Windows Access Bridge Single-User Install

    From The Document Foundation Wiki

    This page was marked as inactive and is retained for historical reference.
    This "Bridge" was replaced by LibreOffice 4.X and is only available in LibreOffice before 4.0.


    • You should have a JRE (or JDK) 1.5 or newer installed.
    • You should get the Java Access Bridge for Windows. What you get is an executable file that starts an InstallShield installer.


    • Start the executable, you will get a prompt that you have to be administrator to install. Do not confirm this dialog yet. (You can also use a parameter, e.g. /x or /Va to force the installer to bring up some dialog that has to be confirmed before the temporary files are removed).
    • Go to your Temporary folder. There you should find a directory starting with _is.
    • Inside this directory there is an .msi package. Copy this package somewhere else.
    • Quit the installation by confirming the dialog of the installer.
    [h:\download]cd %TEMP%  
    [D:\temp]dir _is*   
    Volume in drive C is unlabeled      
    Serial number is 006F:2A2C  
    Directory of  D:\Temp\_is*   
    5/09/2007  13:13         <DIR>    _is14E2               
    0 bytes in 0 files and 1 dir  47,695,204,352 bytes free  
    [D:\temp]cd _is14E2\  
    Volume in drive C is unlabeled      
    Serial number is 006F:2A2C  
    Directory of  D:\Temp\_is14E2\*   
    5/09/2007  13:13         <DIR>    .  
    5/09/2007  13:13         <DIR>    ..  
    5/09/2007  13:13           4,632  0x0409.ini  
    5/09/2007  13:13       1,953,280  Java Access Bridge.msi  
    5/09/2007  13:13           1,209  Setup.INI  
    5/09/2007  13:13             187  _ISMSIDEL.INI       
    1,959,308 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    
    1,970,176 bytes allocated  
    47,695,204,352 bytes free  
    [D:\temp\_is14e2]copy "Java Access Bridge.msi" D:\Temp 
    D:\Temp\_is14E2\Java Access Bridge.msi => D:\Temp\Java Access Bridge.msi      
    1 file copied  
    [D:\temp\_is14e2]cd ..  
    • Now, you can unpack the files of the .msi package by starting the installer with the /a option. Note, that you need administrative permissions or some kind of sudo even for that. You will get a dialog with a destination folder. The files are then installed into that folder instead of into %PROGRAMFILES%\Java\jre_xxx\lib. Now you have the necessary files to use the Java Access Bridge.

    Using the Access Bridge with LibreOffice

    • Copy the file to %UserProfile% and add a dot at the beginning of the filename (the Unix-convention for rc files residing in your home directory).
    copy %UserProfile%\  
    • Copy the *.dll files into the program folder of your LibreOffice installation.
    copy *.dll D:\MyLibreOfficeInstallation\program  
    • copy the *.jar files somewhere, e.g. the classes subdirectory of the LibreOffice program directory.
    copy *.jar D:\MyLibreOfficeInstallation\program\classes  
    • Start LibreOffice.
    • Go to Tools/Options/Java. You should get with accessibility support in the Features column of the list of Java installations next to all of them. Select the latest Java installation that has the accessibility support.
    • Click on the Class Path ... button. Add the following two files with the Add Archive button D:\MyOOoInstallation\program\classes\access-bridge.jar and D:\MyOOoInstallation\program\classes\jaccess-1_4.jar. Note that the latter might be renamed in newer versions of the bridge. Just take the version smaller or equal than the Java version you installed and selected for usage in LibreOffice.
    • Go to Tools/Options/Accessibility and check the box near Support assistive technologies support.
    • Restart LibreOffice
    • Verify that the check box you set is still set in Tools/Options/Accessibility. If so, you are done. Else, I am sorry, then something went wrong.
    • Note that you might get problems when starting LibreOffice out of a debugger, because then the necessary dlls for the access bridge may not be found. Copying the dlls into the bin directory of your local solver environment might help in this case.