
    From The Document Foundation Wiki



    • LibreOffice 24.2 will require Windows 7 or newer

    New Features

    An in-progress list of features for this version is available here.

    Reported Bugs

    A list of critical bugs still contained in this version is available from Bugzilla. On the other hand, the list of critical bugs fixed in this version is available from Bugzilla.

    See also the full list of reported bugs since branching.


    The full list of people who have collaborated in this release is here.

    List of fixed bugs

    Bugs fixed compared to 24.2.2 RC1:

    1. cid#1594402 unchecked dynamic_cast [Caolán McNamara]
    2. ofz#67540 negative offset [Caolán McNamara]
    3. ofz#67563 infinite loop [Caolán McNamara]
    4. ofz#67708 ignore oversized colspans [Caolán McNamara]
    5. ofz#67854 UNKNOWN READ [Caolán McNamara]
    6. tdf#63259 It should be possible to use shift + F3 case change (cycle case), when cursor is at the beginning or end of a word and not only in the middle [Oliver Specht]
    7. tdf#81012 FORMATTING: Wrong chapter title in running header/footer after the first page of endnotes [Mike Kaganski]
    8. tdf#92768 support hiding title objects [Julien Nabet]
    9. tdf#93352 UI. RTL: Horizontal scrolling for right-to-left Sheet moves in opposite direction (macOS and Linux) [Patrick Luby]
    10. tdf#103068 New Database Wizard gets confused between ODBC and JDBC connection if you backup twice to step 1. [Mike Kaganski]
    11. tdf#108057 Primary key should default to AutoValue=Yes when type is integer [Mike Kaganski]
    12. tdf#109272 Wrong cursor position when deleting a selection in Show Changes mode [Mike Kaganski]
    13. tdf#129905 Cannot turn off section boundaries with Options-Application Colors [Justin Luth]
    14. tdf#142133 Hyperlinks cannot be clicked / interacted with in PDF export of RTF or DOCX files (comment 9) [Xisco Fauli]
    15. tdf#154072 crash / no effect when clicking some dropdown buttons when toolbar overflows [Caolán McNamara]
    16. tdf#154209 Using "Update entry from selection" button in "Edit Index Entry" switches to "Insert" mode [Heiko Tietze]
    17. tdf#154715 "Edit Fields" for cross-reference fields should open on the type, format, and selection of the inserted field [Caolán McNamara]
    18. tdf#156156 Add Help button to sidebar [Stéphane Guillou]
    19. tdf#156655 Long text in merged cells not painted [Tibor Nagy]
    20. tdf#157258 "Always autocorrect to" deletes the word instead of replacing (affects extensions like Grammalecte, LanguageTool, Antidote) [Caolán McNamara]
    21. tdf#157480 Testing Mail Merge Email settings fails with ssl.SSLCertVerificationError [Caolán McNamara]
    22. tdf#157587 Tabbed UI: Cannot scroll through all Style Preview options with up/down arrow button [Caolán McNamara]
    23. tdf#158556 DOCX Document That Opens/Loads Extremely Slowly [Noel Grandin]
    24. tdf#158773 FILEOPEN PPTX Slow loading of file with lots of unused master pages [Noel Grandin]
    25. tdf#158801 CRASH: after pressing return a few times [Miklos Vajna]
    26. tdf#158986 FILEOPEN: RTF: Extra page break [Miklos Vajna]
    27. tdf#159094 FILESAVE PDF Tagged PDF export of media file fails to create PDF [Tibor Nagy]
    28. tdf#159326 Command-F assigned to both Edit > Find and Edit > Find and Replace menu items in Calc [Patrick Luby]
    29. tdf#159498 Items in Template Manager's "Manage" dropdown should be left-aligned (gtk3) [Caolán McNamara]
    30. tdf#159529 Excessive memory consumption in v24.2 [Patrick Luby]
    31. tdf#159790 jdbcDriverOOo extension causes hang on LibreOffice macOS Arm, requiring force kill [Patrick Luby]
    32. tdf#159805 Printing line style dotted lines (horizontal) turns into dashes. [Noel Grandin]
