Creating a table in Writer

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    The video "Creating a table in Writer" links to this page here, which contains further information.

    This description refers to the LibreOffice versions.

    Supplementary to this page enter in the online help in the left side of the search bar: Table - and select the desired one from the table topics below.

    Link to the Video

    Link to the Video (in German [DE]):

    Eine Tabelle erstellen in Writer

    Create a table in Writer

    The video shows two ways to create or insert a table in Writer.

    One is to use the table function directly in Writer and the other is to link to a Calc table.

    Simple table in Writer

    Open Writer.

    Press Enter once.

    You will now insert a table.

    In the menu you select Table ▸ Insert Table….

    In the "Insert table" dialog enter = '6 for "Columns".

    For "Rows" enter = 25.

    Click Insert.

    The table has now been inserted.

    With right mouse click in the table, you select "Table Properties…".

    Click on the "Columns" tab.

    Adjust the column widths as follows:

    Column 1 = 6,00 cm | Column 2 = 2,60 cm | Column 3 = 1,20 cm | Column 4 = 1,20 cm | Column 5 = 3,00 cm | Column 6 = 3,00 cm

    Click OK.

    As soon as the cursor is positioned in the table or the table is selected, the "Table" toolbar is automatically activated.

    "Table" toolbar

    Mark the table with the "Select Table" symbol 7503xx Writer Symbol TabelleAuswählen.png and select Font = Bahnschrift Condensed and font size = 10.

    Now enter in the top line on the left: "Delivery note".

    In the fifth column the word "Date:"

    And in the sixth column, the actual date.

    Select the line and choose font size = 15.

    In the third line on the left start with the headlines.

    "Article" | "Order no." | "Size" | "Quantity" | "Value of goods EURO" | "Final price EURO"

    Mark line 3 and select "Align centered".

    Starting in line 4, mark columns 2, 3 and 4 and select "Align centered".

    From row 4 also mark columns 5 and 6 and select "Align right".

    Immediately afterwards click on the "Number format" symbol 7503xx Writer Symbol Zahlenformat.png.

    In the "Format number" dialog that opens, select the "Decimal number" entry under "Category" and under "Options" we select "'2" Decimal places.

    Click OK.

    The formatting in the cells of the tables, can be done as you wish.

    Get creative with your own tables.

    The table has now been further formatted and then saved.

    The name used for saving was "Lieferschein.odt".

    We will now continue working with this document.

    If you move the mouse pointer over the last cell at the bottom right, we see that a sum 201803 LO ist sum.png is entered there.

    Save the document under the name: "Delivery note - filled in.odt".

    Now enter some items with articles.

    Format the order numbers.

    For the final price per article enter a Formula.

    Format the final price.

    In the last position "Men's trousers", enter "2" for quantity and click in the cell for "Final price".

    You can now look at the sum of all items.

    Click Save.

    Note pin.svg

    How calculations are performed in Writer tables, you can read in the help of LibreOffice. Enter "Calculations" as search term and then double-click "Calculations in text documents". For more information, see the documentation of LibreOffice Writer ("Writer manual").

    Simple table in Writer - Layout

    Table Properties

    You can design the table for your purposes.

    Right-click on the table and select "Table properties..." from the context menu.

    In the "Table properties" dialog there are the tabs

    In the "Table properties" dialog you can make your desired settings.

    Table properties | Table

    "Table Properties" | "Spacing" dialog

    Set the distance of the table from the page margin

    Tables extend from edge to edge by default (from left to right).

    To indent the table from the margin, go to the Table ▸ Properties… menu, click the "Table" tab in the dialog there, and for "Alignment", click "Manual".

    This activates the input fields for the lateral distances to the edge.

    You can now set the values for the lateral distances to the page margin.

    Table Properties | Text flow

    "Table Properties" | "Text Flow" dialog

    Tables longer than one page

    If you have tables that are larger than one page, then be sure to look at the properties of the table, allow to split across page boundaries.

    If it doesn't, the table will be "moved" to the next page. And if it doesn't quite fit on the page, it will be split as a last resort (to avoid being moved endlessly).

