
    From The Document Foundation Wiki
    This page is a translated version of the page ReleaseNotes/24.8 and the translation is 18% complete.


    • Kinerja rendering teks dalam sistem penulisan CJK dengan penggantian fonta ditingkatkan. (Jonathan Clark, TDF) tdf#81272
    • Lebar panel Komentar sekarang dapat disesuaikan. (Samuel Mehrbrodt, allotropia) tdf#73953 tdf#159145
    • Bulatan yang digunakan dalam dokumen sekarang dapat dipilih di tarik turun bulatan. (Samuel Mehrbrodt, allotropia) tdf#161056
    • Peningkatan dukungan untuk tabel mengambang multi-halaman. postingan blog. (Miklos Vajna, Collabora)
    • Penomoran legal di Writer: Dukungan DOC dan RTF postingan blog. (Miklos Vajna, Collabora)
    • Memperbaiki masalah pemosisian bentuk dalam impor DOCX untuk paragraf RTL. (Miklos Vajna, Collabora) tdf#160833
    • Catatan akhir berkelanjutan yang ditingkatkan berdasarkan bagian, kini diaktifkan secara baku untuk semua dokumen DOCX, DOC, dan RTF. postingan blog (Miklos Vajna, Collabora) tdf#160984
    • Pemformatan karakter kini diperlakukan secara terpisah dari ruas mengikuti tombol alih untuk karakter yang tidak dapat dicetak (alias Pilcrow / Ctrl + F10), menjaga dan menghormati pengaturan di bawah Perkakas ▸ Pilihan ▸ Writer ▸ Bantuan Pemformatan , dan divisualisasikan semuanya dengan warna biru. (Heiko Tietze, TDF) tdf#58434 tdf#161196
    • Tab hipertaut telah dihapus dari properti karakter. Silakan gunakan dialog khusus sebagai gantinya. (Heiko Tietze, TDF) tdf#132253
    • Bantuan pemformatan ditambahkan untuk mengapit teks yang dipilih dengan tanda kurung, tanda kurung siku, kurung kurawal, atau tanda kutip saat menekan karakter pembuka masing-masing. Dikonfigurasi menggunakan Perkakas ▸ Pilihan ▸ Writer ▸ Bantuan Pemformatan ▸ Sertakan dengan karakter. (Yiğit Akçay) tdf#151710
    • Sorotan gaya hanya berlaku untuk gaya yang digunakan dalam dokumen. (Jim Raykowski) tdf#158992
    • Perataan Tabel dan spasi Kiri/Kanan dapat diubah melalui Bilah Sisi. (Oliver Specht, CIB) tdf#159662
    • Nama hipertaut ditampilkan sebagai keterangan alat. (Tibor Nagy, allotropia) tdf#159899
    • Geladak "Cari" baru di Bilah Sisi, yang mencantumkan hasil pencarian cepat beserta konteksnya. Pintasan Alt + 9 ditetapkan ke atas geladak tersebut. (Khushi Gautam) tdf#95405
    • 24.8.2
      Improved performance by about a 100 times when handling tables with horizontally merged cells that span through two pages and with Keep with next paragraph parameter enabled (Format ▸ Paragraph ▸ Text Flow). (Mike Kaganski, Collabora) tdf#152298
    • If there is text in the name attribute of a hyperlink, it will be displayed as a tooltip in exported PDF files. (Tibor Nagy, allotropia) tdf#159924


    • Sisipkan berbagai jenis rujukan silang dengan menyeret dan melepas item dari Navigator ke dokumen, yang akan memunculkan senarai pilihan yang berlaku untuk jenis konten. Fitur ini menggantikan tombol "Mode Seret" (yang hanya menawarkan "Sisipkan sebagai Hipertaut/Tautan/Salin"). (Perhatikan bahwa untuk dokumen yang belum disimpan, fitur ini hanya mendukung Markah dan Seksi.) (Jim Raykowski) tdf#36310
    • Sekarang dimungkinkan untuk menghapus catatan kaki dan catatan akhir menggunakan Navigator. (Jim Raykowski) tdf#160598
    • Tajuk ditampilkan datar di Navigator bila diurutkan berdasarkan abjad. (Jim Raykowski) tdf#160657
    • Navigator sekarang memiliki indikator untuk gambar dengan tautan rusak. (Jim Raykowski) tdf#158114

