Macros for LibreOffice Writer

    From The Document Foundation Wiki

    The following macros can be used with LibreOffice Writer:

    Write data

    No. Example Basic Python JavaScript
    001 Insert a string in the cursor position Go Go ToDo
    002 Insert a image in current cursor position Go Go ToDo


    LibreOffice Basic Python JavaScript
    Macro for mail merging with a SQLdatabase n/a n/a
    Macro for inserting comments with preset settings n/a n/a
    Macro for pasting unformatted text, skipping line breaks and styles n/a n/a
    Macro for updating indices (like TOC) n/a
    Macro for identifying text between two boundary strings n/a n/a

    Table manipulation

    LibreOffice Basic Python JavaScript
    Macro for table borders adjustments n/a
    Macro for sorting alphabetically table columns, ascending or descending n/a n/a
    Macro for conversion of text to table n/a n/a
    Macro for identifying DDE-linked tables n/a n/a


    Macros for Math may be used as Writer documents may contain formulas.

    LibreOffice Basic

    Refer to LibreOffice Basic Help for using Basic as a macro language.


    Refer to Python Scripts Help for an introduction to Python as a macro language.


    Refer to JavaScript macros - xlated from japanese - for an introduction to JavaScript as a macro language.