Reviewing Older EasyHacks

    From The Document Foundation Wiki

    Reviewing EasyHacks

    We have several EasyHacks that people can use to gain a better understanding of LibreOffice development. But some of them are quite old. There is an ongoing effort to review and examine these EasyHacks to make sure that they are still relevant.

    After each EasyHack is reviewed, one EasyHack may be marked as resolved, or invalid, or remain relevant. If it is reviewed and is still relevant in 2022, the word reviewed:2022 is added to the Whiteboard field for that specific EasyHack.

    List of bugs

    Reviewed EasyHacks

    List of all reviewed EasyHacks in 2022 and 2023 can be found here.

    Unreviewed EasyHacks

    List of all EasyHacks that are not changed since the start of 2022 can be found here.

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