Entwicklung/CPP Unit Tests
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LibreOffice verwendet das CppUnit Framework für seine C++ Unit Tests- CppUnit ist ein C++ port des JUnit Frameworks und wurde mehrfach verzweigt. LibreOffice verwendet seinen eigenen CppUnit-Zweig. Dieser ist aktuell der letzte aktive Zweig.
Xisco Faulis Präsentation von der FOSDEM 2021 LibreOffice QA - how to write your first test geht durch den Prozess der Testerstellung.
UnitTest Typen imLibreOffice Code
Es gibt viele UnitTest Typen in LibreOffice. Bei Unsicherheiten in der Verwendung bietet die LibreOffice Development Mailing List Hilfe, genauso wie der IRC - siehe "Sprich mit Entwicklern" auf https://de.libreoffice.org/community/developers/.
Eine Funktion / Methode testen
Nimm die Funktion / Methode und füttere sie mit verschiedenen Daten. Danach Überprüfe die Ergebbnisse auf Richtigkeit.
Beispiel: test::oustring::StringConcat::checkConcat() in https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/tree/sal/qa/rtl/strings/test_oustring_concat.cxx#n57
Import Test
Für einen Import Test braucht man zwei Dinge:
- ein Test Dokument - eine Mini-Version eines Dokumentes, das den Bug an erster Stelle hat. Am Besten wird das Dokument aus einem frischen Dokument erzeugt, um vertrauliche Daten zu vermeiden. Prüfe ähnliche Tests in der Umgebung, in der das Dokument gepeeichert wurde, üblicherweise in einem 'data/'-Unterverzeichnis.
- den Test selbst.
Der Import Test lädt als erstes das Dokument und testet dann das was gefixt wurde.
Beispiel: testFdo50665 in https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/tree/sw/qa/extras/rtfimport/rtfimport.cxx#n606
Export Test
Ein Export Test erweitert den Import Test durch einen zweiten Re-Import:
- Beim ersten Mal wird das Dokument gelesen und dann mit dem Filter, den wir testen wollen, gespeichert.
- Beim zweiten Mal wird das gespeicherte Dokument wieder geladen, um testen zu können, ob das Speichern korrekt funktioniert hat.
Die Überprüfung des gespeicherten Ergebnisses kann genauso wie beim Import Test (siehe oben) passieren. Oder über die assertXPath Methode (siehe unten).
Beispiel: testDMLSolidfillAlpha in https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/tree/sw/qa/extras/ooxmlexport/ooxmlexport6.cxx#n115
assertXPath Test
In vielen Fälle arbeiten wir mit XML:
- ODF und OOXML sind XML in einem Container.
- Wir dumpen Daten als XML (unterschiedlicher Debugging Output - wie ein dump im Writer LAyout, EMF/WMF Structure, XShapes etc.).
The trick is then to load the data as DOM, and assert various properties via an XPath expression.
Example: testBehinddoc in https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/tree/sw/qa/extras/ooxmlexport/ooxmlexport6.cxx#n610
EMF/WMF examples: https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/tree/emfio/qa/cppunit/wmf/wmfimporttest.cxx
Unit tests dumping a bitmap, and asserting the result
EMF+ is stored in EMF comments, and rendered later. To be able to test that, it is necessary to dump it as a bitmap, and assert that the various pixels have the right values.
To dump the bitmap first (to see what exactly you want to assert), export CPPCANVAS_DEBUG_EMFPLUS_DUMP_TO=/tmp/file.png , and the bitmap will be saved to /tmp/file.png when you execute the unit test.
Layout Dump Test
This is specific to writer. In some cases, it is necessary to test how the document is laid out by the layout engine - eg. some text should appear on the 3rd page, while previously it was showing on the 2nd page, and similar.
These test work so that the file is imported, and then the layout is dumped as XML
Example: testFdo52052 in https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/tree/sw/qa/extras/rtfimport/rtfimport.cxx#n755 .
XShape Test
This can be easily used in chart2 or Impress. The structure of the view (that is represented as XShapes hierarchy) is dumped as XML, and then either compared against a reference dump (less reliable - as the dump method can change in the future) or checked using the assertXPath (the new method).
