LibreOffice Developer's Guide: Chapter 9 - Drawing Documents and Presentation Documents

    From The Document Foundation Wiki

    Draw and Impress are vector-oriented applications with the ability to create drawings and presentations. The drawing capabilities of Draw and Impress are identical. Both programs support a number of different shape types, such as rectangle, text, curve, or graphic shapes, that can be edited and arranged in various ways. Impress offers a presentation functionality where Draw does not. Impress is the ideal application to create and show presentations. It supports special presentation features, such as an enhanced page structure, presentation objects, and many slide transition and object effects. Draw is especially adapted for printed or standalone graphics, whereas Impress is optimized to fit screen dimensions and offers effects for business presentations.

    The following diagrams show the document structure of Draw and Impress Documents.

    In contrast to text documents and spreadsheet documents, the main content of drawing and presentation documents are their draw pages. Therefore the illustrations show the draw page container as integral part of the drawing and presentation document model. The drawing elements on the draw pages have to be created by the document service manager and are added to the draw pages afterwards.

    Note the master pages and the layer manager, which are specific to drawings and presentations. Like for texts and spreadsheets, a controller is used to present the drawing in the GUI and services for styles and layout are available to handle overall document features such as styles.

    Drawing Document Overview

    In addition to drawing documents, a presentation document has special presentation aspects, which are shown on the lower left of the illustration below. There is a presentation supplier to obtain a presentation object, which is used to start and stop presentations, it is possible to edit and run custom presentations and the page layout for presentation handouts is accessible through a handout master supplier.

    Presentation Document Overview

    Example: Creating a Simple Organizational Chart

    The following example creates a simple organizational chart with two levels. It consists of five rectangle shapes and four connectors that connect the boxes on the second level with the root box on the first level.

    Sample Organigram

    The method getRemoteServiceManager() that is used in the example connects to the office. The First Steps discussed this method. First an empty drawing document is loaded and retrieves the draw page object of slide number 1 to find the page dimensions. Then the organigram data is prepared and the shape sizes are calculated. The shapes are added in a for loop that iterates over the organigram data, and connectors are added for all shapes on the second level of the organigram.

    public void drawOrganigram() throws java.lang.Exception {
        xRemoteServiceManager = this.getRemoteServiceManager(
        Object desktop = xRemoteServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
            "", xRemoteContext);
        XComponentLoader xComponentLoader = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XComponentLoader.class, desktop);
        PropertyValue[] loadProps = new PropertyValue[0];
        XComponent xDrawComponent = xComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL(
            "private:factory/sdraw", "_blank", 0, loadProps);
        // get draw page by index xDrawPagesSupplier =
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface(, xDrawComponent ); xDrawPages = xDrawPagesSupplier.getDrawPages();
        Object drawPage = xDrawPages.getByIndex(0); xDrawPage = (
      , drawPage);
        // find out page dimensions xPageProps = (
      , xDrawPage);
        int pageWidth = AnyConverter.toInt(xPageProps.getPropertyValue("Width"));
        int pageHeight = AnyConverter.toInt(xPageProps.getPropertyValue("Height"));
        int pageBorderTop = AnyConverter.toInt(xPageProps.getPropertyValue("BorderTop"));
        int pageBorderLeft = AnyConverter.toInt(xPageProps.getPropertyValue("BorderLeft"));
        int pageBorderRight = AnyConverter.toInt(xPageProps.getPropertyValue("BorderRight"));
        int drawWidth = pageWidth - pageBorderLeft - pageBorderRight;
        int horCenter = pageBorderLeft + drawWidth / 2;
        // data for organigram
        String[][] orgUnits = new String[2][4];
        orgUnits[0][0] = "Management"; // level 0
        orgUnits[1][0] = "Production"; // level 1
        orgUnits[1][1] = "Purchasing"; // level 1
        orgUnits[1][2] = "IT Services"; // level 1
        orgUnits[1][3] = "Sales"; // level 1
        int[] levelCount = {1, 4};
        // calculate shape sizes and positions
        int horSpace = 300;
        int verSpace = 3000;
        int shapeWidth = (drawWidth - (levelCount[1] - 1) * horSpace) / levelCount[1];
        int shapeHeight = pageHeight / 20;
        int shapeX = pageWidth / 2 - shapeWidth / 2;
        int levelY = 0; xStartShape = null;
        // get document factory xDocumentFactory = (
      , xDrawComponent);
        // creating and adding RectangleShapes and Connectors
        for (int level = 0; level <= 1; level++) {
            levelY = pageBorderTop + 2000 + level * (shapeHeight + verSpace);
            for (int i = levelCount[level] - 1; i > -1; i--) {
                shapeX = horCenter -
                        (levelCount[level] * shapeWidth + (levelCount[level] - 1) * horSpace) / 2 +
                        i * shapeWidth + i * horSpace;
                Object shape = xDocumentFactory.createInstance("");
       xShape = (
              , shape);
                xShape.setPosition(new, levelY));
                xShape.setSize(new, shapeHeight));
                // set the text
       xText = (
              , xShape);
                // memorize the root shape, for connectors
                if (level == 0 && i == 0)
                    xStartShape = xShape;
                // add connectors for level 1
                if (level == 1) {
                    Object connector = xDocumentFactory.createInstance(
           xConnector = (
          , connector);
           xConnectorProps = (
                  , connector);
                    xConnectorProps.setPropertyValue("StartShape", xStartShape);
                    xConnectorProps.setPropertyValue("EndShape", xShape);
                    // gluepoint positions: 0=top 1=left 2=bottom 3=right
                    xConnectorProps.setPropertyValue("StartGluePointIndex", Integer.valueOf(2));
                    xConnectorProps.setPropertyValue("EndGluePointIndex", Integer.valueOf(0));

    Handling Drawing Document Files

    Creating and Loading Drawing Documents

    If a document in LibreOffice is required, begin by getting the service from the service manager. The desktop handles all document components in LibreOffice among other things. It is discussed thoroughly in the chapter Office Development. Office documents are often called components because they support the interface. An XComponent is a UNO object that can be disposed explicitly and broadcast an event to other UNO objects when this happens.

    The Desktop loads new and existing components from a URL. The desktop has a interface that has one single method to load and instantiate components from a URL into a frame:

    com::sun::star::lang::XComponent loadComponentFromURL( [in] string aURL,
                                        [in] string aTargetFrameName,
                                        [in] long nSearchFlags,
                                        [in] sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > aArgs )

    The parameters in our context are the URL that describes the resource to be loaded, and the load arguments. For the target frame pass in "_blank" and set the search flags to 0. In most cases, you will not want to reuse an existing frame.

    The URL can be a file: URL, an http: URL, an ftp: URL or a private: URL. The correct URL format is located in the load URL box at the function bar of LibreOffice. For new Draw documents, a special URL scheme is used. The scheme is "private:", followed by "factory" as the hostname and the resource is "sdraw" for LibreOffice Draw documents. Thus, for a new Draw document, use "private:factory/sdraw".

    The load arguments are described in The properties AsTemplate and Hidden are boolean values and used for programming. If AsTemplate is true, the loader creates a new untitled document from the given URL. If it is false, template files are loaded for editing. If Hidden is true, the document is loaded in the background. This is useful to generate a document in the background without letting the user observe what is happening. For instance, use it to generate a document and print it out without previewing. Refer to Office Development or other available options.

    The introductory example shows how to load a drawing document. This snippet loads a new drawing document in hidden mode:

    // the method getRemoteServiceManager is described in the chapter First Steps
    mxRemoteServiceManager = this.getRemoteServiceManager();
    // retrieve the Desktop object, we need its XComponentLoader
    Object desktop = mxRemoteServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
        "", mxRemoteContext);
    // query the XComponentLoader interface from the Desktop service
    XComponentLoader xComponentLoader = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XComponentLoader.class, desktop);
    // define load properties according to
    // the boolean property Hidden tells the office to open a file in hidden mode
    PropertyValue[] loadProps = new PropertyValue[1];
    loadProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
    loadProps[0].Name = "Hidden";
    loadProps[0].Value = Boolean.TRUE;
    /* or simply create an empty array of structs:
        PropertyValue[] loadProps = new PropertyValue[0]
    // load xComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL(
        "private:factory/sdraw", "_blank", 0, loadProps);

    Saving Drawing Documents

    The normal File – Save command for drawing documents can only store the current document in the native LibreOffice Draw format and its predecessors. There are other formats that can be stored through the File – Export option. This is mirrored in the API. Exporting in the current version of LibreOffice Draw and Impress is a different procedure than storing.


    Documents are storable through their interface The Office Development discusses this in detail. An XStorable implements these operations:

    boolean hasLocation()
    string getLocation()
    boolean isReadonly()
    void store()
    void storeAsURL( [in] string aURL,
        [in] sequence < com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > aArgs)
    void storeToURL( [in] string aURL,
        [in] sequence < com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > aArgs)

    The method names should be evident. The method storeAsUrl() is the exact representation of File - Save As, that is, it changes the current document location. In contrast, storeToUrl() stores a copy to a new location, but leaves the current document URL untouched. There are also store arguments. A filter name can be passed that tells LibreOffice to use older StarOffice Draw file formats. Exporting is a different matter as shown below. The property needed is FilterName which is a string argument that takes filter names defined in the configuration file:


    In TypeDetection.xml, find <Filter/> elements, their cfg:name attribute contains the required strings for FilterName. The correct filter name for StarDraw 5.x files is "StarDraw 5.0". The following is the element in TypeDetection.xml that describes the StarDraw 5.0 document filter:

    <Filter cfg:name="StarDraw 5.0">
        <Installed cfg:type="boolean">true</Installed>
        <UIName cfg:type="string" cfg:localized="true">
            <cfg:value xml:lang="en-US">StarDraw 5.0</cfg:value>
        <Data cfg:type="string">

    The following method stores a document using this filter:

    /** Store a document, using the StarDraw 5.0 Filter */
    protected void storeDocComponent(XComponent xDoc, String storeUrl) throws java.lang.Exception {
        XStorable xStorable = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class, xDoc);
        PropertyValue[] storeProps = new PropertyValue[1];
        storeProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
        storeProps[0].Name = "FilterName";
        storeProps[0].Value = "StarDraw 5.0";
        xStorable.storeAsURL(storeUrl, storeProps);

    If an empty array of PropertyValue structs is passed, the native .odg format of LibreOffice is used.


    Exporting is not a feature of drawing documents. There is a separate service available from the global service manager for exporting, It supports three interfaces:, and


    Exporting is a simple process. After getting a GraphicExportFilter from the ServiceManager, use its XExporter interface to inform the filter which draw page, shape or shape collection to export.