    Table Properties | Borders

    Tables with Padding

    If you find the text in the table too close to the cell borders, increase the Padding.

    You can set the Padding in the "Table Properties | Borders" dialog.

    Table properties | Background

    You can create a background for a cell, row or/and for the table.

    Background - Color

    Click on the Color button and select a color in the dialog and click OK.

    Background - Image

    Click on the Image button and select an image in the dialog or click on the Add / Import button.

    Select the other desired settings and click OK.

    Existing problem and workaround:

    Insert/remove paragraphs above and below tables

    Header and Textarea

    1, 3 and 5

    With the ↵ Enter key you can move the table down by one paragraph marker.

    Place the cursor in the paragraph marker above the table and press Delete to drag the table into the paragraph marker.

    2, 4 and 6

    Press Alt + ↵ Enter to create a paragraph mark below the table.


    There will always be a paragraph marker below the table.

    2 and 6

    With Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + Delete you remove the paragraph mark below the table.

    Move / relocate a Table

    Normally, a Table always occupies the entire space between the left and right margins.

    To move the Table to another place, the Table is selected.

    Choose Table ▸ Select ▸ Table from the menu.

    Cut or copy the Table, using Edit ▸ Cut ( Ctrl + X ) or with Edit ▸ Copy ( Ctrl + C ).

    Place the cursor where you want to paste the TTable in the document.

    Select Edit ▸ Paste ( Ctrl + V ).

    A Table in a Frame - move / relocate together

    If you do not want to use the entire width of the page for a Table, insert a Frame beforehand.

    Insert Frame

    To have a Table not up to the left and right edges, use Frames.

    Choose Insert ▸ Frame ▸ Frame… from the menu.

    In the Frame dialog, click OK.

    Create new Frame template

    Now create a new Frame template.

    In the sidebar ( Ctrl + F5 ), under Styles, select the Frame Styles icon.

    Right click on the "Frame" template and choose New from the context menu.

    In the "Frame Template" dialog in the "Organiser" tab, enter as name, e.g. "Frame for Table".

    In the "Type" tab enter (example values):

    Size/Width = 10.00 cm | Minimum height = 0.50 cm | Automatic = Yes | Anchoring: To paragraph

    In the "Wrap" tab, enter:

    Wrap Off | Spacing/Bottom = 0.10 cm

    In the "Borders" tab enter:

    Inside spacing 0.10 cm (all)

    Click OK.

    Assign Frame template and insert Table

    Select the inserted Frame.

    Double-click the new Frame template "Frame for Table".

    Deselect the Frame again.

    Place the cursor in the Frame.

    Choose Table ▸ Insert Table… from the menu and enter the number of columns and rows.

    Select a style and click OK.

    Move / relocate Table in Frame together

    Select the frame.

    With the left mouse button click-hold-drag the Frame to the desired position.

    Position the upper Frame line on the line where the Frame should be inserted.

    Remember to save your document as a Document template if necessary.

    Simple table in Writer - Calculating Complex Formulae

    Calculating Complex Formulae in Text Documents

    Calculating Complex Formulae in Text Documents

    Calc table in Writer

    Open Writer.

    Now we insert an existing Calc table.

    In the menu choose Insert ▸ Object ▸ OLE-Object….

    In the dialog "Insert OLE-Object" select "LibreOffice 6.0 Workbook" and "Create from file".

    In the next selection click on Search….

    In the "Open" dialog select the "ODS.ods table" file and click Open.

    You still set a check mark at "Link to file".

    Click OK.

    Now the Calc table has been inserted into the Writer document as an object.

    A double click on the Calc table object opens the Calc edit view.

    The table can now be edited exactly as in Calc.

    Finally you should save the document.

    We assign the name, "Delivery note with Calc table".

    Click Save.

    Further Informations

    Work files

    Work files for the Writer table

    Delivery Note.odt

    Delivery note - completed.odt

    Work files for the Calc table in Writer

    Delivery note with Calc table.odt

    Table ODS.ods

    Documentation / Manuals

    Here you will find the Documentation / Manuals:

    Documentation / Manuals

    Any questions?

    For questions on this topic go to:


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