Python Guide - Useful functions

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    Useful functions

    In many examples show in this guide, we can used one or more the next functions.

    Create instances

    import uno
    CTX = uno.getComponentContext()
    SM = CTX.getServiceManager()
    def create_instance(name, with_context=False):
        if with_context:
            instance = SM.createInstanceWithContext(name, CTX)
            instance = SM.createInstance(name)
        return instance

    Get desktop

    • One way

    import uno
    desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()

    • Create instance

    desktop = create_instance('', True)

    • Better for called from others macros

    def get_desktop():
        return create_instance('', True)

    Call dispatch

    • Many functions of LibreOffice, only can execute with dispatch

    def call_dispatch(doc, url, args=()):
        frame = doc.getCurrentController().getFrame()
        dispatch = create_instance('')
        dispatch.executeDispatch(frame, url, '', 0, args)

    • For example, command copy

    doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
    call_dispatch(doc, '.uno:Copy')


    from import MessageBoxButtons as MSG_BUTTONS
    def msgbox(message, title='LibreOffice', buttons=MSG_BUTTONS.BUTTONS_OK, type_msg='infobox'):
        """ Create message box
            type_msg: infobox, warningbox, errorbox, querybox, messbox
        toolkit = create_instance('')
        parent = toolkit.getDesktopWindow()
        mb = toolkit.createMessageBox(parent, type_msg, buttons, title, str(message))
        return mb.execute()

    Execute in other thread

    import threading
    def run_in_thread(fn):
        def run(*k, **kw):
            t = threading.Thread(target=fn, args=k, kwargs=kw)
            return t
        return run

    • Now, you can execute any macro in other thread

    def main():

    Dictionary to properties

    from import PropertyValue
    def dict_to_property(values, uno_any=False):
        ps = tuple([PropertyValue(Name=n, Value=v) for n, v in values.items()])
        if uno_any:
            ps = uno.Any('[]', ps)
        return ps

    Get color

    def get_color(red, green, blue):
        color = (red << 16) + (green << 8) + blue
        return color

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