Macro per ordinare alfabeticamente le colonne di una tabella in modo crescente o decrescente
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Questa macro ordina alfabeticamente una tabella di LibreOffice Writer in base alla colonna in cui è posizionato il cursore.
Il programma contiene quattro funzioni per:
- Ordinare alfabeticamente la colonna in modo ascendente;
- Ordina alfabeticamente la colonna in modo ascendente, escludendo la riga d'intestazione;
- Ordinare alfabeticamente la colonna in modo discendente;
- Ordinare alfabeticamente la colonna in modo discendente, escludendo la riga d'intestazione.
L'equivalente di questa macro è disponibile anche in forma di estensione, fate clic su questo collegamento per scaricare il file sortwritertable-1.0.0.oxt. Dopo averla scaricata ed installata, l'estensione aggiunge una nuova barra degli strumenti con 4 pulsanti, collegati alle quattro macro.
In LibreOffice Basic:
' Copyright (c) 2011 Frieder Delor, Mailto:
' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
' it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
' the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
' (at your option) any later version.
' This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
' GNU General Public License for more details.
' You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
' along with this program. If not, see <>.
Option Explicit
' Riepilogo delle procedure e funzioni:
' ---> Sub sortWriterTableAscending
' ---> Sub sortWriterTableAscendingExclHeader
' ---> Sub sortWriterTableDescending
' ---> Sub sortWriterTableDescendingExclHeader
' ---> Sub sortTextTable (sTableName As String, bAscending As Boolean, bHeader As Boolean, nSortColl As Long)
' ---> Function getTableRange (oTable As Object, nStartRow As Long) As String
' ---> Function getColumn (sAktivCell As String) As Long
Sub Main
'''chiama una delle quattro procedure, a seconda delle esigenze'''
End Sub ' Main
Sub sortWriterTableAscending
'''ordina alfabeticamente in modo ascendente al colonna selezionata con il cursore'''
Dim sAktivCell$
Dim sTableName As String
Dim bAscending As Boolean
Dim bHeader As Boolean
Dim nSortColl As Long
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
sTableName = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Selection.getByIndex(0).TextTable.Name
sAktivCell = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Selection.getByIndex(0).Cell.CellName
bAscending = True ' ordinamento ascendente
bHeader = False ' la tabella contiene una riga di intestazione
nSortColl = getColumn(sAktivCell) ' la colonna che funge da chiave di ordinamento (prima colonna=1)
sortTextTable(sTableName, bAscending, bHeader, nSortColl)
End Sub ' sortWriterTableAscending
Sub sortWriterTableAscendingExclHeader
'''ordina alfabeticamente in modo ascendente al colonna selezionata con il cursore, ESCLUDENDO l'intestazione'''
Dim sAktivCell$
Dim sTableName As String
Dim bAscending As Boolean
Dim bHeader As Boolean
Dim nSortColl As Long
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
sTableName = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Selection.getByIndex(0).TextTable.Name
sAktivCell = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Selection.getByIndex(0).Cell.CellName
bAscending = True ' asc sorting
bHeader = True ' table contains a header row
nSortColl = getColumn(sAktivCell) ' the column which is the sorting key (first column=1)
End Sub ' sortWriterTableAscendingExclHeader
Sub sortWriterTableDescending
'''ordina alfabeticamente in modo ascendente al colonna selezionata con il cursore'''
Dim sAktivCell$
Dim sTableName As String
Dim bAscending As Boolean
Dim bHeader As Boolean
Dim nSortColl As Long
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
sTableName = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Selection.getByIndex(0).TextTable.Name
sAktivCell = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Selection.getByIndex(0).Cell.CellName
bAscending = False ' ordinamento ascendente
bHeader = False ' la tabella contiene una riga di intestazione
nSortColl = getColumn(sAktivCell) ' la colonna che funge da chiave di ordinamento (prima colonna=1)
End Sub ' sortWriterTableDescending
Sub sortWriterTableDescendingExclHeader
'''ordina alfabeticamente in modo ascendente al colonna selezionata con il cursore, ESCLUDENDO l'intestazione'''
Dim sAktivCell$
Dim sTableName As String
Dim bAscending As Boolean
Dim bHeader As Boolean
Dim nSortColl As Long
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
sTableName = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Selection.getByIndex(0).TextTable.Name
sAktivCell = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Selection.getByIndex(0).Cell.CellName
bAscending = False ' ordinamento ascendente
bHeader = True ' la tabella contiene una riga di intestazione
nSortColl = getColumn(sAktivCell) ' la colonna che funge da chiave di ordinamento (prima colonna=1)
End Sub ' sortWriterTableDescendingExclHeader
Sub sortTextTable (sTableName As String, bAscending As Boolean, bHeader As Boolean, nSortColl As Long)
'''Procedura di ordinamento principale'''
Dim oTable as Object
Dim oRange as Object
Dim nStartRow As Long
Dim sRange As String
Dim oSortFields(0) as New
Dim oDescriptor As Variant
oTable = ThisComponent.TextTables.getByName(sTableName)
If bHeader Then
nStartRow = 1
nStartRow = 0
End if
sRange = getTableRange(oTable, nStartRow)
oRange = oTable.getCellRangeByName (sRange)
oSortFields(0).Field = nSortColl
oSortFields(0).IsAscending = bAscending
oSortFields(0).FieldType =
oDescriptor = oTable.createSortDescriptor()
oDescriptor(0).Name = "IsSortInTable"
oDescriptor(0).Value = True
'oDescriptor(1).Name = "Delimiter"
'oDescriptor(1).Value = True
oDescriptor(2).Name = "IsSortColumns"
oDescriptor(2).Value = False 'True
'oDescriptor(3).Name = "MaxSortFieldsCount"
'oDescriptor(3).Value = 2
oDescriptor(4).Name = "SortFields"
oDescriptor(4).Value = oSortFields()
End Sub ' sortTextTable
Function getTableRange (oTable As Object, nStartRow As Long) As String
'''Restituisce il nome dell'intervallo di ordinamento'''
Dim sCell As String
Dim oCursor As Object
sCell = oTable.getCellByPosition(0, nStartRow).CellName
oCursor = oTable.createCursorByCellName (sCell)
oCursor.gotoEnd (True)
getTableRange = oCursor.getRangeName
End Function ' getTableRange
Function getColumn (sAktivCell As String) As Long
'''Restituisce l'indice della colonna da ordinare'''
Dim sTableName$
Dim i%, n%
Dim sChar$
Dim nCol as Long
n = 0
nCol = 0
For i = Len(sAktivCell) To 1 Step -1
sChar = UCase ( Mid(sAktivCell,i,1) )
If Not IsNumeric(sChar) Then
nCol = (Asc(sChar)-64)*(26^n) + nCol
n = n + 1
End If
getColumn = nCol
End Function ' getColumn