LibreOffice Developer's Guide: Chapter 7 - Text Documents

    From The Document Foundation Wiki

    In the LibreOffice API, a text document is a document model which is able to handle text contents. A document in our context is a product of work that can be stored and printed to make the result of the work a permanent resource. By model, we mean data that forms the basis of a document and is organized in a manner that allows working with the data independently of their visual representation in a graphical user interface.

    It is important to understand that developers have to work with the model directly, when they want to change it through the LibreOffice API. The model has a controller object which enables developers to manipulate the visual presentation of the document in the user interface. But the controller is not used to change a document. The controller serves two purposes.

    • The controller interacts with the user interface for movement, such as moving the visible text cursor, flipping through screen pages or changing the zoom factor.
    • The second purpose is getting information about the current view status, such as the current selection, the current page, the total page count or the line count. Automatic page or line breaks are not really part of the document data, but rather something that is needed in a certain presentation of the document.

    Keeping the difference between model and controller in mind, we will now discuss the parts of a text document model in the LibreOffice API.

    The text document model in the LibreOffice API has five major architectural areas, cf. Illustration 1 below. The five areas are:

    • text
    • service manager (document internal)
    • draw page
    • text content suppliers
    • objects for styling and numbering

    The core of the text document model is the text. It consists of character strings organized in paragraphs and other text contents. The usage of text will be discussed in Working with Text Documents.

    The service manager of the document model creates all text contents for the model, except for the paragraphs. Note that the document service manager is different from the main service manager that is used when connecting to the office. Each document model has its own service manager, so that the services can be adapted to the document when required. Examples for text contents created by the text document service manager are text tables, text fields, drawing shapes, text frames or graphic objects. The service manager is asked for a text content, then you insert it into the text.

    Afterwards, the majority of these text contents in a text can be retrieved from the model using text content suppliers. The exception are drawing shapes. They can be found on the DrawPage, which is discussed below.

    Above the text lies the DrawPage. It is used for drawing contents. Imagine it as a transparent layer with contents that can affect the text under the layer, for instance by forcing it to wrap around contents on the DrawPage. However, text can also wrap through DrawPage contents, so the similarity is limited.

    Finally, there are services that allow for document wide styling and structuring of the text. Among them are style family suppliers for paragraphs, characters, pages and numbering patterns, and suppliers for line and outline numbering.

    Besides these five architectural areas, there are a number of aspects covering the document character of our model: It is printable, storable, modifiable, it can be refreshed, its contents are able to be searched and replaced and it supplies general information about itself. These aspects are shown at the lower right of the illustration.

    Text Document Model

    Finally, the controller provides access to the graphical user interface for the model and has knowledge about the current view status in the user interface, cf. the upper left of the diagram above.

    The usage of text is discussed in the section Working with Text Documents.

    Example: Fields in a Template

    All following code samples are contained in This file is located in the Samples folder that comes with the resources for the developer's manual.

    The examples use the environment from chapter First Steps, for instance, connecting using the getRemoteServiceManager() method.

    We want to use a template file containing text fields and bookmarks and insert text into the fields and at the cursor position. The suitable template file TextTemplateWithUserFields.odt lies in the Samples folder, as well. Edit the path to this file below before running the sample.

    The first step is to load the file as a template, so that LibreOffice creates a new, untitled document. As in the chapter First Steps, we have to connect, get the Desktop object, query its XComponentLoader interface and call loadComponentFromUrl(). This time we tell LibreOffice how it should load the file. The key for loading parameters is the sequence of PropertyValue structs passed to loadComponentFromUrl(). The appropriate PropertyValue name is AsTemplate and we have to set AsTemplate to true.

    /** Load a document as template */
    protected XComponent newDocComponentFromTemplate(String loadUrl) throws java.lang.Exception {
        // get the remote service manager
        mxRemoteServiceManager = this.getRemoteServiceManager(unoUrl);
        // retrieve the Desktop object, we need its XComponentLoader
        Object desktop = mxRemoteServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
            "", mxRemoteContext);
        XComponentLoader xComponentLoader = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XComponentLoader.class, desktop);
        // define load properties according to
        // the boolean property AsTemplate tells the office to create a new document
        // from the given file
        PropertyValue[] loadProps = new PropertyValue[1];
        loadProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
        loadProps[0].Name = "AsTemplate";
        loadProps[0].Value = Boolean.TRUE;
        // load
        return xComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL(loadUrl, "_blank", 0, loadProps);

    Now that we are able to load a text document as a template, we will open an existing template file that contains five text fields and a bookmark. We want to demonstrate how to insert text at predefined positions in a document.

    Text fields and bookmarks are supplied by the appropriate XTextFieldsSupplier and XBookmarksSupplier interfaces. Their fully qualified names are and

    The XTextFieldsSupplier provides collections of text fields in our text. We use document variable fields for our purpose, which are services. All User fields have a field master that holds the actual content of the variable. Therefore, the TextFields collection, as well as the FieldMasters are required for our example. We get the field masters for the five fields by name and set their Content property. Finally, we refresh the text fields so that they reflect the changes made to the field masters.

    The XBookmarksSupplier returns all bookmarks in our document. The collection of bookmarks is a, so that the bookmarks are retrieved by name. Every object in a text supports the interface XTextContent that has a method getAnchor(). The anchor is the text range an object takes up, so getAnchor() retrieves is a XTextRange. From the chapter First Steps, a allows setting the string of a text range. Our bookmark is a text content and therefore must support XTextContent. Inserting text at a bookmark position is straightforward: get the anchor of the bookmark and set its string.

    /** Sample for use of templates
        This sample uses the file TextTemplateWithUserFields.odt from the Samples folder.
        The file contains a number of User text fields (Variables - User) and a bookmark
        which we use to fill in various values
    protected void templateExample() throws java.lang.Exception {
        // create a small hashtable that simulates a rowset
        HashMap<String,String> recipient = new HashMap<String,String>();
        recipient.put("Company", "Manatee Books");
        recipient.put("Contact", "Rod Martin");
        recipient.put("ZIP", "34567");
        recipient.put("City", "Fort Lauderdale");
        recipient.put("State", "Florida");
        // load template with User fields and bookmark sourceFile = new"TextTemplateWithUserFields.odt");
        StringBuffer sTemplateFileUrl = new StringBuffer("file:///");
        sTemplateFileUrl.append(sourceFile.getCanonicalPath().replace('\\', '/'));
        XComponent xTemplateComponent =
            newDocComponentFromTemplate( sTemplateFileUrl.toString() );
        // get XTextFieldsSupplier, XBookmarksSupplier interfaces
        XTextFieldsSupplier xTextFieldsSupplier = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextFieldsSupplier.class,
        XBookmarksSupplier xBookmarksSupplier = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XBookmarksSupplier.class, xTemplateComponent);
        // access the TextFields and the TextFieldMasters collections
        XNameAccess xNamedFieldMasters = xTextFieldsSupplier.getTextFieldMasters();
        XEnumerationAccess xEnumeratedFields = xTextFieldsSupplier.getTextFields();
        // iterate over hashtable and insert values into field masters
        for(Iterator<String> iter = recipient.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
            // get column name
            String key =;
            // access corresponding field master
            Object fieldMaster = xNamedFieldMasters.getByName(
                "" + key);
            // query the XPropertySet interface, we need to set the Content property
            XPropertySet xPropertySet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XPropertySet.class, fieldMaster);
            // insert the column value into field master
            xPropertySet.setPropertyValue("Content", recipient.get(key));
        // afterwards we must refresh the textfields collection
        XRefreshable xRefreshable = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XRefreshable.class, xEnumeratedFields);
        // accessing the Bookmarks collection of the document
        XNameAccess xNamedBookmarks = xBookmarksSupplier.getBookmarks();
        // find the bookmark named "Subscription"
        Object bookmark = xNamedBookmarks.getByName("Subscription");
        // we need its XTextRange which is available from getAnchor(),
        // so query for XTextContent
        XTextContent xBookmarkContent = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XTextContent.class, bookmark);
        // get the anchor of the bookmark (its XTextRange)
        XTextRange xBookmarkRange = xBookmarkContent.getAnchor();
        // set string at the bookmark position
        xBookmarkRange.setString("subscription for the Manatee Journal");

    Example: Visible Cursor Position

    As discussed earlier, the LibreOffice API distinguishes between the model and controller. This difference is mirrored in two different kinds of cursors in the API: model cursors and visible cursors. The visible cursor is also called view cursor.

    The second example assumes that the user has selected a text range in a paragraph and expects something to happen at that cursor position. Setting character and paragraph styles, and retrieving the current page number at the view cursor position is demonstrated in the example. The view cursor will be transformed into a model cursor.

    We want to work with the current document, therefore we cannot use loadComponentFromURL(). Rather, we ask the service for the current component. Once we have the current component - which is our document model - we go from the model to the controller and get the view cursor.

    The view cursor has properties for the current character and paragraph style. The example uses built-in styles and sets the property CharStyleName to "Quotation" and ParaStyleName to "Quotations". Furthermore, the view cursor knows about the automatic page breaks. Because we are interested in the current page number, we get it from the view cursor and print it out.

    The model cursor is much more powerful than the view cursor when it comes to possible movements and editing capabilities. We create a model cursor from the view cursor. Two steps are necessary: We ask the view cursor for its Text service, then we have the Text service create a model cursor based on the current cursor position. The model cursor knows where the paragraph ends, so we go there and insert a string.

    /** Sample for document changes, starting at the current view cursor position
        The sample changes the paragraph style and the character style at the current
        view cursor selection
        Open the sample file ViewCursorExampleFile, select some text and run the example
        The current paragraph will be set to Quotations paragraph style
        The selected text will be set to Quotation character style
    private void viewCursorExample() throws java.lang.Exception {
        // get the remote service manager
        mxRemoteServiceManager = this.getRemoteServiceManager(unoUrl);
        // get the Desktop service
        Object desktop = mxRemoteServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
            "", mxRemoteContext);
        // query its XDesktop interface, we need the current component
        XDesktop xDesktop = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XDesktop.class, desktop);
        // retrieve the current component and access the controller
        XComponent xCurrentComponent = xDesktop.getCurrentComponent();
        // get the XModel interface from the component
        XModel xModel = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XModel.class, xCurrentComponent);
        // the model knows its controller
        XController xController = xModel.getCurrentController();
        // the controller gives us the TextViewCursor
        // query the viewcursor supplier interface
        XTextViewCursorSupplier xViewCursorSupplier =
                XTextViewCursorSupplier.class, xController);
        // get the cursor
        XTextViewCursor xViewCursor = xViewCursorSupplier.getViewCursor();
        // query its XPropertySet interface, we want to set character and paragraph properties
        XPropertySet xCursorPropertySet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XPropertySet.class, xViewCursor);
        // set the appropriate properties for character and paragraph style
        xCursorPropertySet.setPropertyValue("CharStyleName", "Quotation");
            xCursorPropertySet.setPropertyValue("ParaStyleName", "Quotations");
        // print the current page number - we need the XPageCursor interface for this
        XPageCursor xPageCursor = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XPageCursor.class, xViewCursor);
        System.out.println("The current page number is " + xPageCursor.getPage());
        // the model cursor is much more powerful, so
        // we create a model cursor at the current view cursor position with the following steps:
        // we get the Text service from the TextViewCursor, the cursor is an XTextRange and has
        // therefore a method getText()
        XText xDocumentText = xViewCursor.getText();
        // the text creates a model cursor from the viewcursor
        XTextCursor xModelCursor = xDocumentText.createTextCursorByRange(xViewCursor.getStart());
        // now we could query XWordCursor, XSentenceCursor and XParagraphCursor
        // or XDocumentInsertable, XSortable or XContentEnumerationAccess
        // and work with the properties of
        // in this case we just go to the end of the paragraph and add some text.
        XParagraphCursor xParagraphCursor = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XParagraphCursor.class, xModelCursor);
        // goto the end of the paragraph
        xParagraphCursor.setString(" ***** Fin de semana! ******");

    Handling Text Document Files

    Creating and Loading Text Documents

    If a document in LibreOffice is required, begin by getting a service from the service manager. The desktop handles all document components in LibreOffice, among other things. It is discussed thoroughly in the chapter Office Development. Office documents are often called components, because they support the interface. An XComponent is a UNO object that can be disposed explicitly and broadcast an event to other UNO objects when this happens.

    The Desktop can load new and existing components from a URL. For this purpose it has a interface that has one single method to load and instantiate components from a URL into a frame: loadComponentFromURL([in] string aURL,
            [in] string aTargetFrameName,
            [in] long nSearchFlags,
            [in] sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > aArgs );

    The interesting parameters in our context are the URL that describes which resource should be loaded and the sequence of load arguments. For the target frame pass "_blank" and set the search flags to 0. In most cases you will not want to reuse an existing frame.

    The URL can be a file: URL, a http: URL, an ftp: URL or a private: URL. Look up the correct URL format in the load URL box in the function bar of LibreOffice. For new Writer documents, a special URL scheme has to be used. The scheme is "private:", followed by "factory" as hostname. The resource is "swriter" for LibreOffice Writer documents. For a new Writer document, use "private:factory/swriter".

    The load arguments are described in The arguments AsTemplate and Hidden have properties that are boolean values. If AsTemplate is true, the loader creates a new untitled document from the given URL. If it is false, template files are loaded for editing. If Hidden is true, the document is loaded in the background. This is useful when generating a document in the background without letting the user observe; for example, it can be used to generate a document and print it without previewing. Office development describes other available options.

    The section Example: Fields in a Template discusses a complete example about how loading works. The following snippet loads a document in hidden mode:

    // (the method getRemoteServiceManager is described in the chapter First Steps)
    mxRemoteServiceManager = this.getRemoteServiceManager(unoUrl);
    // retrieve the Desktop object, we need its XComponentLoader
    Object desktop = mxRemoteServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
    "", mxRemoteContext);
    // query the XComponentLoader interface from the Desktop service
    XComponentLoader xComponentLoader = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XComponentLoader.class, desktop);
    // define load properties according to
    /* or simply create an empty array of structs:
        PropertyValue[] loadProps = new PropertyValue[0]
    // the boolean property Hidden tells the office to open a file in hidden mode
    PropertyValue[] loadProps = new PropertyValue[1];
    loadProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
    loadProps[0].Name = "Hidden";
    loadProps[0].Value = Boolean.TRUE;
    // load
    return xComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL(loadUrl, "_blank", 0, loadProps);

    Saving Text Documents


    Documents are storable through their interface This interface is discussed in detail in Office Development. An XStorable implements these operations:

    boolean hasLocation()
    string getLocation()
    boolean isReadonly()
    void store()
    void storeAsURL( [in] string aURL, sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > aArgs)
    void storeToURL( [in] string aURL, sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > aArgs)

    The method names are evident. The method storeAsUrl() is the exact representation of File - Save As, that is, it changes the current document location. In contrast, storeToUrl() stores a copy to a new location, but leaves the current document URL untouched.


    For exporting purposes, a filter name can be passed to storeAsURL() and storeToURL() that triggers an export to other file formats. The property needed for this purpose is the string argument FilterName that takes filter names defined in the configuration file:


    In TypeDetection.xml, look for <Filter/> elements, their cfg:name attribute contains the needed strings for FilterName. The proper filter name for StarWriter 5.x is "StarWriter 5.0", and the export format "MS Word 97" is also popular. This is the element in TypeDetection.xml that describes the MS Word 97 filter:

    <Filter cfg:name="MS Word 97">
        <Installed cfg:type="boolean">true</Installed>
        <UIName cfg:type="string" cfg:localized="true">
          <cfg:value xml:lang="en-US">Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP</cfg:value>
        <Data cfg:type="string">3,writer_MS_Word_97,,,67,CWW8,0,,</Data>

    The following method stores a document using this filter:

    /** Store a document, using the MS Word 97/2000/XP Filter */
        protected void storeDocComponent(XComponent xDoc, String storeUrl) throws java.lang.Exception {
            XStorable xStorable = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class, xDoc);
            PropertyValue[] storeProps = new PropertyValue[1];
            storeProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
            storeProps[0].Name = "FilterName";
            storeProps[0].Value = "MS Word 97";
            xStorable.storeAsURL(storeUrl, storeProps);

    If an empty array of PropertyValue structs is passed, the native .odt format of LibreOffice is used.

    Printing Text Documents

    Printer and Print Job Settings

    Printing is a common office functionality. The chapter Office Development provides in-depth information about it. The writer document implements the interface for printing. It consists of three methods:

    sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > getPrinter ()
    void setPrinter ( [in] sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > aPrinter)
    void print ( [in] sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > xOptions)

    The following code is used with a given document xDoc to print to the standard printer without any settings:

    // query the XPrintable interface from your document
    XPrintable xPrintable = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPrintable.class, xDoc);
    // create an empty printOptions array
    PropertyValue[] printOpts = new PropertyValue[0];
    // kick off printing

    There are two groups of properties involved in general printing. The first one is used with setPrinter() and getPrinter() that controls the printer, and the second one is passed to print() and controls the print job. comprises the properties for the printer:

    Properties of
    Name string - Specifies the name of the printer queue to be used.
    PaperOrientation Specifies the orientation of the paper.
    PaperFormat Specifies a predefined paper size or if the paper size is a user-defined size.
    PaperSize Specifies the size of the paper in 1/100 mm.
    IsBusy boolean - Indicates if the printer is busy.
    CanSetPaperOrientation boolean - Indicates if the printer allows changes to PaperOrientation.
    CanSetPaperFormat boolean - Indicates if the printer allows changes to PaperFormat.
    CanSetPaperSize boolean - Indicates if the printer allows changes to PaperSize. contains the following possibilities for a print job:

    Properties of
    CopyCount short - Specifies the number of copies to print.
    FileName string - Specifies the name of a file to print to, if set.
    Collate boolean - Advises the printer to collate the pages of the copies. If true, a whole document is printed prior to the next copy, otherwise the page copies are completed together.
    Pages string - Specifies the pages to print in the same format as in the print dialog of the GUI (e.g. "1, 3, 4-7, 9-")
    Wait boolean - Advises that the print job should be performed synchronously, i.e. wait until printing is complete before returning from printing. Otherwise return is immediate and following actions (e.g. closing the corresponding model) may fail until printing is complete. Default is false.

    The following method uses PrinterDescriptor and PrintOptions to print to a special printer, and preselect the pages to print.

    protected void printDocComponent(XComponent xDoc) throws java.lang.Exception {
        XPrintable xPrintable = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPrintable.class, xDoc);
        PropertyValue[] printerDesc = new PropertyValue[1];
        printerDesc[0] = new PropertyValue();
        printerDesc[0].Name = "Name";
        printerDesc[0].Value = "5D PDF Creator";
        PropertyValue[] printOpts = new PropertyValue[1];
        printOpts[0] = new PropertyValue();
        printOpts[0].Name = "Pages";
        printOpts[0].Value = "3-5,7";

    Printing Multiple Pages on one Page

    The interface is used to print more than one document page to a single printed page.

    sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > getPagePrintSettings()
    void setPagePrintSettings( [in] sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > aSettings)
    void printPages( [in] sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > xOptions)

    The first two methods getPagePrintSettings() and setPagePrintSettings() control the page printing. They use a sequence of whose possible values are defined in

    Properties of
    PageRows short - Number of rows in which document pages should appear on the output page.
    PageColumns short - Number of columns in which document pages should appear on the output page.
    LeftMargin long - Left margin on the output page.
    RightMargin long - Right margin on the output page.
    TopMargin long - Top margin on the output page.
    BottomMargin long - Bottom margin on the output page.
    HoriMargin long - Margin between the columns on the output page.
    VertMargin long - Margin between the rows on the output page.
    IsLandscape boolean - Determines if the output page is in landscape format.

