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The LibreOffice Hamburg HackFest 2015 will take place on the weekend of October 23rd-25th 2015, at the CIB Hamburg office, Flachsland 10, 22083 Hamburg.
About the location
From last years description:
The city of Hamburg has throughout history taken its freedom and independance as a high treasure -- as can be seen from the motto: "Libertatem quam peperere maiores digne studeat servare posteritas". It is also the closest major city to the birthplace of the codebase that later became LibreOffice. We will meet at the CIB office, kindly provided by CIB labs GmbH and home to a small but cheerful gang of old and new LibreOffice hackers. Hamburg is rumored to have one of the worst climates of Germany (constant low-intensity rain), but end of October the weather could have a nice Indian Summer - or it could be all cold and rainy. We will see ;-)
If there is a pet bug/feature you are interested to solve/create on the Hackfest add it here and we will try to find a mentor giving you guidance. Also if there is a general topic you want to cover/have a short talk about, add it here.
topic/bug/feature | interested hacker(s) | mentor/speaker |
Finish the ServiceDocumenter presented at the LibreOffice conference 2015 | Sweetshark (Bjoern) | Sweetshark (Bjoern) |
GIO/GSetting integration for proxy settings | Sweetshark (Bjoern) | |
Sidebar Improvements: Keyboard shortcuts, Mousewheel, Toolbar integration | Sweetshark (Bjoern) | |
improving of help and help authoring | Regina | ... |
Generate of VS-Project-Files | Juergen | (David) |
When LO shutdown, it get a segement fault (win7, can only see in VS-DBG) | Juergen | (Thorsten) |
improving stability of Android Viewer | Christian | |
GtkWindow icons are very low-res and consequently fuzzy in some contexts | Simon | Sweetshark (Bjoern) |
your topic here | ... | you |
Accompanying Program
Friday: Meet and Greet
19:00 CEST Meeting at the CIB Office, Flachsland 10, 22083 Hamburg we will used this great opportunity to:
celebrate the recent 5th anniversary of LibreOffice
with both contributors to the project from all over the world and interested local users and partys!
We will start around 11:00 am
Around noon, participants will have the opportunity to give a lightning talk. The topics are all open:
- Helpful introductions to hacking on LibreOffice are welcome!
- Show you favourite EasyHack!
- Show your idea for a new feature or bugfix that you care about and want to work on! Its a great way to find someone who can help you out with expertise and knowhow.
At 3:00am, we will switch timezones from CEST to CET, winning us an extra hour of Saturday night hacking. Use it wisely! ;)
Around noon, participants will have an opportunity to present some of the work done, progress made and lessons learned at the Hackfest.
How to get there
Location at OpenStreetMap: [1]
Street address: Flachsland 10
Loading map...
Public transport
- from Hamburg airport:
- take the light railroad S1 from the airport underground station (marked with a big green circle carrying a white S inside)
- exit at Barmbek, that's 4 stations from the airport
- from Hamburg central station:
- take the light railroad S1 or S11, direction Ohlsdorf or direction Airport/Poppenbüttel (the green line)
- exit at Barmbek, that's 6 stations from central station
Barmbek train station area map:
<slippymap node=3236186817 h=500 w=800 z=16 lat=53.5872 lon=10.0446 osmzoom=16 layer=mapnik marker=1></slippymap>
After that, it's some 5-10 minutes walk to the office - take the eastward exit from the platform, turn south, then follow Maurienstrasse down to the canal, cross the canal via Barmbeker Strasse, then turn right into Flachsland. You'll find a friendly LibreOffice sign at the door, and the CIB company logo.
If you plan to stay all three days, it pays off to grab a 3-day ticket (3-Tage-Karte). When staying less than 3 days, if you plan more than 2 rides a day, buy a 9 o'clock day pass (9-Uhr-Tageskarte) after 9:00 for the Greater Hamburg Area (Großbereich). Note that with single tickets (Einzelkarte), round or return trips are not permitted.
