
    From The Document Foundation Wiki

    Next insert sections into the document to "surround" the parts whose printing is to be optional. Check the box for the section to be "conditionally hidden", and enter the variable name. The visibility of the section will then depend on the TRUE or FALSE value of this variable. You can modify the value by:

    • a double click on the field
    • placing the cursor immediately before the field then Edit ▸ Fields
    • via an input field in the document
      • In the example below, a variable named Hide has been inserted invisibly at the beginning of the document. To make reading easier, it is inserted in text format.
      • An input field for this variable is inserted into the paragraph "click here" ; it is enough to enter TRUE or FALSE
      • The first table is inserted into a conditionally hidden section; therefore the whole section is hidden
      • The second table includes a frame in A2. A hidden section is inserted into this frame, which will be hidden depending on the same condition ; therefore this is the frame only that is hidden.