    The method printPages() prints the document according to the previous settings. The argument for the printPages() method may contain the PrintOptions as described in the section above (containing the properties CopyCount, FileName, Collate and Pages).

    Working with Text Documents

    Word Processing

    The text model in the illustration below shows that working with text starts with the method getText() at the XTextDocument interface of the document model. It returns a service that handles text in LibreOffice.

    The Text service has two mandatory interfaces and no properties:

    Service (mandatory interfaces only)

    The XText is used to edit a text, and XEnumerationAccess is used to iterate over text. The following sections discuss these aspects of the Text service.

    Editing Text

    As previously discussed in the introductory chapter First Steps, the interface incorporates three interfaces: XText, XSimpleText and XTextRange. When working with an XText, you work with the string it contains, or you insert and remove contents other than strings, such as tables, text fields, and graphics.


    The XText is handled as a whole. There are two possibilities if the text is handled as one string. The complete string can be set at once, or strings can be added at the beginning or end of the existing text. These are the appropriate methods used for that purpose:

    void setString( [in] string text)
    String getString()

    Consider the following example:

    /** Setting the whole text of a document as one string */
    protected void BodyTextExample() {
        // Body Text and TextDocument example
        try {
            // demonstrate simple text insertion
            mxDocText.setString("This is the new body text of the document."
                + "\n\nThis is on the second line.\n\n");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            e.printStackTrace (System.out);

    Beginning and end of a text can be determined calling getStart() and getEnd():

    com::sun::star::text::XTextRange getStart()
    com::sun::star::text::XTextRange getEnd()

    The following example adds text using the start and end range of a text:

    /** Adding a string at the end or the beginning of text */
    protected void TextRangeExample() {
        try {
            // Get a text range referring to the beginning of the text document
            XTextRange xStart = mxDocText.getStart();
            // use setString to insert text at the beginning
            xStart.setString ("This is text inserted at the beginning.\n\n");
            // Get a text range referring to the end of the text document
            XTextRange xEnd = mxDocText.getEnd();
            // use setString to insert text at the end
                xEnd.setString ("This is text inserted at the end.\n\n");
        } catch (Exception e) {

    The above code is not very flexible. To gain flexibility, create a text cursor that is a movable text range. Note that such a text cursor is not visible in the user interface. The XText creates a cursor that works on the model immediately. The following methods can be used to get as many cursors as required:

     com::sun::star::text::XTextCursor createTextCursor()
     com::sun::star::text::XTextCursor createTextCursorByRange (
                             com::sun::star::text::XTextRange aTextPosition)

    The text cursor travels through the text as a "collapsed" text range with identical start and end as a point in text, or it can expand while it moves to contain a target string. This is controlled with the methods of the XTextCursor interface:

     // moving the cursor
     // if bExpand is true, the cursor expands while it travels
     boolean goLeft( [in] short nCount, [in] boolean bExpand)
     boolean goRight( [in] short nCount, [in] boolean bExpand)
     void gotoStart( [in] boolean bExpand)
     void gotoEnd( [in] boolean bExpand)
     void gotoRange( [in] com::sun::star::text::XTextRange xRange, [in] boolean bExpand)
     // controlling the collapsed status of the cursor
     void collapseToStart()
     void collapseToEnd()
     boolean isCollapsed()

    In writer, a text cursor has three interfaces that inherit from XTextCursor:, and These interfaces introduce the following additional movements and status checks:

     boolean gotoNextWord( [in] boolean bExpand)
     boolean gotoPreviousWord( [in] boolean bExpand)
     boolean gotoEndOfWord( [in] boolean bExpand)
     boolean gotoStartOfWord( [in] boolean bExpand)
     boolean isStartOfWord()
     boolean isEndOfWord()
     boolean gotoNextSentence( [in] boolean Expand)
     boolean gotoPreviousSentence( [in] boolean Expand)
     boolean gotoStartOfSentence( [in] boolean Expand)
     boolean gotoEndOfSentence( [in] boolean Expand)
     boolean isStartOfSentence()
     boolean isEndOfSentence()
     boolean gotoStartOfParagraph( [in] boolean bExpand)
     boolean gotoEndOfParagraph( [in] boolean bExpand)
     boolean gotoNextParagraph( [in] boolean bExpand)
     boolean gotoPreviousParagraph( [in] boolean bExpand)
     boolean isStartOfParagraph()
     boolean isEndOfParagraph()

    Since XTextCursor inherits from XTextRange, a cursor is an XTextRange and incorporates the methods of an XTextRange:

     com::sun::star::text::XText getText()
     com::sun::star::text::XTextRange getStart()
     com::sun::star::text::XTextRange getEnd()
     string getString()
     void setString( [in] string aString)

    The cursor can be told where it is required and the string content can be set later. This does have a drawback. After setting the string, the inserted string is always selected. That means further text can not be added without moving the cursor again. Therefore the most flexible method to insert strings by means of a cursor is the method insertString() in XText. It takes an XTextRange as the target range that is replaced during insertion, a string to insert, and a boolean parameter that determines if the inserted text should be absorbed by the cursor after it has been inserted. The XTextRange could be any XTextRange. The XTextCursor is an XTextRange, so it is used here:

     void insertString( [in] com::sun::star::text::XTextRange xRange,
                        [in] string aString,
                        [in] boolean bAbsorb)

    To insert text sequentially the bAbsorb parameter must be set to false, so that the XTextRange collapses at the end of the inserted string after insertion. If bAbsorb is true, the text range selects the new inserted string. The string that was selected by the text range prior to insertion is deleted.

    Consider the use of insertString() below:

    /** moving a text cursor, selecting text and overwriting it */
    protected void TextCursorExample() {
        try {
            // First, get the XSentenceCursor interface of our text cursor
            XSentenceCursor xSentenceCursor = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XSentenceCursor.class, mxDocCursor);
            // Goto the next cursor, without selecting it
            // Get the XWordCursor interface of our text cursor
            XWordCursor xWordCursor = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XWordCursor.class, mxDocCursor);
            // Skip the first four words of this sentence and select the fifth
            // Use the XSimpleText interface to insert a word at the current cursor
            // location, over-writing
            // the current selection (the fifth word selected above)
            mxDocText.insertString(xWordCursor, "old ", true);
            // Access the property set of the cursor, and set the currently selected text
            // (which is the string we just inserted) to be bold
            XPropertySet xCursorProps = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XPropertySet.class, mxDocCursor);
            xCursorProps.setPropertyValue("CharWeight", new Float(;
            // replace the '.' at the end of the sentence with a new string
                ", which has been changed with text cursors!", true);
        } catch (Exception e) {

    Text Contents Other Than Strings

    Up to this point, we have discussed paragraphs made up of character strings. Text can also contain other objects besides character strings in paragraphs. They all support the interface In fact, everything in texts must support XTextContent.

    A text content is an object that is attached to a The text range it is attached to is called the anchor of the text content.

    All text contents mentioned below, starting with tables, support the service It includes the interface that inherits from the interface The TextContent services may have the following properties:

    Properties of
    AnchorType Describes the base the object is positioned to, according to
    AnchorTypes A sequence of that contains all allowed anchor types for the object.
    TextWrap Determines the way the surrounding text flows around the object, according to

    The method dispose() of the XComponent interface deletes the object from the document. Since a text content is an XComponent, can be added or removed with the methods addEventListener() and removeEventListener(). These methods are called back when the object is disposed. Other events are not supported.

    The method getAnchor() at the XTextContent interface returns a text range which reflects the text position where the object is located. This method may return a void object, for example, for text frames that are bound to a page. The method getAnchor() is used in situations where an XTextRange is required. For instance, placeholder fields ( can be filled out using their getAnchor() method. Also, you can get a bookmark, retrieve its XTextRange from getAnchor() and use it to insert a string at the bookmark position.

    The method attach() is an intended method to attach text contents to the document, but it is currently not implemented.

    All text contents - including paragraphs - can be created by the service manager of the document. They are created using the factory methods createInstance() or createInstanceWithArguments() at the interface of the document.

    All text contents - except for paragraphs - can be inserted into text using the method insertTextContent(). They can be removed by calling removeTextContent(). Starting with the section Tables, there are code samples showing the usage of the document service manager with insertTextContent().

     void insertTextContent( [in] com::sun::star::text::XTextRange xRange,
                             [in] com::sun::star::text::XTextContent xContent, boolean bAbsorb);
     void removeTextContent( [in] com::sun::star::text::XTextContent xContent)

    Paragraphs cannot be inserted by insertTextContent(). Only the interface XRelativeTextContentInsert can insert paragraphs. A paragraph created by the service manager can be used for creating a new paragraph before or after a table, or a text section positioned at the beginning or the end of page where no cursor can insert new paragraphs. Cf. the section Inserting a Paragraph where no Cursor can go below.

    Control Characters

    We have used Java escape sequences for paragraph breaks, but this may not be feasible in every language. Moreover, LibreOffice supports a number of control characters that can be used. There are two possibilities: use the method

     void insertControlCharacter( [in] com::sun::star::text::XTextRange xRange,
                                        [in] short nControlCharacter,
                                        [in] boolean bAbsorb)

    to insert single control characters as defined in the constants group, or use the corresponding unicode character from the following list as escape sequence in a string if your language supports it. In Java, Unicode characters in strings can be incorporated using the \uHHHH escape sequence, where H represents a hexadecimal digit

    PARAGRAPH_BREAK Insert a paragraph break (UNICODE 0x000D).
    LINE_BREAK Inserts a line break inside the paragraph (UNICODE 0x000A).
    HARD_HYPHEN A character that appears like a dash, but prevents hyphenation at its position (UNICODE 0x2011).
    SOFT_HYPHEN Marks a preferred position for hyphenation (UNICODE 0x00AD).
    HARD_SPACE A character that appears like a space, but prevents hyphenation at this point (UNICODE 0x00A0).
    APPEND_PARAGRAPH A new paragraph is appended (no UNICODE for this function).

    The section Formatting describes how page breaks are created by setting certain paragraph properties.

    Iterating over Text

    The second interface of is XEnumerationAccess. A Text service enumerates all paragraphs in a text and returns objects which support This includes tables, because writer sees tables as specialized paragraphs that support the service.

    Paragraphs also have an of their own. They can enumerate every single text portion that they contain. A text portion is a text range containing a uniform piece of information that appears within the text flow. An ordinary paragraph, formatted in a uniform manner and containing nothing but a string, enumerates just a single text portion. In a paragraph that has specially formatted words or other contents, the text portion enumeration returns one service for each differently formatted string, and for every other text content. Text portions include the service and have the properties listed below:

    Properties of
    TextPortionType string - Contains the type of the text portion (see below).
    ControlCharacter short - Returns the control character if the text portion contains a control character as defined in
    Bookmark Contains the bookmark if the portion has TextPortionType="Bookmark".
    DocumentIndexMark Contains the document index mark if the portion has TextPortionType="DocumentIndexMark".
    ReferenceMark Contains the reference mark if the portion has TextPortionType="ReferenceMark".
    Footnote Contains the footnote if the portion has TextPortionType="Footnote".
    TextField Contains the text field if the portion has TextPortionType="TextField".
    InContentMetadata Contains the text range if the portion has TextPortionType="InContentMetadata".
    IsCollapsed boolean - Contains whether the portion is a point only.
    IsStart boolean - Contains whether the portion is a start portion if two portions are needed to include an object, for example, DocumentIndexMark.

    Possible Values for TextPortionType are:

    TextPortionType (String) Description
    "Text" a portion with mere string content
    "TextField" A content.
    "TextContent" A text content supplied through the interface XContentEnumerationAccess.
    "Footnote" A footnote or an endnote.
    "ControlCharacter" A control character.
    "ReferenceMark" A reference mark.
    "DocumentIndexMark" A document index mark.
    "Bookmark" A bookmark.
    "Redline" A redline portion which is a result of the change tracking feature.
    "Ruby" A ruby attribute which is used in Asian text.
    "Frame" A frame supplied through the interface XContentEnumerationAccess.
    "SoftPageBreak" A soft page break.
    "InContentMetadata" A text range with attached metadata.

    The text portion enumeration of a paragraph does not supply contents which do belong to the paragraph, but do not fuse together with the text flow. These could be text frames, graphic objects, embedded objects or drawing shapes anchored at the paragraph, characters or as character. The TextPortionType "TextContent" indicate if there is a content anchored at a character or as a character. If you have a TextContent portion type, you know that there are shape objects anchored at a character or as a character.

    This last group of data contained in a text, Paragraphs and TextPortions in writer support the interface This interface tells which text contents other than the text flow contents exist, and supplies them as an

     sequence< string > getAvailableServiceNames()
     com::sun::star::container::XEnumeration createContentEnumeration( [in] string aServiceName)

    The XContentEnumerationAccess of the paragraph lists the shape objects anchored at the paragraph while the XContentEnumerationAccess of a text portion lists the shape objects anchored at a character or as a character.

    Note pin.svg

    Precisely the same enumerations are available for the current text cursor selection. The text cursor enumerates paragraphs, text portions and text contents just like the service itself.

    The enumeration access to text through paragraphs and text portions is used if every single paragraph in a text needs to be touched. The application area for this enumeration are export filters, that uses this enumeration to go over the whole document, writing out the paragraphs to the target file. The following code snippet centers all paragraphs in a text.

    /** This method demonstrates how to iterate over paragraphs */
    protected void ParagraphExample () {
        try {
            // The service '' supports the XEnumerationAccess interface to
            // provide an enumeration
            // of the paragraphs contained by the text the service refers to.
            // Here, we access this interface
            XEnumerationAccess xParaAccess = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XEnumerationAccess.class, mxDocText);
            // Call the XEnumerationAccess's only method to access the actual Enumeration
            XEnumeration xParaEnum = xParaAccess.createEnumeration();
            // While there are paragraphs, do things to them
            while (xParaEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
                // Get a reference to the next paragraphs XServiceInfo interface. TextTables
                // are also part of this enumeration access, so we ask the element if it is
                // a TextTable, if it doesn't support the
                // service, then it is safe to assume that it really is a paragraph
                XServiceInfo xInfo = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                    XServiceInfo.class, xParaEnum.nextElement());
                if (!xInfo.supportsService("")) {
                    // Access the paragraph's property set...the properties in this
                    // property set are listed
                    // in:
                    XPropertySet xSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                        XPropertySet.class, xInfo);
                    // Set the justification to be center justified
        } catch (Exception e) {
            e.printStackTrace (System.out);

    Inserting a Paragraph where no Cursor can go

    The service has an optional interface which is available in Text services in Writer. The intention of this interface is to insert paragraphs in positions where no cursor or text portion can be located to use the insertTextContent() method. These situation occurs when text sections or text tables are at the start or end of the document, or if they follow each other directly.

     void insertTextContentBefore( [in] com::sun::star::text::XTextContent xNewContent,
                                   [in] com::sun::star::text::XTextContent xSuccessor)
     void insertTextContentAfter( [in] com::sun::star::text::XTextContent xNewContent,
                                  [in] com::sun::star::text::XTextContent xPredecessor)

    The only supported text contents are as new content, and and as successor or predecessor.

    Sorting Text

    It is possible to sort text or the content of text tables.

    Sorting of text is done by the text cursor that supports It contains two methods:

     sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > createSortDescriptor()
     void sort( [in] sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > xDescriptor)

    The method createSortDescriptor() returns a sequence of that provides the elements as described in the service

    The method sort() sorts the text that is selected by the cursor, by the given parameters.

    Sorting of tables happens directly at the table service, which supports XSortable. Sorting is a common feature of LibreOffice and it is described in detail in Office Development.

    Inserting Text Files

    The text cursor in writer supports the interface which has a single method to insert a file at the current cursor position:

     void insertDocumentFromURL( [in] string aURL,
                                 [in] sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > aOptions)

    Pass an URL and an empty sequence of PropertyValue structs. However, load properties could be used as described in

    Auto Text

    The auto text function can be used to organize reusable text passages. They allow storing text, including the formatting and all other contents in a text block collection to apply them later. Three services deal with auto text in LibreOffice:

    /** Insert an autotext at the current cursor position of given cursor mxDocCursor*/
    // Get an XNameAccess interface to all auto text groups from the document factory
    XNameAccess xContainer = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XNameAccess.class, mxFactory.createInstance(""));
    // Get the autotext group Standard
    xGroup = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XAutoTextGroup.class, xContainer.getByName("Standard"));
    // get the entry Best Wishes (BW)
    XAutoTextEntry xEntry = UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
        XAutoTextEntry.class, xGroup.getByName ("BW"));
    // insert the modified autotext block at the cursor position
    /** Add a new autotext entry to the AutoTextContainer
    // Select the last paragraph in the document
    // Get the XAutoTextContainer interface of the AutoTextContainer service
    XAutoTextContainer xAutoTextCont = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XAutoTextContainer.class, xContainer );
    // If the APIExampleGroup already exists, remove it so we can add a new one
    if (xContainer.hasByName("APIExampleGroup"))
        xAutoTextCont.removeByName("APIExampleGroup" );
    // Create a new auto-text group called APIExampleGroup
    XAutoTextGroup xNewGroup = xAutoTextCont.insertNewByName ( "APIExampleGroup" );
    // Create and insert a new auto text entry containing the current cursor selection
    XAutoTextEntry xNewEntry = xNewGroup.insertNewByName(
        "NAE", "New AutoTextEntry", xParaCursor);
    // Get the XSimpleText and XText interfaces of the new autotext block
    XSimpleText xSimpleText = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XSimpleText.class, xNewEntry);
            XText xText = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XText.class, xNewEntry);
    // Insert a string at the beginning of the autotext block
        "This string was inserted using the API!\n\n", false);

    The current implementation forces the user to close the AutoTextEntry instance when they are changed, so that the changes can take effect. However, the new AutoText is not written to disk until the destructor of the AutoTextEntry instance inside the writer is called. When this example has finished executing, the file on disk correctly contains the complete text "This string was inserted using the API!\n\nSome text for a new autotext block", but there is no way in Java to call the destructor. It is not clear when the garbage collector deletes the object and writes the modifications to disk.


    A multitude of character, paragraph and other properties are available for text in LibreOffice. However, the objects implemented in the writer do not provide properties that support or yet.

    Character and paragraph properties are available in the following services:

    Services supporting Character and Paragraph Properties Remark If collapsed, the CharacterProperties refer to the position on the right hand side of the cursor. In text tables. The model offers a selected number of character properties which apply to the entire document. These are: CharFontName, CharFontStyleName, CharFontFamily, CharFontCharSet, CharFontPitch and their Asian counterparts CharFontStyleNameAsian, CharFontFamilyAsian, CharFontCharSetAsian, CharFontPitchAsian.

    The character properties are described in the services, and describes common character properties for all language zones and character properties in Western text. The following table provides possible values.

