LibreOffice at FOSDEM 2025

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    FOSDEM 2025
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    DatesFebruary 01 - February 02, 2025
    LocationULB Campus Solbosch,
    Brussels, Belgium

    FOSDEM is the premier open source developers conference and the most significant developers' conference for LibreOffice after the annual LibreOffice Conference.

    We will have a devroom on Saturday, February 1st, from 10:30AM to 2:30PM in room H.2213 (Building H). The map of FOSDEM Campus is available on FOSDEM 2025 home page.

    We also have a public chatroom called


    To add yourself:


    LibreOffice community will be at FOSDEM 2025 in Brussels, on Saturday February 1 and Sunday February 2, with a stand in Building K Level 1 Group B-1). The map of FOSDEM stands is here.

    1. Italo Vignoli
    2. Heiko Tietze
    3. Sophie
    4. Lothar (some hours on Saturday)
    5. Osvaldo Gervasi
    6. Gabriele Ponzo

    Community Dinner

    The community dinner on Saturday February 1 will be at ICAB Incubator in 4 rue des Pères Blancs, 1040 Brussel (metro Pétillon), starting at 7:30PM. If you plan to attend, please DO confirm by email to or add your name to the below list before January 26, 2025 (we have a seating limit of 70 people). Please also add a note if you are vegetarian (VEG) or vegan (VEGAN), in order to help with the recipes and the related quantities. If you have a specific allergy, please send a message to Italo Vignoli.

    1. Eliane Domingos
    2. Italo Vignoli
    3. Régis Perdreau
    4. Arnaud Versini
    5. Svante Schubert
    6. Olivier Hallot
    7. Christian Lohmaier
    8. Michael Weghorn (VEG)
    9. Jonathan Clark
    10. Heiko Tietze
    11. Michael Meeks
    12. Caolán McNamara
    13. Thorsten Behrens
    14. Cor Nouws
    15. Freya McNamara
    16. Skyler Grey
    17. Szymon Klos
    18. Pranam Lashkari (VEG)
    19. Attila Szucs
    20. Balazs Varga
    21. Xisco Fauli
    22. Lothar Becker
    23. László Németh
    24. Florian Effenberger
    25. Osvaldo Gervasi
    26. Paolo Vecchi
    27. Stéphane Guillou (VEG)
    28. Gabriele Ponzo
    29. Andreas Mantke
    30. Gabor Kelemen
    31. Peter Thygesen
    32. Jörn Kottmann