    Method of

    void setSourceDocument ( [in] com::sun::star::lang::XComponent xDoc)

    The method name setSourceDocument() may be confusing. Actually, the method would allow exporting entire documents, however, it is only possible to export draw pages, single shapes or shape collections from a drawing document. Since these objects support the XComponent interface, the method specification allows maximum flexibility.

    Next, run the method filter() at the XFilter interface. To interrupt the exporting process, call cancel() on the same interface.

    Methods of

    boolean filter( [in] sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > aDescriptor)
    void cancel()

    Filter Options

    The method filter() takes a sequence of PropertyValue structs describing the filter parameters. The following properties from the are supported:

    Properties of supported by GraphicExportFilter
    MediaType Depending on the export filters supported by this component, this is the mime type of the target graphic file. The mime types currently supported are:

    image/x-MS-bmp application/dxf application/postscript image/gif image/jpeg image/png image/x-pict image/x-pcx image/x-portable-bitmap image/x-portable-graymap image/x-portable-pixmap image/x-cmu-raster image/targa image/tiff image/x-xbitmap image/x-xpixmap image/svg+xml

    FilterName This property can been used if no MediaType exists with "Windows Metafile" or "Enhanced Metafile". FilterName has to be set to the extension of these graphic formats (WMF, EMF, BMP).
    URL The target URL of the file that is created during export.
    Note pin.svg

    If necessary, use the interface XMimeTypeInfo to get all mime types supported by the GraphicExportFilter. It offers the following methods:

    boolean supportsMimeType( [in] string MimeTypeName )
    sequence< string > getSupportedMimeTypeNames()

    XMimeTypeInfo is currently not supported by the GraphicExportFilter.

    The following example exports a draw page xPage from a given document xDrawDoc:

    //get draw pages xPageSupplier = (
        UnoRuntime.queryInterface(, xDrawDoc); xDrawPages = xPageSupplier.getDrawPages();
    // first page
    Object page = xDrawPages.getByIndex(0); xPage = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(, page);
    Object GraphicExportFilter = xServiceFactory.createInstance(
    // use the XExporter interface to set xPage as source component
    // for the GraphicExportFilter
    XExporter xExporter = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XExporter.class, GraphicExportFilter );
    XComponent xComp = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponent.class, xPage);
    // prepare the media descriptor for the filter() method in XFilter
    PropertyValue aProps[] = new PropertyValue[2];
    aProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
    aProps[0].Name = "MediaType";
    aProps[0].Value = "image/gif";
    // for some graphic formats, e.g. Windows Metafile, there is no Mime type,
    // therefore it is also possible to use the property FilterName with
    // Filter names as defined in the file TypeDetection.xml (see "Storing")
    /* aProps[0].Name = "FilterName";
        aProps[0].Value = "WMF - MS Windows Metafile";
    aProps[1] = new PropertyValue();
    aProps[1].Name = "URL";
    aProps[1].Value = "file:///home/images/page1.gif";
    // get XFilter interface and launch the export
    XFilter xFilter = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XFilter.class, GraphicExportFilter);

    Printing Drawing Documents

    Printer and Print Job Settings

    Printing is a common office functionality. Refer to Chapter Office Development for additional information. The Draw document implements the interface for printing. It consists of three methods:

    sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > getPrinter()
    void setPrinter(
        [in] sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > aPrinter)
    void print(
        [in] sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > xOptions)

    To print to the standard printer without settings, use the snippet below with a given document xDoc:

    // query the XPrintable interface from your document
    XPrintable xPrintable = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPrintable.class, xDoc);
    // create an empty printOptions array
    PropertyValue[] printOpts = new PropertyValue[0];
    // kick off printing

    There are two groups of properties involved in general printing. The first one is used with setPrinter() and getPrinter(), and controls the printer, the second one is passed to print() and controls the print job.

    The method getPrinter() returns a sequence of PropertyValue structs describing the printer containing the properties specified in the service It comprises the following properties:

    Properties of
    Name string - Specifies the name of the printer queue to be used.
    PaperOrientation Specifies the orientation of the paper.
    PaperFormat Specifies a predefined paper size or if the paper size is a user-defined size.
    PaperSize Specifies the size of the paper in 1/100 mm.
    IsBusy boolean - Indicates if the printer is busy.
    CanSetPaperOrientation boolean - Indicates if the printer allows changes to PaperOrientation.
    CanSetPaperFormat boolean - Indicates if the printer allows changes to PaperFormat.
    CanSetPaperSize boolean - Indicates if the printer allows changes to PaperSize.

    The PrintOptions offer the following choices for a print job:

    Properties of
    CopyCount short - Specifies the number of copies to print.
    FileName string - If set, specifies the name of a file to print to.
    Collate boolean - Advises the printer to collate the pages of the copies. If true, a whole document is printed prior to the next copy, otherwise copies for each page are completed together.
    Pages string - Specifies the pages to print. It has the same format as in the print dialog of the GUI, for example, 1, 3, 4-7, 9.
    Wait boolean - Advises that the print job should be performed synchronously, i.e. wait until printing is complete before returning from printing. Otherwise return is immediate and following actions (e.g. closing the corresponding model) may fail until printing is complete. Default is false.

    The following method uses PrinterDescriptor and PrintOptions to print to a specific printer, and preselect the pages to print:

    The following method uses both, PrinterDescriptor and PrintOptions, to print to a specific printer and preselect the pages to print:

    protected void printDocComponent(XComponent xDoc) throws java.lang.Exception {
        XPrintable xPrintable = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPrintable.class, xDoc);
        PropertyValue[] printerDesc = new PropertyValue[1];
        printerDesc[0] = new PropertyValue();
        printerDesc[0].Name = "Name";
        printerDesc[0].Value = "5D PDF Creator";
        PropertyValue[] printOpts = new PropertyValue[1];
        printOpts[0] = new PropertyValue();
        printOpts[0].Name = "Pages";
        printOpts[0].Value = "1-4,7";

    In Draw documents, one slide is printed as one page on the printer by default. In the example above, slide one through four and slide seven are printed.

    Special Print Settings

    The printed drawing view (drawings, notes, handout pages, outline), the print quality (color, grayscale), the page options (tile, fit to page, brochure, paper tray) and additional options (page name, date, time, hidden pages) can all be controlled. Settings describes how these settings are used.

    Working with Drawing Documents

    Document Structure

    DrawingDocument Structure

    Draw documents maintain their drawing content on draw pages, master pages and layers. If a new draw document is opened, it contains one slide that corresponds to a service. Switching to Master View brings up the master page handled by the service The Layer View allows access to layers to structure your drawings. These layers can be controlled through and

    Page Handling

    Draw and Impress documents supply their pages (slides) through the interface The method returns a container of draw pages with a interface that is derived from That is, XDrawPages allows accessing, inserting and removing pages of a drawing document:

    type getElementType()
    boolean hasElements()
    long getCount()
    any getByIndex(long Index)
    com::sun::star::drawing::XDrawPage insertNewByIndex(long nIndex)
    void remove(com::sun::star::drawing::XDrawPage xPage)

    The example below demonstrates how to access and create draw and master pages. Layers will be described later.

    XDrawPagesSupplier xDrawPagesSupplier = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XDrawPagesSupplier.class, xComponent);
    // XDrawPages inherits from
    XDrawPages xDrawPages = xDrawPagesSupplier.getDrawPages();
    // get the page count for standard pagesint nPageCount = xDrawPages.getCount();
    // get draw page by index
    XDrawPage xDrawPage = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDrawPage .class,
    /* create and insert a draw page into the given position,
        the method returns the newly created page
    XDrawPage xNewDrawPage = xDrawPages.insertNewByIndex(0);
    // remove the given page
    xDrawPages.remove( xDrawPage );
    /* now repeat the same procedure as described above for the master pages,
        the main difference is to get the XDrawPages from the XMasterPagesSupplier
    XMasterPagesSupplier xMasterPagesSupplier = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XMasterPagesSupplier.class, xComponent);
    XDrawPages xMasterPages = xMasterPagesSupplier.getMasterPages();
    // xMasterPages can now be used in the same manner as xDrawPages is used above

    Each draw page always has one master page. The interface offers methods to get and set the master page that is correlated to a draw page.

    // query for MasterPageTarget
    XMasterPageTarget xMasterPageTarget = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XMasterPageTarget.class, xDrawPage);
    // now we can get the corresponding master page
    XDrawPage xMasterPage = xMasterPageTarget.getMasterPage();
    /* this method now sets a new master page,
        it is important to mention that the applied page must be part of the MasterPages

    It is possible to copy pages using the interface [] of drawing or presentation documents.

    Methods of

    com::sun::star::drawing::XDrawPage duplicate( [in] com::sun::star::drawing::XDrawPage xPage)

    Pass a draw page reference to the method duplicate(). It appends a new draw page at the end of the page list, using the default naming scheme for pages, "slide n".

    Page Partitioning

    All units and dimensions are measured in 1/100th of a millimeter. The coordinates are increasing from left to right, and from top to bottom. The upper-left position of a page is (0, 0).

    The page size, margins and orientation can be determined using the following properties of a draw page (generic draw page):

    Properties of
    Height long - Height of the page.
    Width long - Width of the page.
    BorderBottom long - Bottom margin of the page.
    BorderLeft long - Left margin of the page.
    BorderRight long - Right margin of the page.
    BorderTop long - Top margin of the page.
    Orientation Determines if the printer output should be turned by 90??. Possible values are: PORTRAIT and LANDSCAPE.


    Drawings consist of shapes on draw pages. Shapes are drawing elements, such as rectangles, circles, polygons, and lines. To create a drawing, get a shape by its service name at the ServiceFactory of a drawing document and add it to the appropriate DrawPage.

    The code below demonstrates how to create shapes. It consists of a static helper method located in the class ShapeHelper and will be used throughout this chapter to create shapes. The parameter xComponent must be a reference to a loaded drawing document. The x, y, height and width are the desired position and size, and sShapeType expects a service name for the shape, such as "". The method does not actually insert the shape into a page. It instantiates it and returns the instance to the caller.


    The size and position of a shape can be set before adding a shape to a page. After adding the shape, change the shape properties through

    public static XShape createShape( XComponent xComponent,
        int x, int y, int width, int height, String sShapeType) throws java.lang.Exception {
        // query the document for the document-internal service factory
        XMultiServiceFactory xFactory = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XMultiServiceFactory.class, xComponent);
        // get the given Shape service from the factory
        Object xObj = xFactory.createInstance(sShapeType);
        Point aPos = new Point(x, y);
        Size aSize = new Size(width, height);
        // use its XShape interface to determine position and size before insertion
        xShape = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShape.class, xObj);
        return xShape;


    Notice, the following restrictions: A shape cannot be inserted into multiple pages, and most methods do not work before the shape is inserted into a draw page.