    Properties of
    CharFontName string - This property specifies the name of the font in western text.
    CharFontStyleName string - This property contains the name of the font style.
    CharFontFamily short - This property contains font family that is specified in Possible values are: DONTKNOW, DECORATIVE, MODERN, ROMAN, SCRIPT, SWISS, and SYSTEM.
    CharFontCharSet short - This property contains the text encoding of the font that is specified in Possible values are: DONTKNOW, ANSI MAC, IBMPC_437, IBMPC_850, IBMPC_860, IBMPC_861, IBMPC_863, IBMPC_865, and SYSTEM SYMBOL.
    CharFontPitch short - This property contains the font pitch that is specified in The word font pitch refers to characters per inch, but the possible values are DONTKNOW, FIXED and VARIABLE. VARIABLE points to the difference between proportional and unproportional fonts.
    CharColor long - This property contains the value of the text color in ARGB notation. ARGB has four bytes denoting alpha, red, green and blue. In hex notation, this can be used conveniently: 0xAARRGGBB. The AA (Alpha) can be 00 or left out.
    CharEscapement [optional] short - Property which contains the relative value of the raisement or lowerment of characters for superscript or subscript styling. Would typically be a positive value for superscript, and a negative value for subscript.
    CharHeight float - This value contains the height of the characters in point.
    CharUnderline short - This property contains the value for the character underline that is specified in A lot of underline types are available. Some possible values are SINGLE, DOUBLE, and DOTTED.
    CharWeight float - This property contains the value of the font weight, cf. [ A lot of weights are possible. The common ones are BOLD and NORMAL.
    CharPosture long - This property contains the posture of the font as defined in The most common values are ITALIC and NONE.
    CharAutoKerning [optional] boolean - Property to determine whether the kerning tables from the current font are used.
    CharBackColor [optional] long - Property which contains the text background color in ARGB: 0xAARRGGBB.
    CharBackTransparent [optional] boolean - Determines if the text background color is set to transparent.
    CharCaseMap [optional] short - Property which contains the value of the case-mapping of the text for formatting and displaying. Possible CaseMaps are NONE, UPPERCASE, LOWERCASE, TITLE, and SMALLCAPS as defined in the constants group (optional)
    CharCrossedOut [optional] boolean - This property is true if the characters are crossed out.
    CharFlash [optional] boolean - If this optional property is true , then the characters are flashing
    CharStrikeout [optional] short - Determines the type of the strikethrough of the character as defined in Values are NONE, SINGLE, DOUBLE, DONTKNOW, BOLD, and SLASH X.
    CharWordMode [optional] boolean - If this property is true , the underline and strike-through properties are not applied to white spaces.
    CharKerning [optional] short - Property which contains the value of the kerning of the characters.
    CharLocale struct Contains the locale (language and country) of the characters.
    CharKeepTogether [optional] boolean - Property which marks a range of characters to prevent it from being broken into two lines.
    CharNoLineBreak [optional] boolean - Property which marks a range of characters to ignore a line break in this area.
    CharShadowed [optional] boolean - True if the characters are formatted and displayed with a shadow effect. (optional)
    CharFontType [optional] short - Property which specifies the fundamental technology of the font as specified in Possible values are DONTKNOW, RASTER, DEVICE, and SCALABLE.
    CharStyleName [optional] string - Specifies the name of the style of the font.
    CharContoured [optional] boolean - True if the characters are formatted and displayed with a contour effect.
    CharCombineIsOn [optional] boolean - True if text is formatted in two lines.
    CharCombinePrefix [optional] string - Contains the prefix string (usually parenthesis) before text that is formatted in two lines.
    CharCombineSuffix [optional] string - Contains the suffix string (usually parenthesis) after text that is formatted in two lines.
    CharEmphasis [optional] short - Contains the font emphasis value
    CharRelief [optional] short - Contains the relief value as FontRelief.
    RubyText [optional] string - Contains the text that is set as ruby.
    RubyAdjust [optional] short - Determines the adjustment of the ruby text as RubyAdjust.
    RubyCharStyleName [optional] string - Contains the name of the character style that is applied to RubyText (optional).
    RubyIsAbove [optional] boolean - Determines whether the ruby text is printed above/left or below/right of the text (optional) .
    CharRotation [optional] short - Determines the rotation of a character in degree.
    CharRotationIsFitToLine [optional] short - Determines whether the text formatting tries to fit rotated text into the surrounded line height.
    CharScaleWidth [optional] short - Determines the percentage value of scaling of characters.
    HyperLinkURL [optional] string - contains the URL of a hyperlink if the URL is set.
    HyperLinkTarget [optional] string - contains the name of the target for a hyperlink if the target is set.
    HyperLinkName [optional] string - contains the name of the hyperlink if the name is set.
    VisitedCharStyleName [optional] string - Contains the character style name for visited hyperlinks.
    UnvisitedCharStyleName [optional] string - Contains the character style name for unvisited hyperlinks.
    CharEscapementHeight [optional] byte - This is the relative height of subscript or superscript characters in units of percent. A value of 100 would be the original height of the characters.
    CharNoHyphenation [optional] boolean - True if the word can be hyphenated at the character.
    CharUnderlineColor Color - Gives the color of the underline for that character.
    CharUnderlineHasColor boolean - True if the CharunderlineColor is used for an underline
    CharStyleNames [optional] sequence<string> - specifies the names of the all styles applied to the font.
    CharHidden [optional] boolean - True if the characters are invisible
    TextUserDefinedAttributes [optional] XNameContainer - This property stores xml attributes. They will be saved to and restored from automatic styles inside xml files. describes properties used in Asian text. All of these properties have a counterpart in CharacterProperties. They apply as soon as a text is recognized as Asian by the employed Unicode character subset.

    Properties of
    CharHeightAsian float - This value contains the height of the characters in point.
    CharWeightAsian float - This property contains the value of the font weight.
    CharFontNameAsian string - This property specifies the name of the font style.
    CharFontStyleNameAsian string - This property contains the name of the font style.
    CharFontFamilyAsian short - This property contains the font family that is specified in
    CharFontCharSetAsian short - This property contains the text encoding of the font that is specified in
    CharFontPitchAsian short - This property contains the font pitch that is specified in
    CharPostureAsian long - This property contains the value of the posture of the font as defined in
    CharLocaleAsian struct - Contains the value of the locale.

    The complex properties refer to the same character settings as in CharacterPropertiesAsian, only they have the suffix "Complex" instead of "Asian". comprises paragraph properties.

    Properties of
    ParaAdjust long - Determines the adjustment of a paragraph.
    ParaLineSpacing [optional] struct - Determines the line spacing of a paragraph.
    ParaBackColor [optional] long - Contains the paragraph background color.
    ParaBackTransparent [optional] boolean - This value is true if the paragraph background color is set to transparent.
    ParaBackGraphicURL [optional] string - Contains the value of a link for the background graphic of a paragraph.
    ParaBackGraphicFilter [optional] string - Contains the name of the graphic filter for the background graphic of a paragraph.
    ParaBackGraphicLocation [optional] long - Contains the value for the position of a background graphic according to
    ParaLastLineAdjust short - Determines the adjustment of the last line.
    ParaExpandSingleWord [optional] boolean - Determines if single words are stretched.
    ParaLeftMargin long - Determines the left margin of the paragraph in 1/100 mm.
    ParaRightMargin long - Determines the right margin of the paragraph in 1/100 mm.
    ParaTopMargin long - Determines the top margin of the paragraph in 1/100 mm.
    ParaBottomMargin long - Determines the bottom margin of the paragraph in 1/100 mm.
    ParaLineNumberCount [optional] boolean - Determines if the paragraph is included in the line numbering.
    ParaLineNumberStartValue [optional] boolean - Contains the start value for the line numbering.
    ParaIsHyphenation [optional] boolean - Prevents the paragraph from getting hyphenated.
    PageDescName [optional] string - If this property is set, it creates a page break before the paragraph it belongs to and assigns the value as the name of the new page style sheet to use.
    PageNumberOffset [optional] short - If a page break property is set at a paragraph, this property contains the new value for the page number.
    PageStyleName [optional] string - Contains the page style name.
    ParaRegisterModeActive [optional] boolean - Determines if the register mode is applied to a paragraph.
    ParaTabStops [optional] sequence < >. Specifies the positions and kinds of the tab stops within this paragraph.
    ParaStyleName [optional] string - Contains the name of the current paragraph style.
    DropCapFormat [optional] struct specifies whether the first characters of the paragraph are displayed in capital letters and how they are formatted.
    DropCapWholeWord [optional] boolean - Specifies if the property DropCapFormat is applied to the whole first word.
    ParaKeepTogether [optional] boolean - Setting this property to true prevents page or column breaks between this and the following paragraph.
    ParaSplit [optional] boolean - Setting this property to false prevents the paragraph from getting split into two pages or columns.
    NumberingLevel [optional] short - Specifies the numbering level of the paragraph.
    NumberingRules Contains the numbering rules applied to this paragraph.
    NumberingStartValue [optional] short - Specifies the start value for numbering if a new numbering starts at this paragraph.
    ParaIsNumberingRestart [optional] boolean - Determines if the numbering rules restart, counting at the current paragraph.
    NumberingStyleName [optional] string - Specifies the name of the style for the numbering.
    ParaOrphans [optional] byte - Specifies the minimum number of lines of the paragraph that have to be at bottom of a page if the paragraph is spread over more than one page.
    ParaWidows [optional] byte - Specifies the minimum number of lines of the paragraph that have to be at top of a page if the paragraph is spread over more than one page.
    ParaShadowFormat [optional] struct Determines the type, color, and size of the shadow.
    ParaIsHangingPunctuation [optional] boolean - Determines if hanging punctuation is allowed.
    ParaIsCharacterDistance [optional] boolean - Determines if a distance between Asian text, western text or complex text is set.
    ParaIsForbiddenRules [optional] boolean - Determines if the the rules for forbidden characters at the start or end of text lines are considered. describes some further properties used in Asian text.

    Properties of
    ParaIsHangingPunctuation [optional] boolean - Determines if hanging punctuation is allowed.
    ParaIsCharacterDistance [optional] boolean - Determines if a distance between Asian text, western text or complex text is set.
    ParaIsForbiddenRules [optional] boolean - Determines if the the rules for forbidden characters at the start or end of text lines are considered.

    Objects supporting these properties support, as well. To change the properties, use the method setPropertyValue().

    /** This snippet shows the necessary steps to set a property at the
        current position of a given text cursor mxDocCursor
    // query the XPropertySet interface
    XPropertySet xCursorProps = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, mxDocCursor);
    // call setPropertyValue, passing in a Float object
    xCursorProps.setPropertyValue("CharWeight", new Float (;

    The same procedure is used for all properties. The more complex properties are described here.

    If a change of the page style is required the paragraph property PageDescName has to be set using an existing page style name. This forces a page break at the cursor position and the new inserted page uses the requested page style. The property PageNumberOffset has to be set to start with a new page count. If inserting an additional paragraph should be avoided, the cursor must be placed at the beginning of the first paragraph before inserting it.

    If a page break (or a column break) without a change in the used style is required, the property BreakType is set using the values of

    Page break Description
    BreakType Page or column break as described in Possible values are NONE, COLUMN_BEFORE, COLUMN_AFTER, COLUMN_BOTH, PAGE_BEFORE, PAGE_AFTER, and PAGE_BOTH. Setting the property forces a page or column break at the current text cursor position, paragraph or text table.

    The property ParaLineNumberCount is used to include a paragraph in the line numbering. The setting of the line numbering options is done using the property set provided by the interface implemented at the text document model.

    To create a hyperlink these properties are set at the current cursor position or the current service.

    Hyperlink properties are not specified for paragraphs in the API reference.

    Hyperlink Properties Description
    HyperLinkURL string - Contains the URL.
    HyperLinkTarget string - Contains the name of the target frame and can be left blank.
    HyperLinkName string - The name of the hyperlink can be left blank.
    UnvisitedCharStyleName string - The names of the character styles used to emphasize visited or not visited links. If left blank, the default character styles Internet Link/Visited Internet Link are applied automatically.
    HyperLinkEvents Events attached to the hyperlink. The names of the events are OnClick, OnMouseOver, and OnMouseOut. Each returned event is a sequence of, with three elements named EventType, MacroName and Library. All elements contain string values. The EventType contains the value "StarBasic" for LibreOffice Basic macros . The macro name contains the path to the macro, for example, Standard.Module1.Main. The library contains the name of the library.

    Some properties are connected with each other. There may be side effects or dependencies between the following properties:

    Interdependencies between Properties
    ParaRightMargin, ParaLeftMargin, ParaFirstLineIndent, ParaIsAutoFirstLineIndent
    ParaTopMargin, ParaBottomMargin
    ParaGraphicURL/Filter/Location, ParaBackColor, ParaBackTransparent
    ParaIsHyphenation, ParaHyphenationMaxLeadingChars/MaxTrailingChars/MaxHyphens
    Left/Right/Top/BottomBorder, Left/Right/Top/BottomBorderDistance, BorderDistance
    DropCapFormat, DropCapWholeWord, DropCapCharStyleName
    PageDescName, PageNumberOffset, PageStyleName
    HyperLinkURL/Name/Target, UnvisitedCharStyleName, VisitedCharStyleName
    CharEscapement, CharAutoEscapement, CharEscapementHeight
    CharFontName, CharFontStyleName, CharFontFamily, CharFontPitch
    CharStrikeOut, CharCrossedOut
    CharUnderline, CharUnderlineColor, CharUnderlineHasColor
    CharCombineIsOn, CharCombinePrefix, CharCombineSuffix
    RubyText, RubyAdjust, RubyCharStyleName, RubyIsAbove



    The text model cursor allows for free navigation over the model by character, words, sentences, or paragraphs. There can be several model cursors at the same time. Model cursor creation, movement and usage is discussed in the section Word Processing . The text model cursors are services that are based on the interface, which is based on

    The text view cursor enables the user to travel over the document in the view by character, line, screen page and document page. There is only one text view cursor. Certain information about the current layout, such as the number of lines and page number must be retrieved at the view cursor. The chapter Text Document Controller below discusses the view cursor in detail. The text view cursor is a service that includes

    Locating Text Contents

    The text document model has suppliers that yield all text contents in a document as collections. To find a particular text content, such as bookmarks or text fields, use the appropriate supplier interface. The following supplier interfaces are available at the model:

    Supplier interfaces Methods getTextTables() getTextFrames() getGraphicObjects() getEmbeddedObjects() getTextFields() getTextFieldMasters() getBookmarks() getReferenceMarks() getFootnotes() getFootnoteSettings() getEndnotes() getEndnoteSettings() getTextSections() getDocumentIndexes() getRedlines()

    You can work with text content directly, set properties and use its interfaces, or find out where it is and do an action at the text content location in the text. To find out where a text content is located call the getAnchor() method at the interface, which every text content must support.

    In addition, text contents located at the current text cursor position or the content where the cursor is currently located are provided in the PropertySet of the cursor. The corresponding cursor properties are:

    • DocumentIndexMark
    • TextField
    • ReferenceMark
    • Footnote
    • Endnote
    • DocumentIndex
    • TextTable
    • TextFrame
    • Cell
    • TextSection

    Search and Replace

    The writer model supports the interface that inherits from the interface for searching and replacing in text. It contains the following methods:

    com::sun::star::util::XSearchDescriptor createSearchDescriptor()
    com::sun::star::util::XReplaceDescriptor createReplaceDescriptor()
    com::sun::star::uno::XInterface findFirst( [in] com::sun::star::util::XSearchDescriptor xDesc)
    com::sun::star::uno::XInterface findNext( [in] com::sun::star::uno::XInterface xStartAt,
                                              [in] com::sun::star::util::XSearchDescriptor xDesc)
    com::sun::star::container::XIndexAccess findAll( [in] com::sun::star::util::XSearchDescriptor xDesc)
    long replaceAll( [in] com::sun::star::util::XSearchDescriptor xDesc)

    To search or replace text, first create a descriptor service using createSearchDescriptor() or createReplaceDescriptor(). You receive a service that supports the interface with methods to describe what you are searching for, what you want to replace with and what attributes you are looking for. It is described in detail below.

    Pass in this descriptor to the methods findFirst(), findNext(), findAll() or replaceAll().

    The methods findFirst() and findNext() return a pointing to an object that contains the found item. If the search is not successful, a null reference to an XInterface is returned, that is, if you try to query other interfaces from it, null is returned. The method findAll() returns a containing one or more pointing to the found text ranges or if they failed an empty interface. The method replaceAll() returns the number of replaced occurrences only.


    The interface is required to describe your search. It is a powerful interface and inherits from XReplaceDescriptor, XSearchDescriptor and XPropertySet.

    The target of your search is described by a string containing a search text or a style name using setSearchString(). Correspondingly, provide the text string or style name that should replace the found occurrence of the search target to the XReplaceDescriptor using setReplaceString(). Refine the search mode through the properties included in the service

    Properties of boolean - Search backward boolean - Search is case sensitive. boolean - Search interpreting the search string as a regular expression. boolean - Use similarity search using the four following options: short - Determines the number of characters the word in the document may be longer than the search string for it to remain valid. short - Determines how many characters in the search term can be exchanged. boolean - If true, the values of added, exchanged, and removed characters are combined The search term is then found if the word in the document can be generated through any combination of these three conditions. short - Determines how many characters the word in the document may be shorter than the search string for it to remain valid. The characters may be removed from the word at any position. boolean - Determines if the search and replace string should be interpreted as paragraph style names. Note that the Display Name of the style has to be used. boolean - Determines if the search should find complete words only.
    SearchType (not included in API-reference ) integer - Determines if the search should be done in cell formulas (0) values (1) or notes (2). [Calc only]

    In XPropertyReplace, the methods to get and set search attributes, and replace attributes allow the attributes to search for to be defined and the attributes to insert instead of the existing attributes. All of these methods expect a sequence of structs.

    Any properties contained in the services, and can be used for an attribute search. If setValueSearch(false) is used, LibreOffice checks if an attribute exists, whereas setValueSearch(true) finds specific attribute values. If only searching to see if an attribute exists at all, it is sufficient to pass a PropertyValue struct with the Name field set to the name of the required attribute.

    The following code snippet replaces all occurrences of the text "random numbers" by the bold text "replaced numbers" in a given document mxDoc.

    XReplaceable xReplaceable = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XReplaceable.class, mxDoc);
    XReplaceDescriptor xRepDesc = xReplaceable.createReplaceDescriptor();
    // set a string to search for
    xRepDesc.setSearchString("random numbers");
    // set the string to be inserted
    xRepDesc.setReplaceString("replaced numbers");
    // create an array of one property value for a CharWeight property
    PropertyValue[] aReplaceArgs = new PropertyValue[1];
    // create PropertyValue struct
    aReplaceArgs[0] = new PropertyValue();
    // CharWeight should be bold
    aReplaceArgs[0].Name = "CharWeight";
    aReplaceArgs[0].Value = new Float(;
    // set our sequence with one property value as ReplaceAttribute
    XPropertyReplace xPropRepl = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XPropertyReplace.class, xRepDesc);
    // replace
    long nResult = xReplaceable.replaceAll(xRepDesc);


    Table Architecture

    LibreOffice text tables consist of rows, rows consist of one or more cells, and cells can contain text or rows. There is no logical concept of columns. From the API's perspective, a table acts as if it had columns, as long as there are no split or merged cells.

    Cells in a row are counted alphabetically starting from A, where rows are counted numerically, starting from 1. This results in a cell-row addressing pattern, where the cell letter is denoted first (A-Zff.), followed by the row number (1ff.):

    A1 B1 C1 D1
    A2 B2 C2 D2
    A3 B3 C3 D3
    A4 B4 C4 D4

    When a cell is split vertically, the new cell gets the letter of the former right-hand-side neighbor cell and the former neighbor cell gets the next letter in the alphabet. Consider the example table below: B2 was split vertically, a new cell C2 is inserted and the former C2 became D2, D2 became E2, and so forth.

