LibreOffice Paper Airplanes

    From The Document Foundation Wiki

    LibreOffice Paper Airplanes


    To construct paper airplanes with the idea of promoting the LibreOffice name at conferences or in the home. Make the page functional by promoting the three R's of recycling (Reduce/Re-use/Recycle), so that our paper planes do not end up without function. People can spend time at booths discussing with LibreOffice representatives and leave with a model of a working LibreOffice paper plane (unfolded or pre-folded).


    Use an established airplane model with proven flying capabilities and build into the model some advertising for the LibreOffice suite. The advertising content should reflect the agreed to logo as provided on the site. An accompanying folding method instruction sheet should also be provided for the plane. The LibreOffice paper airplane with documentation should also be provided on site for public downloading as well. Mockups for US letter and A4 size should be provided for international use.


    Some discussion on this topic occured sparsely on different postings, but finally showed fruition on this particular thread [1] and offered as a marketing tool for a US conference [2] 




    Paper Plane Models
 (Courtesy of  Ben Horst)
    File:LibreOffice PaperPlaneFront.odg (paper airplane with folding instructions based on the Ben Horst design. This design incorporates the LibreOffice Logo as well as explains the reasons behind the LibreOffice project as well as different contributing groups.) and File:LibreOffice PaperPlaneBack.odt (optional back page to paper airplane -- LibreOffice word search with hidden sentence/phrase)  (A PDF version is being considered. However, when tested, the .pdf versions were rendered differently from the original two files. Feel free to create a .pdf version to test.  Marc Paré -- focussed on education. Age appropriate for Grade 4 (N.Amer.) - adult)