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    Jan 29, 2016; 5:27am Jan Holesovsky-4 
    Minutes of the Design Hangout: 2016-01-15
    * Present: Stuart, Italo, Heiko
    * UI changes integrated since the last meeting:
        + Update of Breeze and Galaxy transition icons (Andreas)
        + Update in the handling of macOS menus (Maxim)
        + SaveModified icon for Tango and Galaxy (Adolfo)
        + Sifr updates (Matthias)
    * Impress - Modes Tab bar
        + Setting of modes tab bar is not persistent
            + is being fixed by bubli according IRC communication
            + META: for issues related to this refactoring
        + Workflow needs improvement (Italo)
            + Power users switch frequently between page and slide sorter (Italo)
                + Even Benjamin would be kind of an expert in Impress since the gap between novice and experts are small here (Italo)
            + Fixing the bug solves the issue since Eve would enable the modes tab bar once and forever (Cor)
            + Adding shortcuts like Cltr+Shft+M for norMal and Ctrl+Shft+T sorT (Cor)
            + Hiding by default to spare vertical space, easy access via split button in toolbar (Stuart)
            + Not enough user testing; Impress power users will not hide this tabs bar (Italo, Michel)
            + Show by default until we found a better solution (Samuel)
            + Find a better place for the toolbar split button for instance next to format pages (Italo, Sophie, Michel)
            + Last choice of the split button's selection has to be stored (Sophie)
            + Acceptance of changes is a matter of communication (Sophi)
              part of that being to increase use of our MozTrap guided testing cases
        + Master slides are too easy to access making it dangerous for beginners (could edit master instead of pages) (Italo)
            + Enterprise  environment blocks editing of master slides; remove master slides from split button widget (Italo)
            + Blocking is not so easy, e.g. "Set background image > To all pages" affects the master (Cor)
            + Does not introduces new great dangers for corporate use in the Netherlands but definitely an issue for Italy (Cor)
            + No good visual cue for master vs. normal (black/gray) (Italo)
            + Hide master slides behind a menu as how masters are handled by PowerPoint and Keynote  (Italo, Cor)
        + Opt-in for the modes tab bar (current master) or shown by default
            + off by default (Heiko)
            + on by default, or when it is off then have the toggle on/off button on the toolbar (Italo, Stuart)
            + transition time: on for now, off from the next release on (Stuart, Italo)
        + Show the toggle display-modes-tab button on toolbar solves everything (Italo)
            + Feature is used only once and should go into the main menu view settings (Heiko)
            + Agree with keeping it as it for now is and we explain the changes to people (Italo)
        + Where to place the toolbar split button?
            + next to other slide functions (Italo, Heiko)
            + enable view on/off and move both buttons to the right end of the standard toolbar (Stuart)
        + Store selected mode for the next session?
            + Sure (Heiko)
        + Change access to master slides?
            + Improve yes, but in future release (Heiko, Italo)
        + Move buttons to presentation toolbar, right hand of standard docked (Michel, Stuart)
               has some cross over with tdf#89668 -- SLIDE PANE: Move slide manipulation buttons to the bottom of the pane
               and with tdf#87672 -- Moving Impress view tabs to slide pane
        + Conclusion:
            + Hide the tabs bar by default
            + Show toggle display tabs bar button in the toolbar
            + But then hide the toggle button from realease 5.2 on (aiding transition)
            + Move display modes split button and the toggle tabs bar button to the right edge of the standard toolbar
            + Store last user setting
            + Think about changing access to master slides for 5.x
    * Marketing wants a new name for "notebook bar" interface (Italo)
        + Present the user interface for LibreOffice (Italo)
        + there are multiple interface form factors for users