    When cells are merged vertically, the resulting cell counts as one cell and gets one letter. The neighbor cell to the right gets the subsequent letter. B4 in the table below shows this. The former B4 and C4 have been merged, so the former D4 could become C4. The cell name D4 is no longer required.

    As shown, there is no way to address a column C anymore, for the cells C1 to C4 no longer form a column:

    A1 B1 C1 D1
    A2 B2 vertically split in two C2 newly inserted D2 E2
    A3 B3 C3 D3
    A4 B4 merged with C4 C4

    When cells are split horizontally, LibreOffice simply inserts as many rows into the cell as required.

    In our example table, we continued by splitting C2 first horizontally and then vertically so that there is a range of four cells.

    The writer treats the content of C2 as two rows and starts counting cells within rows. To address the new cells, it extends the original cell name C2 by new addresses following the cell-row pattern. The upper row gets row number 1 and the first cell in the row gets cell number 1, resulting in the cell address C2.1.1, where the latter 1 indicates the row and the former 1 indicates the first cell in the row. The right neighbor of C2.1.1 is C2.2.1. The subaddress 2.1 means the second cell in the first row.

    A1 B1 C1 D1
    A2 B2 vertically split in two C2.1.1 C2.2.1 D2 E2
    C2.1.2 C2.2.2
    A3 B3 C3 D3
    A4 B4 merged with C4 C4

    The cell-row pattern is used for all further subaddressing as the cells are split and merged. The cell addresses can change radically depending on the table structure generated by LibreOffice. The next table shows what happens when E2 is merged with D3. The table is reorganized, so that it has three rows instead of four. The second row contains two cells, A2 and B2 (sic!). The cell A2 has two rows, as shown from the cell subaddresses: The upper row consists of four cells, namely A2.1.1 through A2.4.1, whereas the lower row consists of the three cells A2.1.2 through A2.3.2.

    The cell range C2.1.1:C2.2.2 that was formerly contained in cell C2 is now in cell A2.3.1 that denotes the third cell in the first row of A2. Within the address of the cell A2.3.1, LibreOffice has started a new subaddressing level using the cell-row pattern again.

    A1 B1 C1 D1
    A2.1.1 A2.2.1 A2. A2. A2.4.1 Former E2 merged

    with former D3

    Becomes B2!

    A2. A2.
    A2.1.2 A2.2.2 A2.3.2
    A3 B3 C3

    Cell addresses can become complicated. The cell address can be looked up in the user interface. Set the GUI text cursor in the desired cell and observe the lower-right corner of the status bar in the text document.

    Remember that there are only "columns" in a text table, as long as there are no split or merged cells.

    Text tables support the service, which includes the service


    The service offers access to table cells in two different ways::

    • Yields named table cells which are organized in rows and columns.
    • Provides a table cursor to travel through the table cells and alter the cell properties.

    These aspects are reflected in the interface which inherits from It can be seen as a rectangular range of cells defined by numeric column indexes, as described by This aspect makes text tables compatible with spreadsheet tables. Also, text tables have a name, can be sorted, charts can be based on them, and predefined formats can be applied to the tables. The latter aspects are covered by the interfaces,, and

    The usage of these interfaces and the properties of the TextTable service are discussed below.

    Named Table Cells in Rows, Columns and the Table Cursor

    The interface XTextTable introduces the following methods to initialize a table, work with table cells, rows and columns, and create a table cursor:

     void initialize( [in] long nRows, [in] long nColumns)
     sequence< string > getCellNames()
     com::sun::star::table::XCell getCellByName( [in] string aCellName)
     com::sun::star::table::XTableRows getRows()
     com::sun::star::table::XTableColumns getColumns()
     com::sun::star::text::XTextTableCursor createCursorByCellName( [in] string aCellName)

    The method initialize() sets the number of rows and columns prior to inserting the table into the text. Non-initialized tables default to two rows and two columns.

    The method getCellNames() returns a sequence of strings containing the names of all cells in the table in A1[.1.1] notation.

    The method getCellByName() expects a cell name in A1[.1.1] notation, and returns a cell object that is a and a The advantage of getCellByName() is its ability to retrieve cells even in tables with split or merged cells.

    The method getRows() returns a table row container supporting that is a, and introduces the following methods to insert an arbitrary number of table rows below a given row index position and remove rows from a certain position:

     void insertByIndex ( [in] long nIndex, [in] long nCount)
     void removeByIndex ( [in] long nIndex, [in] long nCount)

    The following table shows which XTableRows methods work under which circumstances.

    Method in In Simple table In Complex Table
    getElementType() X X
    hasElements() X X
    getByIndex() X X
    getCount() X X
    insertByIndex() X -
    removeByIndex() X -

    Every row returned by getRows() supports the service, that is, it is a which features these properties:

    Properties of
    BackColor long - Specifies the color of the background in 0xAARRGGBB notation.
    BackTransparent boolean - If true, the background color value in "BackColor" is not visible.
    BackGraphicURLBackGraphicURL string - Contains the URL of a background graphic.
    BackGraphicFilter string - Contains the name of the file filter of a background graphic.
    BackGraphicLocation Determines the position of the background graphic.
    TableColumnSeparators Defines the column width and its merging behavior. It contains a sequence of structs with the fields Position and IsVisible. The value of Position is relative to the table property TableColumnRelativeSum. IsVisible refers to merged cells where the separator becomes invisible.
    Height long - Contains the height of the table row.
    IsAutoHeight boolean - If the value of this property is true, the height of the table row depends on the content of the table cells.

    The method getColumns() is similar to getRows(), but restrictions apply. It returns a table column container supporting that is a and introduces the following methods to insert an arbitrary number of table columns behind a given column index position and remove columns from a certain position:

     void insertByIndex( [in] long nIndex, [in] long nCount)
     void removeByIndex( [in] long nIndex, [in] long nCount)

    The following table shows which XTableColumns methods work in which situation.

    Methods in In Simple Table In Complex Table
    getElementType() X X
    hasElements() X X
    getByIndex() X (but returned object supports XInterface only) -
    getCount() X -
    insertByIndex() X -
    removeByIndex() X -

    The method createCursorByCellName() creates a text table cursor that can select a cell range in the table, merge or split cells, and read and write cell properties of the selected cell range. It is a service with the interfaces and

    These are the methods contained in XTextTableCursor:

     string getRangeName()
     boolean goLeft( [in] short nCount, [in] boolean bExpand)
     boolean goRight( [in] short nCount, [in] boolean bExpand)
     boolean goUp( [in] short nCount, [in] boolean bExpand)
     boolean goDown( [in] short nCount, [in] boolean bExpand)
     void gotoStart( [in] boolean bExpand)
     void gotoEnd( [in] boolean bExpand)
     boolean gotoCellByName( [in] string aCellName, [in] boolean bExpand)
     boolean mergeRange()
     boolean splitRange( [in] short Count, [in] boolean Horizontal)

    Traveling through the table calls the cursor's goLeft(), goRight(), goUp(), goDown(), gotoStart(), gotoEnd(), and gotoCellByName() methods, passing true to select cells on the way.

    Once a cell range is selected, apply character and paragraph properties to the cells in the range as defined in the services,, and Moreover, split and merge cells using the text table cursor. An example is provided below.

    Indexed Cells and Cell Ranges

    The interface provides access to cells using their row and column index as position, and to create sub ranges of tables:

     com::sun::star::table::XCell getCellByPosition( [in] long nColumn, [in] long nRow)
     com::sun::star::table::XCellRange getCellRangeByPosition( [in] long nLeft, [in] long nTop,
                                                               [in] long nRight, [in] long nBottom)
     com::sun::star::table::XCellRange getCellRangeByName( [in] string aRange)

    The method getCellByPosition() returns a cell object supporting the interfaces and To find the cell the name is internally created from the position using the naming scheme described above and returns this cell if it exists. Calling getCellByPosition(1, 1) in the table at the beginning of this chapter returns the cell "B2" .

    The methods getCellRangeByPosition() and getCellRangeByName() return a range object that is described below. The name of the range is created with the top-left cell and bottom-right cell of the table separated by a colon : as in A1:B4. Both methods fail when the structure of the table contains merged or split cells.

    Table Naming, Sorting, Charting and Autoformatting

    Each table has a unique name that can be read and written using the interface

    A text table is a XNamed. Its method createSortDescriptor() returns a sequence of structs that provides the elements as described in the service The method sort() sorts the table content by the given parameters.

    The interface is used to connect a table or a range inside of a table to a chart. It reads and writes the values of a range, and sets the column and row labels. The inherited interface enables the chart to connect listeners to be notified when changes to the values of a table are made. For details about charting, refer to chapter Charts.

    The interface provides in its method autoFormat() a method to format the table using a predefined table format. To access the available auto formats, the service has to be accessed. For details, refer to chapter Table Auto Formats.

    Text Table Properties

    The text table supports the properties described in the service

    Properties of
    BackColor long - Contains the color of the table background.
    BackGraphicFilter string - Contains the name of the file filter for the background graphic.
    BackGraphicLocation Determines the position of the background graphic.
    BackGraphicURL string - Contains the URL for the background graphic.
    BackTransparent boolean - Determines if the background color is transparent.
    BottomMargin long - Determines the bottom margin.
    BreakType Determines the type of break that is applied at the beginning of the table.
    ChartColumnAsLabel boolean - Determines if the first column of the table should be treated as axis labels when a chart is to be created.
    ChartRowAsLabel boolean - Determines if the first row of the table should be treated as axis labels when a chart is to be created.
    HoriOrient short - Contains the horizontal orientation according to
    IsWidthRelative boolean - Determines if the value of the relative width is valid.
    KeepTogether boolean - Setting this property to true prevents page or column breaks between this table and the following paragraph or text table.
    LeftMargin long - Contains the left margin of the table.
    PageDescName string - If this property is set, it creates a page break before the table and assigns the value as the name of the new page style sheet to use.
    PageNumberOffset short - If a page break property is set at the table, this property contains the new value for the page number.
    RelativeWidth short - Determines the width of the table relative to its environment.
    RepeatHeadline boolean - Determines if the first row of the table is repeated on every new page.
    RightMargin long - Contains the right margin of the table.
    ShadowFormat struct determines the type, color and size of the shadow.
    Split boolean - Setting this property to false prevents the table from getting spread on two pages.
    TableBorder struct Contains the description of the table borders.
    TableColumnRelativeSum short - Contains the sum of the column width values used in TableColumnSeparators.
    TableColumnSeparators sequence < >. Defines the column width and its merging behavior. It contains a sequence of structs with the fields Position and IsVisible. The value of Position is relative to the table property TableColumnRelativeSum. IsVisible refers to merged cells where the separator becomes invisible. In tables with merged or split cells, the sequence TableColumnSeparators is empty.
    TopMargin long - Determines the top margin.
    Width long - Contains the absolute table width.

    Inserting Tables

    To create and insert a new text table, a five-step procedure must be followed:

    1. Get the service manager of the text document, querying the document's factory interface
    2. Order a new text table from the factory by its service name "", using the factory method createInstance().
    3. From the object received, query the interface that inherits from
    4. If necessary, initialize the table with the number of rows and columns. For this purpose, XTextTable offers the initialize() method.
    5. Insert the table into the text using the insertTextContent() method at its interface. The method insertTextContent() expects an XTextContent to insert. Since XTextTable inherits from XTextContent, pass the XTextTable interface retrieved previously.

    You are now ready to get cells, fill in text, values and formulas and set the table and cell properties as needed.

    In the following code sample, there is a small helper function to put random numbers between -1000 and 1000 into the table to demonstrate formulas:

    /** This method returns a random double which isn't too high or too low
    protected double getRandomDouble()
        return (maRandom.nextInt(1000) * maRandom.nextDouble());

    The following helper function inserts a string into a cell known by its name and sets its text color to white:

    /** This method sets the text colour of the cell refered to by sCellName to white and inserts
        the string sText in it
    public static void insertIntoCell(String sCellName, String sText, XTextTable xTable) {
        // Access the XText interface of the cell referred to by sCellName
        XText xCellText = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XText.class, xTable.getCellByName(sCellName));
        // create a text cursor from the cells XText interface
        XTextCursor xCellCursor = xCellText.createTextCursor();
        // Get the property set of the cell's TextCursor
        XPropertySet xCellCursorProps = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XPropertySet.class, xCellCursor);
        try {
            // Set the colour of the text to white
            xCellCursorProps.setPropertyValue("CharColor", Integer.valueOf(16777215));
        } catch (Exception e) {
        // Set the text in the cell to sText

    Using the above helper functions, create a text table and insert it into the text document.

    /** This method shows how to create and insert a text table, as well as insert text and formulae
        into the cells of the table
    protected void TextTableExample ()
            // Create a new table from the document's factory
            XTextTable xTable = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XTextTable.class, mxDocFactory .createInstance(
                    "" ) );
            // Specify that we want the table to have 4 rows and 4 columns
            xTable.initialize( 4, 4 );
            // Insert the table into the document
            mxDocText.insertTextContent( mxDocCursor, xTable, false);
            // Get an XIndexAccess of the table rows
            XIndexAccess xRows = xTable.getRows();
            // Access the property set of the first row (properties listed in service description:
            XPropertySet xRow = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XPropertySet.class, xRows.getByIndex ( 0 ) );
            // If BackTransparant is false, then the background color is visible
            xRow.setPropertyValue( "BackTransparent", Boolean.FALSE);
            // Specify the color of the background to be dark blue
            xRow.setPropertyValue( "BackColor", Integer.valueOf(6710932));
            // Access the property set of the whole table
            XPropertySet xTableProps = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XPropertySet.class, xTable );
            // We want visible background colors
            xTableProps.setPropertyValue( "BackTransparent", Boolean.FALSE);
            // Set the background colour to light blue
            xTableProps.setPropertyValue( "BackColor", Integer.valueOf(13421823));
            // set the text (and text colour) of all the cells in the first row of the table
            insertIntoCell( "A1", "First Column", xTable );
            insertIntoCell( "B1", "Second Column", xTable );
            insertIntoCell( "C1", "Third Column", xTable );
            insertIntoCell( "D1", "Results", xTable );
            // Insert random numbers into the first this three cells of each
            // remaining row
            xTable.getCellByName( "A2" ).setValue( getRandomDouble() );
            xTable.getCellByName( "B2" ).setValue( getRandomDouble() );
            xTable.getCellByName( "C2" ).setValue( getRandomDouble() );
            xTable.getCellByName( "A3" ).setValue( getRandomDouble() );
            xTable.getCellByName( "B3" ).setValue( getRandomDouble() );
            xTable.getCellByName( "C3" ).setValue( getRandomDouble() );
            xTable.getCellByName( "A4" ).setValue( getRandomDouble() );
            xTable.getCellByName( "B4" ).setValue( getRandomDouble() );
            xTable.getCellByName( "C4" ).setValue( getRandomDouble() );
            // Set the last cell in each row to be a formula that calculates
            // the sum of the first three cells
            xTable.getCellByName( "D2" ).setFormula( "sum <A2:C2>" );
            xTable.getCellByName( "D3" ).setFormula( "sum <A3:C3>" );
            xTable.getCellByName( "D4" ).setFormula( "sum <A4:C4>" );
        catch (Exception e)
            e.printStackTrace ( System.out );

    The next sample inserts auto text entries into a table, splitting cells during its course.

    /** This example demonstrates the use of the AutoTextContainer, AutoTextGroup and AutoTextEntry services
        and shows how to create, insert and modify auto text blocks
    protected void AutoTextExample ()
            // Go to the end of the document
            mxDocCursor.gotoEnd( false );
            // Insert two paragraphs
            mxDocText.insertControlCharacter ( mxDocCursor,
                ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false );
            mxDocText.insertControlCharacter ( mxDocCursor,
                ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false );
            // Position the cursor in the second paragraph
            XParagraphCursor xParaCursor = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XParagraphCursor.class, mxDocCursor );
            xParaCursor.gotoPreviousParagraph ( false );
            // Get an XNameAccess interface to all auto text groups from the document factory
            XNameAccess xContainer = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XNameAccess.class, mxFactory.createInstance (
                    "" ) );
            // Create a new table at the document factory
            XTextTable xTable = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XTextTable.class, mxDocFactory .createInstance(
                    "" ) );
            // Store the names of all auto text groups in an array of strings
            String[] aGroupNames = xContainer.getElementNames();
            // Make sure we have at least one group name
            if ( aGroupNames.length > 0 )
                // initialise the table to have a row for every autotext group
                //in a single column + one
                // additional row for a header
                xTable.initialize( aGroupNames.length+1,1);
                // Access the XPropertySet of the table
                XPropertySet xTableProps = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                    XPropertySet.class, xTable );
                // We want a visible background
                xTableProps.setPropertyValue( "BackTransparent", Boolean.FALSE);
                // We want the background to be light blue
                xTableProps.setPropertyValue( "BackColor", Integer.valueOf(13421823));
                // Insert the table into the document
                mxDocText.insertTextContent( mxDocCursor, xTable, false);
                // Get an XIndexAccess to all table rows
                XIndexAccess xRows = xTable.getRows();
                // Get the first row in the table
                XPropertySet xRow = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                    XPropertySet.class, xRows.getByIndex ( 0 ) );
                // We want the background of the first row to be visible too
                xRow.setPropertyValue( "BackTransparent", Boolean.FALSE);
                // And let's make it dark blue
                xRow.setPropertyValue( "BackColor", Integer.valueOf(6710932));
                // Put a description of the table contents into the first cell
                insertIntoCell( "A1", "AutoText Groups", xTable);
                // Create a table cursor pointing at the second cell in the first column
                XTextTableCursor xTableCursor = xTable.createCursorByCellName ( "A2" );
                // Loop over the group names
                for ( int i = 0 ; i < aGroupNames.length ; i ++ )
                    // Get the name of the current cell
                    String sCellName = xTableCursor.getRangeName ();
                    // Get the XText interface of the current cell
                    XText xCellText = UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                        XText.class, xTable.getCellByName ( sCellName ) );
                    // Set the cell contents of the current cell to be
                    // the name of the autotext group
                    xCellText.setString ( aGroupNames[i] );
                    // Access the autotext group with this name
                    XAutoTextGroup xGroup = UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                    // Get the titles of each autotext block in this group
                    String [] aBlockNames = xGroup.getTitles();
                    // Make sure that the autotext group contains at least one block
                    if ( aBlockNames.length > 0 )
                        // Split the current cell vertically into two seperate cells
                        xTableCursor.splitRange ( (short) 1, false );
                        // Put the cursor in the newly created right hand cell
                        // and select it
                        xTableCursor.goRight ( (short) 1, false );
                        // Split this cell horizontally to make a seperate cell
                        // for each Autotext block
                        if ( ( aBlockNames.length -1 ) > 0 )
                            xTableCursor.splitRange (
                                (short) (aBlockNames.length - 1), true );
                        // loop over the block names
                        for ( int j = 0 ; j < aBlockNames.length ; j ++ )
                            // Get the XText interface of the current cell
                            xCellText = UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                                XText.class, xTable.getCellByName (
                                xTableCursor.getRangeName() ) );
                            // Set the text contents of the current cell to the
                            // title of an Autotext block
                            xCellText.setString ( aBlockNames[j] );
                            // Move the cursor down one cell
                            xTableCursor.goDown( (short)1, false);
                    // Go back to the cell we originally split
                    xTableCursor.gotoCellByName ( sCellName, false );
                    // Go down one cell
                    xTableCursor.goDown( (short)1, false);
                XAutoTextGroup xGroup;
                String [] aBlockNames;
                // Add a depth so that we only generate 200 numbers before
                // giving up on finding a random autotext group that contains autotext blocks
                int nDepth = 0;
                    // Generate a random, positive number which is lower than
                    // the number of autotext groups
                    int nRandom = maRandom.nextInt( aGroupNames.length );
                    // Get the autotext group at this name
                    xGroup = UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                        XAutoTextGroup.class, xContainer.getByName (
                            aGroupNames[ nRandom ] ) );
                    // Fill our string array with the names of all the blocks in this
                    // group
                    aBlockNames = xGroup.getElementNames();
                    // increment our depth counter
                while ( nDepth < 200 && aBlockNames.length == 0 );
                // If we managed to find a group containg blocks...
                if ( aBlockNames.length > 0 )
                    // Pick a random block in this group and get it's
                    // XAutoTextEntry interface
                    int nRandom = maRandom.nextInt( aBlockNames.length );
                    XAutoTextEntry xEntry = ( XAutoTextEntry )
                        UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                            XAutoTextEntry.class, xGroup.getByName (
                                aBlockNames[ nRandom ] ) );
                    // insert the modified autotext block at the end of the document
                    xEntry.applyTo ( mxDocCursor );
                    // Get the titles of all text blocks in this AutoText group
                    String [] aBlockTitles = xGroup.getTitles();
                    // Get the XNamed interface of the autotext group
                    XNamed xGroupNamed = UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                        XNamed.class, xGroup );
                    // Output the short cut and title of the random block
                    //and the name of the group it's from
                    System.out.println ( "Inserted the Autotext '" + aBlockTitles[nRandom]
                        + "', shortcut '" + aBlockNames[nRandom] + "' from group '"
                            + xGroupNamed.getName() );
            // Go to the end of the document
            mxDocCursor.gotoEnd( false );
            // Insert new paragraph
            mxDocText.insertControlCharacter (
                mxDocCursor, ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false );
            // Position cursor in new paragraph
            xParaCursor.gotoPreviousParagraph ( false );
            // Insert a string in the new paragraph
            mxDocText.insertString ( mxDocCursor, "Some text for a new autotext block", false );
            // Go to the end of the document
            mxDocCursor.gotoEnd( false );
        catch (Exception e)
            e.printStackTrace ( System.out );

    Accessing Existing Tables

    To access the tables contained in a text document, the text document model supports the interface with one single method getTextTables(). It returns a service, which is a named and indexed collection, that is, tables are retrieved using or

    The following snippet iterates over the text tables in a given text document object mxDoc and colors them green.

