Documentation/Calc Functions/AFKORT

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    Afkorter et tal ved at fjerne decimalpladserne.


    AFKORT(Number[; Count])


    Returnerer tallet til højst antal pladser. Overskydende decimalpladser fjernes helt enkelt, uanset fortegn.


    Tallet er et reelt tal eller en reference til cellen, der indeholder det tal, som skal afkortes.

    Antal(valgfrit) er et heltal, der bestemmer afkortningens nøjagtighed. Standardværdien for antal er 0, hvorfor funktionen returnerer heltalsdelen af tallet.

    • Hvis antallet er en ikke-heltalsværdi, så antager funktionen antallets gulvværdi, dvs. afkorter det til et heltal.
    • If Count is equal to zero, then rounding is to the next integer toward 0.
    • If Count is a negative integer, then rounding is to the left of the decimal separator. For example, if Count is equal to -1 then numbers are rounded (toward 0) to the next multiple of 10; if Count is equal to -2 then numbers are rounded (toward 0) to the next multiple of 100; and so on. The value returned by AFKORT will always be an integer when Count is negative.

    The following conditions (including errors) may be encountered:

    • If either Number or Count is non-numeric, then AFKORT reports a #VÆRDI! error.
    • If Count is a non-integer value, then it is rounded to the next integer in the direction of 0.

    Yderligere oplysninger:

    • If you obtain unexpected results from AFKORT, check the following:
    1. Make sure that the number of displayed decimal places is not affected by the setting of the Limit decimals for general number format option in the General Calculations area of the Tools ▸ Options ▸ LibreOffice Calc ▸ Calculate dialog (LibreOffice ▸ Preferences ▸ LibreOffice Calc ▸ Calculate on macOS).
    2. Access the Numbers tab on the Format Cells dialog (Format ▸ Cells or equivalent interaction) to make sure that relevant cells do not have formatting applied that affects the number of displayed decimal places.


    Formel Beskrivelse Returnerer
    =AFKORT(2,348; 2) Here the function rounds 2.348 toward 0, to 2 decimal places. 2,34
    =AFKORT(D1; D2) where cells D1 and D2 contain the numbers -32.4834 and 3.2 respectively. The value of the Count argument is truncated to 3. Here the function rounds -32.4834 toward 0, to 3 decimal places. −32,483
    =AFKORT(2,648; 0) Here the function rounds 2.648 toward 0, to the next integer. The alternative formula =AFKORT(2.648) returns the same value. 2
    =AFKORT(−45,67) Here the function rounds -45.67 toward 0, to the next integer. −45
    =AFKORT(987,65; -2) Here the function rounds 987.65 toward 0, to the next hundred. 900

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    ODF standard:

    Section 6.17.8, part 2

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