Documentation fronts

    From The Document Foundation Wiki

    <- Visual Elements

    Please read the information on the main gallery page about structure and purpose of this gallery as well as possibilities to contribute to the gallery and LibreOffice design in general.



    User guide cover
    Ice Castle - elements from Christoph Noack, Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn, Jean Hollis Weber, Drew Jensen

    Each module is a separate layer or Layers within the Inkscape created SVG file LibO Front Covers 34.svg

    An earlier version is here: LibO Cover ice castle.svg


    Deckblatt der Handbücher
    Ice Castle - Elemente von Christoph Noack, Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn, Jean Hollis Weber, Drew Jensen

    Für jedes Modul und jede Versionsnummer existiert ein eigener Layer innerhalb der mit Inkscape erstellten SVG-Datei Media:LibO Cover ic de.svg.

    Deckblätter in der jeweiligen Versionsnummer mit 300dpi: V33|V34|V35.

    Portuguese Portugal

    Here are the SVG file for all the Front covers of the Portuguese version.
    Ice Castle - Elemente von Christoph Noack, Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn, Jean Hollis Weber, Drew Jensen

    Use, edit and share.


    In work