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    Berekent de waarschijnlijkheid dat een bezit een vooraf bepaalde barrièreprijs bereikt, met behulp van het Black-Scholes-optiewaarderingsmodel.


    OPT_PROB_HIT(Spot; Beweeglijkheid; Drift; Vervaldatum; Ondergrens; Bovengrens)


    Retourneert een reëel getal in het bereik [0, 1], de kans dat een beziteen vooraf bepaalde prijs bereikt voor een optie met de opgegeven kenmerken.


    Spot is a positive real number, or a reference to a cell containing that number, which is the current market price of the underlying asset.

    Volatility is a positive real number (expressed as a percentage, such as 2.5%, or a decimal fraction, such as 0.025), or a reference to a cell containing that number, which is the estimated annual volatility of the underlying asset.

    Drift is a real number (expressed as a percentage, such as 2.5%, or a decimal fraction, such as 0.025), or a reference to a cell containing that number, which is the annual stock price percentage drift rate.

    Maturity is a non-negative real number, or a reference to a cell containing that number, which is the time to maturity of the option in years.

    Lower barrier is a real number, or a reference to a cell containing that number, which is the predetermined lower barrier price. This should be set to zero for no lower barrier.

    Upper barrier is a real number, or a reference to a cell containing that number, which is the predetermined upper barrier price. This should be set to zero for no upper barrier.

    • Als een argument niet-numeriek is, retourneert OPT_PROB_HIT als foutcode #WAARDE!
    • Als Spot of Beweeglijkheid kleiner is dan of gelijk is aan 0,0, dan retourneert OPT_PROB_HIT als foutcode Ongeldig argument (Fout:502).
    • Als Vervaldatum kleiner is dan 0,0, retourneert OPT_PROB_HIT als foutcode Ongeldig argument (Fout:502).

    Aanvullende details:

    Details specific to OPT_ PROB_HIT function


    General information about Calc's option valuation functions

    Note pin.svg

    For convenience, the information in this subsection is repeated on all pages describing Calc’s option valuation functions.

    • In finance, an option is a contract that provides the right to purchase or sell an asset at a predetermined price in a specific time-frame. More background information can be found on Wikepedia's Option (finance) page and in the sources that it references.
    • Calc provides four functions that can be used in the valuation of financial options and these are:
    • OPT_BARRIER – calculates the pricing for a barrier option.
    • OPT_TOUCH – calculates the pricing for a touch / no-touch option.
    • OPT_PROB_INMONEY – calculates the probability that an asset will end up between two barrier levels at maturity.
    • OPT_PROB_HIT – calculates the probability that an asset hits a predetermined barrier price.
    • Such functions are not specified in ODF 1.2 and are not available in other popular spreadsheet applications.
    • These four functions are based on an implementation of the widely-used Black-Scholes pricing model, which assumes that the value of the underlying asset can be modeled as a geometric Brownian motion. The mathematics behind this model is beyond the scope of this wiki but more information can be found on Wikipedia's Black–Scholes model page and in the sources that it references.


    Formule Beschrijving Retourneert
    =OPT_PROB_HIT(B1; B2; B3; B4; B5; B6) waarbij de cellen B1:B6 respectievelijk de waarden 30, 20%, 15%, 1, 0 en 40 bevatten. Hier berekent de functie de waarschijnlijkheid dat het beziteen vooraf bepaalde prijs bereikt van 33,4%. 0,334478013926324
    =OPT_PROB_HIT(70; 0,3; 0,1; 0,5; 60; 0) Hier berekent de functie de waarschijnlijkheid dat het bezit een vooraf bepaalde prijs bereikt van 42,4%. 0,423889647113691

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