Convert color values

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    The video "Farbwerte umrechnen in Calc – LibreOffice" shows how to convert hexadecimal and decimal color values, and links to this page here, which provides more information.

    The Work file can be used immediately as a finished solution.

    Link to the Video

    Link to the Video (in German [DE]):

    Farbwerte umrechnen in Calc – LibreOffice

    Color Value Conversion "Hexadecimal to Decimal" and "Decimal to Hexdecimal"

    Convert color code

    The color code RGB values (Red, Green, Blue) are often given in hexadecimal or decimal.

    The hexadecimal code is 6-digits, 2-digits each for Red, Green and Blue.

    The decimal code is 3-digits each for Red, Green and Blue.

    Calc offers the possibility to convert the given code, so to speak at once.

    Here is a color table of LibreOffice, in which hexadecimal and decimal values are given:

    Marketing Branding Color_Table

    Convert color code from hexadecimal to decimal

    To convert the hexadecimal code (6-digits) into decimal values, we first separate it into three 2-digits hexadecimal values according to the color values.

    Then we convert the three 2-digits hexadecimal values into three 3-digits decimal values.

    Unravel with the "MID" function

    We do this with the MID(Text,Start,Number) function

    • MID - returns a partial text string of a text string
    • Text - Text (required); The text string in which partial words are to be determined
    • Start - Start (required); The position from which the part word is to be determined
    • Number - Number (required); The number of characters for the text string
    Example conversion hexadecimal to decimal


    • D4, there is the 6-digits hexadecimal code
    • 1 indicates, start with Pos.1 left (Red)
    • 2 indicates, use two digits


    • 3 indicates, start at pos.3 left (Green)


    • 5 indicates, start at pos.5 left (Blue)

    Convert hex to dec with the "HEX2DEC" function

    The hexadecimal values for the individual colors are now available.

    They are converted to decimal values using the HEX2DEC(Number) function.

    • HEX2DEC - converts hexadecimal to decimal
    • Number - Number (required); The hexadecimal number to be converted (as text)
    Example conversion hexadecimal to decimal


    • E4, there the 2-digits hexadecimal code for Red


    • F4 indicates the 2-digits code for Green


    • G4 indicates the 2-digits code for Blue

    The values in fields E4, F4 and G4 are the result (decimal numbers of colors) of the conversion.

    Convert color code from decimal to hexadecimal

    To convert the three 3-digits decimal values into hexadecimal values, they are each converted using the DECINHEX function.

    Then the three 2-digits hexadecimal values are combined to a 6-digits value.

    Convert dec to hex with the "DEC2HEX" function

    We do this with the function DEC2HEX(Number; Places)

    • DEC2HEX - Converts a decimal number to a hexadecimal number
    • Number - Number (required); The decimal integer to be converted
    • Places - Places (optional) Number of places used
    Example conversion decimal to hexadecimal


    • E10 - contains the 3-digits decimal value for Red
    • 2 - indicates the number of places used


    • F10 - contains the 3-digits decimal value for Green


    • G10 - contains the 3-digits decimal value for Blue

    Merging the three 2-digits hexadecimal values with "CONCAT" function

    You do this with the function CONCAT(Text1; Text2; ...)

    • CONCAT - Combines several text items into one, accepts cell ranges as arguments.
    • Text1 - Text1 (required); text and/or cell ranges for the concatenation.
    • Text2' - Text2 (optional); Text and/or cell ranges for the concatenation
    Example conversion decimal to hexadecimal


    • E11 - contains the hexadecimal value for Red
    • F11 - contains the hexadecimal value for Green
    • G11 - contains the hexadecimal value for Blue

    Field D11 contains the result of the 6-digits hexadecimal code.

    Further Informations

    Work file

    The table in the working file has been protected so that only the input fields can be accessed and changed after the file has been called.

    The protection can be removed if necessary, no password is stored.

    Table protect/unprotect in menu Tools ▸ Protect Sheet…-

    "Umrechnung Hex-Dez Dez-Hex.ods"

    Documentation / Manuals

    Here you will find the Documentation / Manuals:

    Documentation / Manuals

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