    // first query the XTextTablesSupplier interface from our document
    XTextTablesSupplier xTablesSupplier = (XTextTablesSupplier)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XTextTablesSupplier.class, mxDoc );
    // get the tables collection
    XNameAccess xNamedTables = xTablesSupplier.getTextTables();
    // now query the XIndexAccess from the tables collection
    XIndexAccess xIndexedTables = (XIndexAccess)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XIndexAccess.class, xNamedTables);
    // we need properties
    XPropertySet xTableProps = null;
    // get the tables
    for (int i = 0; i < xIndexedTables.getCount(); i++) {
        Object table = xIndexedTables.getByIndex(i);
        // the properties, please!
        xTableProps = (XPropertySet)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XPropertySet.class, table);
        // color the table light green in format 0xRRGGBB
        xTableProps.setPropertyValue("BackColor", Integer.valueOf(0xC8FFB9));

    Text Fields

    Text fields are text contents that add a second level of information to text ranges. Usually their appearance fuses together with the surrounding text, but actually the presented text comes from elsewhere. Field commands can insert the current date, page number, total page numbers, a cross-reference to another area of text, the content of certain database fields, and many variables, such as fields with changing values, into the document. There are some fields that contain their own data, where others get the data from an attached field master.

    Text Fields and Text Field Masters

    Fields are created using the of the model before inserting them using insertTextContent(). The following text field services are available:

    Text Field Service Name Description Annotation created through Insert - Note. Shows the author of the document. Bibliographic entry created by Insert - Indexes and Tables - Bibliography Entry. The content is the source of the creation of bibliographic indexes. The sequence <PropertyValue> in the property "Fields" contains pairs of the name of the field and its content, such as:

    The names of the fields are defined in A bibliographic entry depends on Show the chapter information. Show the character count of the document. Combines up to six characters as one text object that is formatted in two lines. Inserts text depending on a condition. The form letter field showing the content from a database. Depends on Shows the name of a database. Increments the cursor that points to a database selection. Shows the set number of a database cursor. Databases - Any Record. Sets the number of a database cursor. Shows a date or time value. Shows the result of a DDE operation. Depends on Shows the name of the author of the last change of the document. Shows the date and time of the last change of the document. Shows the name of the creator of the document. Shows the date and time of the document creation. Shows the content of a user defined field of the document info. Shows the description contained in the document information. Shows the time of the editing of the document. Shows the keywords contained in the document info. Shows the name of the author of the last printing. Shows the date and time of the last printing. Shows the revision contained in the document info. Shows the subject contained in the document info. Shows the title contained in the document info. Shows the number of embedded objects contained in the document. Shows the user data of the Office user. Shows the file name (URL) of the document. Variables - Show Variable. Shows the value set by the previous occurrence of SetExpression. References - Insert Reference. Shows a reference to a reference mark, bookmark, number range field, footnote or an endnote. Shows the number of graphic object in the document. Depending on a condition, the field hides the paragraph it is contained in. Depending on a condition the field shows or hides a text. The field activates a dialog to input a value that changes a related User field or SetExpression field. The field activates a dialog to input a string that is displayed by the field. This field is not connected to variables. A placeholder field with an attached interaction to insert text, a text table, text frame, graphic object or an OLE object. A field connected to a macro that is executed on a click to the field. To execute such a macro, use the dispatch (cf. Appendix). Shows the number of pages of the document. Shows the page number (current, previous, next). Shows the number of paragraphs contained in the document. Displays the page number with respect to the reference point, that is determined by the text field ReferencePageSet. Inserts a starting point for additional page numbers that can be switched on or off. Contains a script or a URL to a script. Variables - Set Variable. A variable field. The value is valid until the next occurrence of SetExpression field. The actual value depends on Shows the number of text tables of the document. Contains a formula to calculate in a text table. Shows the name of the template the current document is created from. Variables - User Field. Creates a global document variable and displays it whenever this field occurs in the text. Depends on Shows the number of words contained in the document.

    All fields support the interfaces,, and the service

    The method getPresentation() of the interface returns the textual representation of the result of the text field operation, such as a date, time, variable value, or the command, such as CHAPTER, TIME (fixed) depending on the boolean parameter.

    The method update() of the interface affects only the following field types:

    • Date and time fields are set to the current date and time.
    • The ExtendedUser fields that show parts of the user data set for LibreOffice, such as the Name, City, Phone No. and the Author fields that are set to the current values.
    • The FileName fields are updated with the current name of the file.
    • The DocInfo.XXX fields are updated with the current document info of the document.

    All other fields ignore calls to update().

    Some of these fields need a field master that provides the data that appears in the field. This applies to the field types Database, SetExpression, DDE, User and Bibliography. The interface handles these pairs of FieldMasters and TextFields. The method attachTextFieldMaster() must be called prior to inserting the field into the document. The method getTextFieldMaster() does not work unless the dependent field is inserted into the document.

    To create a valid text field master, the instance has to be created using the interface of the model with the appropriate service name:

    Text Field Master Service Names Description Contains the global variable that is created and displayed by the fieldtype The DDE command for a Numbering settings if the corresponding is a number range. A sub type of expression. Data source definition for a Display settings and sorting for

    The property Name has to be set after the field instance is created, except for the Database field master type where the properties DatabaseName, DatabaseTableName, DataColumnName and DatabaseCommandType are set instead of the Name property.

    To access existing text fields and field masters, use the interface that is implemented at the text document model.

    Its method getTextFields() returns a container which is a and can be refreshed through the refresh() method in its interface

    Its method getTextFieldMasters() returns a container holding the text field masters of the document. This container provides a interface. All field masters, except for Database are named by the service name followed by the name of the field master. The Database field masters create their names by appending the DatabaseName, DataTableName and DataColumnName to the service name.

    Consider the following examples for this naming convention:

    "" Master for Illustration number range. Number ranges are built-in SetExpression fields present in every document.
    "" Master for User field (global document variable), inserted with display name Company.
    "" Master for form letter field referring to the column Identifier in the built-in dbase database table biblio.

    Each text field master has a property InstanceName that contains its name in the format of the related container.

    Some SetExpression text field masters are always available if they are not deleted. These are the masters with the names Text, Illustration, Table and Drawing. They are predefined as number range field masters used for captions of text frames, graphics, text tables and drawings. Note that these predefined names are internal names that are usually not used at the user interface.

    The following methods show how to create and insert text fields.

    /** This method inserts both a date field and a user field containing the number '42'
    protected void TextFieldExample() {
        try {
            // Use the text document's factory to create a DateTime text field,
            // and access it's
            // XTextField interface
            XTextField xDateField = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XTextField.class, mxDocFactory.createInstance(
            // Insert it at the end of the document
            mxDocText.insertTextContent ( mxDocText.getEnd(), xDateField, false );
            // Use the text document's factory to create a user text field,
            // and access it's XDependentTextField interface
            XDependentTextField xUserField = UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                XDependentTextField.class, mxDocFactory.createInstance(
            // Create a fieldmaster for our newly created User Text field, and access it's
            // XPropertySet interface
            XPropertySet xMasterPropSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XPropertySet.class, mxDocFactory.createInstance(
            // Set the name and value of the FieldMaster
            xMasterPropSet.setPropertyValue ("Name", "UserEmperor");
            xMasterPropSet.setPropertyValue ("Value", Integer.valueOf(42));
            // Attach the field master to the user field
            xUserField.attachTextFieldMaster (xMasterPropSet);
            // Move the cursor to the end of the document
            // insert a paragraph break using the XSimpleText interface
                mxDocCursor, ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false);
            // Insert the user field at the end of the document
            mxDocText.insertTextContent(mxDocText.getEnd(), xUserField, false);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            e.printStackTrace (System.out);


    A Bookmark is a text content that marks a position inside of a paragraph or a text selection that supports the service. To search for a bookmark, the text document model implements the interface that supplies a collection of the bookmarks. The collection supports the service which consists of and

    The bookmark name can be read and changed through its ( interface.

    To insert, remove or change text, or attributes starting from the position of a bookmark, retrieve its by calling getAnchor() at its interface. Then use getString() or setString() at the XTextRange, or pass this XTextRange to methods expecting a text range, such as createTextCursorByRange(), insertString() or insertTextContent().


    Make sure that the access to the bookmark anchor position always uses the correct text object. Since every XTextRange knows its surrounding text, use the getText() method of the bookmark's anchor. It is not allowed to call aText.createTextCursorByRange(oAnchor) when aText represents a different area of the document than the bookmark (different text frames, body text and text frame...)

    Use the createInstance method of the interface provided by the text document model to insert an new bookmark into the document. The service name is "". Then use the bookmark's interface and call setName(). If no name is set, LibreOffice makes up generic names, such as Bookmark1 and Bookmark2. Similarly, if a name is used that is not unique, writer automatically appends a number to the bookmark name. The bookmark object obtained from createInstance() can only be inserted once.

    // inserting and retrieving a bookmark
    Object bookmark = mxDocFactory.createInstance ( "" );
    // name the bookmark
    XNamed xNamed = (XNamed)UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
        XNamed.class, bookmark );
    // get XTextContent interface
    XTextContent xTextContent = (XTextContent)UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
        XTextContent.class, bookmark );
    // insert bookmark at the end of the document
    // instead of mxDocText.getEnd you could use a text cursor's XTextRange interface or any XTextRange
    mxDocText.insertTextContent ( mxDocText.getEnd(), xTextContent, false );
    // query XBookmarksSupplier from document model and get bookmarks collection
    XBookmarksSupplier xBookmarksSupplier = (XBookmarksSupplier)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XBookmarksSupplier.class, xWriterComponent);
    XNameAccess xNamedBookmarks = xBookmarksSupplier.getBookmarks();
    // retrieve bookmark by name
    Object foundBookmark = xNamedBookmarks.getByName("MyUniqueBookmarkName");
    XTextContent xFoundBookmark = (XTextContent)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
        XTextContent.class, foundBookmark);
    // work with bookmark
    XTextRange xFound = xFoundBookmark.getAnchor();
    xFound.setString(" The throat mike, glued to her neck, "
        + "looked as much as possible like an analgesic dermadisk.");

    Indexes and Index Marks

    Indexes are text contents that pull together information that is dispersed over the document. They can contain chapter headings, locations of key words, locations of arbitrary index marks and locations of text objects, such as illustrations, objects or tables. In addition, LibreOffice features a bibliographical index.


    The following index services are available in LibreOffice:

    Index Service Name Description alphabetical index table of contents user defined index table of all illustrations contained in the document table of all objects contained in the document table of all text tables contained in the document bibliographical index

    To access the indexes of a document, the text document model supports the interface with a single method getDocumentIndexes(). The returned object is a service supporting the interfaces and

    All indexes support the services and that include the interface This interface is used to access the service name of the index and update the current content of an index:

     string getServiceName()
     void update()

    Furthermore, indexes have properties and a name, and support:

    provides the properties that determine how the index is created and which elements are included into the index.
    provides a unique name of the index, not necessarily the title of the index.

    An index is usually composed of two text sections which are provided as properties. The provided property ContentSection includes the complete index and the property HeaderSection contains the title if there is one. They enable the index to have background or column attributes independent of the surrounding page format valid at the index position. In addition, there may be different settings for the content and the heading of the index. However, these text sections are not part of the document's text section container.

    The indexes are structured by levels. The number of levels depends on the index type. The content index has ten levels, corresponding to the number of available chapter numbering levels, which is ten. Alphabetical indexes have four levels, one of which is used to insert separators, that are usually characters that show the alphabet. The bibliography has 22 levels, according to the number of available bibliographical type entries ( All other index types only have one level.

    For all levels, define a separate structure that is provided by the property LevelFormat of the service LevelFormat contains the various levels as a object. Each level is a sequence of which are defined in the service Although LevelFormat provides a level for the heading, changing that level is not supported.

    Each sequence has to contain at least one with the name TokenType. This PropertyValue struct must contain one of the following string values in its Value member variable:

    TokenType Value (String) Meaning Additional Sequence Members (optional)
    "TokenEntryNumber" The number of an entry. This is only supported in tables of content and it marks the appearance of the chapter number. CharacterStyleName
    "TokenEntryText" Text of the entry, for example, it might contain the heading text in tables of content or the name of a text reference in a bibliography. CharacterStyleName
    "TokenTabStop" Marks a tab stop to be inserted. TabStopPosition


    "TokenText" Inserted text. CharacterStyleName


    "TokenPageNumber" Marks the insertion of the page number. CharacterStyleName
    "TokenChapterInfo" Marks the insertion of a chapter field to be inserted. Only supported in alphabetical indexes. CharacterStyleName


    "TokenHyperlinkStart" Start of a hyperlink to jump to the referred heading. Only supported in tables of content.
    "TokenHyperlinkEnd" End of a hyperlink to jump to the referred heading. Only supported in tables of content.
    "TokenBibliographyDataField" Identifies one of the 30 possible BibliographyDataFields. The number 30 comes from the IDL reference of BilbliographyDataFields. BibliographyDataField


    An example for such a sequence of PropertyValue struct could be constructed like this:

     PropertyValue[] indexTokens = new PropertyValue[1];
     indexTokens [0] = new PropertyValue();
     indexTokens [0].Name = "TokenType";
     indexTokens [0].Value = "TokenHyperlinkStart";

    The following table explains the sequence members which can be present, in addition to the TokenType member, as mentioned above.

    Additional Properties of
    CharacterStyleName string - Name of the character style that has to be applied to the appearance of the entry.
    TabStopPosition long - Position of the tab stop in 1/100 mm.
    TabStopRightAligned boolean - The tab stop is to be inserted at the end of the line and right aligned. This is used before page number entries.
    TabStopFillCharacter string - The first character of this string is used as a fill character for the tab stop.
    ChapterFormat short - Type of the chapter info as defined in
    BibliographyDataField Type of the bibliographical entry as defined in

    Index marks

    Index marks are text contents whose contents and positions are collected and displayed in indexes.

    To access all index marks that are related to an index, use the property IndexMarks of the index. It contains a sequence of interfaces.

    All index marks support the service that includes Also, they all implement the interfaces and

    The XDocumentIndexMark inherits from XTextContent and defines two methods:

     string getMarkEntry()
     void setMarkEntry( [in] string anIndexEntry)

    LibreOffice supports three different index mark services:

    An index mark can be set at a point in text or it can mark a portion of a paragraph, usually a word. It cannot contain text across paragraph breaks. If the index mark does not include text, the BaseIndexMark property AlternativeText has to be set, otherwise there will be no string to insert into the index.

    Inserting ContentIndexMarks and a table of contents index:

    /** This method demonstrates how to insert indexes and index marks
    protected void IndexExample ()
            // Go to the end of the document
            mxDocCursor.gotoEnd( false );
            // Insert a new paragraph and position the cursor in it
            mxDocText.insertControlCharacter ( mxDocCursor, ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false );
            XParagraphCursor xParaCursor = (XParagraphCursor)
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XParagraphCursor.class, mxDocCursor );
            xParaCursor.gotoPreviousParagraph ( false );
            // Create a new ContentIndexMark and get it's XPropertySet interface
            XPropertySet xEntry = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPropertySet.class,
                mxDocFactory.createInstance ( "" ) );
            // Set the text to be displayed in the index
            xEntry.setPropertyValue ( "AlternativeText", "Big dogs! Falling on my head!" );
            // The Level property _must_ be set
            xEntry.setPropertyValue ( "Level", new Short ( (short) 1 ) );
            // Create a ContentIndex and access it's XPropertySet interface
            XPropertySet xIndex = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPropertySet.class,
                mxDocFactory.createInstance ( "" ) );
            // Again, the Level property _must_ be set
            xIndex.setPropertyValue ( "Level", new Short ( (short) 10 ) );
            // Access the XTextContent interfaces of both the Index and the IndexMark
            XTextContent xIndexContent = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XTextContent.class, xIndex );
            XTextContent xEntryContent = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XTextContent.class, xEntry );
            // Insert both in the document
            mxDocText.insertTextContent ( mxDocCursor, xEntryContent, false );
            mxDocText.insertTextContent ( mxDocCursor, xIndexContent, false );
            // Get the XDocumentIndex interface of the Index
            XDocumentIndex xDocIndex = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XDocumentIndex.class, xIndex );
            // And call it's update method
        catch (Exception e)
            e.printStackTrace ( System.out );

    Reference Marks

    A reference mark is a text content that is used as a target for text fields. These text fields show the contents of reference marks in a text document and allows the user to jump to the reference mark. Reference marks support the and interfaces. They can be accessed by using the text document's interface that defines a single method getReferenceMarks().

    The returned collection is a service which has a and a interface.