    Pemenggalan Kata

    Kecualikan kata-kata dari pemenggalan kata

    Format ▸ Karakter... ▸ Posisi ▸ Kecualikan dari Pemenggalan Kata adalah solusi pertama dan sesuai ODF untuk menonfungsikan pemenggalan kata pada kata-kata yang dipilih dalam paragraf yang diberi tanda hubung tanpa kehilangan pemeriksaan ejaan dan tata letak teks yang bergantung pada lokal. postingan blog. (László Németh) tdf#106733

    Menu konteks dan visualisasi “Tanpa Putus”

    Kata-kata yang dipenggal mendapat item menu konteks baru "Tak Putus" untuk menonfungsikan pemenggalannya menggunakan format karakter "Kecualikan dari pemenggalan kata" yang baru. (Item menu konteks tetap tersedia untuk kata-kata dengan pemenggalan yang dinonfungsikan untuk memfungsikan pemenggalannya lagi.) (László Németh) tdf#161563

    Kata-kata dengan pemenggalan yang dinonfungsikan divisualisasikan dengan garis bawah titik abu-abu muda dalam mode Tampilkan Tanda Pemformatan. tdf#161565

    Pemenggalan kata di seluruh halaman

    Dengan menonfungsikan pilihan Format ▸ Paragraf... ▸ Alur Teks ▸ Pemenggalan kata melintas, kedua bagian kata yang diberi tanda hubung akan berada dalam satu kolom, halaman atau sebaran. postingan blog. (László Németh) tdf#132599

    • Dengan menonfungsikan Kolom (yang juga menonfungsikan Halaman dan Sebaran) , Writer memindahkan baris terakhir yang dipenggal pada kolom atau halaman ke kolom atau halaman berikutnya, mirip dengan perilaku baku MSO 2013 dan versi MSO yang lebih baru.
    • By disabling only Spread, Writer moves the last hyphenated line of the right pages to the next page (a spread is a set/pair of a left and a right page, which can be seen simultaneously, for instance when opening a book), according to New Hart’s Rules (Oxford University Press, 2005).
    • By disabling Page, last hyphenated line of every page moves to the next page.
    • By disabling Last full line of paragraph, the hyphenated word of the last full line of the paragraph moves to the last line (if there is enough place for it). This results in longer last lines, and removed hyphenation in the bottom right-hand corner of the paragraph.

    Compound constituent characters at line end

    In Format ▸ Paragraph... ▸ Text Flow ▸ Compound characters at line end, set 3 (or more) characters to improve the hyphenation in Danish, Dutch, German, Hungarian, Norwegian and Swedish by preferring the hyphenation between constituents of a compound word instead of breaking the second (third, etc.) constituent right after its first 2 (or more) characters. (László Németh) tdf#158885

    For example, German “Computerprogramm” can be hyphenated as “Computerpro-gramm”, but setting 4, only “Computer-programm”, according to its compound constituents Computer|programm.

    This can be useful for better typography, especially in headings or left-aligned text.


