Drawing a trapezoid in LibreOffice

    From The Document Foundation Wiki
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    symmetrical Trapez


    The video shows ″How to draw a Trapezoid″ in LibreOffice, and links to this page here for more information and details.

    Link to the Video

    Link to the Video (in German [DE]):

    Ein Trapez zeichnen

    Draw a trapezoid

    You can draw a trapezoid in the Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw and Base components.

    In this example, you will work with Draw.

    Choose View ▸ Toolbars ▸ Drawing from the menu.

    On the Draw toolbar, for Basic Shapes, select the Trapezoid icon and draw a trapezoid.

    The trapezoid is inserted in as a drawing object.

    In the sidebar ( Ctrl + F5 ) at "Properties" you can enter the desired dimensions for the trapezoid at "Position and Size".

    For example, enter 6 cm for the width of the trapezoid (this corresponds to the top line).

    For the height, enter 5 cm.

    Now, to determine the lower parallel line, select the trapezoid.

    The marked trapezoid has a point in the lower left corner.

    This sets the lower line width.

    But to get an exact measure for the lower line a dimension line in the desired width is drawn as a help.

    In our example 4 cm.

    Select the trapezoid and the measurement line.

    Right-click and choose Align objects ▸ Centered from the context menu.

    Now select the trapezoid.

    Hold the point of the lower left corner with the left mouse button and drag it to the left or right.

    The two ends of the lower trapezoid line move outward or inward.

    Increase the zoom level to adjust more precisely.

    Move the point until the bottom line of the trapezoid corresponds to the given dimension line of 4 cm.

    Further Informations

    Example files

    "Drawing a symmetrical trapezoid.odg (DE)"

    "Trapez.pdf" With formula representation.

    Question on AskLibreOffice

    Drawing Trapezoid with both width measurement

    Documentation / Manuals

    Here you will find the Documentation / Manuals:

    Documentation / Manuals

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