Özgür Yazılım ve Linux Günleri

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    Free Software and Linux Days 2017
    DatesApril 08-09, 2017
    LocationBilgi Üniversitesi, Santral Kampüsü E3 Binası,
    İstanbul, Turkey

    Free Software and Linux Days is a local event that brings together the community of free software in Turkey. One can find a lot of people and also some companies supporting free software.


    Hackfest 2016 Ankara Logo
    • It is organized once a year by the Linux Users Association and Bilgi University.
    • It is a meeting place for everyone about GNU/Linux and Free Software in Turkey.
    • Introductory and technical seminars are held at appropriate levels for each segment of society.
    • Public organizations and related companies open stands, introduce their products and services.
    • There is a board in the event area, where all institutions post their free software job advertisements, whether they are participating in the event or not.
    • Participation is free for everyone, and prior registration is not required.

    How to get there?

    About the location

    Istanbul, historically known as Constantinople and Byzantium, is the most populous city in Turkey and the country's economic, cultural, and historic center. Istanbul is a transcontinental city in Eurasia, straddling the Bosphorus strait (which separates Europe and Asia) between the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea. Its commercial and historical center lies on the European side and about a third of its population lives on the Asian side.


    LibreOffice community members attending the event.

    # Attendee's Name
    1 Muhammet Kara (Speaker - Quick Start to LibreOffice Development)


    Quick Start to LibreOffice Development

    The steps needed to start contributing to LibreOffice as a developer will be explained quickly. Participants should already be familiar with the linux environment and development tools. The narration will be made on Debian, but with minor changes it applies to all distributions. This is not a training session, and there will not be any hands-on activity.

    Date & time: 12:00am, Sunday, April 9
    Location: 2nd Hall
    Speaker: Muhammet Kara (muhammetk AT gmail DOT com)

    Rough schedule:

    * Getting the source code of LibreOffice
    * Compiling the source code
    * Finding an easyhack to work on
    * Sending the patch to gerrit


    Some "TDF/LibreOffice" and "I love free & open formats" stickers were given out during the event.


    Attendees were given info about the process in a very fast pace. Our talk was in parallel with a very popular figure, who is also one of the organizers of the event, so there were less than ten people in the hall who are interested in LibreOffice. Nonetheless, the result was positive in terms of increasing the visibility of and awareness about LibreOffice. (We should watch for timing if we decide to attend this event again, and note that the audience of this event is much smaller than the Academic Informatics Conference's audience.)

    The slides: https://www.slideshare.net/MuhammetKara6/libreoffice-gelitirmeye-hzl-balang

    A few photos from the talk:

    Hackfest 2016 Ankara Logo Hackfest 2016 Ankara Logo Hackfest 2016 Ankara Logo