
    From The Document Foundation Wiki

    The Font Features dialog (Format ▸ Character ▸ Font ▸ Features...) received some improvements:

    • Font features that are enabled by default (e.g. Standard Ligatures) can now be disabled. tdf#127423 (Khaled Hosny)
    • Stylistic Sets and Character Variants features each is now grouped together in a separate section, so they stand out from other common font features. 3f9a8 (Khaled Hosny)
    • Stylistic Sets and Character Variants features can have user-friendly labels defined in the font, these are now shown in the dialog instead of the generic feature names. Additionally, localized versions of these labels that are provided by the font are also shown when LibreOffice user interface is in the respective languages. 19787 (Khaled Hosny)
    English stylistic set feature label taken from the font
    Arabic stylistic set feature label taken from the font
    • Some font features can have multiple alternates, these are now supported for OpenType fonts as well (previously it was supported for Graphite fonts only). 9ca3c (Khaled Hosny)
    Font Features dialog showing features with multiple alternates