    /** This method demonstrates how to create and insert reference marks, and GetReference Text Fields
    protected void ReferenceExample () {
        try {
            // Go to the end of the document
            // Insert a paragraph break
                mxDocCursor, ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false);
            // Get the Paragraph cursor
            XParagraphCursor xParaCursor = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XParagraphCursor.class, mxDocCursor);
            // Move the cursor into the new paragraph
            // Create a new ReferenceMark and get it's XNamed interface
            XNamed xRefMark = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNamed.class,
            // Set the name to TableHeader
            // Get the TextTablesSupplier interface of the document
            XTextTablesSupplier xTableSupplier = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XTextTablesSupplier.class, mxDoc);
            // Get an XIndexAccess of TextTables
            XIndexAccess xTables = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XIndexAccess.class, xTableSupplier.getTextTables());
            // We've only inserted one table, so get the first one from index zero
            XTextTable xTable = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XTextTable.class, xTables.getByIndex(0));
            // Get the first cell from the table
            XText xTableText = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XText.class, xTable.getCellByName("A1"));
            // Get a text cursor for the first cell
            XTextCursor xTableCursor = xTableText.createTextCursor();
            // Get the XTextContent interface of the reference mark so we can insert it
            XTextContent xContent = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XTextContent.class, xRefMark);
            // Insert the reference mark into the first cell of the table
            xTableText.insertTextContent (xTableCursor, xContent, false);
            // Create a 'GetReference' text field to refer to the reference mark we just inserted,
            // and get it's XPropertySet interface
            XPropertySet xFieldProps = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XPropertySet.class, mxDocFactory.createInstance(
            // Get the XReferenceMarksSupplier interface of the document
            XReferenceMarksSupplier xRefSupplier = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XReferenceMarksSupplier.class, mxDoc);
            // Get an XNameAccess which refers to all inserted reference marks
            XNameAccess xMarks = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNameAccess.class,
            // Put the names of each reference mark into an array of strings
            String[] aNames = xMarks.getElementNames();
            // Make sure that at least 1 reference mark actually exists
            // (well, we just inserted one!)
            if (aNames.length > 0) {
                // Output the name of the first reference mark ('TableHeader')
                System.out.println ("GetReference text field inserted for ReferenceMark : "
                    + aNames[0]);
                // Set the SourceName of the GetReference text field to 'TableHeader'
                xFieldProps.setPropertyValue("SourceName", aNames[0]);
                // specify that the source is a reference mark (could also be a footnote,
                // bookmark or sequence field)
                xFieldProps.setPropertyValue ("ReferenceFieldSource", new Short(
                // We want the reference displayed as 'above' or 'below'
                    new Short (ReferenceFieldPart.UP_DOWN));
                // Get the XTextContent interface of the GetReference text field
                XTextContent xRefContent = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                    XTextContent.class, xFieldProps);
                // Go to the end of the document
                // Make some text to precede the reference
                mxDocText.insertString(mxDocText.getEnd(), "The table ", false);
                // Insert the text field
                mxDocText.insertTextContent(mxDocText.getEnd(), xRefContent, false);
                // And some text after the reference..
                mxDocText.insertString( mxDocText.getEnd(),
                    " contains the sum of some random numbers.", false);
                // Refresh the document
                XRefreshable xRefresh = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                    XRefreshable.class, mxDoc);
        } catch (Exception e) {

    The name of a reference mark can be used in a text field to refer to the position of the reference mark.

    Footnotes and Endnotes

    Footnotes and endnotes are text contents that provide background information for the reader that appears in page footers or at the end of a document.

    Footnotes and endnotes implement the service that includes The Footnote service has the interfaces and that inherit from The XFootnote introduces the following methods:

     string getLabel()
     void setLabel( [in] string aLabel)

    The Footnote service defines a property ReferenceId that is used for import and export, and contains an internal sequential number.

    The interface which is provided by the service accesses the text object in the footnote area where the footnote text is located. It is not allowed to insert text tables into this text object.

    While footnotes can be placed at the end of a page or the end of a document, endnotes always appear at the end of a document. Endnote numbering is separate from footnote numbering. Footnotes are accessed using the interface of the text document through the method getFootNotes(). Endnotes are accessed similarly by calling getEndnotes() at the text document's interface. Both of these methods return a

    A label is set for a footnote or endnote to determine if automatic footnote numbering is used. If no label is set (= empty string), the footnote is labeled automatically. There are footnote and endnote settings that specify how the automatic labeling is formatted. These settings are obtained from the document model using the interfaces and The corresponding methods are getFootnoteSettings() and getEndnoteSettings(). The object received is a and has the properties described in

    Properties of
    AnchorCharStyleName string - Contains the name of the character style that is used for the label in the document text.
    CharStyleName string - Contains the name of the character style that is used for the label in front of the footnote/endnote text.
    NumberingType short - Contains the numbering type for the numbering of the footnotes or endnotes.
    PageStyleName string - Contains the page style that is used for the page that contains the footnote or endnote texts.
    ParaStyleName string - Contains the paragraph style that is used for the footnote or endnote text.
    Prefix string - Contains the prefix for the footnote or endnote symbol.
    StartAt short - Contains the first number of the automatic numbering of footnotes or endnotes.
    Suffix string - Contains the suffix for the footnote/endnote symbol.
    BeginNotice [optional] string - Contains the string at the restart of the footnote text after a break.
    EndNotice [optional] string - Contains the string at the end of a footnote part in front of a break.
    FootnoteCounting [optional] boolean - Contains the type of the counting for the footnote numbers
    PositionEndOfDoc [optional] boolean - If true, the footnote text is shown at the end of the document.

    The Footnotes service applies to footnotes and endnotes.

    The following sample works with footnotes

    /** This method demonstrates how to create and insert footnotes, and how to access the
        XFootnotesSupplier interface of the document
    protected void FootnoteExample ()
            // Create a new footnote from the document factory and get it's
            // XFootnote interface
            XFootnote xFootnote = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XFootnote.class,
                mxDocFactory.createInstance ( "" ) );
            // Set the label to 'Numbers'
            xFootnote.setLabel ( "Numbers" );
            // Get the footnotes XTextContent interface so we can...
            XTextContent xContent = UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                XTextContent.class, xFootnote );
            // ...insert it into the document
            mxDocText.insertTextContent ( mxDocCursor, xContent, false );
            // Get the XFootnotesSupplier interface of the document
            XFootnotesSupplier xFootnoteSupplier = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XFootnotesSupplier.class, mxDoc );
            // Get an XIndexAccess interface to all footnotes
            XIndexAccess xFootnotes = UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                XIndexAccess.class, xFootnoteSupplier.getFootnotes() );
            // Get the XFootnote interface to the first footnote inserted ('Numbers')
            XFootnote xNumbers = UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                XFootnote.class, xFootnotes.getByIndex( 0 ) );
            // Get the XSimpleText interface to the Footnote
            XSimpleText xSimple = UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                XSimpleText.class, xNumbers );
            // Create a text cursor for the foot note text
            XTextRange xRange = UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                XTextRange.class, xSimple.createTextCursor() );
            // And insert the actual text of the footnote.
            xSimple.insertString (
                xRange, " The numbers were generated by using java.util.Random", false );
        catch (Exception e)
            e.printStackTrace ( System.out );

    Shape Objects in Text

    Base Frames vs. Drawing Shapes

    Shape objects are text contents that act independently of the ordinary text flow. The surrounding text may wrap around them. Shape objects can lie in front or behind text, and be anchored to paragraphs or characters in the text. Anchoring allows the shape objects to follow the paragraphs and characters while the user is writing. Currently, there are two different kinds of shape objects in LibreOffice, base frames and drawing shapes.

    Base Frames

    The first group are shape objects that are The three services, and are all based on the service The TextFrames contain an independent text area that can be positioned freely over ordinary text. The TextGraphicObjects are bitmaps or vector oriented images in a format supported by LibreOffice internally. The TextEmbeddedObjects are areas containing a document type other than the document they are embedded in, such as charts, formulas, internal LibreOffice documents (Calc/Draw/Impress), or OLE objects.

    The TextFrames, TextGraphicObjects and TextEmbeddedObjects in a text are supplied by their corresponding supplier interfaces at the document model:

    These interfaces all have one single get method that supplies the respective Shape objects collection:

     com::sun::star::container::XNameAccess getTextFrames()
     com::sun::star::container::XNameAccess getTextEmbeddedObjects()
     com::sun::star::container::XNameAccess getTextGraphicObjects()

    The method getTextFrames() returns a collection, getTextEmbeddedObjects() returns a collection and getTextGraphicObjects() yields a collection. All of these collections support and The TextFrames collection may (optional) support the interface to broadcast an event when an Element is added to the collection. However, the current implementation of the TextFrames collection does not support this.

    The service defines the common properties and interfaces of text frames, graphic objects and embedded objects. It includes the services and, and defines the following interfaces.

    The position and size of a BaseFrame is covered by All BaseFrame objects share a majority of the core implementation of drawing objects. Therefore, they have a position and size on the DrawPage.

    The name of a BaseFrame is set and read through The names of the frame objects have to be unique for text frames, graphic objects and embedded objects, respectively.

    The has to be present, because many aspects of BaseFrames are controlled through properties.

    The interface is not a part of the BaseFrame service, but is available in text frames, graphic objects and embedded objects. This interface provides access to the event macros that may be attached to the object in the GUI.

    The properties of BaseFrames are those of the service, as well there is a number of frame properties defined in the service

    Properties of
    AnchorPageNo short - Contains the number of the page where the objects are anchored.
    AnchorFrame Contains the text frame the current frame is anchored to.
    BackColor long - Contains the color of the background of the object.
    BackGraphicURL string - Contains the URL for the background graphic.
    BackGraphicFilter string - Contains the name of the file filter for the background graphic.
    BackGraphicLocation Determines the position of the background graphic according to
    LeftBorder struct Contains the left border of the object.
    RightBorder struct Contains the right border of the object.
    TopBorder struct Contains the top border of the object.
    BottomBorder struct Contains the bottom border of the object.
    BorderDistance long - Contains the distance from the border to the object.
    LeftBorderDistance long - Contains the distance from the left border to the object.
    RightBorderDistance long - Contains the distance from the right border to the object.
    TopBorderDistance long - Contains the distance from the top border to the object.
    BottomBorderDistance long - Contains the distance from the bottom border to the object.
    BackTransparent boolean - If true, the property BackColor is ignored.
    ContentProtected boolean - Determines if the content is protected.
    LeftMargin long - Contains the left margin of the object.
    RightMargin long - Contains the right margin of the object.
    TopMargin long - Contains the top margin of the object.
    BottomMargin long - Contains the bottom margin of the object.
    Height long - Contains the height of the object (1/100 mm).
    Width long - Contains the width of the object (1/100 mm).
    RelativeHeight short - Contains the relative height of the object.
    RelativeWidth short - Contains the relative width of the object.
    IsSyncWidthToHeight boolean - Determines if the width follows the height.
    IsSyncHeightToWidth boolean - Determines if the height follows the width.
    HoriOrient short - Determines the horizontal orientation of the object according to
    HoriOrientPosition long - Contains the horizontal position of the object (1/100 mm).
    HoriOrientRelation short - Determines the environment of the object the orientation is related according to
    VertOrient short - Determines the vertical orientation of the object according to
    VertOrientPosition long - Contains the vertical position of the object (1/100 mm). Valid only if TextEmbeddedObject::VertOrient is VertOrientation::NONE.
    VertOrientRelation short - Determines the environment of the object the orientation is related according to
    HyperLinkURL string - Contains the URL of a hyperlink that is set at the object.
    HyperLinkTarget string - Contains the name of the target for a hyperlink that is set at the object.
    HyperLinkName string - Contains the name of the hyperlink that is set at the object.
    Opaque boolean - Determines if the object is opaque or transparent for text.
    PageToggle boolean - Determines if the object is mirrored on even pages.
    PositionProtected boolean - Determines if the position is protected.
    Print boolean - Determines if the object is included in printing.
    ShadowFormat struct Contains the type of the shadow of the object.
    ServerMap boolean - Determines if the object gets an image map from a server.
    Size struct Contains the size of the object.
    SizeProtected boolean - Determines if the size is protected.
    Surround [deprecated]. Determines the type of the surrounding text.
    SurroundAnchorOnly boolean - Determines if the text of the paragraph where the object is anchored, wraps around the object.
    Drawing Shapes

    The second group of shape objects are the varied drawing shapes that can be inserted into text, such as rectangles and ellipses. They are based on The service text.Shape includes Shape, but adds a number of properties related to shapes in text (cf. Drawing Shapes below). In addition, drawing shapes support the interface so that they can be inserted into an XText.

    There are no specialized supplier interfaces for drawing shapes. All the drawing shapes on the DrawPage object are supplied by the document model's and its single method:

     com::sun::star::drawing::XDrawPage getDrawPage()

    The DrawPage not only contains drawing shapes, but the BaseFrame shape objects too, if the document contains any.

    Text Frames

    A text frame is a service consisting of and the interface XTextFrame is based on and introduces one method to provide the XText of the frame:

     com::sun::star::text::XText getText()

    The properties of that add to the BaseFrame are the following:

    Properties of
    FrameHeightAbsolute long - Contains the metric height value of the frame.
    FrameWidthAbsolute long - Contains the metric width value of the frame.
    FrameWidthPercent byte - Specifies a width relative to the width of the surrounding text.
    FrameHeightPercent byte - Specifies a width relative to the width of the surrounding text.
    FrameIsAutomaticHeight boolean - If "AutomaticHeight" is set, the object grows if it is required by the frame content.
    SizeType short - Determines the interpretation of the height and relative height properties.

    Additionally, text frames are services and support all of its interfaces, except for

    Text frames can be connected to a chain, that is, the text of the first text frame flows into the next chain element if it does not fit. The properties ChainPrevName and ChainNextName are provided to take advantage of this feature. They contain the names of the predecessor and successor of a frame. All frames have to be empty to chain frames, except for the first member of the chain.

    Chained Text Frame Property
    ChainPrevName string - Name of the predecessor of the frame.
    ChainNextName string - Name of the successor of the frame.

    The effect at the API is that the visible text content of the chain members is only accessible at the first frame in the chain. The content of the following chain members is not shown when chained before their content is set.

    The API reference does not know the properties above. Instead, it specifies a with an XChainable interface, but this is not yet supported by text frames.

    The following example uses text frames:

    /** This method shows how to create and manipulate text frames
    protected void TextFrameExample ()
            // Use the document's factory to create a new text frame and immediately access
            // it's XTextFrame interface
            XTextFrame xFrame = UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                XTextFrame.class, mxDocFactory.createInstance (
                    "" ) );
            // Access the XShape interface of the TextFrame
            XShape xShape = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShape.class, xFrame);
            // Access the XPropertySet interface of the TextFrame
            XPropertySet xFrameProps = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XPropertySet.class, xFrame );
            // Set the size of the new Text Frame using the XShape's 'setSize' method
            Size aSize = new Size();
            aSize.Height = 400;
            aSize.Width = 15000;
            // Set the AnchorType to
            xFrameProps.setPropertyValue( "AnchorType", TextContentAnchorType.AS_CHARACTER );
            // Go to the end of the text document
            mxDocCursor.gotoEnd( false );
            // Insert a new paragraph
            mxDocText.insertControlCharacter (
                mxDocCursor, ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false );
            // Then insert the new frame
            mxDocText.insertTextContent(mxDocCursor, xFrame, false);
            // Access the XText interface of the text contained within the frame
            XText xFrameText = xFrame.getText();
            // Create a TextCursor over the frame's contents
            XTextCursor xFrameCursor = xFrameText.createTextCursor();
            // Insert some text into the frame
                xFrameCursor, "The first line in the newly created text frame.", false );
                xFrameCursor, "\nThe second line in the new text frame.", false );
            // Insert a paragraph break into the document (not the frame)
            mxDocText.insertControlCharacter (
                mxDocCursor, ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false );
        catch (Exception e)
            e.printStackTrace ( System.out );

    Embedded Objects

    A TextEmbeddedObject is a providing the interface The only method of this interface,

     com::sun::star::lang::XComponent getEmbeddedObject ()

    provides access to the model of the embedded document. That way, an embedded LibreOffice spreadsheet, drawing, chart or a formula document can be used in a text over its document model.

    An embedded object is inserted by using the document's factory to create an instance of the the service The type of object is determined by setting the string property CLSID to an appropriate value before inserting the object as text content in the document.

    // comment: Step 1: get the Desktop object from the office
    // Step 2: open an empty text document
    // Step 3: insert a sample text table
    // Step 4: insert a Chart object
    // Step 5: insert data from text table into Chart object
    public class OleObject {
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            // You need the desktop to create a document
            // The getDesktop method does the UNO bootstrapping, gets the
            // remote servie manager and the desktop object.
   xDesktop = null;
            xDesktop = getDesktop();
   xTextDocument =
                createTextdocument( xDesktop );
   xTextTable =
                createExampleTable( xTextDocument );
            try {
                // create TextEmbeddedObject
       xDocMSF = (
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface(, xTextDocument);
       xObj = (
                    xDocMSF.createInstance( "" ));
                // set class id for chart object to determine the type
                // of object to be inserted
       xPS = (
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface(, xObj);
                xPS.setPropertyValue( "CLSID", "12dcae26-281f-416f-a234-c3086127382e" );
                // insert object in document
       xCursor = xTextDocument.getText().createTextCursor();
       xRange = (
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface(, xCursor);
                xTextDocument.getText().insertTextContent( xRange, xObj, false );
                // access objects model
       xEOS = (
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface(, xObj);
       xModel = xEOS.getEmbeddedObject();
                // get table data
       xDocCDA = (
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface(, xTextTable);
                double[][] aData = xDocCDA.getData();
                // insert table data in Chart object
       xChartDoc = (
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface(, xModel);
       xChartDataArray = (
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface(, xChartDoc.getData());
                xChartDataArray.setData( aData );
                // to remove the embedded object just uncomment the next line
                //xTextDocument.getText().removeTextContent( xObj );
            catch( Exception e) {
        protected static createExampleTable(
   xTextDocument )
   xDocMSF =
          , xTextDocument);
   xTT = null;
            try {
                Object oInt = xDocMSF.createInstance("");
                xTT = (
                //initialize the text table with 4 columns an 5 rows
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("Couldn't create instance "+ e);
   xText = xTextDocument.getText();
            //create a cursor object
   xTCursor = xText.createTextCursor();
            //insert the table
            try {
                xText.insertTextContent(xTCursor, xTT, false);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("Couldn't insert the table " + e);
            // inserting sample data
            return xTT;
        public static getDesktop() {
   xDesktop = null;
   xMCF = null;
            try {
       xContext = null;
                // get the remote office component context
                xContext =;
                // get the remote office service manager
                xMCF = xContext.getServiceManager();
                if( xMCF != null ) {
                    System.out.println("Connected to a running office ...");
                    Object oDesktop = xMCF.createInstanceWithContext(
                        "", xContext);
                    xDesktop = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
              , oDesktop);
                    System.out.println( "Can't create a desktop. No connection, no remote office servicemanager available!" );
            catch( Exception e) {
            return xDesktop;
        public static createTextdocument(
   xDesktop )
   aTextDocument = null;
            try {
       xComponent = CreateNewDocument(xDesktop, "swriter");
                aTextDocument = (
              , xComponent);
            catch( Exception e) {
            return aTextDocument;
        protected static CreateNewDocument(
            String sDocumentType )
            String sURL = "private:factory/" + sDocumentType;
   xComponent = null;
   xComponentLoader = null;
   xValues[] =
   xEmptyArgs[] =
            try {
                xComponentLoader = (
              , xDesktop);
                xComponent = xComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL(
                    sURL, "_blank", 0, xEmptyArgs);
            catch( Exception e) {
            return xComponent ;

    Graphic Objects

    A TextGraphicObject is a BaseFrame and does not provide any additional interfaces, compared with However, it introduces a number of properties that allow manipulating of a graphic object. They are described in the service

    Properties of
    ImageMap Returns the client-side image map if one is assigned to the object.
    ContentProtected boolean - Determines if the content is protected against changes from the user interface.
    SurroundContour boolean - Determines if the text wraps around the contour of the object.
    ContourOutside boolean - The text flows only around the contour of the object.
    ContourPolyPolygon [optional] struct Contains the contour of the object as PolyPolygon.
    GraphicCrop struct Contains the cropping of the object.
    HoriMirroredOnEvenPages boolean - Determines if the object is horizontally mirrored on even pages.
    HoriMirroredOnOddPages boolean - Determines if the object is horizontally mirrored on odd pages.
    VertMirrored boolean - Determines if the object is mirrored vertically.
    GraphicURL string - Contains the URL of the background graphic of the object.
    GraphicFilter string - Contains the name of the filter of the background graphic of the object.
    ActualSize Contains the original size of the bitmap in the graphic object.
    AdjustLuminance short - Changes the display of the luminance. It contains percentage values between -100 and +100.
    AdjustContrast short - Changes the display of contrast. It contains percentage values between -100 and +100.
    AdjustRed short - Changes the display of the red color channel. It contains percentage values between -100 and +100.
    AdjustGreen short - Changes the display of the green color channel. It contains percentage values between -100 and +100.
    AdjustBlue short - Changes the display of the blue color channel. It contains percentage values between -100 and +100.
    Gamma double - Determines the gamma value of the graphic.
    GraphicIsInverted boolean - Determines if the graphic is displayed in inverted colors. It contains percentage values between -100 and +100.
    Transparency short - Measure of transparency. It contains percentage values between -100 and +100.
    GraphicColorMode long - Contains the ColorMode according to

    TextGraphicObject files can currently only be linked when inserted through API which means only their URL is stored with the document. Embedding of graphics is not supported. This applies to background graphics which can be set, for example, to paragraphs, tables or text sections.

