Documentation/Calc Functions/SUMKV

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    Beregner summen af kvadrattallene af en række tal.


    SUMKV(Number 1 [; Number 2 [; … [; Number 255]]])


    Returnerer et ikke-negativt, reelt tal, som er summen af de indtastede tals kvadrattal.


    Tal 1, tal 2, … , tal 255 er reelle tal, referencer til celler eller til celleområder med de tal, hvis sum skal beregnes.

    • A real number, or an expression that evaluates to a real number.
    • A reference to a single cell containing a real number.
    • A simple reference to a cell range containing real numbers (for example, A1:B9).
    • The name of a named range, comprising cells containing real numbers.
    • The name of a database range, comprising cells containing real numbers.
    • An inline array of real numbers (for example, {1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4}).

    Note that although SUMKV can accept up to 255 arguments, each argument could specify a range of cells. This means that the number of real numbers processed could be many more than 255.

    The following conditions (including errors) may be encountered:

    • If any argument is a string in quotation marks, then SUMKV reports a #VÆRDI! error.
    • Text in cells and empty cells are ignored.
    • If there are no supplied numbers, then SUMKV returns the value 0.
    • If only one value is supplied, then SUMKV returns that value squared.

    Yderligere oplysninger:

    • If N1, N2, …, Nk represent a set of k real numbers passed to the function, the formula for SUMKV is:

    [math]\displaystyle{ \text{\lt span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"\gt SUMSQ\lt /span\gt }(N_{1}; N_{2}; ...; N_{k})=N_{1}^2+N_{2}^2+...+N_{k}^2 }[/math]

    • SUMKV ignores any text in cells or empty cells. If you suspect wrong results, look for text within the supplied data range(s). To highlight text content within a data range, use Calc's View ▸ Value Highlighting feature.


    Formel Beskrivelse Returnerer
    =SUMKV(2; 3; 4) Here the function calculates 22+32+42 and returns the result. 29
    =SUMKV(A1:A3; B1:B2) where cells A1, A2, A3, B1, and B2 contain the numbers 2.2, 3, -5, 1.3, and -7 respectively. Here the function calculates 2.22+32+(-5)2+1.32+(-7)2. 89,53
    =SUMKV({2; 4; 6; 8}) Here the function calculates 22+42+62+82 and returns the result. 120

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