Talk:Documentation/Calc Functions/LOGINV

    From The Document Foundation Wiki

    SF Comments

    (1) Syntax. Please correct syntax to match help file – Mean and StDev are optional arguments.
    (2) Returns. I suspect that the value returned is always positive – please check.
    (3) Arguments, general. For consistency, suggest change “standard logarithmic” to “log-normal” (three occurrences).
    (4) Arguments, 1st bullet. Insert “or” before “equal” (two occurrences).
    (5) Arguments, general. No mention of handling non-numeric arguments. Do not forget to mention the default values for optional arguments.
    (6) Additional details. Insert “if” after “that”. Also is it worth referencing the log-normal Wikipedia page?
    (7) Examples, 1st example. “inverse” spelt incorrectly.
    (8) Examples, 2nd and 3rd examples. Insert “or” before “equal” (two occurrences).

    --Stevefanning (talk) 2020-10-24T22:02:10 (UTC)