
    From The Document Foundation Wiki

    LibreOffice contains various pieces of code written in Java. Some of these pieces are currently being replaced/rewritten, but it is likely that LibreOffice will contain Java code for quite some time.

    What pieces of LibreOffice are written in Java?

    Some basic GNU/Linux tools can be run over the source code to report on various aspects relating to Java usage. Each example command below has been run against an extracted copy of the v4.2.6.3 archived (tar/7z) source tree.

    Which directories contain *.java files?

    You can count the number of *.java files this way:

    git ls-files *.java|awk -F/ {'print $1'}|uniq -c|sort -bg

    This is the preliminary result, counting each and every folder of LibreOffice core source code:

    1 chart2
          1 cli_ure
          1 comphelper
          1 cppuhelper
          1 jurt
          1 jvmaccess
          1 jvmfwk
          1 sw
          1 unoxml
          1 xmlsecurity
          2 bridges
          2 codemaker
          2 linguistic
          3 reportdesign
          3 smoketest
          3 stoc
          4 filter
          4 sot
          6 ure
          7 sc
          8 extensions
          8 svl
          9 desktop
          9 testtools
         10 unotest
         11 embeddedobj
         12 javaunohelper
         12 sfx2
         12 swext
         16 ucb
         17 dbaccess
         24 bean
         31 framework
         33 connectivity
         35 forms
         38 nlpsolver
         48 package
         57 scripting
         63 toolkit
         96 android
        116 wizards
        129 ridljar
        159 reportbuilder
        232 odk
       1226 qadevOOo

    Note that very little of this Java code is actually part of the shipped product. Most of these lines of code are actually only test code from the $MODULE/qa and $MODULE/test subdirectories. A more relevant analysis would exclude those subdirectories as they are never shipped with the product.

    git ls-files *.java|grep -Ev '\/qa\/|\/test\/'|awk -F/ {'print $1'}|uniq -c|sort -bg

    The list then becomes:

    1 jurt
          1 jvmaccess
          1 jvmfwk
          1 xmlsecurity
          2 bridges         # modules that provide the bridge to Java itself -- little to no LO core functionality by itself
          3 smoketest
          6 ure
          7 testtools
          9 connectivity    # remaining core functionality -- mostly hsqldb 1.8 driver for LO Base default database (~3 KLOC)
         12 swext
         19 bean            # extensions and scripting -- little to no LO core functionality by itself
         38 nlpsolver
         57 scripting
         96 android         # android port -- not part of the core product
        102 ridljar
        116 wizards         # seems to be dead code only really by now
        159 reportbuilder
        230 odk
       1225 qadevOOo        # various forms of integration tests -- little to no LO core functionality by itself

    For a comprehensive list of directories:

    git ls-files *.java|sed 's/[^/]*.java$//'|uniq -c|sort -bg

    Output (last 10 lines) from the above sed/sort commands, using tail, which shows the top 10 directories with the most .java files is:

    35 android/source/src/java/org/mozilla/gecko/gfx/
         37 package/qa/storages/
         41 qadevOOo/tests/java/mod/_forms/
         43 qadevOOo/tests/java/mod/_sc/
         45 toolkit/test/accessibility/
         49 qadevOOo/tests/java/ifc/drawing/
         58 qadevOOo/tests/java/ifc/awt/
         68 qadevOOo/tests/java/ifc/text/
         73 qadevOOo/tests/java/mod/_toolkit/
         74 qadevOOo/tests/java/mod/_sw/

    For the complete list, please see Development/Java/Directories containing .java files

    How many lines of java source code in each main directory?

    It is worth using cloc to count the lines of code easily:

    for i in $(git ls-files *.java|awk -F/ {'print $1'}|uniq);
        cloc --quiet --include-lang=Java $i|grep Java|awk -v i=$i '{print $5"\t"i}';
    done | sort -bg

    Output from above grep/sed commands, after sorted by the number of lines:

    28	jvmfwk
    45	jurt
    50	jvmaccess
    59	cli_ure
    71	sw
    98	stoc
    120	smoketest
    137	xmlsecurity
    143	ure
    175	sot
    201	bridges
    239	cppuhelper
    275	linguistic
    346	reportdesign
    370	comphelper
    430	svl
    519	unotest
    579	codemaker
    622	desktop
    684	filter
    719	chart2
    769	extensions
    1126	ucb
    1653	testtools
    1743	sc
    1817	unoxml
    2099	embeddedobj
    2133	sfx2
    2373	nlpsolver
    2913	dbaccess
    2924	javaunohelper
    3035	bean
    3075	connectivity
    3233	swext
    4285	forms
    5207	framework
    7874	scripting
    8525	toolkit
    9158	package
    12114	android
    14644	reportbuilder
    15071	ridljar
    27332	wizards
    34584	odk
    86454	qadevOOo

    Total number of lines is reported with this command, which outputs ~260K LOC at the moment.

    cloc --quiet --include-lang=Java `git ls-files *.java|awk -F/ {'print $1'}|uniq`

    Java use (as a percentage) in each LibreOffice end-of-train release, is also available in the Ask thread Is there any plan to ditch Java in the future and use only C/C++ code?. Note though that very little of this Java code is actually part of the shipped product. Most of these lines of code are actually only testcode from the $MODULE/qa subdirectory. A more relevant analysis would exclude that subdirectories as they are never shipped with the product.

    Which directories contain *.jar files?

    find -type f -name "*.jar"

    Output from above find/sort commands contains > 170 files at the moment. These are files from all over the code base, generated files in instdir/ and also external/.

    These are the *.jar files, only from the source tree itself:

    git ls-files *.jar

    The output contains only 3 files:


    Building LibreOffice without Java

    Compile LibreOffice with the flag --without-java

    Suggestion to Remove Java Components

    Per Development/Crazy Ideas,

    Some think java is a slow memory hog, others think it is a legal swamp that invites lawsuits. Neither might be true, but some developers have nevertheless expressed their desire to remove Java usage in LO over time.
