Starting LibreOffice and Components

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    Starting LibreOffice and Components - LibreOffice - under Windows 10 / 11

    LibreOffice start screen - Components

    There are several ways to start LibreOffice and its Components.

    Link to the video

    This video shows how LibreOffice or a Component can be started.

    Link to the video:

    Starting LibreOffice and Components

    Starting LibreOffice and select a Component or document in the LibreOffice start screen

    The possibilities to start LibreOffice are shown below.

    If you started LibreOffice with a double click on the program icon, the LibreOffice start screen appears.

    On the left side you can start one of the LibreOffice Components with one click.

    LibreOffice contains the Components:

    • Writer - Word processing
    • Calc - Spreadsheet
    • Impress - Presentations
    • Draw - Drawings
    • Math - Formula editor
    • Base - Databases

    Or you can click on one of the documents in the overview of the most recently used documents.

    Starting LibreOffice and Components from the desktop

    During the installation of LibreOffice, you can choose to place an icon of LibreOffice on the desktop.

    But you can also bring LibreOffice and its Components to the desktop by searching them in the directory

    C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program

    The file names there are:

    "Shortcut" dialog
    • LibreOffice = soffice.exe
    • Writer = swriter.exe
    • Calc = scalc.exe
    • Impress = simpress.exe
    • Draw = sdraw.exe
    • Math = smath.exe
    • Base = sbase.exe

    Right-click on the LibreOffice file or a Component file and select Create shortcut.

    A "Shortcut" dialog appears with the content text:

    You can now click on Yes.

    The corresponding icon is created on the desktop.

    In this way you can bring the program and all needed Components to the desktop.

    From now on you can start the program or Component with a double click on the icon on the desktop.

    Starting LibreOffice and Components from the taskbar

    Taskbar with LibreOffice and Components

    You can bring LibreOffice and its modules to the taskbar by first searching it in the directory

    C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program

    The file names there are:

    • LibreOffice = soffice.exe
    • Writer = swriter.exe
    • Calc = scalc.exe
    • Impress = simpress.exe
    • Draw = sdraw.exe
    • Math = smath.exe
    • Base = sbase.exe

    Right-click on the LibreOffice file or a Component file and select Pin to taskbar.

    In this way you can bring the program and all needed Components to the taskbar.

    From now on you can start the program or Component by clicking on the icon in the task bar.

    "Run" dialog

    Start LibreOffice and Components using Start menu

    Click on the 202003 LOHBEN Windows start window.png Windows Start icon in the lower left corner of the screen.

    Then start typing "LibreOffice", or "Writer", or "Calc", etc.

    Then click on the suggested program, or one of the recent documents opened with that suggested program (shown to the right).

    Start LibreOffice and Components by execution command

    Right-click on the 202003 LOHBEN Windows start window.png Windows Start icon in the lower left corner of the screen.

    Then select Run.

    The "Run" dialog appears.

    If you e.g. to open Calc, enter the full path including the file name:

    C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\scalc.exe

    Starting this way has the advantage that different parameters can be transferred.


    In the entry line for the search, enter: Parameters

    Then click there on the left parameters -- command line.

    Example parameters: " --nologo", disables the start screen at program start.

    Example Calc start without start screen: C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\scalc.exe --nologo

    File association

    The ODF files e.g. generated by LibreOffice are normally also assigned to the LibreOffice program.

    However, especially after major updates from Windows, it has happened that the file associations were incorrect (mostly an association with M$ Office).

    In these cases, the file allocation for each Component may have to be done once.

    The process for a file assignment to Libreoffice can be found here:

    Open File with LibreOffice

    Note pin.svg

    File associations changed by Windows updates are not caused by LibreOffce.

    Start a Component by double-clicking on a file symbol

    The files assigned to the LibreOffice program are displayed in the file explorer with the corresponding icons.

    Double-click one of these files, e.g. an ODT file, it is displayed in the Writer Component and can be edited.

    Further information

    Offline help per Component

    Documentation / Manuals

    Here you will find the Documentation / Manuals:

    Documentation / Manuals

    Any questions?

    For questions on this topic go to:


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