Translation of the annual report

    From The Document Foundation Wiki

    Welcome to the page dedicated to the translation of the annual report !

    The annual report is due to the German authorities of the Foundation in Berlin. As such, it is first written in German and is send each year by the end of April. It contains all the information on what has been achieved by the community during the last year. We believe that this report is a very useful tool to show the world about our project and the vibrant community we are.

    The report has been exported to .odm to ease the translation, it is now decomposed in 7 chapters uploaded below. When finished, it will be exported again to an .odt document, links will be broken and sections will be removed to get a clean document again.

    German version

    Please add your name in front of the chapter you chose to translate so we know who is handling what, thanks :-) For example: Sophie -> translation, or Sophie -> proofreading. When the chapter is finalized, please upload it on the English part below.

    English version

    • File:Annualreport131EN.odt Chapter 1, translated, needs to be proofreaded.
      • Robinson -> proofing (NOTE: Translation is very rough; meaning of many sentences is unclear. Possibility of 2nd draft before proofing?)
      • Sigrid --> I re-checked the translation and hope, I made it more understandable. Please, someone fix my grammar errors. :)
      • Hazel has proof read it
      • Sophie --> currently in her hands to finalize it.
    • File:Annualreport132 en.odt Chapter 2, translated, needs to be proofread.
      • Sophie --> currently in her hands to finalize it
    • File:Annualreport133 en.odt Chapter 3, translated, needs to be proofread.
      • Sophie --> currently in her hands to finalize it
    • File:Annualreport134 en.odt Chapter 4, manual translation, proofreading appreciated.
      • Sophie --> currently in her hands to finalize it
    • File:Annualreport135 en.odt Chapter 5, translated, needs to be proofread.
      • Sophie --> currently in her hands to finalize it
    • File:Annualreport136en.odt Chapter 6, translated, needs to be proofreaded.
    • File:Annualreport137en.odt Chapter 7, translated, needs to be proofreaded.
      • Sigrid --> I re-checked this document as well and I believe I made it more understandable. As above, please someone fix my grammar errors. :)
      • Sophie --> currently in her hands to finalize it

    • Final hybrid PDF document
      • File:AnnualReportEN.pdf Finalized document, corrections may still happen but the document could already be used for translation.

    Albanian Version