Example (reference): Chart2XShapeTest::testFdo75075() in https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/tree/chart2/qa/extras/xshape/chart2xshape.cxx#n80
Example (assertXPath): Chart2XShapeTest::testTdf76649TrendLineBug() in https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/tree/chart2/qa/extras/xshape/chart2xshape.cxx#n144
Test eines komplexen Szenarios
It may happen that a bug needs several steps to reproduce. Even that is testable when the procedure is reliable.
In such cases, usually it is an import test, with additional steps that need to be done - like selecting text, triggering some action on that, etc.
Example: testFdo37606Copy in https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/tree/sw/qa/extras/odfimport/odfimport.cxx#n738
LibreOfficeKit (LOK) Test
Some functionality (like pressing a key as if it would be real keyboard input) is available via the LibreOfficeKit API, but not via UNO or internal API (e.g. because in Writer the SwEditWin is not a public class from a visibility point of view).
If you want to use it, get a reference to the implementation of the UNO object that represents a document, then you can call member functions on it directly.
Example: testTdf89954 in https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/tree/sw/qa/extras/uiwriter/uiwriter7.cxx#n2371
Performance Tests
These tests are executed as part of make perfcheck. They require the valgrind-dev package to be installed. They generate log files in workdir/CppunitTest/[testname]/.. that contain valgrind logs.
These can be processed to produce a summary CSV file using bin/parse-perfcheck.py
Example: sc/qa/perf/scperfobj.cxx
Adding a new test
In some cases, the infrastructure for the unit tests is not introduced yet. In these cases, please have a look at areas that already have lots of unit tests for inspiration, and create new unit test like following.
eine Teststrategie entwerfen
You might run LibreOffice in a debugger and insert a breakpoint in a relevant part of the the bug fix. Then, you manually do the thing that used to cause the bug and inspect the backtrace provided by the debugger. Finally, in your cppunit test you invoke the function similarly to how you see it invoked in the backtrace.
Test Klassen definieren
The tests should be placed in qa/
subdir in a file named test_xxx.cxx
. First, you've to create your class. Here's what can be a basic test skeleton:
// copy here a header from the file TEMPLATE.SOURCECODE.HEADER in the root of the source tree.
#include "sal/config.h"
#include "sal/precppunit.hxx"
#include "cppunit/TestAssert.h"
#include "cppunit/TestFixture.h"
#include "cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h"
#include "cppunit/plugin/TestPlugIn.h"
* Perform tests on MyClass.
class MyClassTest : public CppUnit::TestFixture
* Tests capability Foo of the class.
void testFoo();
// Adds code needed to register the test suite
// Declares the method as a test to call
// End of test suite definition
void MyClassTest::testFoo()
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(true); // do the tests here
// Put the test suite in the registry
} // namespace
Write one or more test functions and test various capabilities of the class. See CppUnit tutorial for further details about testing with CppUnit.
Run test at build time
Now that your test class is ready, you need to compile and run it. This means creating file CppunitTest_module_test.mk
(substitute module and test name as appropriate) in the toplevel (module) directory if it does not exist yet:
# copy here a header from the file TEMPLATE.SOURCECODE.HEADER in the root of the source tree.
$(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_CppunitTest,module_test))
$(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_add_exception_objects,module_test, \
module/qa/cppunit/test_xxx \
# add a list of all needed libraries here
$(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_add_linked_libs,module_test, \
sal \
$(gb_STDLIBS) \
$(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_set_include,module_test,\
-I$(OUTDIR)/inc \
You will also need to edit Module_module.mk
and add the following (or add to the list if it already exists):
$(eval $(call gb_Module_add_check_targets,module,\
CppunitTest_module_test \
To build and run the tests, simply run make check
. If the build succeeds, the tests will run automatically.
So, once your tests are running, all you need to do is fix any bugs they uncover.
Run a single test at a time
CPPUNIT_TEST_NAME is the environment variable that needs to be set and contain the name of the tests. The test names need to be fully qualified to be recognized.
CPPUNIT_TEST_NAME="testOutlineODS testPrintRangeODS" make CppunitTest_sc_subsequent_filters_test2
Printing to stderr is hidden if the test passes and displayed if it fails.
If you use a single string as a value of CPPUNIT_TEST_NAME, that has to be a class name. If that class has multiple tests, then all tests inside that class will be ran. The CPPUNIT_TEST_FIXTURE macro always creates a class with a single test function.
You can discover the make targets by looking at the *.mk files in modules.