    The previously declared method will be used to create a simple rectangle shape with a size of 10 cm x 5 cm that is positioned in the upper-left, and inserted into a drawing page.

    Simple rectangle shape

    // query DrawPage for XShapes interface
    XShapes xShapes = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShapes.class, xDrawPage);
    // create the shape
    XShape xShape = createShape(xComponent, 0, 0, 10000, 5000, "");
    // add shape to DrawPage
    // set text
    XText xText = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XText.class, xShape );
    xText.setString("My new RectangleShape");
    // to be able to set Properties a XPropertySet interface is needed
    XPropertySet xPropSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xShape);
    xPropSet.setPropertyValue("CornerRadius", Integer.valueOf(1000));
    xPropSet.setPropertyValue("Shadow", Boolean.TRUE);
    xPopSet.setPropertyValue("ShadowXDistance", Integer.valueOf(250));
    xPropSet.setPropertyValue("ShadowYDistance", Integer.valueOf(250));
    // blue fill color
    xPropSet.setPropertyValue("FillColor", Integer.valueOf(0xC0C0C0));
    // black line color
    xPropSet.setPropertyValue("LineColor", Integer.valueOf(0x000000));
    xPropSet.setPropertyValue("Name", "Rounded Gray Rectangle");

    The UML diagram in the illustration below describes all services that are included by the service and provides an overview of properties that can be used with such a simple shape.


    Shape Types


    The following table lists all shapes supported in Draw and Impress documents. They come from the Each shape is based on Additionally, there are five services in the module that most of the shapes have in common:,, and handle shape formatting, whereas controls rotation and shearing. The section General Drawing Properties below discusses shape formatting in more detail. Refer to the section Shape Operations for information on rotation and shearing.

    Note pin.svg

    The service is different from other Text services. It consists of the service and the interface that was introduced in the chapter First Steps. Drawing text does not supports text contents other than paragraphs consisting of character strings.

    An x denotes which of these services are supported by each shape. The rightmost column shows the services, interfaces and properties that are specific for the various shapes.

    ShapeType Text Line Properties Fill Properties Shadow Properties Rotation Descriptor Supported services, Exported interfaces, Properties
    included service:

    included service:

    properties: StartShape EndShape StartPosition EndPosition
    long StartGluePointIndex
    long EndGluePointIndex
    long EdgeLine1Delta
    long EdgeLine2Delta
    long EdgeLine3Delta

    ControlShape exported interface:
    x CircleKind

    long CircleStartAngle
    long CircleEndAngle


    string GraphicURL
    string GraphicStreamURL
    short AdjustLuminance
    short AdjustContrast
    short AdjustRed
    short AdjustGreen
    short AdjustBlue
    double Gamma
    short Transparency GraphicColorMode

    optional properties: GraphicObjectFillBitmap ImageMap

    GroupShape exported interfaces:

    included service:

    included service:

    properties: StartingPosition EndPosition

    OLE2Shape properties:

    string CLSID

    readonly properties: Model
    boolean IsInternal

    included service:

    included service:

    included service:

    included service:


    long CornerRadius


    long CornerRadius

    PluginShape properties:

    string PluginMimeType
    string PluginURL
    sequence< > PluginCommands

    Bezier Shapes

    Draw supports three different kinds of Bezier curves: OpenBezierShape, ClosedBezierShape and PolyPolygonBezierShape. They are all controlled by which is made up of the following properties:

    Properties of
    PolygonKind [readonly] Type of the polygon. Possible values are:

    LINE for a LineShape.

    POLY for a PolyPolygonShape.

    PLIN for a PolyLineShape.

    PATHLINE for an OpenBezierShape.

    PATHFILL for a ClosedBezierShape.

    PolyPolygonBezier struct These are the bezier points of the polygon. The struct members are Coordinates and Flags, which are both sequences of sequences. The Coordinates sequence contains structs and the Flags sequence contains enums. Point members are X and Y. Possible PolygonFlags values are:
    • NORMAL the point is normal, from the curve discussion view.
    • SMOOTH the point is smooth, the first derivation from the curve discussion view.
    • CONTROL the point is a control point, to control the curve from the user interface.
    • SYMMETRIC the point is symmetric, the second derivation from the curve discussion view.
    Geometry These are the untransformed bezier coordinates of the polygon. The property has the same type as PolyPolygonBezier.

    The next Java example will demonstrate how to create a ClosedBezierShape that looks like the following picture.

    Closed bezier shape

    XShape xPolyPolygonBezier = createShape( xComponent, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    // take care of the fact that the shape must have been added
    // to the page before it is possible to apply changes
    XShapes xShapes = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XShapes.class, xDrawPage);
    // now it is possible to edit the PropertySet
    XPropertySet xShapeProperties = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XPropertySet.class, xPolyPolygonBezier);
    // The following values are exemplary and provokes that a PolyPolygon of
    // sixteen single polygons containing four points each is created. The
    // PolyPolygon total point count will be 64.
    // If control points are used they are allowed to appear as pair only,
    // before and after such pair has to be a normal point.
    // A bezier point sequence may look like
    // this (n=normal, c=control) : n c c n c c n n c c n
    int nPolygonCount = 16;
    int nPointCount = 4;
    int nWidth = 10000;
    int nHeight = 10000;
    PolyPolygonBezierCoords aCoords = new PolyPolygonBezierCoords();
    // allocating the outer sequence
    aCoords.Coordinates = new Point[nPolygonCount][];
    aCoords.Flags = new PolygonFlags[nPolygonCount][];
    int i, n, nY;
    // fill the inner point sequence now
    for (nY = 0, i = 0; i < nPolygonCount; i++, nY += nHeight / nPolygonCount) {
        // create a polygon using two normal and two control points
        // allocating the inner sequence
        Point[] pPolyPoints = new Point[nPointCount];
        PolygonFlags[]pPolyFlags = new PolygonFlags[nPointCount];
        for (n = 0; n < nPointCount; n++)
            pPolyPoints[n] = new Point();
        pPolyPoints[0].X = 0;
        pPolyPoints[0].Y = nY;
        pPolyFlags [0] = PolygonFlags.NORMAL;
        pPolyPoints[1].X = nWidth / 2;
        pPolyPoints[1].Y = nHeight;
        pPolyFlags[1] = PolygonFlags.CONTROL;
        pPolyPoints[2].X = nWidth / 2;
        pPolyPoints[2].Y = nHeight;
        pPolyFlags [2] = PolygonFlags.CONTROL;
        pPolyPoints[3].X = nWidth;
        pPolyPoints[3].Y = nY;
        pPolyFlags [3] = PolygonFlags.NORMAL;
        aCoords.Coordinates[i] = pPolyPoints;
        aCoords.Flags[i] = pPolyFlags;
    try {
        xShapeProperties.setPropertyValue("PolyPolygonBezier", aCoords);
    } catch (Exception ex)

    Shape Operations

    You can modify shapes in many different ways:

    • Moving and Scaling
    • Rotating and Shearing
    • Transforming
    • Ordering
    • Grouping, Combining and Binding
    • General Drawing Properties
    • Glue Points and Connectors
    • Layer Handling
    Moving and Scaling

    Moving and scaling of a shape can be done by using the corresponding methods getPosition(), setPosition(), getSize() and setSize() of the interface:

    string getShapeType()
    com::sun::star::awt::Point getPosition()
    void setPosition( [in] com::sun::star::awt::Point aPosition)
    com::sun::star::awt::Size getSize()
    void setSize( [in] com::sun::star::awt::Size aSize)

    Point and Size are IDL structs. In Java, these structs are mapped to classes with constructors that take values for the struct members. Therefore, when new is used to instantiate these classes, the coordinates and dimensions are passed to initialize the class members X, Y, Width and Height.

    Rotating and Shearing

    Most shapes, except OLE and group objects, can be rotated and sheared. All of these objects include the service that has the properties RotateAngle and ShearAngle.

    Setting the rotates or shears a shape:

    Properties of
    RotateAngle long - This is the angle for rotation of this shape in 1/100th of a degree. The shape is rotated counter-clockwise around the center of the bounding box.
    ShearAngle long - This is the amount of shearing for this shape in 1/100th of a degree. The shape is sheared clockwise around the center of the bounding box.
    Note pin.svg

    Notice that the rotation works counter-clockwise, while shearing works clockwise.

    Rotation and Shearing by 25 degrees

    The following example shows how a shape can be rotated by 25 degrees counterclockwise:

    // xShape will be rotated by 25 degrees
        XPropertySet xPropSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XPropertySet.class, xShape );
        xPropSet.setPropertyValue( "RotateAngle", Integer.valueOf( 2500 ) );


    Changing the size, rotation and shearing of an object can be done by using the transformation mechanism provided by LibreOffice. The matrix of our API is a standard homogenous 3x3 matrix that may be used together with the java.awt.geom.AffineTransform class from Java. The transformation received describes the actual values of the transformations as a linear combination of the single matrices. The basic object without transformation has a size of (1, 1) and a position of (0, 0), and is not rotated or sheared. Thus, to transform an object get its matrix and multiply from the left side to influence the current appearance. To set the whole transformation directly, build a combined matrix of the single values mentioned above and apply it to the object.

