LibreOffice FOSDEM 2018 Hackfest

    From The Document Foundation Wiki
    Hackfest 2018
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    DatesFebruary 5th-6th, 2018
    LocationBetacowork Coworking,
    Brussels, Belgium

    The LibreOffice Hackfest will take place in the City of Brussels in BelgiumWikipedia logo v3.svg on February 5th and 6th, just after FOSDEM, and is hosted at Betacowork Coworking Brussels.


    The venue is at Betacowork Coworking Brussels, 4 rue des Pères Blancs, 1040 Etterbeek.

    IMPORTANT: The hackfest will be in room Madera. Although we have our own space, there are people working in the nearby cowork-space, so please avoid speaking with a loud voice. There is a large area near the kitchen where (louder) discussion are no problem at all.


    Add yourself here if you plan to attend the Hackfest.

    1. Italo Vignoli
    2. Marina Latini
    3. Olivier Hallot
    4. Miklos Vajna
    5. Markus Mohrhard
    6. Muhammet Kara
    7. Xisco Faulí
    8. Regina Henschel
    9. Zdeněk Crhonek
    10. Cor Nouws
    11. Lothar Becker,, Monday 5th
    12. Jan Holesovsky
    13. Michael Meeks
    14. Heiko Tietze
    15. Franklin Weng
    16. Florian Effenberger
    17. Gabriele Ponzo
    18. Sophie Gautier
    19. Marc Bessières
    20. Christian Lohmaier
    21. Andreas Mantke, Monday, 5th



    The venue will be open to us from 9:30 until late. Most attendees are expected to arrive past 10:30.

    Bug List

    Ideas from the Crowd

    Feel free to add some.

    • Small bug that can annoy a lot: When dealing with tables in Writer, this small bug can cause lots of additional work. If you have a formatted table in Writer and you just want to add/change the table border, Writer always jumps to 0.1cm padding/spacing to the contents of the cells. This absolutely doesn't make sense and the user has to manually reset the "spacing to contents" to the previous values. tdf#93975 (comment 6 to the bug report describes the steps to reproduce the issue)
    • Your idea

    Discussion Topics

    Feel free to add some.


    See FOSDEM accommodation for relevant information; the punch line is that most people stay at the Bedford Hotel.


    Please add here, what you did work on during the Hackfest:

    • Your name
      • describe your achievement + link to commit (if any) + link to issue (if any)

    Thank You!