Insert a watermark in Writer

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    "Watermark" dialog

    The video "Inserting a watermark" links to this page, which contains further informations.

    This video shows how to insert a watermark in Writer.

    This description refers to LibreOffice versions.

    Link to the video

    Link to the video (in German [DE]):

    Ein Wasserzeichen einfügen in Writer - LibreOffice

    Insert watermark

    Whether secret files, confidential or just a text draft, there is often the desire to mark documents accordingly with a watermark.

    With LibreOffice, digital watermarks can be created as text on the computer.

    On the genesis of watermarksWikipedia logo v3.svg.

    Insert text as a watermark

    We open Writer.

    In the menu we choose Format ▸ Watermark….

    The "Watermark" dialog appears.

    In the field for the text we write "CONFIDENTIAL".

    In the field "Font" we select the font "GOOD TIMES".

    The other specifications for "Angle = 45 °", "Transparency = 50%" and "Color = # C0C0C0" can be retained or changed as desired.

    You click on OK.

    Sample page with text "VERTRAULICH" [DE] = ("CONFIDENTIAL").

    The word "CONFIDENTIAL" is then also displayed on all subsequent pages.

    Possible texts as watermarks

    Instead of the above-mentioned text CONFIDENTIAL any other text and any other font can be used.

    Here are some common examples:

    • Example
    • Draft
    • Secret
    • Copy
    • Do not copy
    • Not public
    • Original
    • Private
    • Top secret
    • Confidential

    Further Informations

    See also description and video for Ein_Wasserzeichen_einfuegen - an older LO-Version [DE].

    Documentation / Manuals

    Here you will find the Documentation / Manuals:

    Documentation / Manuals

    Any questions?

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