My Migration from MS-Office to LibreOffice
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The video shows how to make a "Transition from MS-Office to LibreOffice" and links to this page here, which provides further information and details.
Link to the Video
Link to the Video:
Switch from Microsoft Office to LibreOffice
Some good reasons to use LibreOffice instead of Microsoft 365
- See also ReleaseNotes 25.2
- A large selection of user interfaces
- It is completely free of charge
- It works with Microsoft Office files
- It has a lot of features
- It is cross-platform
- It keeps your information and content private, it's yours alone
- Free connection of a cloud service
- It is open source
- Open document format
- You do not need to be logged in.
- SVG support
- PDF export from the application
- You can synchronize files with LibreOffice if you want
- Regular updates for improved functions
- No subscription
- No running out of the license
- No data transfer
- No data mining
- No hidden algorithms
- No malicious tracking
- Freely available documentation
- Help function in the program
- Help from the user community
- A great community
- Many free help channels, such as,
- Lots of helpful information on and
- Open for donations
- Many extensions and templates
What does LibreOffice offer to make your work easier?
The Components of LibreOffice have a variety of import filters to open all common documents from foreign office suites.
This also especially for MS-Office. You can open directly all your documents in LibreOffice.
LibreOffice is an office suite that doesn't spy on you or share your data.
Personalized LibreOffice
LibreOffice adapts to you and not vice versa.
Create your own LibreOffice.
- Choose the user interface that makes you more productive.
- Standard keyboard shortcuts and custom keyboard shortcuts and speed up your output.
- Standard and custom style sheets make it easy to make your documents look good.
- Use document templates for your recurring work processes.
Alignment to user groups
To target the different user groups
- Consumers
- Enterprise
- Migration
- Schools and Universities
to the program, there are Flyers available.
The comprehensive word processor Writer has all the features you can expect.
Calc is the spreadsheet program you have always wanted.
It is intuitive and easy to learn for newcomers.
Professional data processors and number crunchers will appreciate the extensive range of a wide variety of functions.
Impress is a truly exceptional presentation program to create effective multimedia presentations.
Presentation creation and editing is highly flexible, thanks to various view modes, such as "Normal", "Outline", "Notes", "Handout" and "Slide sorting".
The all-around program for your drawings.
Draw lets you create anything from a quick sketch to complex plans, and it even lets you communicate with graphs and charts, up to a maximum size of 600 cm by 600 cm.
Base is a full-featured database user interface, designed to meet the needs of a wide range of users.
But Base also caters to professionals and corporate needs, offering out-of-the-box support for some widely used multi-user database systems: MySQL/MariaDB, Adabas D, MS Access and PostgreSQL.
In addition, support for standard JDBC and ODBC drivers allows you to connect to almost any other existing database.
The editor for equations and formulas.
Math is the formula editor of the LibreOffice package that can be invoked from within your text documents, spreadsheets, presentations and drawings to insert perfectly formatted mathematical or scientific formulas.
LibreOffice provides the ability to create and embed diagrams into your documents.
Not only can charts be easily created from data, but their type, color and size can be customized in many ways.
What happens to my old documents when I work with LibreOffice after installation?
Will all my saved MS documents then be automatically converted to Libre?
When installing LibreOffice, your data and files will not be touched in any way.
First of all, create a backup of your MS Office files, which you should not touch afterwards.
Always keep these files backed up.
If for some reason you need to go back to them, only make copies of them again that you can work with.
Any MS Office files you open in LibreOffice should always be copies of your original files.
You can open all your MS Office documents directly in LibreOffice.
As soon as you open a file in LibreOffice, some kind of conversion takes place.
Most documents will open right away.
Take a look at your documents after opening them to see if you are happy with their appearance.
If you like the document you open, you should save it in ODF format from now on.
However, in some circumstances, some more complex documents may not look exactly the same.
Some format adjustments may then be necessary.
Before saving these documents in ODF format, you should then perform customize the design ( Example: Migrating from Word ).
Avoid saving back to MS files at all costs, as this increases the possibility of translation and errors.
If you need other formats to share with partners, you can open an ODF file and use ″Save as...″ to save and share another format.
This way you will always have working files available on your system environment.
Opening documents saved in other formats
You can open a document saved in another format by using the following procedure:
- Choose ▸ .
- Select a format from the Files of type list.
- Select a file name and click .
If you always want the file dialogs to show another format by default, choose
▸ ▸ ▸ and select that format as Default file format.Converting all documents of a folder
Open the wizard, which guides you through the operation, to copy and convert all documents from Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or Microsoft PowerPoint into OpenDocument file format documents.
You can select a source and target directory, specify whether to convert documents and/or templates, and more besides.
Do I still need MS Office?
As long as you don't have to pay for additional licenses and MS Office works, you should continue to use it in parallel.
And you may be able to continue using it as a document viewer after the subscription expires.
Editing documents is then no longer possible.
File associations
LibreOffice should be installed with ODF
- Writer - Word processing program uses ODT
- Calc - Spreadsheet program uses ODS
- Impress - Presentation program uses ODP
- Draw - Drawing program uses ODG
as default file associations.
MS-Office should keep its default file associations.
But some or all can be changed in Windows 11 under
▸ ▸ ▸ scroll down, there select .For example, select the DOC and DOCX file types to change them to LibreOffice Writer (the procedure is similar to that for Windows 10).
See also: Assign files to LibreOffice
Further Informations
The basis of this description are
There you can find:
- System Requirements
- Download LibreOffice
- Installation Instructions
- Accessibility
- Mailing Lists
- Frequently Asked Questions
Getting started in practice
Getting started with professional text design using Writer
Related topics
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Download LibreOffice - Feel free
Download LibreOffice - Feel free
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