    • Define ranges when exporting sheets to PDF. (Nick Wingate, Collabora) 13bd849f
    • Improve localization for the status bar and the sidebar with multiple views. blog post. (Miklos Vajna, Collabora)
    • The sheet protection dialog is async. (Hubert Figuière, Collabora) e86c6423
    • Improve copy and paste between Calc and Google Sheets. blog post. (Miklos Vajna, Collabora) tdf#159483
    • Improve threaded calculation performance. Lockless Number Formatting and optimized reference counting. (Caolán McNamara, Collabora) tdf#160056
    • Optimize redraw after a cell change by minimizing the area that needs to be refreshed. (Caolán McNamara, Collabora) 9bc2872d
    • In multi-window view of a spreadsheet, allow spell-checking enabled in one window while disabled in another. (Caolán McNamara, Collabora) 7ecf1c5a
    • Comments can now be deleted from the Navigator's right-click menu. (Rafael Lima) tdf#158704
    • AutoFill can now be called via UNO commands without needing to use the mouse. (Bayram Çiçek, Collabora) 35c93c5f
    • Improvements to the comment indicator in Calc. Use the expert setting NoteIndicator with values above 1 to have a fix size for the indicator. (Heiko Tietze, TDF) tdf#158958
    • Support importing and exporting OOXML pivot table (cell) format definitions, which allow direct formatting of the pivot table cells (which survive pivot table update). (Tomaž Vajngerl, Collabora)
    • AutoFilter now has a Lock checkbox to prevent losing an unapplied selection when searching. (Sahil Gautam) tdf#133836
    • Displaying comment authorship metadata is now optional. (Heiko Tietze, TDF) tdf#156885
    • Data validity can now be made case-sensitive. (Balázs Varga, allotropia) tdf#157657
    • Comments can be edited by right-clicking them in the Navigator. (Rafael Lima) tdf#158514
    • The cell cursor was made more accessible to colour blind users. (Sahil Gautam) tdf#158891
    • Sheet ▸ Insert Cells now allows adding more than one row or column at a time. (Sahil Gautam) tdf#80390
    • New option to denote with background color if the active cell is in Edit Mode (Tools ▸ Options ▸ LibreOffice Calc ▸ View ▸ Edit Cell Highlighting). (Sahil Gautam) tdf#63374

    New functions


    • Notes are now available as a collapsible pane under the slide in Normal view. This can be turned on with View ▸ Notes Pane. (Sarper Akdemir, allotropia) tdf#33603
    • By default, the running Slideshow Presentation is immediately updated when applying changes in EditView or in PresenterConsole, even on different Screens. It can be switched on/off using Slide Show ▸ Slide Show Settings... ▸ Live-mode slideshow editing. (Armin Le Grand, allotropia)
    • Show text formatting toolbar when editing a text box in second toolbar row. (Samuel Mehrbrodt, allotropia) dee3e2d7
    • The default number of slides per row, that is used in the Slide Sorter (View ▸ Slide Sorter) can now be set in Expert Configuration (Tools ▸ Options ▸ LibreOffice ▸ Advanced ▸ Open Expert Configuration) - search property SorterSlidesPerRow. Previously this number was hard coded. (Cor Nouws, Collabora) tdf#160601
    • Bundled Templates: refactoring of the templates from Indonesian community (Candy, Freshes, Grey Elegant, Growing Liberty and Yellow Idea) to replace dummy texts with localized placeholders to ease user workflow. (Laurent Balland) tdf#160712
    • A dialog was added for jumping to a specific slide or page in Impress and Draw. (Akshay Warrier) tdf#159372
    • Pressing Enter in an empty list item ends the list. (Gülşah Köse, Collabora) tdf#160213
    • Scrolling between slides is now possible in Normal view. (Sarper Akdemir, allotropia) tdf#38164
    • PPTX files with heavy use of custom shapes now open faster. (Áron Budea, Collabora) tdf#148616


    • Support was added for tiling patterns in imported PDF files. (David Gilbert) tdf#113050
    • Hovering over a layer's tab highlights the objects it contains. (Jim Raykowski) tdf#157255


    • Firebird: Saving of data should be done automatically. (Juan C. Sanz) tdf#117118
    • Firebird: Solved DATALOSS Data updated (new/edit) using the data Beamer window or Dataform in odt/ods files when they are closed. (Juan C. Sanz) tdf#117513
    • Connect to MS Access mdb files by means of "ACE.OLEDB.12.0" provider. (Juan C. Sanz) tdf#158056 tdf#43187 tdf#137252 tdf#157561