    XPropertySet xPropSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPropertySet.class, xShape );
    // take the current tranformation matrix
    HomogenMatrix3 aHomogenMatrix3 = (HomogenMatrix3)xPropSet.getPropertyValue("Transformation");
    java.awt.geom.AffineTransform aOriginalMatrix =
    new java.awt.geom.AffineTransform(aHomogenMatrix3.Line1.Column1,
                                    aHomogenMatrix3.Line2.Column3 );
    // rotate the object by 15 degrees
    AffineTransform aNewMatrix1 = new AffineTransform();
    // and translate the object by 2cm on the x-axis
    AffineTransform aNewMatrix2 = new AffineTransform();
    aNewMatrix2.setToTranslation(2000, 0);
    double aFlatMatrix[] = new double[6];aNewMatrix2.getMatrix(aFlatMatrix);
    // convert the flatMatrix to our HomogenMatrix3 structure
    aHomogenMatrix3.Line1.Column1 = aFlatMatrix[0];
    aHomogenMatrix3.Line2.Column1 = aFlatMatrix[1];
    aHomogenMatrix3.Line1.Column2 = aFlatMatrix[2];
    aHomogenMatrix3.Line2.Column2 = aFlatMatrix[3];
    aHomogenMatrix3.Line1.Column3 = aFlatMatrix[4];
    aHomogenMatrix3.Line2.Column3 = aFlatMatrix[5];
    xPropSet.setPropertyValue("Transformation", aHomogenMatrix3);


    The property ZOrder of the service defines the order a shape is drawn. That is, if there are many shapes on a page, the shape that has the lowest ZOrder value is drawn first, and the shape that has the highest ZOrder is drawn last. By using this property it is possible to bring an object to the back or front of a page. It is also possible to switch the order of two shapes as demonstrated in the following example:

    XPropertySet xPropSet1 = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xShape1);
    XPropertySet xPropSet2 = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xShape2);
    // get current positions
    int nOrderOfShape1 = ((Integer)xPropSet1.getPropertyValue("ZOrder")).intValue();
    int nOrderOfShape2 = ((Integer)xPropSet2.getPropertyValue("ZOrder")).intValue();
    // set new positions
    xPropSet1.setPropertyValue("ZOrder", Integer.valueOf(nOrderOfShape2));
    xPropSet2.setPropertyValue("ZOrder", Integer.valueOf(nOrderOfShape1));

    Grouping, Combining and Binding

    The DrawPage plays an important role for the handling of multiple shapes. It has three interfaces for this purpose. Its interface is used to create a group shape from a ShapeCollection and ungroup existing groups.

    Methods of
    group() Parameter: xShapes

    Groups the shapes inside a collection. They must all be inserted into the same GenericDrawPage.

    Returns a recently created GroupShape that contains all shapes from xShapes, and is also added to the GenericDrawPage of the Shapes in xShapes.

    ungroup() Parameter:

    Ungroups a given GroupShape. Moves all Shapes from this GroupShape to the parent XShapes of the GroupShape. The GroupShape is then removed from the GenericDrawPage and disposed.

    The example below creates a group using the interface. For this purpose, the shapes that are to be grouped have to be added to a that is created by the of the global service manager. It is a container of shapes that is accessed using the interface The following example accesses the XShapes interface of the DrawPage to locate two shapes on the DrawPage, and uses the XShapes interface of the ShapeCollection to add these shapes to the ShapeCollection. Finally, it employs the XShapeGrouper interface of the DrawPage to move the shapes from the ShapeCollection into a new GroupShape.

    /* try to group the first two objects of the drawpage */
    // create a container that will receive the
    // shapes that are to be grouped
    Object xObj = xMultiServiceFactory.createInstance("");
    XShapes xToGroup = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShapes.class, xObj);
    // query for the shape collection of xDrawPage
    XShapes xShapes = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShapes.class, xDrawPage);
    // test if the shape collection of the page has at least two shapes
    if (xShapes.getCount() >= 2) {
        // collect shapes we want to group
        xToGroup.add(UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShape.class, xShapes.getByIndex(0)));
        xToGroup.add(UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShape.class, xShapes.getByIndex(1)));
        // now group the shapes we have collected by using the XShapeGrouper
        XShapeGrouper xShapeGrouper = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XShapeGrouper.class, xDrawPage);;

    The service includes and supports two additional interfaces:

    The interface XShapes inherits from, and introduces add() and remove(). It contains the following methods:

    type getElementType()
    boolean hasElements()
    long getCount()
    any getByIndex( [in] long Index)
    void add( [in] com::sun::star::drawing::XShape xShape)
    void remove( [in] com::sun::star::drawing::XShape xShape)

    Methods of

    string getShapeType()
    com::sun::star::awt::Point getPosition()
    void setPosition( [in] com::sun::star::awt::Point aPosition)
    com::sun::star::awt::Size getSize()
    void setSize( [in] com::sun::star::awt::Size aSize)

    It is also possible to create GroupShapes directly without using the XShapeGrouper interface. The following code demonstrates the creation of a that takes up three other shapes.

    // create a group shape first. The size and position does not matter, because
    // it depends to the position and size of objects that will be inserted later
    XShape xGroup = createShape(xComponent, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");
    // before it is possible to insert shapes,
    // the group shape must have been added to the page
    XShapes xShapes = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShapes.class, xDrawPage);
    // query for the XShapes interface, which will take our new shapes
    XShapes xShapesGroup = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShapes.class, xGroup);
    // new shapes can be inserted into the shape collection directly
    xShapesGroup.add( createShape(xComponent, 1000, 1000, 2000, 4000,
    xShapesGroup.add( createShape(xComponent, 8000, 8000, 2000, 2000,
    xShapesGroup.add( createShape(xComponent, 2000, 3000, 7000, 6000,

    The interface combines shapes and is equivalent to Modify - Combine in the user interface.

    Methods of
    combine() Parameter:

    Combines shapes. The shapes inside this container are converted to PolyPolygonBezierShapes and are than combined into one PolyPolygonBezierShape. The shapes in xShape are removed from the GenericDrawPage and disposed.

    Returns a recently created PolyPolygonBezierShape that contains all the converted PolyPolygonBezierShapes combined. It is also added to the GenericDrawPage of the source Shapes.

    split() Parameter:

    Splits shapes. The Shape is converted to a PolyPolygonBezierShape and then split into several PolyPolygonBezierShapes. The shape s in xShape are removed from the GenericDrawPage and disposed.

    The draw page interface draws a connection line between the ending point of a line shape (or curve) to the starting point of another line shape (or curve), merging the connected lines into a single shape object. This function corresponds to Modify - Connect in the user interface. It works for area shapes as well, but the connection line usually can not resolve them.

    Methods of
    bind() Parameter:

    binds shapes together. A container with shapes that will be bound together. All shapes are converted to a PolyPolygonBezierShape and the lines are connected. The Shapes in xShape are removed from the GenericDrawPage and disposed.

    Returns a recently created PolyPolygonBezierShape that contains all line segments from the supplied Shapes. It is also added to the GenericDrawPage of the source Shapes.

    unbind() Parameter:

    breaks a shape into its line segments. The given shape will be converted to a PolyPolygonBezierShape and the line segments of this shape are used to create new PolyPolygonBezierShape shapes. The original shape is removed from its GenericDrawPage and disposed.

    General Drawing Properties

    This chapter introduces the relevant drawing attributes provided by services, such as, and The service is described by listing all its properties, followed by an example that uses and explains some of the properties. Each of the following Java examples assumes an already existing valid shape xShape that has already been inserted into the page.

    Colors are given in Hex ARGB format, a four-byte value containing the alpha, red, green and blue components of a color in the format 0xAARRGGBB. The leading component can be omitted if it is zero. The hex format 0xFF0000 is light red, 0xFF00 is green, and 0xFF is blue.

    Angles must be given in steps of 1/100th of a degree.

    Measures, such as line widths and lengths are given in 100th of a millimeter.

    Properties provided by the service :

    Properties of
    LineStyle This enumeration selects the style of the line.
    LineDash This enumeration selects the dash of the line
    LineColor long - Color of the line.
    LineTransparence short - Degree of transparency.
    LineWidth long - Width of the line in 1/100th of a millimeter.
    LineJoint Rendering of joints between thick lines.
    LineStartName [optional] string - Name of the line that starts poly polygon bezier.
    LineStart [optional] Line starts in the form of a poly polygon bezier.
    LineEnd [optional] Line ends in the form of a poly polygon bezier.
    LineStartCenter [optional] boolean - If true, the line starts from the center of the polygon.
    LineStartWidth [optional] long - Width of the line start polygon.
    LineEndCenter [optional] boolean - If true, the line ends in the center of the polygon.
    LineEndWidth [optional] long - Width of the line end polygon.

    /* create a blue line with dashes and dots */
    XPropertySet xPropSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XPropertySet.class, xShape );
    xPropSet.setPropertyValue( "LineStyle", LineStyle.DASH );
    LineDash aLineDash = new LineDash();
    aLineDash.Dots = 3;
    aLineDash.DotLen = 150;
    aLineDash.Dashes = 3;
    aLineDash.DashLen = 300;
    aLineDash.Distance = 150;
    xPropSet.setPropertyValue( "LineDash", aLineDash );
    xPropSet.setPropertyValue( "LineColor", Integer.valueOf( 0x0000ff ) );
    xPropSet.setPropertyValue( "LineWidth", Integer.valueOf( 200 ) );

    Properties of
    FillStyle This enumeration selects the style that the area is filled with.
    FillColor long - If the FillStyle is set to SOLID, this is the color used.
    FillTransparence short - The transparency of the filled area in percent.
    FillTransparenceGradientName string - This is the name of the transparent gradient style used if a gradient is used for transparency, or it is empty. This style is used to set the name of a transparent gradient style contained in the document.
    FillTransparenceGradient [optional] Transparency of the fill area as a gradient.
    FillGradientName string - If the FillStyle is set to GRADIENT, this is the name of the fill gradient style used.
    FillGradient [optional] If the FillStyle is set to GRADIENT, this describes the gradient used.
    FillHatchName string - If the FillStyle is set to GRADIENT, this is the name of the fill hatch style used.
    FillHatch [optional] If the FillStyle is set to HATCH, this describes the hatch used.
    FillBitmapName string - If the FillStyle is set to BITMAP, this is the name of the fill bitmap style used.
    FillBitmap [optional] If the FillStyle is set to BITMAP, this is the bitmap used.
    FillBitmapURL [optional] string. If the FillStyle is set to BITMAP, this is a URL to the bitmap used.
    FillBitmapOffsetX short - Horizontal offset where the tile starts.
    FillBitmapOffsetY short - Vertical offset where the tile starts. It is given in percent in relation to the width of the bitmap.
    FillBitmapPositionOffsetX short - Every second line of tiles is moved the given percent of the width of the bitmap.
    FillBitmapPositionOffsetY short - Every second row of tiles is moved the given percent of the width of the bitmap.
    FillBitmapRectanglePoint The RectanglePoint specifies the position inside of the bitmap to use as the top-left position for rendering.
    FillBitmapLogicalSize boolean - Specifies if the size is given in percentage or as an absolute value.
    FillBitmapSizeX long - Width of the tile for filling.
    FillBitmapSizeY long - Height of the tile for filling.
    FillBitmapMode Enumeration selects how an area is filled with a single bitmap.
    FillBackground boolean - If true , the transparent background of a hatch filled area is drawn in the current background color.

