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Tutorial on using LibreOffice charting capabilities with data stored in a SQL database.
The following macro was developed in order to use LibreOffice charting capabilities with data stored in a SQL database.
How to use it
After downloading the Populate-spreadsheet-from-db.ods LibreOffice file:
- Open the document and enter the information to connect to your SQL database
- Press the Load data button
- If the data was successfully imported, press Create chart
NOTE: The macros connect to a database and will do nothing if that database is not available. So you can not expect it to just work from downloading the file alone.
File:Populate-spreadsheet-from-db by-lanedoCOM.ods
How it works
The macro connects to a SQL database and populates the spreadsheet. This data is then used to produce a chart.
REM ***** BASIC *****
Function db_escape (str As String, connection) As String
Dim delim As String
meta = connection.getMetaData ()
delim = meta.getIdentifierQuoteString ()
db_escape = delim & str & delim
End Function
Sub LoadDataFromDB
Dim dm
Dim driver
Dim params(1) As New
REM Get Current Spreadsheet
REM (getSheets -> XSpreadsheets)
doc = ThisComponent
addr = doc.getCurrentSelection().getCellAddress()
sheet = doc.getSheets().getByIndex(addr.Sheet)
REM rSheets->insertNewByName(OUString::createFromAscii("MySheet"), (short)0)
draw_page = sheet.DrawPage
db_form = draw_page.Forms.GetByIndex(0)
hst_ctl = db_form.getByName ("txtHost")
usr_ctl = db_form.getByName ("txtUser")
pwd_ctl = db_form.getByName ("txtPwd")
dbm_ctl = db_form.getByName ("txtDBM")
sts_ctl = db_form.getByName ("lblStatus")
host = hst_ctl.Text
usr = usr_ctl.Text
pwd = pwd_ctl.Text
dbm = dbm_ctl.Text
url = "jdbc:mysql://" & host & "/" & dbm & "?user=" & usr & "&password=" & pwd
Print "Connecting to " & dbm & " on " & host
sts_ctl.Label = "Connecting to " & dbm & " on " & host
REM Database Setup
dm = CreateUnoService ("")
params(0).Name = "JavaDriverClass"
params(0).Value = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
con = dm.getConnectionWithInfo (url, params())
if IsNull (con) Then
MsgBox "Could not connect to DB"
Exit Sub
End if
sts_ctl.Label = "Fetching data from DB ..."
stmt = con.CreateStatement()
sqltxt = "SELECT * FROM " & db_escape("key_value", con)
res = stmt.executeQuery (sqltxt)
If IsNull (res) OR IsEmpty (res) Then
MsgBox "Nothing in tables"
Exit Sub
End If
Do While ()
meta = res.getMetaData()
REM c = meta.getColumnCount ()
REM Print res.getInt (1) & res.getString (2) & res.getFloat (3)
cur_row = res.getRow ()
cell = sheet.getCellByPosition (0, cur_row)
cell.Value = res.getInt (1)
cell.HoriJustify =
cell = sheet.getCellByPosition (1, cur_row)
cell.String = res.getString (2)
cell = sheet.getCellByPosition (2, cur_row)
cell.Value = res.getFloat (3)
sts_ctl.Label = "Data loaded!"
End Sub
Sub CreateChart
Dim rect As New
Dim ra(0) As New
rect.X = 1000
rect.Y = 9000
rect.Width = 10000
rect.Height = 7000
ra(0).Sheet = 0
ra(0).StartColumn = 1
ra(0).StartRow = 0
ra(0).EndColumn = 2
ra(0).EndRow = 9
doc = ThisComponent
sheet = Doc.Sheets(0)
charts = sheet.Charts
charts.addNewByName("Bar Chart", Rect, ra(), True, True)
chart = charts.getByName("Bar Chart").EmbeddedObject
End Sub