QA/BSA/Update LibreOffice/fr

    From The Document Foundation Wiki

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    This is a helper page for the Bug Submission Assistant (BSA) and provides information about upgrading your version of LibreOffice.

    Why should I upgrade?

    In general, we're sending people to this page from the BSA if their version of LibreOffice is old.

    How old? One month after we make our final build of a release series (e.g. 3.5.7 is the final build in the 3.5 release series), we say that the release has reached its End of Life (EOL). Six months after the final build, we tidy-up the list of versions in the BSA and leave just one entry for the release series (e.g. 3.5 all versions). If the BSA sent you to this page, the version you're using has reached this point.

    3rd Party Support

    Although TDF and the LibreOffice project no longer support these older versions of the office suite, some companies such as Canonical (Ubuntu) and RedHat (RHEL) provide support for specific builds installed via the operating system's package manager.

    If you have specific questions, please talk to your support provider.


    Please download and install the latest version of LibreOffice: LibreOffice 25.2.1.


    Please download and install the latest version of LibreOffice: LibreOffice 25.2.1.


    There are many different ways to install LibreOffice on Ubuntu. The easiest way is to use the stable version available for your release. Here are the versions available as of July 2013:

    • 12.04 (Precise) - 3.5.4
    • 12.10 (Quantal) - 3.6.2
    • 13.04 (Raring) - 4.0.2

    If you'd like to use a more modern version, you may try installing LibreOffice from the official PPA:

    You may also use one of the builds (packages as DEBs) provided by LibreOffice:

    Generic Linux

    Chances are good that you have a package manager installed and can upgrade LibreOffice via that mechanism. Check carefully -- there may be more than one version of LibreOffice provided by your package manager.

    Here are links to the package repositories for some common Linux distributions. If your OS isn't in this list, try searching online for OS Name + package search:

    If you'd like to get a newer version, see if your distribution has something like Ubuntu's PPAsWikipedia logo v3.svg, or download and install the latest version of LibreOffice from our website: LibreOffice 25.2.1.