     * Rename Presentation Styles to Drawing Style
       + presentation styles are used in the master view primarily (Regina)
         + but changing the background color or the bullets is always
           possible (Heiko)
       + renaming might be an option but it would still be used as a style
         + disagree with renaming (Roman)
       + changing master attributes in the normal edit mode is a desired
         feature; it is understood as a style and changing the name wont
         alter workflow or design
       + the documentation could deserve some improvement, see
       => forward to documentation