    • New chart types "Pie-of-Pie" and "Bar-of-Pie" break down a slice of a pie as a pie or bar sub-chart respectively. This also enables import of such charts from OOXML files created with Microsoft Office / 365. (Kurt Nordback) tdf#50934
    • Text inside chart's titles, text boxes and shapes (and parts thereof) can now be formatted with the Character dialog (available with the Character button in the Formatting toolbar, with the right-click context menu, or with the top-bar menu: Format ▸ Character). This allows, for example, to use subscripts and superscripts in formulas annotating the chart. (Balázs Varga, allotropia) tdf#39052 tdf#58038


    Core / General

    • Diacritics no longer being clipped on screen. (Jonathan Clark) tdf#152024
    • The "Special Characters" dialog allows typing the Unicode (U+NNN) to filter the matching glyphs. (Mike Kaganski, Collabora) tdf#111816
    • The recent document list will now only show documents for the current module (Writer only showing text documents, Calc only showing spreadsheets, etc). The change simply toggles the ShowCurrentModuleOnly setting from False to True, and can be changed back in Expert Configuration. (Samuel Mehrbrodt, allotropia) tdf#159120
    • The user is now notified of the need to reload the document to take into account a change in Macro Security Level. (Rafael Lima) tdf#159985
    • LevelBar widget is now implemented for JSDialog. (Hubert Figuière, Collabora) 460a7103
    • Although it was already possible to type their ISO 639-2 codes by hand, "[Multiple]" (mul) and "[Undetermined]" (und) are now listed at the top of language lists (along with "[None]", zxx). (Eike Rathke, Red Hat) tdf#160256
    • Chinese and Japanese word selection is now based on ICU rules. Issues can be reported on the ICU website. (Jonathan Clark, TDF) tdf#49885
    • New "Sinusoid" shape added to the Basic Shapes category. (Ritobroto Mukherjee) tdf#50998
    • There is now an option to disable active content and OLE Automation in Tools ▸ Options ▸ LibreOffice ▸ Security ▸ Security Options and Warnings. (Sarper Akdemir, allotropia) tdf#158375
    • Buttons that control Font, Highlight and Background colors now retain their value between sessions. (Andreas Heinisch) tdf#72991
    • Improved WebDAV/HTTP UCP authentication with Microsoft SharePoint, depending on server configuration. (Michael Stahl, allotropia) d7492813
    • Improved CMIS UCP authentication with Microsoft SharePoint, depending on server configuration. (Michael Stahl, allotropia) d2d97395
    • The MAR-based automatic update available on TDF Windows builds is no longer experimental-mode--only. See Tools ▸ Options ▸ Online Update ▸ Automatic Update. (Stephan Bergmann, allotropia)
    • Objects can now be searched in the Gallery sidebar deck. (Oliver Specht; CIB) tdf#81880
    • When searching through text, a straight double quotation mark (") matches its typographic variants now. (László Németh) tdf#138258


    • If the option Tools ▸ Options ▸ LibreOffice ▸ Security ▸ Options ▸ Remove personal information on saving is enabled, then personal information will not be exported. This includes author names and timestamps (created, modified, printed), editing duration, printer name and config, the template associated with a document, as well as author and date information for comments and tracked changes. (Samuel Mehrbrodt, allotropia)
    • Writer can now retain the default page style's background when saving as DOCX. (Justin Luth, Collabora) tdf#126533


    ODF Wholesome Encryption

    A new mode of password-based ODF encryption has been implemented, with the following advantages:

    • more performant due to deriving a key only once per package
    • more tamper-resistant with authenticated encryption (AES-GCM)
    • better hiding of metadata to reduce information leaks
    • higher resistance to brute forcing using memory-hard Argon2id key derivation function (Michael Stahl, allotropia) tdf#105844

    You will need LibreOffice 24.2 or newer to open these encrypted files. To disable this feature, change Tools ▸ Options ▸ Load/Save ▸ General ▸ ODF format version to a version that is not "Extended". If you try to open these encrypted files with an older version of LibreOffice, it reports that the file is corrupt and therefore cannot be opened, which is actually a misleading info.