    Drawing Shapes

    Writer uses the same drawing engine as LibreOffice Impress and LibreOffice Draw. The limitations are that in Writer only one drawpage can exist and 3D objects are not supported. All drawing shapes support these properties:

    Properties of
    ZOrder [optional] long - Is used to query or change the ZOrder of this Shape .
    LayerID [optional] short - This is the ID of the layer to which this shape is attached.
    LayerName [optional] string - This is the name of the layer to which this Shape is attached.
    Printable [optional] boolean - If this is false, the shape is not visible on printer outputs.
    MoveProtect [optional] boolean - When set to true, this shape cannot be moved interactively in the user interface.
    Name [optional] string - This is the name of this shape.
    SizeProtect [optional] boolean - When set to true, this shape may not be sized interactively in the user interface.
    Style [optional] Determines the style for this shape.
    Transformation [optional] This property lets you get and set the transformation matrix for this shape. The transformation is a 3x3 blended matrix and can contain translation, rotation, shearing and scaling.
    ShapeUserDefinedAttributes [optional] This property stores xml attributes. They are saved to and restored from automatic styles inside xml files.

    In addition to the properties of the shapes natively supported by the drawing engine, the writer shape adds some properties, so that they are usable for text documents. These are defined in the service

    Properties of
    AnchorPageNo short - Contains the number of the page where the objects are anchored.
    AnchorFrame Contains the text frame the current frame is anchored to.
    SurroundAnchorOnly boolean - Determines if the text of the paragraph in which the object is anchored, wraps around the object.
    AnchorType [optional] Specifies how the text content is attached to its surrounding text.
    HoriOrient short - Determines the horizontal orientation of the object.
    HoriOrientPosition long - Contains the horizontal position of the object (1/100 mm).
    HoriOrientRelation short - Determines the environment of the object to which the orientation is related.
    VertOrient short - Determines the vertical orientation of the object.
    VertOrientPosition long - Contains the vertical position of the object (1/100 mm). Valid only if TextEmbeddedObject::VertOrient is VertOrientation::NONE.
    VertOrientRelation short - Determines the environment of the object to which the orientation is related.
    LeftMargin long - Contains the left margin of the object.
    RightMargin long - Contains the right margin of the object.
    TopMargin long - Contains the top margin of the object.
    BottomMargin long - Contains the bottom margin of the object.
    Surround [deprecated]. Determines the type of the surrounding text.
    SurroundAnchorOnly boolean - Determines if the text of the paragraph in which the object is anchored, wraps around the object.
    SurroundContour boolean - Determines if the text wraps around the contour of the object.
    ContourOutside boolean - The text flows only around the contour of the object.
    Opaque boolean - Determines if the object is opaque or transparent for text.
    TextRange Contains a text range where the shape should be anchored to.

    The chapter Drawing Documents and Presentation Documents describes how to use shapes and the interface of the draw page.

    A sample that creates and inserts drawing shapes:

    /** This method demonstrates how to create and manipulate shapes, and how to access the draw page
        of the document to insert shapes
    protected void DrawPageExample () {
        try {
            // Go to the end of the document
            // Insert two new paragraphs
            ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false);
                ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false);
            // Get the XParagraphCursor interface of our document cursor
            XParagraphCursor xParaCursor = (XParagraphCursor)
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XParagraphCursor.class, mxDocCursor);
            // Position the cursor in the 2nd paragraph
            // Create a RectangleShape using the document factory
            XShape xRect = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XShape.class, mxDocFactory.createInstance(
            // Create an EllipseShape using the document factory
            XShape xEllipse = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XShape.class, mxDocFactory.createInstance(
            // Set the size of both the ellipse and the rectangle
            Size aSize = new Size();
            aSize.Height = 4000;
            aSize.Width = 10000;
            aSize.Height = 3000;
            aSize.Width = 6000;
            // Set the position of the Rectangle to the right of the ellipse
            Point aPoint = new Point();
            aPoint.X = 6100;
            aPoint.Y = 0;
            xRect.setPosition (aPoint);
            // Get the XPropertySet interfaces of both shapes
            XPropertySet xRectProps = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XPropertySet.class, xRect);
            XPropertySet xEllipseProps = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XPropertySet.class, xEllipse);
            // And set the AnchorTypes of both shapes to 'AT_PARAGRAPH'
            xRectProps.setPropertyValue("AnchorType", TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH);
            xEllipseProps.setPropertyValue("AnchorType", TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH);
            // Access the XDrawPageSupplier interface of the document
            XDrawPageSupplier xDrawPageSupplier = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XDrawPageSupplier.class, mxDoc);
            // Get the XShapes interface of the draw page
            XShapes xShapes = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XShapes.class, xDrawPageSupplier.getDrawPage());
            // Add both shapes
            xShapes.add (xEllipse);
            xShapes.add (xRect);
            This doesn't work, I am assured that FME and AMA are fixing it.
            XShapes xGrouper = (XShapes) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XShapes.class, mxDocFactory.createInstance(
            XShape xGrouperShape = (XShape) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShape.class, xGrouper);
            xShapes.add (xGrouperShape);
            xGrouper.add (xRect);
            xGrouper.add (xEllipse);
            XShapeGrouper xShapeGrouper = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XShapeGrouper.class, xShapes);
        } catch (Exception e) {


    Redlines are text portions created in the user interface by switching on Edit ▸ Changes ▸ Record. Redlines in a document are accessed through the interface at the document model. A collection of redlines as objects are received that can be accessed as or as Their properties are described in

    If a change is recorded, but not visible because the option Edit ▸ Changes ▸ Show has been switched off, redline text is contained in the property RedlineText, which is a

    Calling XPropertySet.getPropertySetInfo() on a redline property set crashes the office.


    Ruby text is a character layout attribute used in Asian languages. Ruby text appears above or below text in left to right writing, and left to right of text in top to bottom writing. For examples, cf.

    Ruby text is created using the appropriate character properties from the service wherever this service is supported. However, the Asian languages support must be switched on in Tools - Options - LanguageSettings - Languages.

    There is no convenient supplier interface for ruby text at the model at this time. However, the controller has an interface that provides access to rubies contained in the current selection.

    To find ruby text in the model, enumerate all text portions in all paragraphs and check if the property TextPortionType contains the string "Ruby" to find ruby text. When there is ruby text, access the RubyText property of the text portion that contains ruby text as a string.

    CharacterProperties for Ruby Text Description
    RubyText Contains the text that is set as ruby.
    RubyAdjust Determines the adjustment of the ruby text as RubyAdjust.
    RubyCharStyleName Contains the name of the character style that is applied to RubyText.
    RubyIsAbove Determines if the ruby text is printed above/left or below/right of the text

    Overall Document Features


    Styles distinguish sections in a document that are commonly formatted and separates this information from the actual formatting. This way it is possible to unify the appearance of a document, and adjust the formatting of a document by altering a style, instead of local format settings after the document has been completed. Styles are packages of attributes that can be applied to text or text contents in a single step.

    The following style families are available in LibreOffice.

    Style Families Description
    CharacterStyles Character styles are used to format single characters or entire words and phrases. Character styles can be nested.
    ParagraphStyles Paragraph styles are used to format entire paragraphs. Apart from the normal format settings for paragraphs, the paragraph style also defines the font to be used, and the paragraph style for the following paragraph.
    FrameStyles Frame styles are used to format graphic and text frames. These Styles are used to quickly format graphics and frames automatically.
    PageStyles Page styles are used to structure the page. If a "Next Style" is specified, the LibreOffice automatically applies the specified page style when an automatic page break occurs.
    NumberingStyles Numbering styles are used to format paragraphs in numbered or bulleted text.

    The text document model implements the interface to access these styles. Its method getStyleFamilies() returns a collection of with a interface. The interface retrieves the style families by the names listed above. The StyleFamilies service supports a

    From the StyleFamilies, retrieve one of the families listed above by name or index. A collection of styles are received which is a service, providing access to the single styles through an or an

    Each style is a and supports the interface that inherits from The XStyle contains:

     string getName()
     void setName( [in] string aName)
     boolean isUserDefined()
     boolean isInUse()
     string getParentStyle()
     void setParentStyle( [in] string aParentStyle)

    The office comes with a set of default styles. These styles use programmatic names on the API level. The method setName() in XStyle always throws an exception if called at such styles. The same applies to changing the property Category. At the user interface localized names are used. The user interface names are provided through the property UserInterfaceName.

    Note that page and numbering styles are not hierarchical and cannot have parent styles. The method getParentStyle() always returns an empty string, and the method setParentStyle() throws a when called at a default style.

    The method isUserDefined() determines whether a style is defined by a user or is a built-in style. A built-in style cannot be deleted. Additionally the built-in styles have two different names: a true object name and an alias that is displayed at the user interface. This is not usually visible in an English LibreOffice version, except for the default styles that are named "Standard" as programmatic name and "Default" in the user interface.

    The Style service defines the following properties which are shared by all styles:

    Properties of
    IsPhysical [optional, readonly] boolean - Determines if a style is physically created.
    FollowStyle [optional] boolean - Contains the name of the style that is applied to the next paragraph.
    DisplayName [optional, readonly] string - Contains the name of the style as is displayed in the user interface.
    IsAutoUpdate [optional] string - Determines if a style is automatically updated when the properties of an object that the style is applied to are changed.
    ParaStyleConditions [optional, property] sequence< > - Defines the context and styles for conditional paragraphs. This property is only available if the style is a conditional paragraph style.

    To determine the user interface name, each style has a string property DisplayName that contains the name that is used at the user interface. It is not allowed to use a DisplayName of a style as a name of a user-defined style of the same style family.

    The built-in styles are not created actually as long as they are not used in the document. The property IsPhysical checks for this. It is necessary, for file export purposes, to detect styles which do not need to be exported.

    Conditional paragraph styles are handled by the property ParaStyleConditions. The sequence consists of pairs where the name part (the first part) of the pair defines the context where the style (the second part, a string that denotes a style name or an empty string) should be applied to. Assigning an empty string to the style name will disable the conditional style for that context.

    The StyleFamilies collection can load styles. For this purpose, the interface is available at the StyleFamilies collection. It consists of two methods:

     void loadStylesFromURL( [in] string URL,
                             [in] sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > aOptions)
     sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > getStyleLoaderOptions()

    The method loadStylesFromURL() enables the document to import styles from other documents. The expected sequence of PropertyValue structs can contain the following properties:

    Properties for loadStylesFromURL() Description
    LoadTextStyles Determines if character and paragraph styles are to be imported. It is not possible to select character styles and paragraph styles separately.
    LoadFrameStyles boolean - Import frame styles only.
    LoadPageStyles boolean - Import page styles only.
    LoadNumberingStyles boolean - Import numbering styles only.
    OverwriteStyles boolean - Determines if internal styles are overwritten if the source document contains styles having the same name.

    The method getStyleLoaderOptions() returns a sequence of these PropertyValue structs, set to their default values.

    Character Styles

    Character styles support all properties defined in the services and

    They are created using the interface of the text document model using the service name "".

    The default style that is shown in the user interface and accessible through the API is not a style, but a tool to remove applied character styles. Therefore, its properties cannot be changed.

    Set the property CharStyleName at an object including the service to set its character style.

    Paragraph Styles

    Paragraph styles support all properties defined in the services and

    They are created using the interface of the text document model using the service name "".

    Additionally, there is a service which creates conditional paragraph styles. Conditional styles are paragraph styles that have different effects, depending on the context. There is currently no support of the condition properties at the API.

    Set the property ParaStyleName at an object, including the service to set its paragraph style.

    Frame Styles

    Frame styles support all properties defined in the services

    The frame styles are applied to text frames, graphic objects and embedded objects.

    They are created using the interface of the text document model using the service name "".

    Set the property FrameStyleName at objects to set their frame style.

    Page Styles

    Page styles are controlled via properties. The page related properties are defined in the services

    They are created using the interface of the text document model using the service name "".

    As mentioned above, page styles are not hierarchical. The section Page Layout discusses page styles.

    The PageStyle is set at the current text cursor position by setting the property PageDescName to an existing page style name.This will insert a new page that uses the new page style. If no new page should be inserted, the cursor has to be at the beginning of the first paragraph.

    Numbering Styles

    Numbering styles support all properties defined in the services

    They are created using the interface of the text document model using the service name "".

    The structure of the numbering rules is described in section Line Numbering and Outline Numbering.

    The name of the numbering style is set in the property NumberingStyleName of paragraphs (set through the PropertySet of a TextCursor) or a paragraph style to apply the numbering to the paragraphs.

    The following example demonstrates the use of paragraph styles:

    /** This method demonstrates how to create, insert and apply styles
    protected void StylesExample() {
        try {
            // Go to the end of the document
            // Insert two paragraph breaks
                mxDocCursor, ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false);
                mxDocCursor, ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false);
            // Create a new style from the document's factory
            XStyle xStyle = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XStyle.class, mxDocFactory.createInstance(""));
            // Access the XPropertySet interface of the new style
            XPropertySet xStyleProps = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XPropertySet.class, xStyle);
            // Give the new style a light blue background
            xStyleProps.setPropertyValue ("ParaBackColor", Integer.valueOf(13421823));
            // Get the StyleFamiliesSupplier interface of the document
            XStyleFamiliesSupplier xSupplier = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XStyleFamiliesSupplier.class, mxDoc);
            // Use the StyleFamiliesSupplier interface to get the XNameAccess interface of the
            // actual style families
            XNameAccess xFamilies = UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                XNameAccess.class, xSupplier.getStyleFamilies());
            // Access the 'ParagraphStyles' Family
            XNameContainer xFamily = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XNameContainer.class, xFamilies.getByName("ParagraphStyles"));
            // Insert the newly created style into the ParagraphStyles family
            xFamily.insertByName ("All-Singing All-Dancing Style", xStyle);
            // Get the XParagraphCursor interface of the document cursor
            XParagraphCursor xParaCursor = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XParagraphCursor.class, mxDocCursor);
            // Select the first paragraph inserted
            // Access the property set of the cursor selection
            XPropertySet xCursorProps = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XPropertySet.class, mxDocCursor);
            // Set the style of the cursor selection to our newly created style
            xCursorProps.setPropertyValue("ParaStyleName", "All-Singing All-Dancing Style");
            // Go back to the end
            // Select the last paragraph in the document
            // And reset it's style to 'Standard' (the programmatic name for the default style)
            xCursorProps.setPropertyValue("ParaStyleName", "Standard");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            e.printStackTrace (System.out);


    General Document Information

    Text documents offer general information about the document through their interface. The DocumentProperties is a common LibreOffice feature and is discussed in Office Development.

    The XDocumentPropertiesSupplier has one single method:

     com::sun::star::document::XDocumentProperties getDocumentProperties()

    which returns a service, offering metadata and statistical information about the document that is available through File - Properties in the GUI.

    Note pin.svg

    In versions before 3.0, use the interface instead.

    Document Properties

    The model implements a that provides properties concerning character formatting and general settings.

    The properties for character attributes are CharFontName, CharFontStyleName, CharFontFamily, CharFontCharSet, CharFontPitch and their Asian counterparts CharFontStyleNameAsian, CharFontFamilyAsian, CharFontCharSetAsian, CharFontPitchAsian.

    The following properties handle general settings:

    Properties of
    CharLocale Default locale of the document.
    CharacterCount long - Number of characters.
    ParagraphCount long - Number of paragraphs.
    WordCount long - Number of words.
    WordSeparator string - Contains all that characters that are treated as separators between words to determine word count.
    RedlineDisplayType short - Displays redlines as defined in
    RecordChanges boolean - Determines if redlining is switched on.
    ShowChanges boolean - Determines if redlines are displayed.
    RedlineProtectionKey sequence < byte >. Contains the password key.
    ForbiddenCharacters Contains characters that are not allowed to be at the first or last character of a text line.
    TwoDigitYear short - Determines the start of the range, for example, when entering a two-digit year.
    IndexAutoMarkFileURL string - The URL to the file that contains the search words and settings for the automatic marking of index marks for alphabetical indexes.
    AutomaticControlFocus boolean - If true, the first form object is selected when the document is loaded.
    ApplyFormDesignMode boolean - Determines if form (database) controls are in the design mode.
    HideFieldTips boolean - If true, the automatic tips displayed for some types of text fields are suppressed.

    Creating Default Settings

    The implemented at the model provides the service Use this service to find default values to set paragraph and character properties of the document to default.

    Creating Document Settings

    Another set of properties can be created by the service name that contains a number of additional settings.

    Line Numbering and Outline Numbering

    LibreOffice provides automatic numbering for texts. For instance, paragraphs can be numbered or listed with bullets in a hierarchical manner, chapter headings can be numbered and lines can be counted and numbered.

    Paragraph and Outline Numbering key for paragraph numbering is the paragraph property NumberingRules. This property is provided by paragraphs and numbering styles and is a member of

    A similar object controls outline numbering and is returned from the method:

     com::sun::star::container::XIndexReplace getChapterNumberingRules()

    at the interface that is implemented at the document model.

    These objects provide an interface Each element of the container represents a numbering level. The writer document provides ten numbering levels. The highest level is zero. Each level of the container consists of a sequence of

    The two related objects differ in some of properties they provide.