    /* apply a gradient fill style that goes from top left to bottom
        right and is changing its color from green to yellow */
    XPropertySet xPropSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XPropertySet.class, xShape );
    xPropSet.setPropertyValue( "FillStyle", FillStyle.GRADIENT );
    Gradient aGradient = new Gradient();
    aGradient.Style = GradientStyle.LINEAR;
    aGradient.StartColor = 0x00ff00;
    aGradient.EndColor = 0xffff00;
    aGradient.Angle = 450;
    aGradient.Border = 0;
    aGradient.XOffset = 0;
    aGradient.YOffset = 0;
    aGradient.StartIntensity = 100;
    aGradient.EndIntensity = 100;
    aGradient.StepCount = 10;
    xPropSet.setPropertyValue( "FillGradient", aGradient );

    Properties of
    IsNumbering [optional] boolean - If true, numbering is on for the text of this shape.
    NumberingRules [optional] Describes the numbering levels.
    TextAutoGrowHeight boolean - If true, the height of the shape is automatically expanded or shrunk when text is added or removed from the shape.
    TextAutoGrowWidth boolean - If true, the width of the shape is automatically expanded or shrunk when text is added or removed from the shape.
    TextContourFrame boolean - If true, the left edge of every line of text is aligned with the left edge of this shape.
    TextFitToSize Determines how the text inside of the Shape is stretched to fit in the Shape. Possible values are NONE, PROPORTIONAL, ALLLINES, and RESIZEATTR.
    TextHorizontalAdjust Adjusts the horizontal position of the text inside of the shape.
    TextVerticalAdjust Adjusts the vertical position of the text inside of the shape.
    TextLeftDistance long - Distance from the left edge of the shape to the left edge of the text.
    TextRightDistance long - Distance from the right edge of the shape to the right edge of the text.
    TextUpperDistance long - Distance from the upper edge of the shape to the upper edge of the text.
    TextLowerDistance long - Distance from the lower edge of the shape to the lower edge of the text.
    TextMaximumFrameHeight long - Maximum height of the surrounding frame.
    TextMaximumFrameWidth long - Maximum width of the surrounding frame.
    TextMinimumFrameHeight long - Minimum height of the surrounding frame.
    TextMinimumFrameWidth long - Minimum width of the surrounding frame.
    TextAnimationAmount short - Number of pixels that the text is moved in each animation step.
    TextAnimationCount short - Defines how many times the text animation is repeated.
    TextAnimationDelay short - Delay between the animation steps in thousandths of a second.
    TextAnimationDirection This enumeration defines the direction that the text moves.
    TextAnimationKind Defines the type of animation.
    TextAnimationStartInside boolean. If true, the text is visible at the start of the animation.
    TextAnimationStopInside boolean. If true, the text is visible at the end of the animation.
    TextWritingMode This value selects the writing mode for the text.

    The service includes and Since these services contain optional properties, the properties actually supported by drawing shapes are listed. Refer to the API reference or explanations or Formatting.

    The service includes and Since these services contain many optional properties, we list the properties actually supported by drawing shapes. Please look up the explanations in the API reference or in Formatting. of drawing text
    CharAutoKerning boolean
    CharColor long
    CharContoured boolean
    CharCrossedOut boolean
    CharEmphasis short
    CharEscapement short
    CharEscapementHeight byte
    CharFontCharSet short
    CharFontFamily short
    CharFontName string
    CharFontPitch short
    CharFontStyleName string
    CharHeight float
    CharKerning short
    CharRelief short
    CharScaleWidth short
    CharShadowed boolean
    CharStrikeout short
    CharUnderline short
    CharUnderlineColor long
    CharUnderlineHasColor boolean
    CharWeight float
    CharWordMode boolean

    There are Asian counterparts for a number of character properties. of drawing shapes
    CharFontPitchAsian short
    CharFontStyleNameAsian string
    CharHeightAsian float
    CharWeightAsian float

    There is also a Complex flavor of the same properties: of drawing text
    CharFontPitchComplex short
    CharFontStyleNameComplex string
    CharHeightComplex float
    CharWeightComplex float

    Paragraphs in drawing text support a selection of

    Properties of
    ParaAdjust short
    ParaBottomMargin long
    ParaFirstLineIndent long
    ParaIsHyphenation boolean
    ParaLastLineAdjust short
    ParaLeftMargin long
    ParaRightMargin long
    ParaTabStops sequence < >
    ParaTopMargin long

    And of

    Properties of
    ParaIsCharacterDistance boolean
    ParaIsForbiddenRules boolean
    ParaIsHangingPunctuation boolean

    The next example introduces a method that appends single text portions to a shape. It returns the XPropertySet interface of the text range that has been added.

    /** add text to a shape.
        the return value is the PropertySet of the text range that has been added
    public static XPropertySet addPortion(XShape xShape, String sText, boolean bNewParagraph)
            throws {
        XText xText = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XText.class, xShape);
        XTextCursor xTextCursor = xText.createTextCursor();
        if (bNewParagraph) {
            xText.insertControlCharacter(xTextCursor, ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false);
        XTextRange xTextRange = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextRange.class, xTextCursor);
        XPropertySet xPropSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xTextRange);
        return xPropSet;

    Using the previous method, the next example creates a rectangle shape that has a border of 2.5 cm with the text of two paragraphs is stretched by using the property. The text of the first paragraph is then colored green, and the second red. The Editing Text provides further details of handling text.

    createShape(xComponent, new Point(0,0),
        new Size(21000, 12500), "");
    xShapePropSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xRectangle);
    // TextFitToSize
    xShapePropSet.setPropertyValue("TextFitToSize", TextFitToSizeType.PROPORTIONAL);
    // border size
    xShapePropSet.setPropertyValue("TextLeftDistance", Integer.valueOf(2500));
    xShapePropSet.setPropertyValue("TextRightDistance", Integer.valueOf(2500));
    xShapePropSet.setPropertyValue("TextUpperDistance", Integer.valueOf(2500));
    xShapePropSet.setPropertyValue("TextLowerDistance", Integer.valueOf(2500));
    xTextPropSet = ShapeHelper.addPortion(xRectangle, "using TextFitToSize", false);
    xTextPropSet.setPropertyValue("ParaAdjust", ParagraphAdjust.CENTER);
    xTextPropSet.setPropertyValue("CharColor", Integer.valueOf(0xff00 ));
    xTextPropSet = ShapeHelper.addPortion(xRectangle, "and a Border distance of 2,5 cm", true);
    xTextPropSet.setPropertyValue("CharColor", Integer.valueOf(0xff0000));

    Many shapes cast shadows. The ShadowProperties controls how this shadow looks:

    Properties of
    Shadow boolean - Enables or disables the shadow of a shape.
    ShadowColor long - Color of the shadow of the shape.
    ShadowTransparence short - Defines the degree of transparency of the shadow in percent.
    ShadowXDistance long - Horizontal distance between the left edge of the shape and the shadow.
    ShadowYDistance long - Vertical distance between the top edge of the shape and the shadow.
    Glue Points and Connectors

    By default, there are four gluepoints available that are used within the properties StartGluePointIndex and EndGluePointIndex. If a connector connects to the top, bottom, left or right of a shape, a new gluepoint is not created. The four directions are declared in the following example.

    The first example demonstrates how to create a and connect it to two other shapes using the gluepoint index property.

    XDrawPagesSupplier xDrawPagesSupplier = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XDrawPagesSupplier.class, xComponent);
    XDrawPages xDrawPages = xDrawPagesSupplier.getDrawPages();
    XPage xPage = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDrawPage.class, xDrawPages.getByIndex(0));
    XShapes xShapes = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShapes.class, xPage);
    // create two rectangles
    XShape xShape1 = ShapeHelper.createShape(xDrawDoc, new Point(15000, 1000), new Size(5000, 5000),
    XShape xShape2 = ShapeHelper.createShape(xDrawDoc, new Point(2000, 15000), new Size(5000, 5000),
    // and a connector
    XShape xConnector = ShapeHelper.createShape(xDrawDoc,
        new Point(0, 0), new Size(0, 0), "");
    XPropertySet xConnectorPropSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XPropertySet.class, xConnector);
    // Index value of 0 : the shape is connected at the top
    // Index value of 1 : the shape is connected at the left
    // Index value of 2 : the shape is connected at the bottom
    // Index value of 3 : the shape is connected at the right
    int nStartIndex = 3;
    int nEndIndex = 1;
    // the "StartPosition" or "EndPosition" property needs not to be set
    // if there is a shape to connect
    xConnectorPropSet.setPropertyValue("StartShape", xShape1);
    xConnectorPropSet.setPropertyValue("StartGluePointIndex", Integer.valueOf(nStartIndex));
    xConnectorPropSet.setPropertyValue("EndShape", xShape2);
    xConnectorPropSet.setPropertyValue("EndGluePointIndex", Integer.valueOf(nEndIndex));

    The next example demonstrates the usage of user defined gluepoints.

    XGluePointsSupplier xGluePointsSupplier;
    XIndexContainer xIndexContainer;
    XIdentifierContainer xIdentifierContainer;
    /* take care to use the structure GluePoint2 and not
        GluePoint, because otherwise the XIdentifierContainer
        won't accept it
    GluePoint2 aGluePoint = new GluePoint2();
    aGluePoint.IsRelative = false;
    aGluePoint.PositionAlignment = Alignment.CENTER;
    aGluePoint.Escape = EscapeDirection.SMART;
    aGluePoint.IsUserDefined = true;
    aGluePoint.Position.X = 0;
    aGluePoint.Position.Y = 0;
    // create and insert a gluepoint at shape1
    xGluePointsSupplier = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XGluePointsSupplier.class, xShape1);
    xIndexContainer = xGluePointsSupplier.getGluePoints();
    xIdentifierContainer = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XIdentifierContainer.class, xIndexContainer);
    int nIndexOfGluePoint1 = xIdentifierContainer.insert(aGluePoint);
    // create and insert a gluepoint at shape2
    xGluePointsSupplier = (XGluePointsSupplier)
        UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XGluePointsSupplier.class, xShape2);
    xIndexContainer = xGluePointsSupplier.getGluePoints();
    xIdentifierContainer = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XIdentifierContainer.class, xIndexContainer);
    int nIndexOfGluePoint2 = xIdentifierContainer.insert(aGluePoint);
    // create and add a connector
    XShape xConnector2 = ShapeHelper.createShape(xDrawDoc,
        new Point(0, 0), new Size(0, 0), "");
    xShapes.add( xConnector2 );
    XPropertySet xConnector2PropSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XPropertySet.class, xConnector2);
    xConnector2PropSet.setPropertyValue("StartShape", xShape1);
    xConnector2PropSet.setPropertyValue("StartGluePointIndex", Integer.valueOf(nIndexOfGluePoint1));
    xConnector2PropSet.setPropertyValue( "EndShape", xShape2 );
    xConnector2PropSet.setPropertyValue( "EndGluePointIndex", Integer.valueOf(nIndexOfGluePoint2));

    Layer Handling

    In Draw and Impress, each shape is associated to exactly one layer. The layer has properties that specify if connected shapes are visible, printable or editable.