    User Interface

    • The default bullet selection can now be modified. (Samuel Mehrbrodt, Tibor Nagy; allotropia) tdf#108697 tdf#69724
    • The Keep Ratio setting in the Position and Size dialog was made more intuitive. (Heiko Tietze, TDF) tdf#158531
    • The experience of signing documents with password-protected GPG keys was improved. (Samuel Mehrbrodt, allotropia) tdf#108828
    • The dialog for inserting special characters now allows to filter by Unicode value. (Mike Kaganski, Collabora) tdf#111816
    • 24.8.3
      The scroll speed for Windows devices was improved. (Marc Mondesir) tdf#119745
    • 24.8.4
      Option-clicking the scrollbar on macOS now moves the view to the proportional location in the document instead of just advancing a single screen/page (Patrick Luby) tdf#147067
    • 24.8.5
      Very limited support was added for when macOS forces a LibreOffice window into native macOS full screen mode (Patrick Luby) tdf#161623


    • Buttons and combo boxes in Writer's Navigator now set the properties needed for proper announcement by screen readers. (Michael Weghorn, TDF) tdf#159910
    • Toggling formatting like bold or italic in Writer is now announced by the NVDA screen reader (version 2024.3 or newer). (Michael Weghorn, TDF) tdf#160695
    • Previously incorrect position-reporting of UI elements on the accessibility layer when using the GTK 3 UI variant on Linux was fixed, which, for example, makes GNOME Magnifier reliably show the right portion of the screen while typing when zoom is enabled on Wayland. (Michael Weghorn, TDF) tdf#159369
    • For the GTK 3 UI variant on Linux, a problem resulting in an incorrect accessibility tree being reported was fixed, improving announcement by the Orca screen reader. (Michael Weghorn, TDF) tdf#160806
    • Accessibility for comboboxes has been improved. (Michael Weghorn, TDF) tdf#160971
    • 24.8.2
      Better order of accessible events when switching between sheets in Calc, allowing the Orca screen reader to announce the newly selected sheet (Michael Weghorn, TDF) tdf#161444
    • 24.8.3
      When using the system dark theme on Windows 11, selections now use a better background color instead of being almost invisible e.g. in the toolbar. (Michael Weghorn, TDF) tdf#152534
    • Border styles in Calc's "Properties" sidebar deck are correctly reported on the accessibility level so they can e.g. be announced by screen readers. (Michael Weghorn, TDF) tdf#161648

    Changes in UI strings

    • The legacy Fontwork command in Impress and Draw was renamed to Text along Path. (Olivier Hallot, TDF) tdf#94535
    • The label "Structure:" in the Function Wizard dialog has been changed to "Content:". (Bayram Çiçek, Collabora) tdf#161502
    • Organizer was renamed to General in style dialogs. (Samuel Mehrbrodt, allotropia) tdf#161388



    • Rhino was updated to 1.7.14 version. The Rhino JavaScript Debugger window is removed with this change. (Stephan Bergmann, allotropia) 58c4457a

    Basic IDE

    • New Color Scheme dialog to pick one of six syntax highlighting color schemes independently from the current Application Colors. Find it in View ▸ Color Scheme. (Rafael Lima) tdf#156925
    • The current line in Basic Editor now has a highlight color for better visibility. (Rafael Lima) tdf#158750
    • The visibility status of the UI elements Object Catalog, Watched Expressions and Call Stack (which can be toggled in the View menu) is now remembered after closing and reopening the Basic IDE. (Rafael Lima) tdf#155381
    • Clicking the line number in the status bar will open the Go to Line dialog. (Rafael Lima) tdf#158749
    • A command was added for toggling code block commenting. (Rafael Lima) tdf#140004


