LibreOffice Developer's Guide: Appendix D - UNOIDL Syntax Specification
< Documentation | DevGuide
The following listing comprises the language specification for UNOIDL in pseudo BNF notation.
idl-specification ::= declaration* declaration ::= enum-decl | plain-struct-decl | poly-struct-template-decl | exception-decl | interface-forward-decl | interface-decl | typedef-decl | constants-decl | module-decl | interface-service-decl | accumulated-service-decl | interface-singleton-decl | service-singleton-decl enum-decl ::= ["published"] "enum" identifier "{" enum-member-decl ("," enum-member-decl)* "}" ";" enum-member-decl ::= identifier ["=" expr] plain-struct-decl ::= ["published"] "struct" identifier [single-inheritance] "{" struct-member-decl* "}" ";" single-inheritance ::= ":" name struct-member-decl ::= type identifier ";" poly-struct-template-decl ::= ["published"] "struct" identifier struct-params "{" poly-struct-member-decl* "}" ";" struct-params ::= "<" identifier ("," identifier)* ">" poly-struct-member-decl ::= struct-member-decl | parametric-member-decl parametric-member-decl ::= identifier identifier ";" exception-decl ::= ["published"] "exception" identifier [single-inheritance] "{" struct-member-decl* "}" ";" interface-forward-decl ::= ["published"] "interface" identifier ";" interface-decl ::= ["published"] "interface" identifier [single-inheritance] "{" interface-member-decl* "}" ";" interface-member-decl ::= interface-inheritance-decl | attribute-decl | method-decl interface-inheritance-decl ::= ["[" "optional" "]"] "interface" name ";" attribute-decl ::= attribute-flags type identifier ["{" attribute-access-decl* "}"] ";" attribute-flags ::= "[" (attribute-flag ",")* "attribute" ("," attribute-flag)* "]" attribute-flag ::= "bound" | "readonly" attribute-access-decl ::= attribute-get-decl | attribute-set-decl attribute-get-decl ::= "get" exception-spec ";" attribute-set-decl ::= "set" exception-spec ";" exception-spec ::= "raises" "(" name ("," name)* ")" method-decl ::= type identifier "(" [method-param ("," method-param)*] ")" [exception-spec] ";" method-param ::= "[" direction "]" type identifier direction ::= "in" | "out" | "inout" typedef-decl ::= ["published"] "typedef" type identifier ";" const-decl ::= "const" type identifier "=" expr ";" constants-decl ::= ["published"] "constants" identifier "{" const-decl* "}" ";" module-decl ::= "module" identifier "{" declaration* "}" ";" interface-service-decl ::= ["published"] "service" identifier ":" name ["{" constructor-decl* "}"] ";" constructor-decl ::= identifier "(" [constructor-params] ")" [exception-spec] ";" constructor-params ::= rest-param | ctor-param ("," ctor-param)* rest-param ::= "[" "in" "]" "any" "..." identifier ctor-param ::= "[" "in" "]" type identifier accumulated-service-decl ::= ["published"] "service" identifier "{" service-member-decl* "}" ";" service-member-decl ::= service-inheritance-decl | interface-inheritance-decl | property-decl service-inheritance-decl ::= ["[" "optional" "]"] "service" name ";" property-decl ::= property-flags type identifier ";" property-flags ::= "[" (property-flag ",")* "property" ("," property-flag)* "]" property-flag ::= "bound" | "constrained" | "maybeambiguous" | "maybedefault" | "maybevoid" | "optional" | "readonly" | "removable" | "transient" interface-singleton-decl ::= ["published"] "singleton" identifier ":" name ";" service-singleton-decl ::= ["published"] "singleton" identifier "{" "service" name ";" "}" ";" type ::= simple-type | sequence-type | poly-struct-type | name simple-type ::= "void" | "boolean" | "byte" | "short" | "unsigned" "short" | "long" | "unsigned" "long" | "hyper" | "unsigned" "hyper" | "float" | "double" | "char" | "string" | "type" | "any" sequence-type ::= "sequence" "<" type ">" poly-struct-type ::= name "<" type ("," type)* ">" expr ::= [expr "|"] xor-expr xor-expr ::= [xor-expr "^"] and-expr and-expr ::= [and-expr "&"] shift-expr shift-expr ::= [shift-expr shift-op] add-expr shift-op ::= "<<" | ">>" add-expr ::= [add-expr add-op] mult-expr add-op ::= "+" | "-" mult-expr ::= [mult-expr mult-op] unary-expr mult-op ::= "*" | "/" | "%" unary-expr ::= [unary-op] primary-expr unary-op ::= "+" | "-" | "~" primary-expr ::= name | literal | "(" expr ")" literal ::= boolean-literal | <INTEGER-LITERAL> | <FLOATING-POINT-LITERAL> boolean-literal ::= "False" | "FALSE" | "True" | "TRUE" name ::= ["::"] (identifier "::")* identifier identifier ::= <IDENTIFIER>