    The service implements the interface that gives access to the interface. The interface is used to create and edit a layer, and is used to attach a layer to a shape.

    XShapes xShapes = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShapes.class, xPage);
    XShape xRect1 = ShapeHelper.createShape(xComponent, new Point(1000, 1000), new Size(5000, 5000),
    XShape xRect2 = ShapeHelper.createShape(xComponent, new Point(1000, 7000), new Size(5000, 5000),
        "" );
    XPropertySet xTextProp = ShapeHelper.addPortion(xRect2, "this shape is locked", false);
    xTextProp.setPropertyValue("ParaAdjust", ParagraphAdjust.CENTER);
    ShapeHelper.addPortion(xRect2, "and the shape above is not visible", true);
    ShapeHelper.addPortion(xRect2, "(switch to the layer view to gain access)", true);
    // query for the XLayerManager
    XLayerSupplier xLayerSupplier = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XLayerSupplier.class, xComponent);
    XNameAccess xNameAccess = xLayerSupplier.getLayerManager();
    XLayerManager xLayerManager = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XLayerManager.class, xNameAccess);
    // create a layer and set its properties
    XPropertySet xLayerPropSet;
    XLayer xNotVisibleAndEditable = xLayerManager.insertNewByIndex(xLayerManager.getCount());
    xLayerPropSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XPropertySet.class, xNotVisibleAndEditable);
    xLayerPropSet.setPropertyValue("Name", "NotVisibleAndEditable");
    xLayerPropSet.setPropertyValue("IsVisible", Boolean.FALSE);
    xLayerPropSet.setPropertyValue("IsLocked", Boolean.TRUE);
    // create a second layer
    XLayer xNotEditable = xLayerManager.insertNewByIndex(xLayerManager.getCount());
    xLayerPropSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xNotEditable);
    xLayerPropSet.setPropertyValue("Name", "NotEditable" );
    xLayerPropSet.setPropertyValue("IsVisible", Boolean.TRUE);
    xLayerPropSet.setPropertyValue("IsLocked", Boolean.TRUE);
    // attach the layer to the rectangles
    xLayerManager.attachShapeToLayer(xRect1, xNotVisibleAndEditable);
    xLayerManager.attachShapeToLayer(xRect2, xNotEditable);

    Inserting Files

    Currently it is not possible to insert slides from a drawing or presentation into a drawing document through API. To accomplish this, use the Insert – File command from the menu.


    Initially, shapes in a document can only be accessed by their index. The only method to get more information about a shape on the page is to test for the shape type, so it is impossible to identify a particular shape. However, after a shape is inserted, you can name it in the user interface or through the shape interface, and identify the shape by its name after retrieving it by index. Shapes cannot be accessed by their names.

    Searching and replacing text in Drawing documents retrieves the shapes that contain the text that is searched for. For more information, refer to Search and Replace.

    Handling Presentation Document Files

    Creating and Loading Presentation Documents

    The URL that must be used with loadComponentFromURL() for new presentation documents is "private:factory/simpress".

    To avoid the initial dialog in new presentation documents, set the property Silent defined in to true. This property has to be used with the sequence of PropertyValue structs that is passed to loadComponentFromURL().

    The snippet below loads a new presentation document in silent mode:

    // the method getRemoteServiceManager is described in the chapter First Steps
    mxRemoteServiceManager = this.getRemoteServiceManager();
    // retrieve the Desktop object, we need its XComponentLoader
    Object desktop = mxRemoteServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
        "", mxRemoteContext);
    // query the XComponentLoader interface from the Desktop service
    XComponentLoader xComponentLoader = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XComponentLoader.class, desktop);
    // define load properties according to
    // the boolean property Silent tells the office to suppress the impress startup wizard
    PropertyValue[] loadProps = new PropertyValue[1];
    loadProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
    loadProps[0].Name = "Silent";
    loadProps[0].Value = Boolean.TRUE;
    // load xComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL(
        "private:factory/simpress", "_blank", 0, loadProps);

    Printing Presentation Documents

    Presentation documents have the following specific properties to define if the notes and outline view should be printed:

    Properties of
    IsPrintNotes boolean - Specifies if the notes are also printed.
    IsPrintOutline boolean - Specifies if the outline is also printed.

    Settings describes how these settings are used.

    Working with Presentation Documents

    The structure of Impress documents is enhanced by a handout page per document, one notes page per draw page, and one notes master page for each master page. This means that the creation of normal draw and draw master pages automatically create corresponding notes and notes master pages. Due to this fact there are no interfaces for creation or deletion of notes or notes master pages.

    The following UML diagram describes the whole page structure of Impress. The horizontal dotted line illustrates the general page structure lying beneath the dotted line, and the enhanced page structure of Impress lying above.


    Calling getDrawPages() at the interface of a presentation document retrieves a collection of instances with presentation specific properties.

    The following two examples demonstrate how to access the notes pages and the handout page of an Impress document:

    /** in Impress documents each draw page as also each draw master page has
        a corresponding notes page
    static public XDrawPage getNotesPage(XDrawPage xDrawPage) {
        XDrawPage xNotesPage;
        XPresentationPage xPresentationPage = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XPresentationPage.class, xDrawPage);
        /* only Impress pages support the XPresentationPage interface,
            for all other pages the interface will be zero, so a test
            won't hurt
        if (xPresentationPage != null)
            xNotesPage = xPresentationPage.getNotesPage();
        return xNotesPage;

    The notes master page that corresponds to a notes page can be accessed by the interface of the master page.

    /** in impress each document has one handout page */
    static public XDrawPage getHandoutMasterPage(XComponent xComponent) {
        XHandoutMasterSupplier aHandoutMasterSupplier =
                XHandoutMasterSupplier.class, xComponent);
        return aHandoutMasterSupplier.getHandoutMasterPage();

    Presentation Settings

    Impress documents contain a Presentation service that controls a running presentation. This service can be accessed through the interface through the method:

    com::sun::star::presentation::XPresentation getPresentation()

    The method getPresentation() returns a service. It contains properties for presentation settings and the interface

    The presentation settings define the slide range, which custom show is used, and how the presentation is executed. These settings are provided as properties of the service This service also exports the interface that starts and ends a presentation.

    Methods of
    start() Starts the presentation in full-screen mode.
    end() Stops the presentation.
    rehearseTimings() Starts the presentation from the beginning and shows the actual running time to the user.
    Properties of
    AllowAnimations boolean - Enables/disables the shape animations.
    CustomShow string - Contains the name of a customized show that is used for the presentation.
    Presentation:FirstPage string - Contains the name of the page where the presentation is started.
    IsAlwaysOnTop boolean - If true, the window of the presentation is always on top of all the other windows.
    IsAutomatic boolean - If true, all pages are changed automatically.
    IsEndless boolean - If true, the presentation is repeated endlessly.
    IsFullScreen boolean - If true, the presentation runs in full-screen mode.
    IsLivePresentation boolean - With this property, the presentation is set to live mode.
    IsMouseVisible boolean - If true, the mouse is visible during the presentation.
    Pause long - Duration of the black screen after the presentation has finished.
    StartWithNavigator boolean - If true, the Navigator is opened at the start of the presentation.
    UsePen boolean - If true, a pen is shown during presentation.
    IsShowAll boolean - Show all slides.
    IsShowLogo boolean - Show LibreOffice logo on pause page in automatic mode.
    IsTransitionOnClick boolean - Slide change on mouse click, in addition to pressing cursor right.

    The properties IsShowAll, IsShowLogo and IsTransitionOnClick are currently not documented in the API reference.

    The next example demonstrates how to start a presentation that is automatically repeated and plays in full-screen mode by modifying the presentation settings.

    XPresentationSupplier xPresSupplier = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XPresentationSupplier.class, xComponent);
    XPresentation xPresentation = xPresSupplier.getPresentation();
    XPropertySet xPresPropSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XPropertySet.class, xPresentation);
    xPresPropSet.setPropertyValue("IsEndless", Boolean.TRUE);
    xPresPropSet.setPropertyValue("IsFullScreen", Boolean.TRUE);
    xPresPropSet.setPropertyValue("Pause", Integer.valueOf(0));

    Custom Slide Show

    Custom presentations are available at the interface of the presentation document. It contains the method:

    com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer getCustomPresentations()

    The method getCustomPresentations() returns a service that consists of the interfaces and The standard API interface derived from XNameContainer obtains existing Custom Presentations and to add new custom presentations by name. It introduces the methods:

    void replaceByName( [in] string aName, [in] any aElement)
    void insertByName( [in] string aName, [in] any aElement)
    void removeByName( [in] string Name)

    To add a new CustomPresentation, create it using createInstance() at the XSingleServiceFactory interface of the CustomPresentationAccess.

    Methods of

    com::sun::star::uno::XInterface createInstance()
    com::sun::star::uno::XInterface createInstanceWithArguments( [in] sequence< any aArguments >)

    The CustomPresentation is now created. Its content consists of a From the API, it is a named container of selected presentation draw pages. Draw pages can be added to a custom presentation or removed using its interface In addition to the methods of an XIndexAccess, this standard API interface supports the following operations:

    Methods introduced by

    void replaceByIndex( [in] long Index, [in] any Element)
    void insertByIndex( [in] long Index, [in] any Element)
    void removeByIndex( [in] long Index)

    The name of a CustomPresentation is read and written using the interface

    Methods of XNamed:

    string getName()
    void setName( [in] string aName)

    A custom show is a collection of slides in a user-defined order that can be executed as a presentation. It is also possible to use a slide twice or skip slides. For instance, it is possible to create a short version of a presentation and a long version within the same document. The number of custom shows is unlimited.

    The next example demonstrates how to create two custom shows and set one of them as an active presentation.