Subway and light railroad runs every 20 minutes the entire night during weekends.
See the Hamburg public transport pages for details.
By car
It's a residential area with very little if any parking space at evenings, so plan for some time to find a spot (and walk back). Be advised that Hamburg authorities are rather strict in towing away cars not properly parked, they're especially quick if fire exits or access roads are blocked.
We would like to thank our following sponsors and supporters for making the Hamburg Hackfest possible:
- CIB Software GmbH, for hosting the event, and providing the venue, equipment and connectivity
- Hamburg-based LibreOffice hackers, for offering couch surfing
- The Document Foundation, for providing travel sponsoring
Hamburg has a wide choice of hotels in every price range, including youth hostels. Quite affordable is e.g. the iBis-Hotel close to main station.
Local LibreOffice hackers will also provide (limited) couch surfing capabilities, which will be handed out on a first-come-first-served basis. Please contact the organizers if you're interested - both for offering and requesting couch surfing.
Travel Bursaries
The Document Foundation may be able to refund tickets to and from the Hamburg Hackfest, after prior approval by the organizers, under the following conditions:
- transportation-only, please sign-up for couch surfing if you need free accommodation
- volunteer-first - people affiliated with a company involved in LibreOffice work will come last
- first-come-first-served - participants will get reimbursed in order of their sign-up on the wiki attendance list, until budget runs out.
- ask the organizers as soon as possible (ideally right before booking) if budget is still available. Be aware of the fact that tax law requires us to collect original receipts, so please keep them (or hand them in right there in Hamburg)
Please be economic and pick cheap travel - that said, flights to Hamburg might still be available at a reasonable price.
For those who attended: If you'd like to request a travel reimbursal, please follow the HowTo at TDF/Policies/Refunding for the SPI refunding, and mail treasurer@documentfoundation.org with your documents.
Please add your name and e-mail address to the below list in case you want to participate. We will use this list for planning, logistics and announcements.
- Eike Rathke, Calc hacker, erack
- Thorsten Behrens, LibreOffice hacker, thorsten.behrens
- Katarína Behrens, LibreOffice hacker, katarina.behrens
- Michael Meeks, LibreOffice hacker, michael.meeks
- Bjoern Michaelsen (Sweetshark), Writer hacker
- Regina Henschel, sundries (OASIS, QA, user support, Math), rb.henschel
- Stephan Bergmann, C++ hacker, sbergman
- Michael Stahl, LibreOffice hacker
- David Ostrovsky
- Juergen Funk, LibreOffice hacker, juergen.funk_ml
- Oliver Specht, oliver.specht
- Christian Lohmaier, RE/infra/website stuff cloph
- Henning Brinkmann hbr
- Jan Iversen
- Simon Steinbeiss
- Blume info
- Vasily Melenchuk, vasily.melenchuk
- José Carlos Ruiz Luque, JoseCarlos.RuizLuque
- Serge Krot, serge.krot
- Siegmund Gorr (CIB consulting GmbH)
- Armin Le Grand
- kolaflash
- Remove Seamonkey based mozab driver: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/19560
- Bump Python version to 3.5: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/17352
- Finalize Support for universal C runtime, SDK 10 and .NET 4.6: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/16642
- Fixed tdf#75637 “LOCALHELP: Images not displayed with newer icon themes” : https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/gitweb?p=core.git;a=commit;h=6948c546fdc00dddec7d58e03150dcc87921d6b2
- Fixed tdf#39960 “Pictures lost/distorted when FILESAVE document as RTF” : https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/19581
- Mockups & planning for improved Draw Animations dialog
- replaced some more legacy boost::ptr_vector with C++11 std::vector<std::unique_ptr>
- made wheelscrolling in the TabBar scroll through Decks, not the main view : https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/commit/?id=8c5e922d66d154405029380374f088cee6578056
- allow window manager to select a proper icon for the LibreOffice windows : https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/19601/