    • Advanced Python IDE's like PyCharm or VSCode utilize type hints to offer autocomplete suggestions during code writing by analyzing type annotations and combining them with the code context. Type hints, also referred to as type annotations, are comments embedded in the code specifying the data types of variables, parameters, and return values. Python scripts may benefit from the support of type hints when using the ScriptForge API. (Jean-Pierre Ledure) c5e0c65b

    Command Line

    • For Impress files, the --show parameter can now take an optional ={slide-number} to specify at which slide the slideshow should start. For example, start a slideshow directly at the fifth slide with: libreoffice --show=5 presentation.odp. (Justin Luth, Collabora) tdf#69192
    • A wizard-like Python script,, has been added to the LibreOffice SDK to simplify the creation of Addons.xcu files for extensions. This tool guides users through configuring menu and toolbar integration. (Devansh Varshney) tdf#97448

    Android Viewer


    Changes to locale data

    • For the English (South Africa) {en-ZA} and other South African {*-ZA} locales, the decimal separator was changed to period dot (".", previously comma ",") and the group separator was changed to comma (",", previously the space character). This is done in order to align with common practices and the latest changes in the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR). (Eike Rathke; Red Hat, Inc.) tdf#159829
    • For the Danish {da} locale, the words for cross-referencing as "above/below" (as in "see the figure above") have been changed from "over/under" to "ovenfor/nedenfor". (Lars Jødal) d1bcb2f8

    LibreOffice Help

    Help content updates and fixes:

    Platform Compatibility

    Windows 7 and 8/8.1 are now deprecated platforms. The Extended Security Updates program on Windows Embedded POSReady 7 expires on October 8, 2024. Mainstream support for the Embedded Standard edition of Windows 8 ended on July 10, 2018, and extended support ended on July 11, 2023.

    Extensions and features relying on Python will not work on Windows 7. This is because the minimum Python version had to be raised to 3.9, which has no official support on Windows 7. There are unofficial ways to make Python 3.9 and newer work on Windows 7.

    Starting with LibreOffice 25.2, there will be no guarantee that LibreOffice will work on Windows 7 or 8/8.1. Support will not be intentionally removed at this point and fixes to problems exclusively affecting these platforms will still be accepted.

    On non-Windows platforms, a random device (/dev/urandom) is now required to exist and be readable by LibreOffice. (Michael Stahl, allotropia) e9531b79

    API Changes

    • New UNO command .uno:ChangeTheme to toggle between Light and Dark modes. (Justin Luth, Collabora) tdf#160349
    • Draw: new UNO command .uno:SetLayer to move objects to a different layer. (Jim Raykowski) tdf#122587

    Configuration Changes

    • Remove unused printing options. (Samuel Mehrbrodt, allotropia) tdf#158041
    • Remove some unused config keys. (Samuel Mehrbrodt, allotropia)
    • Bootstrap variables are now looked-for first in a fundamental.override.ini file next to the application. LibreOffice itself does not bring along such a file, but it can be convenient for an administrator to place one in an installation. (Stephan Bergmann, allotropia) 8b53fa72
      • The Windows-specific tunables LimitMaximumMemoryInMB and ExcludeChildProcessesFromLimit are now looked-for in the [Bootstrap] section of fundamental.override.ini rather than in a [Win32] section of bootstrap.ini. c84e8a14
      • Similarly, the Windows-specific EnableAttachThreadInputHack is treated as a normal bootstrap variable now, rather than being looked-for in a [Win32] section of bootstrap.ini. 6047341f
      • For backwards compatibility, the above are all additionally still looked-for in a [Win32] section of bootstrap.ini. This behavior is deprecated and will be removed in a later version. ebd3f097