    XDrawPagesSupplier xDrawPagesSupplier = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XDrawPagesSupplier.class, xComponent);
    XDrawPages xDrawPages = xDrawPagesSupplier.getDrawPages();
    // take care that this document has ten pages
    while (xDrawPages.getCount() < 10)
    // assign a name to each page
    String aNameArray[] = {"Introduction", "page one", "page two", "page three", "page four",
                            "page five", "page six", "page seven", "page eight", "page nine"};
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        XNamed xPageName = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNamed.class, xDrawPages.getByIndex(i));
    /* create two custom shows, one will play slide 6 to 10 and is named "ShortVersion"
        the other one will play slide 2 til 10 and is named "LongVersion"
    XCustomPresentationSupplier xCustPresSupplier = (XCustomPresentationSupplier)
        UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XCustomPresentationSupplier.class, xComponent);
    /* the following container is a container for further container
        which concludes the list of pages that are to play within a custom show
    XNameContainer xNameContainer = xCustPresSupplier.getCustomPresentations();
    XSingleServiceFactory xFactory = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XSingleServiceFactory.class, xNameContainer);
    Object xObj;
    XIndexContainer xContainer;
    /* instanciate an IndexContainer that will take
        a list of draw pages for the first custom show
    xObj = xFactory.createInstance();
    xContainer = (XIndexContainer)
        UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XIndexContainer.class, xObj);
    for (i = 5; i < 10; i++)
        xContainer.insertByIndex(xContainer.getCount(), xDrawPages.getByIndex(i));
    xNameContainer.insertByName("ShortVersion", xContainer);
    /* instanciate an IndexContainer that will take
        a list of draw page for a second custom show
    xObj = xFactory.createInstance();
    xContainer = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XIndexContainer.class, xObj);
    for (i = 1; i < 10; i++)
        xContainer.insertByIndex(xContainer.getCount(), xDrawPages.getByIndex(i));
    xNameContainer.insertByName("LongVersion", xContainer);
    /* which custom show is to use
        can been set in the presentation settings
    XPresentationSupplier xPresSupplier = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XPresentationSupplier.class, xComponent);
    XPresentation xPresentation = xPresSupplier.getPresentation();
    XPropertySet xPresPropSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XPropertySet.class, xPresentation);
    xPresPropSet.setPropertyValue("CustomShow", "ShortVersion");

    Presentation Effects

    There are two kinds of presentation effects, the fading of one page to another, and the animation of objects and texts within a slideshow.

    Slide Transition

    In Impress, each page has its own slide transition that can be composed by the properties of the service

    Setting the following properties enables slide transition:

    Properties of
    Change long - Specifies how the page change is triggered. If this is 0, the user must click to start each object animation and to change the page. If set to 1, the page is automatically switched. If it is set to 2, all object effects run automatically, but the user has to click on the page to change it.
    Duration long - If the property Change is set to 1, this property is the time in seconds the page is shown, before switching to the next page.
    Effect This is the effect that is used to fade in the page.
    Speed Defines the speed of the fade-in effect of the page. Possible values are:
    • SLOW sets the speed from the animation or fade to slow.
    • MEDIUM sets the speed from the animation or fade to medium.
    • FAST sets the speed from the animation or fade to fast.
    Layout short - This number specifies a presentation layout for this page, if this property is not ZERO.

    The next table contains all available enum values:



























    The following Java example shows how to set slide transition effects that are applied to the first page.

    // set the slide transition effect of the first page
    XDrawPagesSupplier xDrawPagesSupplier =UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XDrawPagesSupplier.class, xComponent);
    XDrawPages xDrawPages = xDrawPagesSupplier.getDrawPages();
    XDrawPage xDrawPage = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDrawPage.class,
    xShapes = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShapes.class, xDrawPage);
    XPropertySet xPropSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xDrawPage);
    // set the slide transition effect properties
    /* Change specifies how the page change is triggered. If this
        is 0, the user must click to start each object animation
        and to change the page. If set to 1, the page is
        automatically switched. If it is set to 2, all object
        effects run automatically, but the user has to click on the
        page to change it.
    xPropSet.setPropertyValue("Change", Integer.valueOf(1));
    /* If the property DrawPage::Change is set to 1, Duration specifies the
        time in seconds the page is shown before switching to the next page.
    xPropSet.setPropertyValue("Duration", Integer.valueOf(5));

    Animations and Interactions

    In a Presentation, each shape of the draw and master page provides the service with a number of properties that describe the manner the shape is displayed or acting in a presentation.

    There are two kinds of shape effects. The first kind of effects are visual changes, such as animations and dimming effects. The second kind of effects are OnClick actions. All of these effects are controlled by the properties of a presentation shape:

    Properties of
    OnClick Selects an action performed after the user clicks on this shape. Possible values are:
    • NONE - no action is performed on click
    • PREVPAGE - the presentation jumps to the previous page
    • NEXTPAGE - the presentation jumps to the next page
    • FIRSTPAGE - the presentation continues with the first page
    • LASTPAGE - the presentation continues with the last page
    • BOOKMARK - the presentation jumps to the bookmark URL defined in the shape property Bookmark
    • DOCUMENT - the presentation jumps to the document given in Bookmark. It selects the object whose name is given after a # in the Bookmark URL.
    • INVISIBLE - the object renders itself invisible after a click
    • SOUND - the sound specified in Sound is played after a click
    • VERB - the OLE verb specified in the shape property Verb is performed on this object
    • VANISH - the object vanishes with the effect specified in the property Effect
    • PROGRAM - the program specified in Bookmark is executed after a click
    • MACRO - the LibreOffice Basic macro specified in Bookmark is executed after the click. For the syntax of Basic macro URLs, refer to the chapter LibreOffice Basic.
    • STOPPRESENTATION - the presentation is stopped after the click
    Bookmark string - A generic URL for the property OnClick.
    Verb long - Valid only for OLE shapes. Specifies an "OLE2" verb for the ClickAction VERB in the property OnClick. For possible verbs, select the OLE shape, and point the cursor to Edit - Object. The order of appearance corresponds to the value needed for Verb.
    DimPrevious boolean - Only valid when Effect contains an AnimationEffect. If true, this shape is painted using DimColor on the next click after finishing the AnimationEffect.
    DimHide boolean - Only valid when Effect contains an AnimationEffect. If this property and the property DimPrevious are both true, the shape is hidden on the next click after the AnimationEffect has finished.
    DimColor long - Only valid when Effect contains an AnimationEffect. This color is used to paint the shape on the next click after the animation effect has finished. The property DimPrevious must be true and DimHide must be false for this property to work.
    Effect Selects the animation effect of this shape. For possible values see the table below.
    PresentationOrder long - This is the position of this shape in the order of the shapes that can be animated on its page. The animations are executed in the order given in PresentationOrder, starting at the shape with the PresentationOrder 1. You can change the order by changing this number. Setting it to 1 makes this shape the first shape in the execution order for the animation effects.
    SoundOn boolean - If true, the sound file specified in Sound is played while the animation effect is executed.
    Sound string - This is the URL to a sound file that is played while the animation effect of this shape is running.
    PlayFull boolean - If true, the sound specified in the Sound property of this shape is played completely. If false, the sound stops after completing the AnimationEffect specified in Effect.
    Speed This is the speed of the animation effect. Possible values: SLOW, MEDIUM, and FAST.
    TextEffect This is the animation effect for the text inside this shape. For possible values, see the table below.
    IsEmptyPresentationObject [readonly] boolean - If this is a default presentation object and if it is empty, this property is true.
    IsPresentationObject [readonly] boolean - If true, a shape is part of the current AutoLayout and is considered a presentation object. AutoLayouts are predefined page layouts consisting of shapes, such as a title box and an outline box.

    The next table contains all available enums.













































    The next example demonstrates how to set object effects and object interaction.

    The example use a method createAndInsertShape() from the ShapeHelper class. It takes the drawing document, the XShapes interface of the DrawPage the shape is to be inserted in, the position and size of the new shape, and the service name of the required shape. It delegates shape creation to the helper method createShape() and inserts the new shape into the given XShapes container. Finally, it retrieves the XPropertySet interface of the inserted shape and returns it to the caller.

    public static XPropertySet createAndInsertShape( XComponent xDrawDoc,
            XShapes xShapes, Point aPos, Size aSize, String sShapeType) throws java.lang.Exception {
        XShape xShape = createShape(xDrawDoc, aPos, aSize, sShapeType);
        XPropertySet xPropSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xShape);
        return xPropSet;

    The following example shows animations and OnClick actions for four shapes. On click, the first shape builds up in a wavy line from the bottom and is dimmed (painted) red afterwards. The second shape is hidden on click. Clicking the third shape makes the presentation jump to the first page, whereas clicking the fourth shape jumps to a bookmark. The bookmark contains the name of the second slide "page - two".

    XShapes xShapes;
    XPropertySet xShapePropSet;
    XDrawPagesSupplier xDrawPagesSupplier = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XDrawPagesSupplier.class, xComponent);
    XDrawPages xDrawPages = xDrawPagesSupplier.getDrawPages();
    // create pages, so that three are available
    while (xDrawPages.getCount() < 3)
    // get the shape container for page one
    xShapes = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XShapes.class, xDrawPages.getByIndex(0));
    // create a rectangle that is placed on the top left of the page
    xShapePropSet = ShapeHelper.createAndInsertShape( xComponent,
        xShapes, new Point(1000, 1000), new Size(5000, 5000),
        "" );
    // and now set an object animation
    /* the following three properties provoke that the shape is dimmed to red
        after the animation has been finished
    xShapePropSet.setPropertyValue("DimHide", Boolean.FALSE);
    xShapePropSet.setPropertyValue("DimPrevious", Boolean.TRUE);
    xShapePropSet.setPropertyValue("DimColor", Integer.valueOf(0xff0000));
    // get the shape container for the second page
    xShapes = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShapes.class, xDrawPages.getByIndex(1));
    // create an ellipse that is placed on the bottom right of second page
    xShapePropSet = ShapeHelper.createAndInsertShape( xComponent, xShapes,
        new Point(21000, 15000), new Size(5000, 5000), "");
    /* create two objects for the third page.
        clicking the first object lets the presentation jump
        to page one by using ClickAction.FIRSTPAGE,
        the second object lets the presentation jump to page two
        by using a ClickAction.BOOKMARK
    xShapes = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShapes.class, xDrawPages.getByIndex(2));
    xShapePropSet = ShapeHelper.createAndInsertShape(xComponent, xShapes,
        new Point(1000, 8000), new Size(5000, 5000),
        "" );
    xShapePropSet.setPropertyValue("Effect", );
    xShapePropSet = ShapeHelper.createAndInsertShape(xComponent, xShapes,
        new Point(22000, 8000), new Size(5000, 5000),
    xShapePropSet.setPropertyValue( "OnClick",;
    // set the name of page two, and use it with the bookmark action
    XNamed xPageName = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNamed.class, xDrawPages.getByIndex(1));
    xPageName.setName("page - two");
    xShapePropSet.setPropertyValue("Bookmark", xPageName.getName());

    Overall Document Features


    Graphics Styles

    Graphics Styles are available in drawing and presentation documents, and they control the formatting of the drawing shapes in drawing or presentation slides. In contrast to styles in text documents, the style property of a shape is not a string, but a To work with an existing graphics style, get the styles container from the and use its to retrieve the style family named "graphics". The programmatic names of the style families in graphics are:

    GUI name Programmatic name Remark
    Default standard The style Default (standard) is used for newly inserted filled rectangles, filled ellipses, lines, connectors, text boxes, and 3D objects.
    Dimension Line measure Used for newly inserted dimension lines.
    First line indent textbodyindent Apply manually.
    Heading headline Apply manually.
    Heading1 headline1 Apply manually.
    Heading2 headline2 Apply manually.
    Object with Arrow objectwitharrow Apply manually.
    Object with shadow objectwithshadow Apply manually.
    Object without fill objectwithoutfill Used for newly inserted rectangles and ellipses without filling.
    Text text Newly inserted text boxes do not use this style. They use Default and remove the fill settings for Default.
    Text body textbody Apply manually.
    Text body justified textbodyjustfied Apply manually.
    Title title Apply manually.
    Title1 title1 Apply manually.
    Title2 title2 Apply manually.

