Assign files to LibreOffice

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    The video "Datei öffnen mit LibreOffice" ( "Open file with LibreOffice" ) links to this page here, which contains further information and details.

    This video shows how files can be opened with LibreOffice and how files under Windows 10 / 11 can be assigned to LibreOffice by default.

    Link to the Video

    Link to the Video (in German [DE]):

    Datei öffnen mit LibreOffice

    Open file with LibreOffice

    File icon Writer

    Unlock the file name extensions in the File Explorer

    In File Explorer, select the "View" tab.

    Place a check mark next to "File name extensions" WIN11 / WIN10.

    Check the assignment in the File Explorer

    In File Explorer WIN11 / File Explorer WIN10 (also called "Windows Explorer") one can see if the files, e.g. "doc", "docx", "odt" and "ott" are assigned to LibreOffice on Windows by default.

    The file icons will then match those of LibreOffice.

    Open file

    Then the files can be opened in the File Explorer by double-clicking.

    Alternatively open Writer.

    Via the "Open" icon 7503DE Writer SymbolÖffnen.png, you open the desired file.

    However, if the files are assigned to other programs, the file can only be opened via the open program LibreOffice.

    Assign files back to LibreOffice by default

    In the file explorer you can allocate files again by default to the program LibreOffice.

    Right-click on a file and select "Open with" and "Choose another app".

    Click on "Choose an app on your PC" and select "LibreOffice Writer".

    Now you click on Always.

    Note pin.svg

    If Writer is not available, click on "Choose an app on your PC" and search for the program. Mostly under C:/Program Files/LibreOffice/programm/ Select program.

    The file names there are:
    LibreOffice soffice.exe
    Writer swriter.exe
    Calc scalc.exe
    Impress simpress.exe
    Draw sdraw.exe
    Math smath.exe
    Base sbase.exe

    Close LibreOffice again.

    The file type ".doc" (or ".odt" depending on what was selected) is now assigned to LibreOffice again.

    201807 LO HB Dateityp doc-Symbol LO.png

    Note pin.svg

    The process can be performed accordingly for the other LibreOffice components (Calc, Impress Draw, etc.).

    Assign files in the Windows settings

    On the Start menu Windows - Start Symbol.png, select Settings ▸ Apps ▸ Default apps.

    In the Windows settings you can set the default apps or select the default apps by file type (Win10).

    Settings by file type - Windows 11:

    See also: Change default programs in Windows 10

    Further Information

    Documentation / Manuals

    Here you will find the Documentation / Manuals:

    Documentation / Manuals

    Any questions?

    For questions on this topic go to:


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