ドキュメント/Calc 関数/略語

    From The Document Foundation Wiki
    This page is a translated version of the page Documentation/Calc Functions/Abbreviations and the translation is 100% complete.


    略語 意味 日本語訳
    MAF,MAFF Mozilla Archive Format Mozilla アーカイブ形式
    MAR Mozilla ARchive (Format) Mozilla-Wiki,Ask Mozilla アーカイブ形式

    略語 意味
    ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
    DBCS Double-Byte Character Set
    DDE Dynamic Data Exchange
    EDS Exponential Double Smoothing
    ERF (Gauss) Error Function
    ERFC Complementary Error Function
    ETS Exponential Triple Smoothing
    GCD Greatest Common Divisor
    ICU International Components for Unicode
    IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
    IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
    IRR Internal Rate of Return
    ISO International Organization for Standardization
    JIS Japanese Industrial Standards
    LCM Least Common Multiple
    NASD National Association of Securities Dealers
    NPV Net Present Value
    ODF Open Document Format
    SBCS Single-Byte Character Set
    URI Uniform Resource Identifier
    URL Uniform Resource Locator
    XML Extensible Markup Language
    XOR Exclusive Or
    XPath XML Path Language