    There are two methods to change an applied shape style:

    • Retrieve the style from the style family "graphics" by its programmatic name, change the properties, and put back into the style family using replaceByName() at the style family's interface.
    • Apply an existing style object that is not applied to a shape by setting the shape's style property.

    New styles can be created, as well. For this purpose, use createInstance() at the document factory of a drawing document and ask for a "" service. Set the properties of the new style, as required. Append the new style to the style family "graphics" using insertByName() at its XNameContainer interface. Now use the Style property of existing shapes to put the new style to work.

    You can either change a currently applied shape style by retrieving it from the style family "graphics" by its programmatic name, changing its properties and putting it back into the style family using replaceByName() at the style family's interface. Or you can apply an existing, but currently unapplied style object to a shape by setting the shape's Style property accordingly.

    You can create new styles as well. For this purpose, use createInstance() at the document factory of a drawing document and ask for a "" service. Set the properties of the new style as needed. Afterwards append the new style to the style family "graphics" using insertByName() at its XNameContainer interface. Now you can use the Style property of existing shapes in order to put your new style to work.

    Styles created by the document factory support the properties of the following services:

    Presentation Styles

    Presentation styles are only available in presentation documents and control the formatting of the following parts of a presentation:

    • title text
    • subtitle text
    • outline text
    • background
    • background shapes
    • notes text

    The corresponding style family has the programmatic name "Default" and is available at the XStyleFamiliesSupplier of a presentation document.

    GUI Name Programmatic Name Remark
    Title title Style for text of new title presentation objects.
    Subtitle subtitle Style that is used for the presentation object on pages with a "Title Slide" layout.
    Background background Style for the page background.
    Background objects backgroundobjects Style for shapes on the background.
    notes Notes Style for notes text.
    outline1 Outline 1 Style for outline level 1.
    outline2 Outline 2 Style for outline level 2.
    outline3 Outline 3 Style for outline level 3.
    outline4 Outline 4 Style for outline level 4.
    outline5 Outline 5 Style for outline level 5.
    outline6 Outline 6 Style for outline level 6.
    outline7 Outline 7 Style for outline level 7.
    outline8 Outline 8 Style for outline level 8.
    outline9 Outline 9 Style for outline level 9.

    Existing presentation styles can only be altered. New styles can not be created and a different presentation style cannot be applied other than the current one. The following example works with presentation styles.

    You can only alter existing presentation styles. You cannot create new styles and you cannot apply a different presentation style other than the current one. The following example works with presentation styles:

    // The first part of this demo will set each "CharColor" Property
    // that is available within the styles of the document to red. It
    // will also print each family and style name to the standard output
    XModel xModel = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XModel.class, xComponent); xSFS = (
        UnoRuntime.queryInterface(, xModel); xFamilies = xSFS.getStyleFamilies();
    // the element should now contain at least two Styles. The first is
    // "graphics" and the other one is the name of the Master page
    String[] Families = xFamilies.getElementNames();
    for (int i = 0; i < Families.length; i++) {
        // this is the family
        System.out.println("\n" + Families[i]);
        // and now all available styles
        Object aFamilyObj = xFamilies.getByName(Families[i]); xStyles = (
            UnoRuntime.queryInterface(, aFamilyObj);
        String[] Styles = xStyles.getElementNames();
        for (int j = 0; j < Styles.length; j++) {
            System.out.println( " " + Styles[j]);
            Object aStyleObj = xStyles.getByName(Styles[j]);
   xStyle = (
            UnoRuntime.queryInterface(, aStyleObj);
            // now we have the XStyle Interface and the CharColor for all styles
            // is exemplary be set to red.
            XPropertySet xStylePropSet = (XPropertySet)
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPropertySet.class, xStyle );
            XPropertySetInfo xStylePropSetInfo = xStylePropSet.getPropertySetInfo();
            if (xStylePropSetInfo.hasPropertyByName("CharColor")) {
                xStylePropSet.setPropertyValue("CharColor", Integer.valueOf(0xff0000));
    /* now create a rectangle and apply the "title1" style of
        the "graphics" family
    Object obj = xFamilies.getByName("graphics"); xStyles = (XNameAccess)
        UnoRuntime.queryInterface(, obj);
    obj = xStyles.getByName("title1"); xTitle1Style = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(, obj);
    XDrawPagesSupplier xDrawPagesSupplier = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XDrawPagesSupplier.class, xComponent);
    XDrawPages xDrawPages = xDrawPagesSupplier.getDrawPages();
    XDrawPage xDrawPage = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDrawPage.class, xDrawPages.getByIndex(0));
    XShapes xShapes = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShapes.class, xDrawPage);
    XShape xShape = ShapeHelper.createShape(xComponent, new Point(0, 0),
        new Size(5000, 5000), "");
    XPropertySet xPropSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xShape);
    xPropSet.setPropertyValue("Style", xTitle1Style);


    To use the global document settings, the document service factory must be asked for a service using the method createInstance() at its interface. This service supports and acts upon the current document by setting its properties.

    The services and provide the following properties additionally to the global document settings.

    Properties of
    MeasureUnit short - this is the default logical measure unit that is used for string formatings inside the document.
    ScaleNumerator long - is the numerator for the logical scale of the document.
    ScaleDenominator long - is the denominator for the logical scale of the document.
    IsPrintFitPage boolean - this property enables or disables the fitting of the page to the printable area during print, true enable and false disable.
    IsPrintTilePage boolean - If the property IsPrintTilePage is set to 1 and the paper size for printing is larger than the paper size of the printer than the content is tiled over multiple pages.
    PageNumberFormat long - is the number format used for page number fields.
    ParagraphSummation boolean - If the property ParagraphSummation is set to 1, the distance between two paragraphs is the sum of ParaTopMargin of the previous and ParaBottomMargin of the next paragraph. If 0, only the greater of the two is choosen.
    Properties of
    IsPrintDrawing boolean - this property enables or disables the printing of the drawing pages, true enable and false disable.
    IsPrintNotes boolean - this property enables or disables the printing of the notes pages, true enable and false disable.
    IsPrintHandout boolean - this property enables or disables the printing of the handout pages, true enable and false disable.
    IsPrintOutline boolean - this property enables or disables the printing of the outline pages, true enable and false disable.
    IsPrintHiddenPages boolean - this property enables or disables the printing of draw pages that are marked hidden, true enable and false disable.
    IsPrintFitPage boolean - this property enables or disables the fitting of the page to the printable area during print, true enable and false disable.
    IsPrintTilePage boolean - If this property IsPrintTilePage is set to 1 and the paper size for printing is larger than the paper size of the printer than the content is tiled over multiple pages.
    PageNumberFormat long - is the number format used for page number fields.
    ParagraphSummation boolean - If the property ParagraphSummation is set to 1, the distance between two paragraphs is the sum of ParaTopMargin of the previous and ParaBottomMargin of the next paragraph. If 0, only the greater of the two is choosen.

    Page Formatting

    As opposed to text and spreadsheet documents, page formatting in drawings and presentations is not done through styles. Rather, hard format the following properties:

    Properties of
    BorderBottom long
    BorderLeft long
    BorderRight long
    BorderTop long
    Height long
    Number short
    Width long

    Drawing and Presentation Document Controller

    The controller is available at the XModel interface of the document model:

    com::sun::star::frame::XController getCurrentController()

    Setting the Current Page, Using the Selection

    The controller is a that supports the following interfaces:

    The following methods of control the current selection in the GUI:

    boolean select( [in] any anObject)
    any getSelection()
    void addSelectionChangeListener (
        [in] com::sun::star::view::XSelectionChangeListener aListen
    void removeSelectionChangeListener (
        [in] com::sun::star::view::XSelectionChangeListener aListener)

    With these methods of, the visible page is set in the GUI:

    void setCurrentPage(com::sun::star::drawing::XDrawPage aPage)
    com::sun::star::drawing::XDrawPage getCurrentPage()

    In addition to DrawingDocumentDrawView, it supports the following interfaces. For details about these interfaces, refer to Office Development.


    Zooming can be set by certain drawing-specific controller properties of the

    Properties of
    VisibleArea [readonly] - This is the area that is currently visible.
    ZoomType [optional] short - This property defines the zoom type for the document. The values of are used.
    ZoomValue [optional] short - Defines the zoom value to use. Valid only if the ZoomType is set to BY_VALUE.
    ViewOffset [optional] - Defines the offset from the top left position of the displayed page to the top left position of the view area in 100th/mm.

    Other Drawing-Specific View Settings

    Drawings and presentations can be switched to certain view modes. This is done by the following drawing-specific controller properties of

    Properties of
    IsLayerMode boolean - Switch to layer mode.
    IsMasterPageMode boolean - Switch to master page mode.
    CurrentPage - This is the drawing page that is currently visible.

    Furthermore, there are many properties that can be changed through the XViewDataSupplier interface of the document:

    Methods of

    com::sun::star::container::XIndexAccess getViewData()
    void setViewData( [in] com::sun::star::container::XIndexAccess aData)

    To use ViewData properties, call getViewData() and receive a

    Methods of XIndexContainer:

    type getElementType()
    boolean hasElements()
    long getCount()
    any getByIndex( [in] long Index)
    void replaceByIndex( [in] long Index, any Element)
    void insertByIndex( [in] long Index, any Element)
    void removeByIndex( [in] long Index)

    Use getByIndex() to iterate over the view data properties, find the required by checking the property names. If found, set the Value Member of the property value and put it back into the container using replaceByIndex(). Finally, apply the whole ViewData container to the document using setViewData().

    The method setViewData() is currently not working. It can only be used with loadComponentFromURL().

    Heckert GNU white.svg

    Content on this page is licensed under the Public Documentation License (PDL).