    Both of them provide the following properties:

    Common Properties for Paragraph and Outline Numbering in
    Adjust short - Adjustment of the numbering symbol defined in
    ParentNumbering short - Determines if higher numbering levels are included in the numbering, for example,


    string - Contains strings that surround the numbering symbol, for example, brackets.
    CharStyleName string - Name of the character style that is applied to the number symbol.
    StartWith short - Determines the value the numbering starts with. The default is one.


    long - Influences the left indent and left margin of the numbering.
    SymbolTextDistance [optional] long - Distance between the numbering symbol and the text of the paragraph.
    NumberingType short - Determines the type of the numbering defined in

    Only paragraphs have the following properties in their NumberingRules property:

    Paragraph NumberingRules Properties in Description
    BulletChar string - Determines the bullet character if the numbering type is set to NumberingType::CHAR_SPECIAL.
    BulletFontName string - Determines the bullet font if the numbering type is set to NumberingType::CHAR_SPECIAL.
    GraphicURL string - Determines the type, size and orientation of a graphic when the numbering type is set to NumberingType::BITMAP.
    GraphicBitmap - the bitmap containing the bullet.
    GraphicSize - size of the graphic that is used as bullet.
    VertOrient short - Vertical orientation of a graphic according to

    Only the chapter numbering rules provide the following property:

    Property of Description
    HeadingStyleName string - Contains the name of the paragraph style that marks a paragraph as a chapter heading.
    Note pin.svg

    Note that the NumberingRules service is returned by value like most properties in the LibreOffice API, therefore you must get the rules from the XPropertySet, change them and put the NumberingRules object back into the property.

    The following is an example for the NumberingRules service:

    /** This method demonstrates how to set numbering types and numbering levels using the service
    protected void NumberingExample() {
        try {
            // Go to the end of the document
            // Get the RelativeTextContentInsert interface of the document
            XRelativeTextContentInsert xRelative = (XRelativeTextContentInsert)
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XRelativeTextContentInsert.class, mxDocText);
            // Use the document's factory to create the NumberingRules service, and get it's
            // XIndexAccess interface
            XIndexAccess xNum = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XIndexAccess.class,
            // Also get the NumberingRule's XIndexReplace interface
            XIndexReplace xReplace = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XIndexReplace.class, xNum);
            // Create an array of XPropertySets, one for each of the three paragraphs we're about
            // to create
            XPropertySet xParas[] = new XPropertySet[3];
            for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++ i) {
                // Create a new paragraph
                XTextContent xNewPara = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                    XTextContent.class, mxDocFactory.createInstance(
                // Get the XPropertySet interface of the new paragraph and put it in our array
                xParas[i] = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                    XPropertySet.class, xNewPara);
                // Insert the new paragraph into the document after the fish section. As it is
                // an insert
                // relative to the fish section, the first paragraph inserted will be below
                // the next two
                xRelative.insertTextContentAfter (xNewPara, mxFishSection);
                // Separate from the above, but also needs to be done three times
                // Get the PropertyValue sequence for this numbering level
                PropertyValue[] aProps = (PropertyValue []) xNum.getByIndex(i);
                // Iterate over the PropertyValue's for this numbering level, looking for the
                // 'NumberingType' property
                for (int j = 0 ; j < aProps.length ; ++j) {
                    if (aProps[j].Name.equals ("NumberingType")) {
                        // Once we find it, set it's value to a new type,
                        // dependent on which
                        // numbering level we're currently on
                        switch ( i ) {
                            case 0 : aProps[j].Value = new Short(NumberingType.ROMAN_UPPER);
                            case 1 : aProps[j].Value = new Short(NumberingType.CHARS_UPPER_LETTER);
                            case 2 : aProps[j].Value = new Short(NumberingType.ARABIC);
                        // Put the updated PropertyValue sequence back into the
                        // NumberingRules service
                        xReplace.replaceByIndex (i, aProps);
            // Get the XParagraphCursor interface of our text cursor
            XParagraphCursor xParaCursor = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XParagraphCursor.class, mxDocCursor);
            // Go to the end of the document, then select the preceding paragraphs
            xParaCursor.gotoPreviousParagraph false);
            xParaCursor.gotoPreviousParagraph true);
            xParaCursor.gotoPreviousParagraph true);
            // Get the XPropertySet of the cursor's currently selected text
            XPropertySet xCursorProps = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
              XPropertySet.class, mxDocCursor);
            // Set the updated Numbering rules to the cursor's property set
            xCursorProps.setPropertyValue ("NumberingRules", xNum);
            // Set the first paragraph that was inserted to a numbering level of 2 (thus it will
            // have Arabic style numbering)
            xParas[0].setPropertyValue ("NumberingLevel", new Short ((short) 2));
            // Set the second paragraph that was inserted to a numbering level of 1 (thus it will
            // have 'Chars Upper Letter' style numbering)
            xParas[1].setPropertyValue ("NumberingLevel", new Short((short) 1));
            // Set the third paragraph that was inserted to a numbering level of 0 (thus it will
            // have 'Roman Upper' style numbering)
            xParas[2].setPropertyValue("NumberingLevel", new Short((short) 0));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            e.printStackTrace (System.out);

    Line Numbering

    The text document model supports the interface The provided object has the properties described in the service It is used in conjunction with the paragraph properties ParaLineNumberCount and ParaLineNumberStartValue.

    Number Formats

    The text document model provides access to the number formatter through aggregation, that is, it provides the interface seamlessly.

    The number formatter is used to format numerical values. For details, refer to Number Formats.

    In text, text fields with numeric content and table cells provide a property NumberFormat that contains a long value that refers to a number format.

    Text Sections

    A text section is a range of complete paragraphs that can have its own format settings and source location, separate from the surrounding text. Text sections can be nested in a hierarchical structure.

    For example, a section is formatted to have text columns that different column settings in a text on a paragraph by paragraph basis. The content of a section can be linked through file links or over a DDE connection.

    The text sections support the service To access the sections, the text document model implements the interface that provides an interface The returned objects support the interface, as well.

    Master documents implement the structure of sub documents using linked text sections.

    An example demonstrating the creation, insertion and linking of text sections:

    /** This method demonstrates how to create linked and unlinked sections
    protected void TextSectionExample() {
        try {
            // Go to the end of the document
            // Insert two paragraph breaks
                mxDocCursor, ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false);
                mxDocCursor, ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, true);
            // Create a new TextSection from the document factory and access it's XNamed interface
            XNamed xChildNamed = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
              XNamed.class, mxDocFactory.createInstance(""));
            // Set the new sections name to 'Child_Section'
            // Access the Child_Section's XTextContent interface and insert it into the document
            XTextContent xChildSection = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XTextContent.class, xChildNamed);
            mxDocText.insertTextContent (mxDocCursor, xChildSection, false);
            // Access the XParagraphCursor interface of our text cursor
            XParagraphCursor xParaCursor = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XParagraphCursor.class, mxDocCursor);
            // Go back one paragraph (into Child_Section)
            // Insert a string into the Child_Section
            mxDocText.insertString(mxDocCursor, "This is a test", false);
            // Go to the end of the document
            // Go back two paragraphs
            xParaCursor.gotoPreviousParagraph (false);
            xParaCursor.gotoPreviousParagraph (false);
            // Go to the end of the document, selecting the two paragraphs
            // Create another text section and access it's XNamed interface
            XNamed xParentNamed = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNamed.class,
            // Set this text section's name to Parent_Section
            xParentNamed.setName ("Parent_Section");
            // Access the Parent_Section's XTextContent interface ...
            XTextContent xParentSection = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XTextContent.class, xParentNamed);
            // ...and insert it into the document
            mxDocText.insertTextContent(mxDocCursor, xParentSection, false);
            // Go to the end of the document
            mxDocCursor.gotoEnd (false);
            // Insert a new paragraph
                mxDocCursor, ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false);
            // And select the new paragraph
            // Create a new Text Section and access it's XNamed interface
            XNamed xLinkNamed = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XNamed.class, mxDocFactory.createInstance(""));
            // Set the new text section's name to Linked_Section
            // Access the Linked_Section's XTextContent interface
            XTextContent xLinkedSection = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XTextContent.class, xLinkNamed);
            // And insert the Linked_Section into the document
            mxDocText.insertTextContent(mxDocCursor, xLinkedSection, false);
            // Access the Linked_Section's XPropertySet interface
            XPropertySet xLinkProps = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XPropertySet.class, xLinkNamed);
            // Set the linked section to be linked to the Child_Section
            xLinkProps.setPropertyValue("LinkRegion", "Child_Section");
            // Access the XPropertySet interface of the Child_Section
            XPropertySet xChildProps = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XPropertySet.class, xChildNamed);
            // Set the Child_Section's background colour to blue
            xChildProps.setPropertyValue("BackColor", Integer.valueOf(13421823));
            // Refresh the document, so the linked section matches the Child_Section
            XRefreshable xRefresh = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XRefreshable.class, mxDoc);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            e.printStackTrace (System.out);

    Page Layout

    A page layout in LibreOffice is always a page style. A page can not be hard formatted. To change the current page layout, retrieve the current page style from the text cursor property PageStyleName and get this page style from the StyleFamily PageStyles.

    Changes of the page layout happen through the properties described in Refer to the API reference for details on all the possible properties, including the header and footer texts which are part of these properties.

    As headers or footers are connected to a page style, the text objects are provided as properties of the style. Depending on the setting of the page layout, there is one header and footer text object per style available or there are two, a left and right header, and footer text:

    containing Headers and Footers


    The page layout of a page style can be equal on left and right pages, mirrored, or separate for right and left pages. This is controlled by the property PageStyleLayout that expects values from the enum As long as left and right pages are equal, HeaderText and HeaderRightText are identical. The same applies to the footers.

    The text objects in headers and footers are only available if headers or footers are switched on, using the properties HeaderIsOn and FooterIsOn.

    Drawing objects cannot be inserted into headers or footers.


    Text frames, text sections and page styles can be formatted to have columns. The width of columns is relative since the absolute width of the object is unknown in the model. The layout formatting is responsible for calculating the actual widths of the columns.

    Columns are applied using the property TextColumns. It expects a service that has to be created by the document factory. The interface refines the characteristics of the text columns before applying the created TextColumns service to the property TextColumns.

    Consider the following example to see how to work with text columns:

    /** This method demonstrates the XTextColumns interface and how to insert a blank paragraph
        using the XRelativeTextContentInsert interface
    protected void TextColumnsExample() {
        try {
            // Go to the end of the doucment
            // insert a new paragraph
            mxDocText.insertControlCharacter(mxDocCursor, ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false);
            // insert the string 'I am a fish.' 100 times
            for (int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; ++i) {
                mxDocText.insertString(mxDocCursor, "I am a fish.", false);
            // insert a paragraph break after the text
            mxDocText.insertControlCharacter(mxDocCursor, ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false);
            // Get the XParagraphCursor interface of our text cursor
            XParagraphCursor xParaCursor = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XParagraphCursor.class, mxDocCursor);
            // Jump back before all the text we just inserted
            // Insert a string at the beginning of the block of text
            mxDocText.insertString(mxDocCursor, "Fish section begins:", false);
            // Then select all of the text
            // Create a new text section and get it's XNamed interface
            XNamed xSectionNamed = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XNamed.class, mxDocFactory.createInstance(""));
            // Set the name of our new section (appropiately) to 'Fish'
            // Create the TextColumns service and get it's XTextColumns interface
            XTextColumns xColumns = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XTextColumns.class, mxDocFactory.createInstance(""));
            // We want three columns
            xColumns.setColumnCount((short) 3);
            // Get the TextColumns, and make the middle one narrow with a larger margin
            // on the left than the right
            TextColumn[] aSequence = xColumns.getColumns ();
            aSequence[1].Width /= 2;
            aSequence[1].LeftMargin = 350;
            aSequence[1].RightMargin = 200;
            // Set the updated TextColumns back to the XTextColumns
            // Get the property set interface of our 'Fish' section
            XPropertySet xSectionProps = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XPropertySet.class, xSectionNamed);
            // Set the columns to the Text Section
            xSectionProps.setPropertyValue("TextColumns", xColumns);
            // Get the XTextContent interface of our 'Fish' section
            mxFishSection = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XTextContent.class, xSectionNamed);
            // Insert the 'Fish' section over the currently selected text
            mxDocText.insertTextContent(mxDocCursor, mxFishSection, true);
            // Get the wonderful XRelativeTextContentInsert interface
            XRelativeTextContentInsert xRelative = (XRelativeTextContentInsert)
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XRelativeTextContentInsert.class, mxDocText);
            // Create a new empty paragraph and get it's XTextContent interface
            XTextContent xNewPara = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextContent.class,
            // Insert the empty paragraph after the fish Text Section
            xRelative.insertTextContentAfter(xNewPara, mxFishSection);
        } catch (Exception e) {

    The text columns property consists of structs. The Width elements of all structs in the TextColumns sequence make up a sum, that is provided by the method getReferenceValue() of the XTextColumns interface. To determine the metric width of an actual column, the reference value and the columns width element have to be calculated using the metric width of the object (page, text frame, text section) and a rule of three, for example:

    nColumn3Width = aColumns[3].Width / xTextColumns.getReferenceValue() * RealObjectWidth

    The column margins (LeftMargin, and RightMargin elements of the struct) are inside the column. Their values do not influence the column width. They just limit the space available for the column content.

    The default column setting in LibreOffice creates columns with equal margins at inner columns, and no left margin at the leftmost column and no right margin at the rightmost column. Therefore, the relative width of the first and last column is smaller than those of the inner columns. This causes a limitation of this property: Setting the text columns with equal column content widths and equal margins is only possible when the width of the object (text frame, text section) can be determined. Unfortunately this is impossible when the width of the object depends on its environment itself.

    Link targets

    The interface of the document model provides all elements of the document that can be used as link targets. These targets can be used for load URLs and sets the selection to a certain position object inside of a document. An example of a URL containing a link target is "file:///c:/documents/document1|bookmarkname".

    This interface is used from the hyperlink dialog to detect the links available inside of a document.

    The interface returned by the method getLinks() provides access to an array of target types. These types are:

    • Tables
    • Text frame
    • Graphics
    • OLEObjects
    • Sections
    • Headings
    • Bookmarks.

    The names of the elements depend on the installed language.

    Each returned object supports the interfaces and interface The property set provides the properties LinkDisplayName (string) and LinkDisplayBitmap ( Each of these objects provides an array of targets of the relating type. Each target returned supports the interface and the property LinkDisplayName (string).

    The name of the objects is the bookmark to be added to the document URL, for example, "Table1|table". The LinkDisplayName contains the name of the object, e.g. "Table1".

    Text Document Controller

    The text document model knows its controller and it can lock the controller to block user interaction. The appropriate methods in the model's interface are:

    void lockControllers()
      void unlockControllers()
      boolean hasControllersLocked()
      com::sun::star::frame::XController getCurrentController()
      void setCurrentController( [in] com::sun::star::frame::XController xController)

    The controller returned by getCurrentController() shares the following interfaces with all other document controllers in LibreOffice:

    Document controllers are explained in the Office Development.


    The writer controller implementation supports the interface that returns the object that is currently selected in the user interface.

    Its method getSelection() returns an any that may contain the following object depending on the selection:

    Selection Returned Object
    Text containing one or more pointing to a text range.
    Selection of table cells pointing to a table cursor.
    Text frame pointing to a text frame.
    Graphic object pointing to a graphic object.
    OLE object pointing to an OLE object.
    Shape, Form control pointing to a containing one or more shapes.
    provides access to the controller of form controls.
    provides access to the cursor of the view.
    provides access to rubies contained in the selection. This interface is necessary for Asian language support.
    provides access to the settings of the view as described in the service
    Properties of
    ShowAnnotations boolean - If true, annotations (notes) are visible.
    ShowBreaks boolean - If true, paragraph line breaks are visible.
    ShowDrawings boolean - If true, shapes are visible.
    ShowFieldCommands boolean - If true, text fields are shown with their commands, otherwise the content is visible.
    ShowFootnoteBackground boolean - If true, footnotes symbols are displayed with gray background.
    ShowGraphics boolean - If true, graphic objects are visible.
    ShowHiddenParagraphs boolean - If true, hidden paragraphs are displayed.
    ShowHiddenText boolean - If true, hidden text is displayed.
    ShowHoriRuler boolean - If true, the horizontal ruler is displayed.
    ShowHoriScrollBar boolean - If true, the horizontal scroll bar is displayed.
    ShowIndexMarkBackground boolean - If true , index marks are displayed with gray background.
    ShowParaBreaks boolean - If true , paragraph breaks are visible.
    ShowProtectedSpaces boolean - If true, protected spaces (hard spaces) are displayed with gray background.
    ShowSoftHyphens boolean - If true, soft hyphens are displayed with gray background.
    ShowSpaces boolean - If true, spaces are displayed with dots.
    ShowTableBoundaries boolean - If true, table boundaries are displayed.
    ShowTables boolean - If true, tables are visible.
    ShowTabstops boolean - If true, tab stops are visible.
    ShowTextBoundaries boolean - If true, text boundaries are displayed.
    ShowTextFieldBackground boolean - If true, text fields are displayed with gray background.
    ShowVertRuler boolean - If true, the vertical ruler is displayed.
    ShowVertScrollBar boolean - If true, the vertical scroll bar is displayed.
    SmoothScrolling boolean - If true, smooth scrolling is active.
    SolidMarkHandles boolean - If true, handles of drawing objects are visible.
    ZoomType short - defines the zoom type for the document as defined in
    ZoomValue short - defines the zoom value to use, the value is given as percentage. Valid only if the property ZoomType is set to BY_VALUE.

    In StarOffice 6.0 and 1.0 you can only influence the zoom factor by setting the ZoomType to BY_VALUE and adjusting ZoomValue explicitly. The other zoom types have no effect.


    The text controller has a visible cursor that is used in the GUI. Get the by calling getTextViewCursor() at the interface of the current text document controller.

    It supports the following cursor capabilities that depend on having the necessary information about the current layout state, therefore it is not supported by the model cursor.

     boolean jumpToFirstPage()
     boolean jumpToLastPage()
     boolean jumpToPage( [in] long pageNo)
     long getPage()
     boolean jumpToNextPage()
     boolean jumpToPreviousPage()
     boolean jumpToEndOfPage()
     boolean jumpToStartOfPage()

     boolean screenDown()
     boolean screenUp()

     boolean goDown( [in] long lines, [in] boolean bExpand)
     boolean goUp( [in] long lines, [in] boolean bExpand)
     boolean isAtStartOfLine()
     boolean isAtEndOfLine()
     void gotoEndOfLine( [in] boolean bExpand)
     void gotoStartOfLine( [in] boolean bExpand)

     boolean goLeft( [in] long characters, [in] boolean bExpand)
     boolean goRight( [in] long characters, [in] boolean bExpand)
     boolean goDown( [in] long characters, [in] boolean bExpand)
     boolean goUp( [in] long characters, [in] boolean bExpand)

    Additionally the interface is supported.

    Currently, the view cursor does not have the capabilities as the document cursor does. Therefore, it is necessary to create a document cursor to have access to the full text cursor functionality. The method createTextCursorByRange() is used:

    XText xCrsrText = xViewCursor.getText();
    // Create a TextCursor over the view cursor's contents
    XTextCursor xDocumentCursor = xViewText.createTextCursorByRange(xViewCursor.getStart());
    xDocumentCursor.gotoRange(xViewCursor.getEnd(), true);

    Heckert GNU white.svg

    Content on this page is licensed under the Public Documentation License (PDL).