    33. tdf#159918 A11Y sidebar: Tabs used in TOC create warning [Samuel Mehrbrodt]
    34. tdf#159927 Applied date/time language not detected in insert header/footer dialog [Justin Luth]
    35. tdf#160028 Type to select currency in split button dropdown does not work for gtk3 [Caolán McNamara]
    36. tdf#160057 Document Calc's separate Footer and Header tabs if "Same content on first page" is off [Stéphane Guillou]
    37. tdf#160122 The Options dialog that opens from the Solver dialog could be a bit taller to fit all options [Rafael Lima]
    38. tdf#160139 Header and footer gets removed in Writer and cannot be restored after pasting some text from a shape (steps in comment 2) [Miklos Vajna]
    39. tdf#160159 Spellchecking dialog's main textfield background color does not update on light/dark mode switching (Linux) [Caolán McNamara]
    40. tdf#160162 Hyperlink to Draw page does not update after change in page position, since LO 6.4 [Hossein]
    41. tdf#160192 CRASH when trying to overwrite file in read-only directory when its lock file exists [Julien Nabet]
    42. tdf#160222 LibreOffice 7.6.5 - SF_Session RunApplication crash for unknown reason [Jean-Pierre Ledure]
    43. tdf#160225 "Duplicate Sheet" Causes Axis Label to Appear in Chart [Julien Nabet]
    44. tdf#160260 Draw PDF import shows message "This PDF file is encrypted and can't be opened." if Windows account contains special character [Mike Kaganski]
    45. tdf#160278 XTextRange.setString("𝜇") or any other 32-bit Unicode character breaks the range [Mike Kaganski]
    46. tdf#160301 FILEOPEN: DOC: DOCVARIABLE fields with missing content [Oliver Specht]
    47. tdf#160306 Formatting decimals can result in wrong rounding [Mike Kaganski]
    48. tdf#160342 Unwanted spaces in the printout [Aron Budea]
    49. tdf#160351 The label in the Bibliography formatting menu has been mislabeled for many years. [Mike Kaganski, Julien Nabet]
    50. tdf#160365 Writer: unable to turn off "text boundaries" for frames / tables [Justin Luth]
    51. tdf#160368 Crash on save after deleting sheet [Caolán McNamara]
    52. tdf#160369 Group anchored to cell below hidden row moves to next cell at save (+ visual left behind, so seems unselectable) [Regina Henschel]
    53. tdf#160373 Broken SVG import with fill=none and clippaths [Xisco Fauli]
    54. tdf#160386 All <switch> translations overlap in imported SVG [Xisco Fauli]
    55. tdf#160390 Hang on export of a specific document to HTML [Mike Kaganski]
    56. tdf#160392 Print dialog preview's measurement are black on dark background in dark mode (gtk3) [Caolán McNamara]
    57. tdf#160399 Print Preview freezes with whole row merged in large spreadsheet [Noel Grandin]
    58. tdf#160421 A flipped extruded custom shape is wrongly illuminated [Regina Henschel]
    59. tdf#160430 Rotated text is partially cut off on Windows with Skia disabled [Mike Kaganski]
    60. tdf#160436 Vertically oriented rotated text is partially cut off on Windows with Skia disabled [Mike Kaganski]
    61. tdf#160444 Crash on closing the 3D-Effects Window [Patrick Luby]
    62. tdf#160467 [NEWHELP] CSS issue with Help pages for prism code colorize [Juan José González]
    63. tdf#160478 The Like LO Basic operator does not work correctly if there are certain characters in the string being tested. [Mike Kaganski]
    64. tdf#160526 An as-character object sitting in a line alone hides, when shifted outside of page boundaries, instead of moving to the next page [Mike Kaganski]
    65. tdf#160549 large objects with complex header&footer may cause loop [Mike Kaganski]


    This build contains these translation updates. See credits for each language.